Bored Faggots

Let's see how smart is /b/

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So smart I can tell you to eat my shorts


9y = 7+12x
9x - 6 = 12y
if u can't solve it from here u deserve to fail ur algebra class

I'm so happy I'm not wasting my time in a classroom solving sudoku puzzles I'll never use practically.

Alternatively I can use Wolfram Alpha like all the zoomers do

>algebra isn't practical
Are you actually retarded?

I literally use calculus every day. If you don't plan on going into a career where you do, you're a brainlet and you should kill yourself.

Sorry Mr. Goldstein. I'll pay 50k a year like you want me to


>the jewelry meme
It's funny because I'm German.

Imagine being this retarded

>Imagine unironically supporting a corrupt higher educational system


This topic is number 1 on trending

You don't have to go to college to understand algebra you idiot

You're so intelligent

However you failed my variable analysis

>imagine talking about the "corrupt higher education system" when you're still in high school
>imagine being so bad at high school algebra you have to ask a Peruvian sock collecting network for the answers to your homework.

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Congratulations, you've strung words together that appear to be a sentence, but mean nothing. Good luck graduating middle school user

At least it's more enjoyable then HS

P.S. I could have sold your condescending problem, but instead we had a fun thread

You guys are welcome

Also you can all go fuck yourselves

You can come up with a better reply than that. Delete this and try again.

Dodges AK-47 Headshot

You couldn't even do the *asterisks* right?

me being a dumbass and uncapable of solving the problem, i think its funnier that we have been arguing about HS then giving an actual answer to the problem

Substitution method

wrong board
also no girl will fuck a smart guy they always fuck the 6"4 guy who plays sports fuck being smart.

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theres more to life than the opposite sex

being gay? Nope, not one bit but that just proves how society now favors women when they're young. Its an unfair game.
