Didn't see a thread. Time to start one. If only taking initiative for truly productive things were as fulfilling as this.
Didn't see a thread. Time to start one...
Why even talk to me? Do you enjoy making me feel like you don’t give a shit about me?
I'm a horrible human being.
I have the shotgun and one shell ready. The only thing preventing me from doing it is my grandparents. They already suffered the death of one son dying, seeing a grandson die would be awful.
When they go, I'll go with them.
There's nothing I hate more than listing to you talking about your job. I don't care about what happened at work. Leave it at the door.
There is one.
>go to catalogue
>ctrl F
It's almost dead so it's fine, but just so you know. Also, you should put GIOYC somewhere in your post(preferably the subject line) so people can find this one.
I typically follow the protocol but tonight I'm a bit drunk. Searched the cata but didn't see anything. Could've been a typo but idk. My bad.
what are you drinking?
Coors light because I have no money and also no shame.
Probably better than Lone Star.
I'm glad I took a week off from seeing you. Or contacting you. I get drunk on your company. Your touch. Your fucking dumb laugh. I hate that you're married. I honestly can't wait to see you again.
I feel that you love me as much as I love you but I could be so very wrong.
I hope he is turned off by your fat, disgusting body and I hope you’re disappointed every time you have sex.
I bet he’s thinking of me every time you guys are intimate together. I bet he still has those pictures. Fuck you
Good grief, dude. Let it fucking go. I'm as bitter about my last break up as the next guy but fuck, that's unhealthy. Try drinking or some other self-medication.
I'm not sure what you are talking about.
I just wrote the one you replied first.
Jow Forums seems to be full of 12 year olds.
I'm going to shoot myself on live TV. I'm doing solely for the attention. I just want somebody to notice me here for once in my life. It's a shame that it will be the last moment of my life, but maybe that's necessary.
*this* close to texting my ex telling her i missed her. I can't tell what she thinks of me. Broke up on unfriendly but not hostile terms. I want her back
I do not care if they have children. They tried to commit murder. They planned it, they went through all of it together, they conspired, and then they went through with their plan with intent to kill.
This is first-degree attempted murder. That's at least 10 years in prison. This doesn't count all of the hacking, planting of CP on their victims devices, extortion, blackmail, theft, defamation, "revenge porn" acts, and probably a few more. They stole girl's nude photos in order to blackmail them and to share them. The "Fappening" people got 40 years in prison for those charges alone.
Whoever attacked me it doesn't matter they have children. You can't blame me for wanting justice. You can't call me a horrible person for wanting them to pay for their crimes. That is some mental gymnastics bullshit, the same as them blaming me for their cheating. Get angry at them for not thinking about their fucking family before their greed in wanting revenge. They have only themselves to blame, they knew what they were getting into and honestly if you ask me I would say that their children are better off without these cunts as their fathers. They clearly aren't role models, they clearly don't give a shit about their families, and if they did then they wouldn't have FUCKING TRIED TO KILL SOMEONE.
Yeah, they are going to prison. All of them. For a long, long time.
Going back to work in the shithole because its the only place that pays someone with as few skills as I have enough to support my drug habit. I don't even give a fuck, Meghan, you fat bitch. Fuck you. Make my life even more of a hell because I won't fuck your fat, ugly, unfuckable ass. I was on drugs the entire I worked for you, and I'm going to be on drugs the next time, too. I genuinely hope your obesity kills you soon. You are such a piece of shit. I sure hope somebody raped you when you were younger. Hopefully someone left you with a reason to be so full of spite, you fucking animal. Fuck you.
Well I woke up this morning and realized for sure that I like women. Not sure where to go from here, wish there was a gay guide or something.
I'm biding my time until someone kills me or until I work up the nerve to kill myself.
You don't need to know that, though. Just keep giving me money.
Tell me you think I'm handsome. Tell me you think I'm interesting. Or funny. Anything. Give me something to work with. At least say hi to me.
But Unironically
You're hot, witty, brilliant and overall amazing beyond words.
The only reason you faggots keep saying "You're a liar!" about the STD shit is because you just so badly want to blame me for shit. You just can't take the fact that I'm innocent. I'm squeaky clean.
You believed all the horrible rumors about me and you just so badly wanted them to be true because that's what people do when it comes to famous people. You love to gossip. We all believe the craziest fucking rumors because their interesting and it's so much more exciting if they are true.
