What are some good lite-philosophy books about life, existence, and/or self improvement?

What are some good lite-philosophy books about life, existence, and/or self improvement?

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Oh gosh, the book with the meme title. Is it actually any good?

Get one of these "big ideas explained simply" books.

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yeah it is

It's ok, the first third is legitimately funny but after that it becomes the bland self-help mush that its genre is known for

Myth of Sisyphus or The Old Man and the Sea

This one is really short and to the point. Can read in a day.

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Philosophy is garbage. It has no real relation to how life works. You know why?

"Life" means people. Philosophy has dumb arbitrary rules of the universe in toto, but no rules about how people work.

That's because all philosophers are fucking autists like you that have no real understanding of life (i.e. people and our connections).

Real understanding of life, and meaning, comes from understanding yourself, other people, and the connection between yourself and everyone else.

>being this retarded

Do tell, where did I lose you.

>Real understanding of life, and meaning, comes from understanding yourself, other people, and the connections between yourself and everyone else.

This is basically what philosophy sets out to explain.

> Says philosophy is garbage
> Entire last sentence is philosophy

Why do you say "philosophy" like it's an all encompassing thing. Philosophy can be so many different things.

Except it doesn't. Philosophy tries to base itself on math, it's a complete shit way of looking at humanity.

Life is about experiences and the connections we make, it's not on postulates and theorems.

Philosophy is absolute autistic garbage, that's why nobody that isn't autistic think it's meaningful.

If philosophy actually rang true, anyone of any intelligence would subscribe to it.

It's meaningless garbage, it's like Mars retrograde or otherwise meaningless shit. 100% useless.

>Philosophy is absolute autistic garbage
you and philosophy have something in common then

You have such a myopic concept of philosophy. Plato did elude to a mathmatic truth when speaking of certain concepts in Republic but this was more of a side note instead of main point. What math-based philosophy are you talking about?

Philosophy is humanity, it's jsut asking "why" which is the most human thing any of us can do apart from shit and eat. 90% sure I've been baited

Most philosophers were ascetic autists that probably never kissed a girl, had no human relationships their entire lives. Never felt love, ever.

If philosophy was "true" then every human on the planet would hear a philosophy and weep at how true it is.

In the real world, people hear philosophy and think it's a bunch of garbage.

Because it is.

Philosophy isn't humanity, most of the time humans aren't even involved. "Truth" and "Knowledge" are. Not people.

That's a dead giveaway it's complete autistic garbage.

Yea, reading is stupid. Fuck books! Thinking about why things are is dumb as shit, just live your life.

Yeah this is definitely bait.

Knowledge is fine, wisdom is much more useful.

Thinking about why things are is the key to life, just pick your books carefully.

It's not bait, it's just reality. Look at St. Augustine, Kant, Socrates, Aristotle. Autistic.

Did they every have a relationship? Do they know anything about people at all?


That's why you will NEVER EVER find happiness in philosophy. It's cold autistic bullshit.

It's garbage.

Philosophy usually attempts to extract truths. Humans are involved in a secondhand way because humans obviously cannot perceive and objective reality.

Anyway, you can believe what you want about philosophy but I think you'd get a lot out of it if you opened yourself up. Also, the argument that if it was true then everyone would acknowledge it is not a good one. That would be like saying if Moby Dick was a good book everyone would have read it is not enough to say that because everyone has not read it that makes it not a good book. In logic terms you are confusing a sufficient condition for a necessary one.

That's why i listen to the one philosopher that had a pretty good life.

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Just don't reply to him, he's either an idiot or wants attention.

We are all trying to extract truths. Philosophy tries from an overly mathematical perspective, which is why it fails. This is the Grecian perspective.

Humans can't perceive all objective reality, but we can perceive what makes us happy. What satisfies us. And that is not philosophy. It's about connections and love.

I've read enough philosophy, it's stale and brittle.

The Moby Dick analogy is specious. Philosophy attempts to explain LIFE, which we are all living.

Why aren't more people clamoring to talk about Kant or Kierkegaard? Because they are autistic people that don't have anything meaningful to say to anyone.

I'm not saying it to be offensive, just look at the actual philosophers themselves. Did they enjoy life? Did they live life? Did they have love, were they happy?

Or were they, statistically, ascetic monks that were spewing philosophy of life with no real understanding of it?

The Kama Sutra was written by a Hindu monk, and you know what? They are garbage sex moves. Check it out, just garbage.

Philosophy isn't about finding happiness. It's about asking questions and questioning what the philosopher has to say.

Jesus fuck dude, for someone who's constantly using "autistic" as a pejorative, every post you've made is like someone sperging out.

Well yeah. But see that's the thing, most people want to be happy. That's why most people don't give a shit about philosophy.

Oh I'm autistic too. But just because I drop an f-bomb doesn't mean I'm sperging out.

Look at what I'm saying. Look at the lives of philosophers. Were they happy? Did they have fulfilling lives? If not, then MAYBE they don't have the advice to have a happy life. Right? ;)

In the end, what's going to make you happy is finding love. Sounds super stupid, but it's fucking true my dude.

Most people subscribe to empty headed bullshit and contrived platitudes that give them a shallow sense of happiness.

Do you believe anyone is happy? If so, why are they happy?

the bible

Shit tier.

I never understood the meaning of the Old Man and the Sea. More so read thru the book just to complete it. Can you help a brainlet out?