What do you think about girls chasing guys?

what do you think about girls chasing guys?

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I wish it happened to me.

its uncommon, but its nice if i am also into her. it also shows assertiveness which i appreciate

I think they killed prop joe

I had a girl the other day approach me, talk to me and ask for my number.

It was very nice and I indulged her and tried to be nice to her, I'm not interested in her tho, but I can still be nice towards her.

Wish it could be the other way around too! Most of the time when I approach girls they act nasty or blurt out "I have a boyfriend" out of the blue.

Sheesh… like if a bit of a chat is gonna hurt anyone really...

Even if they aren't interested in you OP, guys are generally more easy going and cool when you approach them as a girl. Girls are more bitchy towards guys I believe. So you really don't have much to lose by trying.

Just as bad as guys chasing girls.

Like the vast majority of guys, I think that‘s cool.

Do it OP, most guys act nice towards girls approaching, unlike girls when cold approached.

I did it. Guy was staring at me and I thought he was cute so added him on facebook, asked him out etc. We dated for a while and was very fun, glad I had the courage to do it.

If you're a girl and want to go for a guy, do it. Most of them will be pleasantly surprised and even if he says no, at least you can say you tried and not live in the regret of, "What if?"

Question for you femanon, I sometimes approach girls and get outright rejected… and have had girls approach me and I try to be nice to them when/if it happens.

Mind to answer why this happens?

Will you ever get over that?
I see you post that crap every day.

If it happened to me I'd honestly have suspicions

I've only had ugly girls do this.
I really wish dating culture was centered around girls trying to impress guys, it's honestly way nicer

Probably because it happens more often to them? Plus a lot of guys are very persistent if you don't outright reject them. I am always flattered when someone asks me out, and I am always friendly (but firm) when I reject someone

One time in high school a girl asked me for my number. I assumed it was a joke and wasn't very nice about saying no.
To be fair though, the next time I got asked out it turned to be a joke and I looked pretty dumb for saying yes, so I guess I go my comeuppance.
Anyways, my point is: it's happened twice in my life, and only one of those times might have been for real, so it's pretty rare.

Holy fuck that was full of spelling mistakes. Remind me to proofread my phoneposts.

Not gonna happen, somehow men are supposed to approach girls, if he doesn't approach he is labeled by girls as "weak" and therefore uninteresting because he didn't have the balls to approach.

It's way nicer yes, guys aren't all that bad even when it comes to rejecting girls. I honestly think girls are just too paranoid nowadays and they will reject the fuck out of guys without giving too much thought, because well… most guys who approach do it in a creepy way. That's also because guys are the ones "supposed" to approach girls all the time and hence they get to meet creepy guys often.

If they did it more often now I wouldn't be sitting here writing on this board but out with this girl that has a big crush on me and I wouldn't mind dating but since I'm too shy to approach her and she expects me to do it nothing will ever come out of it. Instead I get "bullied" by my friends to go talk to her and she just tells her friends about me all the time.

But, that's life I guess...

I think it's a myth
>get told I'm attractive fairly frequently (by girls)
>have traits that girls generally like
>catch a few lookers here and there
>have literally never been approached by a girl

it's definitely sexy!

It's why we gave you the right to vote

>phone posting at all

I'm sorry dad.

>get told I'm attractive fairly frequently (by girls)
>have literally never been approached by a girl

Please happen to me i don't ask much

Girls I approached.

I'm a pretty attractive guy, so it's happened to me before. It's nice, I like the confidence that it showed

I don't think about federal agents

here I'll give you a real answer, you're not attractive enough.

I have no problem with it. It's happened I think 4 times to me. Two of those times I liked the girl and it was welcome, one of those times I didn't like the girl and I turned her down and it wasn't a big deal, and one of those times a girl pursued me after I clearly and politely turned her down several times, including telling her that I was already seeing someone, before I had to be mean about it to get her to go away.

As long as girls know that they need to be just as aware as guys about being mindful of whether or not their advances are wanted, then it's fine. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean the guy will want you or be comfortable with you chasing him and you need to accept rejection with grace.