You spent years talking shit about me and hating me and so much more. You all built a fucking cult around harassing me and hating me because you believed a couple of borderline lying cunts. Then when you find out that all t he horrible things you believed about me were false, that I was actually innocent, you had have to renege on all the shit you said. You would have to tell people you were wrong and no one wants to admit they are wrong.
So you continue to believe the rumors and you keep hoping beyond hope that I'm lying just so you don't have to admit you were wrong. You just so badly want the image of a horrible, rapist, molesting, STD spreading psychopath you believe I once was to remain true.
I didn't lie, if I have an STD... I don't know what it is or how I got it or if I even have one. I have ZERO reason to believe I have an STD. No doctors have ever questioned any of my blood tests and I show absolutely no symptoms of any of them. If I have syphilis or HIV... I'm sure by now there would be some horrible things wrong with me. My immune system would be destroyed and that shit would FOR SURE show up on routine blood work.
Well lads I think I've done it. I no longer want a gf.
I don't know what to do now.
I was so in love with you. It’s been almost two years and I still regard you as the love of my life. I hate you, and I hate her, I can’t believe I haven’t gotten over this yet. I can’t believe you made me so bitter and evil.
You have no right to be this bitter and jealous over him when you know you had a chance before him and did nothing with it. Why are you possessive when we never even dated? When we could have dated but YOU dropped the damn ball? That isn't anyone's fault but your own.
I'm a 28 year old virgin that has never been employed.
I want snugs.
I want to be the scrooge mcduck of women. I want to have a giant pile of girls that I can dive into at any time and get the fucking fuck snugged out of.
I want the smell of perfume and strawberries to emanate my hallowed grounds. I want little girly noises to fill my ears as we all watch Stardust and snugggggg.
Yes, I am the reason your little girl dresses like the devil.
I'm also the reason your little girl is into science, math, and computers. I'm also the reason your little girl is drawing and painting. I'm also the reason she is saving herself for someone she truly trusts and loves instead of being a little whore.
So uh... what do you want from me?
I have never seen such a sore loser. Not only did you try to turn it into a game, you fucking lost at it anyways. What were you thinking, honestly?
Girl i am really into (and i think she was into me for a brief time) is going to change jobs and we probably wont ever see eachother again (i dont have her social media, avoiding her because of reasons)
I kinda want to tell her i had crush on her since day one, but she wont care about it at all and it wont change anything and it will be just additional embarassment for me right
I wish you would just leave me alone so I can finally get over you. No more trying to add me with fake profiles. No more unexpected visits. No more any of that crap. You are just coming off creepy and pathetic at this point. If you want to know how I am doing then just fucking ASK. Text me. Call me. You still have my damn number. But this creepy bullshitting around the bush,passive aggressive shit is starting to aggravate me and I dont have time foe your childishness anymore. Honestly. If you don't have the balls to just ASK, then you don't really need to know. You haven't made any effort and the whole 'victim' card that you've been playing is getting old. I don't have the fucking energy or time anymore. So. Do what you need to or gtfo of my life. Please.
I still can't get over that.
"I always wanted a nemesis!" and then nearly 2 years later. "Yeah he has more "knowledge" than I do." because the dick just can't say "Yeah he's smarter than I am."
I'm smart enough to know that it doesn't matter what I do... none of it means a god damn thing. That whatever is going on is not something I can change or alter. I tried to appeal to my captors humanity but god knows they have none. There isn't any reason to try to escape, to try and get a message out to a third party for help. The only messages I can send are directly to my captors with things like "Please stop drugging me." or "Please stop fucking drugging me." Everything else is pointless.
It's either people can't help me or they won't help me. It's the latter though, I know it is. Self preservation trumps all. No one wants to help because it would cost them something. No one wants to stand up to corruption, they just want to keep their heads down, do their work, and hope to god they don't get noticed.
Willful ignorance. You all know what you're doing is wrong. You all know what you're doing would be considered crimes against humanity, some of the worst atrocities in the world were committed with the best of intentions.
Congratulations everyone, you are officially as bad if not worse than the SS or slave drivers 200 years ago. History will repeat itself time and time again because of greed, the idea that the powerful know what's best for others, and that people can be made... better.
Oh I aim to misbehave.
You have no fucking idea what is coming for you all.
I know that there is a secret celebrity sex club out there. Either some kind of forum, mailing list, or... Jow Forums like ordeal. I bet you all share the naughtiest photos with one another.
It would have to exist, that's all there is to it. People love to talk, it's what they were born to do. How is a girl like Elle Fanning or Birdy suppose to have fun without also ruining their reputations? They have an image they have to maintain, a sort of innocents that makes parents feel good about buying their albums or watching their movies or for having as role models.
