All right fellas enough is enough. How do I get a girlfriend? I'm 20 and I've never even held hands. I'm really desperate for intimate human contact.
All right fellas enough is enough. How do I get a girlfriend? I'm 20 and I've never even held hands...
the fastest way? lower your standards and then talk to every woman you can except the hot ones.
How do I lower my standards? Aren't standards relative anyway? I'd say I'm about average looking and I just want an average looking girlfriend. Not a model, not an ogre.
You have to increase your worth on the sexual marketplace and expand your social circle.
>how do I lower my standards
by asking out, dating, and having sex with women who are below that initial standard. its not something oyu mentally prepare yourself for.
as for your conditions that they be average looking, same thing but with average women
Not OP but I've never quite understood this. Surely if you're not attracted to these people then it's a waste of your time and theirs to try dating or having sex with them? I imagine actually trying to have sex would be impossible actually, unless maybe if you got utterly shitfaced beforehand.
It's berry simple, make a list of things you like about women, and one list you don't like about women.
Try each one on the like list until you have a lot in the dislike list.
>Congrats, basically married
From a purely selfish standpoint it's not a bad idea to have "practice dates" or a "practice girlfriend". Its a shitty thing to do to someone, yeah, but from the perspective of pure self-interest it would give you ample experience, raise your confidence, and raise your social standing (whether people admit it or not, men with girlfriends are subconsciously more attractive to many women - social proof as its called).
But if you're going to go that route, you obviously need to never ever admit to the girl(s) in question or anyone else that the relationship is for practice.
Don't think of it as practice, just try to have fun with it and not take it seriously. It gives you all the power in the relationship too bc you won't give a fuck if it falls apart or she breaks up.
something tells me you havent had sex with very many people. and i dont mean that as an unrelated insult to generally dismiss you. but the fact that you seem to know so little about it.
Find someone compatible. Finding someone incompatible will lead to sorrow. What do you enjoy? Find a woman that can enjoy similar things, or at least at the same autistic level.
None, actually. 28, no girlfriends or dates. I know basically nothing.
What if I’m not a beta but I’m trapped on a base, cause I tell ya I’ve been looking and there are none around
That doesn't really matter, it's not difficult to figure out since you are pre-wired to do everything. The thing is just meeting women, and finding someone compatible. Rest will be fine.
I don't get why you guys have such a hard time with girls. Just find a cute beta girl, I know , I know you don't wanna go out in public with a ugly girl. But in the real world nobody gives a shit.
I've found the last couple of years my interest in doing anything dating related has dropped off to be honest. I've never actually seriously attempted it before, like asking people out or anything like that, but nowadays I think it seems like too much effort for questionable return. I'll probably wait until I get desperate in my thirties. But thank you anyway.
True. Ugliness will wash away until what's left is a female that wants to spend time with you. Wants to hold you, kiss you, have sex with you, laugh with you. Isn't that what you want? Then why the fuck do you care what she looks like?
It's not questionable return, love is what makes life fucking meaningful. It's just difficult. Your lack of success has caused you to lose interest, perfectly understandable.
You need to get on the horse and work this shit out, dude, it's only going to get harder as you get older because you'll turn into weird 30-something with no relationship experience.
Practice. Girlfriend. Now.
I feel like I was probably destined to become that kind of weirdo in any case. Plus I don't really want to date, and isn't the whole thing with relationships and stuff be that you shouldn't be forcing yourself to get into a relationship?
By questionable return I mean uncertain chance of actually getting into a relationship in the first place, then the probability of that relationship being bad.
>By questionable return I mean uncertain chance of actually getting into a relationship in the first place, then the probability of that relationship being bad.
Well it's difficult to find the right mate, so you'll fuck up a bunch of times (on average). Choose carefully and your patience will be rewarded.
>Well it's difficult to find the right mate, so you'll fuck up a bunch of times (on average).
Trust me I know. My sister is the one I hold up as the example, and she's been in umpteen relationships in her life that have all up to now gone badly. Every time she ends up in a fucking state. I've seen that and I imagine that's why I have zero interest in doing the same thing.
But then, the thing is that my sister seemingly can't survive without company whereas I'm the opposite, I love being on my own and I hate having to share my time with other people.
>I was probably destined to become that kind of weirdo in any case.
There is no destiny, you write your story. If you're cool with being alone, fine, if you want companionship, make it happen.
>Plus I don't really want to date, and isn't the whole thing with relationships and stuff be that you shouldn't be forcing yourself
You're looking at it wrong, you don't date to find a relationship, the relationship grows organically out of dating. You date because dating is fun. It's about having someone to do fun things with, and it's exciting to get to know someone intimately. As time passes and you get more and more involved, the relationship just happens naturally as a result of wanting to spend time with the other person and enjoy each other, and make each other happy.
You're only 20, you have tons of time to figure this out. For now just focus on the having fun and going on dates stuff, the relationship shit will come in time.
Sorry, you may be confused. I'm not OP, I'm &
Life is better with love. It's difficult to find love because we match with incompatible people. This is the nature of suffering for humans.
Oh, then time is a-wastin' so get to it.
confidence is key
actually wait
Heres a priority percentage that im making up on spot:
Looks 40%
Hygiene 20%
confidence 20%
moneys 10%
social skills 10%
Incorrect for almost all women. Confidence at 20%? Hoo boy.
Lol no way kiddo.
Confidence 80%
Money/Looks/Hygiene/Social Skills/Passion 5% total
Dick game 15%
Money at 10% . Good one buddy .
shut up bro you're just hoping a girl will offer herself to you right here right now, on this board, in this very thread... that's the reality of your situation you hopeless slug, your posts exist to convince yourself of any social viability you may have that's the role they play in your life, the role of negating the fact that they are what causes your alienation... by expressing alienation through an adjudication of its causes or effects you're setting the stage again for the inversion of meaning that's necessary to continue the activity... looking as it were through a glass of mediated reference and in doing so instantiating the glass itself... the excessive investigating into your alienation engenders the alienation, which serves to conceal the REAL cause of all alienation: symbols, and the worship of them...
shut the fuck up you stupid stupid stupid fucking faggot you cause me pain with your stupidity you fucking unthinking insect, you worm, you amoeba shut the fuck up with your stupid fucking wojack stupid fucking imbecile I swear to fucking god the world is full of you fucking faggots I'd murder each every one of you given the opportunity all you do is cause me pain with your stupid trifles your stupid fucking simulated responses fucking faggot faggot faggot I hope you die the worst kind of death, cause you work evil for being so stupid, cause you think you can construe my genuine thoughts as some kind of public display of ineptitude when you're the inept one, you fucking living joke, you kidney stone with the likeness of a human... you don't deserve to read my posts let alone reply to them you walking allegory of the cave stupid fucking faggot I'll bleed you like a piggy oink oink!
See that chick you think is just a bit too fat to be considered attractive? Go after her. Congrats, your standards are now lower.
Won't they realise something is up when you refuse to touch them and react to any attempts on their part to get physical with disgust?
Jesus Christ... It honestly disgusts me that some of you faggots treat women like this.
They're human beings not toys for you guys to practice with what the fuck
Nobody cares, he's right and that's the way it is. Women are no better of course, but that's besides the point.
>lower your standards
I never understood this meme.
Let's say OP is successful in hitting on a 45 year old fat single mother. How the fuck does that bring him any closer to dating a young woman his own age?
Lowering your standards might work if OP only asks out the top 1% and doesn't spend time with anyone who isn't a rich model.
people are practising on each other everytime since birth.