Well user, girls get approached by random guys all the time, and while I'm sure you were polite and courteous, a lot of guys aren't.

Pretty much as soon as a girl hits puberty, guys will start hitting on them, so by the time they're adults, they've put up mental barriers against the waves of guys that make passes at them. Plenty of which probably didn't take the rejection well, or wouldn't stop harassing them.

I'm sure you've seen other threads on here where anons talk about falling in love with girls they've only seen but know nothing else about, and girls have to deal with those guys hitting on them all the time. Girls tend to reject harshly because if they don't, a lot of guys take their politeness as incentive to keep hitting on them.

While I'm not saying you have to like girls turning you down roughly, at least try to understand why they do it.

>inb4 I'm a guy

Please don't provoke him, he has made a whole bunch of threads whining about one incident, claiming that he's never going to bother speaking to women again, but ignoring all the advice in the world about where he is going wrong or what he might do to improve his attitude and chances with women.

It never happened to me

If I knew the secret into getting an attractive girl to get a crush on me, I would like to know.

As far as I am concerned, the secret is "not be me".

lol wish a bitch would ask me out... I sit staring at my female classmates wishing I could date one of them but I don't ask them because I feel like they don't like me... feel that inherent disgust for myself that makes it difficult to ask somebody out... it's a man thing... it's like women are angels and you're just some gremlin but you have to ask them out anyway lol, have to expect them to like you even though by the very nature of being male is to be not liked, is to like somebody else... or idk maybe I'm the only one who feels that way? Feel like I'm a lower race or something weird like that.
I think girls are better socially situated to do it, they got more leverage than guys in that regard... I feel like if I asked a girl out she'd be offended or creeped out etc, not that I'm ugly or antisocial or anything it's just a feeling I have cause I'm a virgin lol. Feel like if a woman asks somebody out it's a compliment at worst, shit cant go wrong fr.

You already know the secret, you just don't want to admit it. You need to be some appropriate mix of charming, attractive, and likable enough to get a girl to like you. The "correct" mix varies depending on the girl's tastes, as does the chance of her being the pursuer.

Unironically I think the secret is being stoic, reserved, and quiet. But not awkward. Just mysterious enough to get them interested. Atleast that's what I've been told.

I don't show any emotions at all.

And it never worked out.

Don't listen to what you've been told, that is retarded advice. That kind of shit only works if you look like James Dean (regular actor, not porn one). Otherwise they'll probably never even notice you.

Girls will ask you out if they are confident and attracted to you. And you can be attractive to them in multiple ways, you can emotionally or physically attractive. But you'll never come off as emotionally attractive by being "stoic", girls are attracted to hot guys that are stoic because they're like cats, they're unexpressive so the girl can attach any emotion they want to perceive to the guy, like "he's in such pain, I want to help him" or "he probably so sweet on the inside".

I've been hit on by girls, I've been asked out by, I've been DMed by them, it definitely helps that I'm tall and handsome, but I'm also outspoken and outgoing, they have an idea of who I am as a person, so there's more for them to be potentially attracted to.

>tldr being stoic won't work unless you're hot

You're probably a loser t.bqh
Its worked for me so far. (It hasn't worked)

Same. I think women are scared of me rather than attracted.

outspoken and outgoing? whats that even mean

I interact with people my dude, I'm still in college, so when there are class discussions I speak my mind. I get involved with clubs, I volunteer, I talk to people.

You can't expect people to form a positive opinion of you when you don't give them anything to work with

Oh, I do that too. I wasn't sure what you meant.

No prob man, I could've worded it better

They're bound to fail because women are physically inferior long distance runners to men.

I actually prefer it as it makes my life easier.

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only manchildren want to be chased and its EXTREMELY unwomenly thing to do
you switch roles from the start of the relationship, then expect the roles to be normal, then whine where the good men have gone
we want to date women, not men with pussies and tits

dont do it, your judgements are 99% retarded anyway and it wont end well

Me, I love it. Especially since when women and men are swapping roles now adays

Well the do get guys approaching them more often, it makes sense they lose patients

When I was younger I had a crush on one of the girls from another class
Then I found out she was into me too and was very aggressive with me with all the texts, calls and invites that it turned me off.
2nd time it happened was some nice girl but I didn't like at all.
Both times it happened, just the idea of a girl actually liking me when even I hate myself made me hate them for being dumb enough to not see how shitty a person I am.