If it got out that a cute little celebrity was just... into bukkake or some hardcore anal to mouth BDSM it would ruin their credibility and their influence (which is what is so important to you people.) You can't have people going around saying all the dirty things they did to your celebrities.
So... they just fuck one another.
And those girls are swimming circles around me like sharks. Lions stalking their prey. When I get released they are all going to want the fresh little innocent boy flesh. (Alexandra, I'm talking about you.)
(I've actually always wondered about this. How that kind of shit would work for women in the 21st century. I know it's nothing but guild members here, I know it seems as if I am #1 in heaven at the moment. Weird. Too bad that I'm so fucked up in the head sex has been completely ruined for me.)
I can see why people wouldn't want to rock the boat. You all have it so nice. Money, power, fame beautiful girls, beautiful boys, and most importantly... you all get to feel like you are all apart of something important. Something big. Something with meaning. It makes you feel like you are better than everyone else, doesn't it? Being in the know. How things are really ran. It would suck to just be a regular person after years of being just so important, right?
But what if you're hurting people? Why do you guys get to determine who is happy and who isn't? What gives you the right?
: )
What if they don't actually care about you like you think they do? How do you know its them making profiles, what if you're just being paranoid and assuming shit that isn't even real?
I just have so much on my fucking mind.
I mean, yeah, I have some celeb crushes. Don't get me wrong here, I would actually love to be in that action. Elle, Dakota, Emma Stone, Watson, Alexandra, Zooey, Sonoya, Katey, Claire, Baby Bird, **
Pretty sure my ex thinks I stalk her, but it's actually just her real stalker using me as a cover- you know like Elijah Wood did in Eternal Sunshine
Girls are Dumb
You sound incredibly paranoid lmao but whatever you do you
Naw I read a tweet she sent out one time about me doing something I didn't do since I cut her out of my life.
Somebody was pretending to be me and adding her on snapchat.
Why the fuck would someone pretend to be you? An easier and more logical explanation would be that she is simply lying to get pity points. Unless you are stalking her too.
She had a lot of orbiters
Dating a pretty girl is paranoia
Well I succeeded somewhat in pissing you off. That satisfied me enough until your fans got bitchy to me.
Then again I was not thinking at all on how to deal with you. It was just me having my own fun. Though I did feel some love for you just before I crushed it.
Let's be honest, we were not compatible. I was also testing my limits while pissing you off. If I could attract you for some reason, I could get anyone I want, because you are quite a sight. Still I knew you never felt a thing, I just wanted to see if I could get to you just so I could win in my own for once.
Now that I can, I will fix myself up for tougher targets.
pretending to be an ex would be a really stupid way to get closer to someone but ok user. At least you admit you are suffering from some paranoia. And you really shouldn't pay this much attention to an ex, it just makes it harder to move on from them. Ignore them online and offline, cut them out the best you can.
I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I don’t love you anymore. I’m tired of your games. You talk with me everyday but don’t care? Leave me the fuck alone. I will never get over you if you don’t. I can’t live without you in my life and I haven’t figured out how I will deal but I survived last time. Why was it you let me back in your life, missed me? Of course not... you just needed something. I’m nothing to you and I hate you for that.
You really didn't piss me off, to be honest. It is extreamly amusing that you're here stalking me on fucking Jow Forums wasting your time actually. I win again.
I don't like living life where I have things I can't say to someone directly. I want to be direct. I said a lot to you in a way I was not sure would reach you but I guess maybe it did. I wish you could just make it obvious that it reached you.
Try Jesus
and they always say that they won't give up on me and that they will always be there for me and they will never get tired and they will always be understanding and
a-user?! are you ok what ha
I'm not a real human
>Well I succeeded somewhat in pissing you off
>Still I knew you never felt a thing
Uh, I am sorry but you seemed to have made a contradiction in your post sir.
It was a long winded "I lost but I will convince myself otherwise" because that's what delusional sore losers do :^)
yes we are.
How many? How many of us?
kind of this
I go to work every day and build a savings. I have tried a lot of different hobbies and while some of them are a nice distraction or fun for a while, nothing has really made me happy. I have no friends and have never known love or intimacy. I desperately want to not feel lonely anymore, but know I will always be alone. My field of study and later choice of career has been the only thing I've ever been able to focus on long enough to become decent at, but I wouldn't really say it makes me happy either. My whole life I've felt like I was waiting for something that I wasn't quite sure what it was... maybe I'm waiting for it all to be over.
