Why do most people take drugs

Why do most people take drugs

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>most people take drugs

what did you mean by this

You mean proper medicinal drugs like antibiotics or whatever? Because they have a health issue.

If you mean recreational drugs, most people actually don't do drugs. Unless you're some sort of wannabe straight edge who includes like coffee and weekend BBQ beer as drugs.

Why are you such a pussy?
Anyways, drugs aren't even bad. Sometimes when I'm sick I use tylenol or if I have a headache, maybe some advil. During spring i'll take antihistamines.

Because it feels amaazing.

I'm on MDMA right now after having a massive fight with my boyfriend where we almost broke up. It makes me happy. It's cheaper than booze. I feel good, I don't bee horrible.

Most people I meet use drugs as a coping mechanism for their situation or shitty lives.
Source: prison officer

it turned into but man everything's just more fun under the influence sometimes, kinda miss it

Lmao hilarious. Yeah OP you fucking pussy!

>why do most people seek out easy pleasure instead of working for something lasting
Makes you think.

Noticed it's this most of the time. Sometimes people take it for more fun, e.g. MDMA for a rave, but for most of the part they take it as a form of escapism.

My best friend always acts happy go lucky but he has such an addictive personality. He's been abusing Xanax lately and I am worried. 'd rather he continued doing coke than that shit

How do you lastingly solve inherent issues in your own psyche?

It's nice to know you were born normal user

In the context, it's pretty given we talk about drug abuse and not actually taking medications. Doubt OP is stupid enough to wonder about THAT.

>a coping mechanism for their situation or shitty lives

reminds me of something else

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I used to do drugs, and try drugs, and honestly Jow Forums is the worst fucking drug possible. 10 years of abusing this shit and now my eyesight is shit I have problems with my hips and joints and posture, I got fat, I can barely relate to people anymore, I don't feel right unless I'm shitposting, etc.

When I was younger I always wished life had a pause button because it's so relentlessly shitty and you never get a break from it, ever
Drugs are a pause button

Can't face reality so they need something to numb or distract or escape.

thats kind of sad man

Taken weed, mushrooms, pills, mdma, speed, ket, methedrone, coke, spice, and several otc drugs. The only one I have any interest in any more is coke. It just makes socialising better, and takes the edge off being drunk. I can't drink without it any more as I've got a habit of drinking to excess but coke keeps me on a level. If I don't have coke I keep drinking like I do and get really fucked up.

The moment a drug, MDMA for example, is put to your lips, you are basically confessing the moment just before wasn't good enough - otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to try and improve your experience. We are always trying to change our experience so that we feel better feelings and push away the worse ones - this can be done with a drug but the exact same thing is happening when you reach for food, watch a movie, listen to music. In each case, you were dissatisfied with the current moment on offer and chose to try and improve it. Drugs are just a much clearer example of this search for happiness, but you are literally doing it every moment of the day through a different vice, even just scratching an itch or adjusting your seating position to ease discomfort.

Just don’t smoke meth unless you want an infinite kick in the balls.

I just do it cause it means I get to hang out with friends. Same concept as bars except were on acid in a bedroom watching YouTube instead

Cool advice

With me, alcohol remedies and emeliorate those verboten thoughts I have when I am alone. At work, I'm too preoccupied to even think intimately and emotionally, I simply drone through the machine known as labor. When I take a drink of vodka or wine or whiskey - it's self-destructive, sure, but like, I don't care about anything and everything feel so allivated. I don't think about "how should I approach that cute associate?" Or "I should check my pay for the first of the week to see how much I need to pitch in for rent and then see if I have money left over for myself" or "how is my schedule going to fuck my hours up this week?", etc cetera. Alcohol give me an agency of invincibility. All those thought amongst others dwindle and I go from depressive to manic - quick.

What do you mean with drugs? Are you one of those autists who treat people who drink an ocasional glass of wine as a chronic alcoholic?

>you are basically confessing the moment just before wasn't good enough - otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to try and improve your experience
Just because something is good or even great doesn't mean there is no way to improve it further.

Weakness and self-loathing.

had an ex that was an opiate addict

mostly otc codeine and morphine when she could get her hands on it

This was a major problem. Had times where I had her inject me with morphine just so she could have less of the fucking drug. The rush was nice but goddamn it's the most single fucking useless high that could ever exist next to weed. This only happened once for two weeks. All during Christmas. Man holy fuck I was stupid but I really wanted to save her. Hated the fucking thing enough not to get mentally addicted. Withdrawal wasn't that bad.
Still can't see the appeal of opiates. Funnily enough it was the only thing that was effective for my IBS but I'd rather have diarrhea then that shit.

genuinely the most fascinating drug - ketamine IM literally it's just crazy fun knowing how whacky you can experience existance with that stuff
and the most happy one MDMA

seriosuly mdma made me so aware that I can actually be happy. It was such a weird fucking feeling to be happy. So weird that being depressed is preferable as its more familiar.
stims never helped me with anything in the end so fuck them and fuck the lucky adhd bastards that can get Adderall and be productive.

either than that. actually. Why do most people take drugs?

>I can barely relate to people anymore, I don't feel right unless I'm shitposting
big mood