>what do you think about girls chasing guys?
It shows that she values you.

>you switch roles from the start of the relationship, then expect the roles to be normal, then whine where the good men have gone
girls chase Chads all the time.

Only two girls that approached me in my life and made it really clear that they thought I was hot and wanted to date me ended up being both of my longest relationships, both 3 years; also was the best sex in my life and both were crazy in bed, reserved in public; both relationships ended on good terms and I still talk to them.

Other 4 relationships I initiated, started as fuck buddies, actual relationships lasted 6 months to a year tops; all of them were fucking insane by the end and would hold sex as leverage towards the end of the relationship (which I never played into their game), which led to the end of the relationship. 3 of the 4 accused me of cheating by the end. 2 of them aggressively approached me post-relationship and gave me the evil eye when I accidentally ran into them in public with a new girl, both tried to get back with me.

I think girls want sex as much as men, but women have very specific taste, whereas men have broad tastes as long as the woman doesn't end up turning into a bitch.

Don't ever play the game Jow Forums, let relationships happen organically. If it's not happening organically, learn to socialize better and hit the gym, you're welcome.

Why so many dudes have this sorta thoughts?

The problem is that guys these days almost never stop when rejected and furthermore, when rejected they just start power negging.
The problem is that girls at large do not respect men at large, and rightfully so if I have to admit it.

Whenever a girl chases me I'm extremely wary because the first time it happened she turned out to be a manipulative bpd bitch and also destroyed my soul
Healthy women are more likely to be submissive and be chased like how females generally are. If the women chases she is generally more dominant /predatory which csn be a sign of daddy issues

ding ding ding ding

The only right user in this thread. Those who wish they were chased are afraid of taking the responsibility for their life.

I mean unless you're very high value (rich or Chad looking etc) then it's normal to be chased I guess but if you're wondering why a girl would chase you then it should be a red flag

>anecdotal evidence
My fiancee was the one to pursue me and she is the sweetest and most level headed girl I've ever met. She is ambitious and doesn't wait for shit to happen to her but takes her destiny into her own hands and I personally think its awesome. Passive and submissive girls aren't as cool.

You're retarded.

>guys these days almost never stop when rejected and furthermore, when rejected they just start power negging.
That's because only the persistent guys are bothering to ask women out.
I've never reacted with more than an "alright then" to being rejected, but I've had too many bad experiences to bother doing it anymore, while pua faggots don't care and keep going. And that makes women have to be even harsher about rejecting guys, and so on.
Honestly it's such a fucked up cycle on both ends.

It's not fun when you like them back but not as much. It has happened to me several times.

Not him, and not as extreme, but I'm still gonna be an Jow Forumsfag and blame this one on women.
He's right about a woman asking a guy out always being a compliment. I've been approached a couple times in my life, and even though in both cases I really didn't like the girl doing the asking, I was still glad that at least someone liked me, and it made my week. Most of my friends feel the same way, and I've never heard any real disagreement on it.
On the flipside, I constantly hear about how women hate getting approached by "creeps" or that they feel pressured/unsafe/uncomfortable when a man approaches them. Now maybe I'm supposed to assume that these encounters are talked about because they're the exception, but either way I can't recall ever hearing a woman say she wants to be approached, unless she's talking about a specific guy.
At the end of the day, the only reason I'd think women want to be approached is because I'm assuming they think like guys do, which they don't or they'd be asking guys out, or because of some purely academic discussion on the subject.
Honestly, the only reason I can ever approach a girl is if I talk myself into not giving a shit about how she feels, which probably isn't the best way to start a relationship.

If she's chasing me, cute. If she's chasing some other dude, whore.

>Honestly, the only reason I can ever approach a girl is if I talk myself into not giving a shit about how she feels, which probably isn't the best way to start a relationship.
2real4me. Shit sucks.

