I've been consuming some red pill/purple pill stuff lately and among it's subscribers there seems to be a solid consensus that the following is true:
>''women are biologically wired to only be sexually attracted to roughly the top 20% of guys in terms of looks (alpha males). The bottom 80% of guys (beta males) can get access to women but they need to make her attracted by providing her with certain resources like money, status, safety etc.
Here's what they don't say You can become that top 20%
Matthew Green
Here's also what they don't say: there's only so much room in that 20%
Josiah Taylor
The 80-20 “””rule””” is a completely bullshit meme made up by Jow Forums, and there is no evidence that it is real
Landon Sanchez
Look man, life is a competition. Men are the competitors. There's only so many attractive, shapely women to go around. My advice would be to start eliminating that competition. Literally become a serial killer and only kill the dudes that have a high amount of sexual success. This will force the attractive women to start noticing you. Also, killing other males boosts your testosterone so you'll notice masculine changes in your behavior and personality. Just stop being a bitch and even the playing field. Men take what they want, go out and conquer.
Cameron Bailey
Still more reasonable than becoming an incel and bitching about women and jews tbqh.
Grayson Bennett
Why choose one when you can do both? I still fucking hate women even after becoming sexually successful with them.
Brayden Long
Why worry about the grapes when you can just start burning down the tree?
It's true in that women are only immediately attracted to such men. You can make a woman attracted to you without being in the top 20% quickly, by being confident, or funny. You dick her down good enough and she will be attracted to you, even if you're in the bottom 20%. But first you have to convince her to let you try
Levi Johnson
People generally seem to underestimate that most men are so far below top 20%, that it only takes minimal effort to rise to it.
Nicholas Lee
It's the other way around. Men will always be primarily attracted to the top 20% of women in terms of looks. Intelligence, money, status, and personality are secondary concerns. Men who cannot attain a 9/10 or 10/10 woman will settle for less.
On the flipside, a woman's love is malleable. Women can "learn" to be attracted to money, status, humor, or other secondary capabilities, because women see "the whole package" instead of just the body.
Jackson Lopez
>Men are attracted to women with money Wanna know how I know you're not a biological male?
Thomas Smith
Read what he wrote again baka
Jonathan Jenkins
Where the fuck are you quoting me? I didn't say that
Aaron Rivera
Dunno about him or her, but money is definitely attractive, especially if she earned it herself.
Juan Nelson
>Men will always be primarily attracted to the top 20% of women in terms of looks. I'm not sure about this. If you gave me a set of 100 random girls, i would happily have sex with atleast half of them, if not more.
Brayden Thomas
most average men are married if you're average you won't get a gf unless you ask a girl out
Being willing to fuck a woman doesn't mean that you wouldn't ditch her in a second for a hotter one. Even if the less hot woman was funny, smart, and/or loaded.
Logan Foster
A. You're a retard for taking the meme pills seriously and you deserve whatever misery you inflict on yourself.
B. No it's not completely true. It's based off of literally just one graph from one study that done through Tinder or match.com or some other dating website. I'm sure some raging incel has that jpeg saved on his r9k folder and is willing to post it
C. I'm an average-looking retard with no money or status or safety or anything and I was a loser literally all my life but I still managed to have have sex with over a dozen girls
It's not hard porking uggos and fatties, user. My buddy is like 320lbs, fucks ugly whales, and brags about how many girls he's fucked. It's disgusting. Everyone needs to take these stories with a grain of salt of user cuntmuffins fucking loads of girls.
I never slammed any fuckpigs. There were more than a few girls that I turned down cause they were too fat or too ugly or autistic even for me. being fat was the biggest deal breaker.
I will say though that just about every girl I was with was just about as ugly or as autistic as me.
99% of everyone's problems on this board when they complain about about not getting a gf or whatever is because they're expecting something like a 10/10 virgin blonde-haired blue-eyed Stacey who is also into video games and anime but is not one of those fake gamer grils or fake cosplay chicks or whatever their incredibly high standards are.
It's fine to have standards for what kind of girl you want, just as long as you hold yourself to those same standards. Someone like OP who talks about Red Pills and posts wojaks or pepes is not going to get a gf anytime soon and it's not the girls' fault.