You are a very bad rival, over all a boring and unfulfilling experience. If only I could get mad, that is much preferable to being bored. You should know the real reason nothing ever happened between us is because I leave a wake of death behind me quite literally. Wouldn't want you caught up in it. I am not a sadist, unlike you. I was very close to letting you inside this chaos, but holy hell you wouldn't be able to handle it at all, it would have been cruel to do that to you. That and I feared you would have nothing in common with me, that you would be below me even, weaker(I was correct). I can actually feel real emotions, care about people, again also unlike you. If you can flip a switch on love like that then I know your love wasn't real, or at the very least, not worth having. It is a fragile and fickle love. Yuck. You are a facade. You made this too easy for me, honestly, I have you figured out. Your walls were paper. You are just.. Predictable.
In all fairness, I am not your target.
To be honest, I just like venting venom on here.
Claim me for a 'larper' but it helps me sleep at night to just bitch and moan once in a while in a public space with a bunch of people who feel the same.
It's liberating.
are you in Nakatomi Plaza cause you are Try Hard.
I want cuddles, I want snugs. I want love. I so badly want love.
You all push sex on me so hard. I say I don't want sex but I'm starting to think it's the kind of sex you're pushing on me that I don't want.
Looking at pretty ladies and I don't get any kind of sexual feelings. Watching porn actually turns me off. It's not the sex that I want nor is it the girls that I want. I want someone. I want any body but my own.
I don't want what you keep offering. I just... want, need, to be close to someone. Someone loving, someone sweet. The tone is all wrong. I want love, I want to feel like I matter . I want to feel like someone cares about me.
Please don't try to sell me a lie. It needs to be real, genuine. You can tell, you know. You really can.
I want to be wanted. I want to be close, I want a warm touch and embrace. I want to feel something good and I want someone that wants to give me that because they care.
But my sheets are so very cold.
*Snuggles up*
Close your eyes and just pretend I'm that special somebody.
Sure, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. We are totally just larping and I am not them at all. ;)
I know you know better than to confirm anything, your only winning move with me is to not play. I mean, you couldn't even win a fight against larps. There are some games that are all risk and no reward and this is indeed one of them. And I still think you don't understand what that risk is or maybe you refuse to believe its real at all. Which would be typical of a fool. Things could get really chaotic and you don't want to bite off more than you can chew, I don't want you to choke. I care about you after all. :^) Thats why I protect you behind the scenes, not that you would ever know what that means or entails. lol
If you were worth it, I would be fine being a casualty in your path of bodies. Just as a dead guy though, not some disposable fucktoy mannequin like the rest of them.
Those people you mention? They are not people, they are hedonistic beasts. They disgust me. You do you while I carve my own path without you.
You could come in at any time, but as far as I'm concerned, you're just upset you lost the ability to confront me anymore. Understandable, and I accept your loss. Now go and 'feel' things with your freaks.
>Son is inevitably born Autistic
Enjoy Hell
Look Rachael, I get that Jeffery fucked your shit up deeply just as one Tasha did to my poor widdle Ray heart. That being said, I thought I had problems until you came along.
I would say we could share a drink and bitch about how our crushes hurt the fuck out of us, but the distance is too great and I doubt we would have the chemistry to pull that off. Your obsession defeats mine to the point where I look like a highschooler from the 50s.
Though tell me how D is going for you. I am genuinely interested to know.
No idea who those "freaks" are, because I try my best to remain as isolated from people as possible. If I tangle you up, the curse will strike, you will probably die and then I am alone again. I find it best to remain distant. It like.. Always happens. I also don't have "fucktoys", Ew. You actually think I am hedonistic or something. Thats really funny because I live with less than anyone I know. Including friends. I can bet money I live with less than you, and I am even happy to have less. That way I can appreciate what little I have even more.
Sorry user, you got me confused with someone else. So I really don't know what to say to this post.
Are you really sure?
The only one who claims larpers is her or some other dumbass I encounter here.
In fact it's thanks to that one user who even coined the term larper. Who might not even be Rachel I guess.
I am onto you, stranger.
I have absolutely no idea what you are even talking about anymore. Sorry, I am not from around here so I don't know any of the "lore".
you are all just so beautiful.
It makes me so sad though.
Not him but this hits close to home.
Tell me, what do you do to defend him behind the scenes?
Young teen sexuality is drastically on the rise since I came into being.
But teen pregnancy is in a drastic down-climb.