Fuck no pay attention it was all chris

If she's ugly or fat, no
If she's pretty, I don't deserve her and don't want a relationship
If there's more than one, I'm uncomfortable with the attention and dread disappointing the others by choosing
I'm also pressured to choose one and if I don't I'd be wasting everyone's time

I'm a fat hypocritical 22 year old slob and I have a long thirty years ahead of me before I die of a heart attack

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I usually talk myself into approaching a girl by asking myself "would I do it if I died today?". But then again I didn't really get any results and haven't cold approached a stranger since June.

>would I do it if I died today?
That seems like a really short term way of making decisions.

No, it's the cool way of doing things.
I plan on killing myself soon anyway and cold approaching was one of the things I never had the balls to do until this year.

If a girl is pretty or average or even literally anything above hamplanet she wont have to chase anyone because there will be an army of guys trying to get with her

Eh, I guess I can't judge, considering my approach is barely more reasonable then whining about how "I'm a niceguy™"

cause being a man is pure suffering from beginning to end lol asking a girl out is one of the most humiliating experiences one can go through because of the stigma around it... and because of the inherent disgust that I mentioned... when you're man nobody gives a shit about you you're just some dude lol, no value whatsoever, men are utterly replaceable in the social order of things, we're like cattle, the best we can do in life is beg, thats the truth of the matter, this is what 'outgoing' behavior serves to conceal, the inherent neediness to be loved... that's why some men take it by force, while others don't even try...

I know the feel bro, I have been cold approaching every now and then and it feels awesome, that adrenaline rush you get is awesome and you feel brave, like a man should.

Yeah the outcome sucks tho lol, I haven't got a decent reaction to my cold approaching and always been rejected in the end. It's kinda hard to get a girl to like you because she doesn't even know anything about you, and going by looks alone isn't that good if you aren't really good looking.

You can live begging women for attention, or you cant stop doing that and just live your life. You know, just don't give a shit about dating anymore and go on, you'll eventually find that girls all of a sudden are attracted to you because you just don't give a shit. It's quite ironic really.

She dodged a bullet

I've found it only happens regularly if you are extremely attractive. One of my male model friends has this happen all the time. Girls will randomly approach him and ask if he's single, and when he used Tinder he had 200+ matches with some girls just asking him for sex straight up.

Being attractive is life on easy mode, that's the truth.

The rest of you average guys and ugly people are fucked and must work your way to the top.

I won't pretend that it doesn't make a difference, but I think you're overestimating how much it matters. I don't know how attractive I actually am, but I'm told I look more than pretty good, and it hasn't really gotten me anywhere. Still a khv, still tfw no gf, still plenty of issues that attractiveness can't compensate for.

>tfw I'm actually a pretty attractive female
>tfw I've been rejected multiple times
what am i doing wrong?

Post feet

You are not attractive, nor that other guy who claims being attractive. If you were attractive you would have people wanting to be with you

What kinda guys were you asking out, and how?

The guys aren't interested. I know, shocking right?

How have you determined this?

Pics and we'll say

Common sense

You haven't asked me yet.

Statistics don't agree. People who are only moderately attractive get more matches on dating sites than highly attractive ones because everyone assumes that everyone else is going for the highly attractive people. Checkm8 atheists.

Truly an enigma

Post statistics.

guys all wish it happened..

When I studied abroad in Japan, I noted that girls would more often admit they liked the guy. It was amazing. So much less stress of being rejected or labeled a weirdo or creeper.

Yeah it's more common in Japan.
Sadly it seems to be a cultural thing and isn't a thing at all here.

girls here are fucking lazy.. Though some do get kinda desperate and chase you

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It's happened to me quite a few times. I mostly only enjoyed it for the attention though

I've been approach by multiple girls. I did not give a flying fuck 9/10 it happened. The others I was to taken off guard to know what to do with myself

Maybe that's how my crush feels? He hasn't asked me out, and we're both really insecure and I feel like he doesn't like me because he hasn't asked me out /: it's interesting hearing a different prespecive

Looks to me like the most attractive people get the most messages

Just call me an asshole to my face.
How is attractiveness quantified for that graph?
Like seriously, just ligma balls if you’re going to post shit like that.