Hudson Butler
thanks, although maybe next time don't save just the thumbnail, I recall that pic being much bigger usually
Jeremiah Carter
Its not possible to become top 20% when youre 5'6
Brody Cruz
Yeah, but posting a poor quality image makes it less credible, which is more fun to shitpost over.
Jacob Gonzalez
>via 9gag.com Nice source
Dylan Hall
>women are biologically wired to only be sexually attracted to roughly the top 20% of guys in terms of looks >in terms of looks
Women don't work quite like men user. While the above statement may be true, you gotta know that for women, unlike men, physical attraction is not the primary factor in what makes up overall attraction.
Yes, bein a ripped chad will certainly make things easier for you, but what women are attracted to most of all, is someone who makes them FEEL good.
The way you carry yourself, the way you talk, things like that will convey how secure you are with yourself.
If you are very confident and looking to feel good and have fun FOR YOURSELF, that will in turn make those around you feel good as well. People will like you, women will be attracted to you.
If you are being negative, insecure or are trying to fake it, you will make people uncomfortable around you and turn women off.
Think of yourself as a sponge. When you are saturated with positive vibes and emotions, it will ooze out into the world. You are offering value. When you are dried up, you will literally suck the life out of people.
Tldr: just be confident bro. Be authentic.
>b-but how do I get there Figure it out. That's what everyone wants to do, that's basically what life is.
Ryan Lopez
Idk I wouldn't say I'm a douchy Chad I have a middle end job. I'm super relaxed and am happiest when I'm alone doing what I want. I hate clubs and dancing but I still get a ton of attention from girls actually I regularly have sex a lot of the times with friends because I reject most people who I don't know too well
Landon Robinson
No that's not true at all. >it's actually the top 1%
Anthony Wilson
right on cue
thank you for your autism user
Jordan Lopez
Look you can always take biology and hardwired brain activity so far. Free will is still a major part of the human construct.
Women in the western world today have the most freedom and protection ever. Not only do they have the right to be mans equals, men help prop them up to succeed. NOT ALL MEN, but Men are doing their part to make things equal.
Now when it comes to dating each girl is different but have simularities due to how they are raised.
Red Pill can make everything seem logical but forget that women come with both logic and emotion. So keeping shit like 20% bla bla blah stuff in the back of your head and not focus on that.
Jackson Reyes
Women are sexually attracted to 20% of guys. And for every woman that 20% is different. The incel cult had brainwashed their members into thinking there is some objective scale for men that determines their attractiveness rank. Literally every man can get a girl if he wants to. Incels just do not want to but they lie about it. Ask any incel, they will admit they have never tried anything that could get them a girl.
Cameron White
Theory yes, practice, no.
Goes for both sexes, we fantasize about unrealistic expectations, yet are willing to settle for some sort of compromise.
Know how men shittalk about how fast their car or computer is? Women do that with what kind of man they believe to be fit for them.
Samuel Reyes
>implying incel does have a right to try anything when even eye contact is sexual harassement if you are a zeta male
Jayden Williams
You chose to be an incel like the rest of your cultist friends at Jow Forums. Now get out of here with your lies.
Mason Gray
I exagerated but you get my point. I literally got zero attention from females even as friends of a friends because if you are an uggo or manlet good luck competing against taller guys.
Hudson Morales
Like a volcel just more apathetic? Thats what I am. Im lonley feel bad about it but it is not worth the effort for me. Being a bit sad sometimes isnt bad enough to push me to pursue women.
Jack Johnson
Incels are volcels in denial. They lie about it.
Isaac Adams
Guys uglier than you get girls easily. Therefore you must be lying. What is the real reason? Because you are an angry desperate sperglord who projects Elliot vibes? Because that would explain it.
Leo Powell
>Someone like OP who talks about Red Pills and posts wojaks or pepes is not going to get a gf anytime soon and it's not the girls' fault. I actually had a girlfriend for 2,5 years. But like i mentioned in my original post:
''The bottom 80% of guys (beta males) can get access to women but they need to make her attracted by providing her with certain resources like money, status, safety etc.''
The problem is, i don't want this. I want a woman to want me for me and desire ME. The idea that the majority of women only like their boyfriend/husband for materialistic reasons or emotional support disgusts me.
I don't consider myself ugly or unattractive. I would say i'm actually pretty decent looking. But i don't believe i'm in that top 20% 'chad tier' in terms of looks. Will a woman ever get wet for me or will she only get wet for what i provide her with?