Only have sex with someone if you trust them, if they truly mean something to you. Try to remain a virgin for as long as you can. Treasure your love and make sure the one you give it to treasures it just as much.
(although raw sounds sexy AF... just use a condom. STDs and babies you aren't ready for will ruin your life )
I have an unhealthy obsession with bigger than average breasts. I'll spend hours looking through my online friends list for their busty friends and their busty friends and so on. My gf thinks all I'm interested in is her chest and she's mostly right. I make sure she gets plenty to eat and dessert too because I've noticed the first thing to get bigger as she gains weight are her tits. I've felt them before and seen enough porn so it's not that I'm simply curious about them. It's just a fascination about a pair of floopy fatty pillows that I can't explain. It's to a point where I can maintain eye contact with a woman and I'm really just paying attention to the boobs in my peripheral vision.
My friends are losers and everyday I fear they're rubbing off on me.
Someone please tell me I'm not shooting myself in the foot by failing my final semester of college. Anything. I just want to know that this isn't the final stop. Please just let me suddenly pull out of the rat race without a degree.
Why can't we all just be free
Do they know this? Any initials happen to be A in this equation?
If you won't see her again, what do you have to lose? Embarrassment in that singular moment until you both turn and walk away?
Lead by example
I swear I'm feeling more an more like I'm a complete jack of all trades and master of none. I genuinely cannot see myself being more than 'intermediate' at any hobby, profession or skillset in the foreseeable future. How do people deal with this feeling of absolute mediocrity?
>Chat a girl up
>Ask a girl out
>She says she's up for it but she's busy
>Says she'll let me know when she's free
>She doesn't let me know
Fell for it again fellas.
You're a terrible lover. No wonder it went the way it did. You're speaking nonsense, you're paranoid! You have a warped view on things Who fucked you up to think the way you do?
Awful and shameful.
>26 year old wizard apprentice
>scared of talking to girls
>even more scared by the thought of not knowing what to do if I somehow managed to meet a girl
This is why I don't want to use tinder or any other dating app. I'm sure I could get matches, at least few of them. But then what? My inexperience is going to sabotage everything. Is tinder meant for serious things anyway? I don't want to have casual sex or casual hookups.
I think that being busy and not having time doesn't exist. If there was her favourite actor asking, they would shit their asses.
Dreamt you were involved with someone and that's why u can't help with our kid.
"Father of the year goes to..."
I'm not going to school today. The place feels like a hell hole. Like an actual hole in the ground that leads to hell. Just going to lay here and drink myself to death.l
>mfw someone who has no problems with meeting girls tells me to stop worrying about not having a girlfriend
>fly on ceiling
>line up for shot
>0.00002s away from squeezing trigger
>target relocates 6in south to fluorescent tube light
>crawls around a bit to taunt
>commences jew handrubbing
you dirty little bastard
I've spoken to a few girls who are genuinely looking for serious relationships on tinder. You might as well get it to at least get some experience in talking to girls.
Don't get attached to any of your matches and the worst that's going to happen is some complete stranger is going to ignore you.
I actually had a woman of god sent for me. She wanted to steer me right, support me and push me. So eager to please me. And all she wanted was for me be a man, just a man.
But what a would fatherless bastard know about being a man
and its no excuse, most of us here are fatherless bastards.
I hope you are happy out there far away from the blackhole.
I hope you find what you always wanted, to be loved and adored.
How I wish I knew what I know now back then
but I just didnt know then what I know now.
Gayfag here
I am begging to hate my own “kind”. They are all shallow and disloyal people. Forget A long term monogamous relationship because it will either in him cheating on you and/or outright leaving you. The only thing you can hope for is a quick hook-up and that’s it. I don’t know if anyone knows how isolating this feeling is
What is it that you know?
Why does it hurt so much that you're going over to his house? I know you're not getting back together with him, and I never mind it when you go to other men's homes, since you always make time for me. But it hurts that you're seeing him. Because I know you love him more than you'll ever love me. I can't compete. So when you go back to see him, possibly for the last time, that hurts so much, that you're getting from him what you feel you can't get from me. I'm happy to be poly with you, I'm happy to let you go see other men so long as you always make time for me, but this one just hurts. I hope I'm not being too selfish.
gayfag here, I feel the same way. It's fucking bullshit
Wait, for real?
How the fuck did I never get a girlfriend
Everyone seems to imply or question if I have one and I cant find something in myself that is so off
Ive seen worse people having cute gfs but never me what the fuck is actually happening holy shit
Yeah, for real and the worst part is that it’s baked into the nature of men