How should I accept the fact that I will be alone for the rest of my life?

No girls ever found me attractive, and the rest are already taken, and as I am approaching my 30's, my time is running out, fast, to even find a halfway decent one.

How do I accept the fact that I will never be able to find a girlfriend or marry and start my own family? How do I accept this inevitability?

I have absolutely no redeeming values anyway, so I would have absolutely nothing to offer a hypothetical girlfriend.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's as simple as accepting the fact that many men before you ended up dying as virgins and bachelors. And many more will join you. Me included probably.

I'm in the same situation too, OP. Unfortunately, the desire for companionship from the opposite sex is ingrained in our biology, so you can't accept the inability to fulfill that desire any more than a starving person can accept hunger. You can tolerate it, but you can never truly accept it. Cope or rope.

I just need to accept it.

No girl was ever attracted to me, and all the ones I found that I liked, were all taken (and the rest were total degenerates not worth anybody's time, who would likely cheat on me anyway).

It's all my fault, but every chance I tried to do to fix it, has failed.

Please shoot up a beauty salon like in Rampage. I really want to see it happen. Copy the actors exact dialogue and everything. You don't have much to live for anyways right?

Why not just go for younger girls?

I am not a pedophile

It may be your burden to bear, but it's not your fault. You were born with bad genetics. It was just chance. Don't worry, though. Robo-wives are just around the corner.

Lol holy shit younger girls have *higher* standards than older girls. You fucking idiot.

>It may be your burden to bear, but it's not your fault. You were born with bad genetics. It was just chance. Don't worry, though. Robo-wives are just around the corner.

I don't want a cheap imitation.

It's that or nothing, bro.

Then why not try to live up to them instead of whining about the girls your age being taken?

If OP had enough SMV to attract younger girls, then he would easily be able to attract girls his age, and he would never have made this thread. How are you this dense?

Going for 18/19 year olds is not being a pedophile. When I was in my early 20s I went for those and they dig the thing of an older guy being interested in them. In most cases you can' really rely on them for much but sex and that's not a bad thing.

Being 26 and doing that is a bit discouraging sadly.

Because others are not only far better than me, in both worth and attractiveness, but because they're also all taken by those guys.

It's far too late to start "improving", when all I could realistically settle for are the "leftovers" who wouldn't even care for me anyway since they would just use me and ditch me afterwards once I have outlasted my usefulness, for better men.

I am 28. Dating a girl who is 10 years younger than me would be a recipe for disaster, and would make me look like a creep.

Caring about those things is one of the things that makes you unattractive.


"Just be a creep, bro."

18 year old girls don't date 28 year old men unless they have money. I'm assuming OP doesn't have money.

By that logic, Joe Biden is the sexiest man alive

Attached: CreepyUncleJoe.jpg (660x330, 61K)

Then OP just needs to get money and he will stop being an incel.
Joe Biden has a wife, kids, and probably is banging his interns AND preteens, OP is shitposting on a cambodian muppet forum.

>Then OP just needs to get money and he will stop being an incel.
I'm not an incel. I don't even WANT sex (before marriage that is).

"Just get money, bro."

You need money to make money. You also need a network, good interpersonal skills, and market sense to grow a business. If he had any ability to get these things, he would also be able to get a date.

just start a business bro, just take a shower, just get elected to congress, uhh i dun c how itz so hurd?

And guess what I don't have any of?

If I get employed, it'll be a dead-end job which I will be on a short termination list for "diversity" reasons. I will just be an expendable nobody making a mediocre wage, who is hated by everyone all because I am White, Christian, Conservative, and Male.

>because I am White, Christian, Conservative, and Male.
It's more because you're ugly and have bad social skills. There are plenty of white, Christian, conservative men who are loved and accepted in the workplace and everywhere else in their lives, but they're good-looking and socially keen.

Again, this isn't your fault. You were fucked at birth. You will never get what you want, whether it's getting a love partner, or accepting your inability to get one. Cope or rope.

Not as software engineers.

I graduated with an Associate's Degree in Computer Information Technology, and I am getting another one in Computer Science. I will be getting a Bachelor's Degree in both, and both would likely never be used after that.

The software industry is SJW central.


Though I don't think you'd be outright hated if you kept your conservative and Christian beliefs to yourself, you probably would have trouble connecting with people in that line of work. But you would still be able to find connections outside of work if you were good-looking and had good social skills, and you would probably not have picked a career in the software industry in the first place.

I am balding, have man tits (all thanks to being forced to take Risperdal when I was younger), and massive eye bags (which my glasses don't hide). I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when I was 10 years old (and I obviously had no idea what autism was back then), and was forced to take SPED classes in grade school, which was absolutely humiliating.

I am just a failure as a human being, and a walking sack of bad genetics (albeit physically not unhealthy).

Yeah, sans the aspergers and the SPED classes, I'm in the same boat as you. Normies don't get it. They couldn't if they wanted to.

Which they don't. Men who women find repulsive will always be a socially acceptable target for abuse and derision.

A lot of it is in your head, you probably aim for girl not in your league, in my experience anyone can get girl I mean if my depressive ass did i'm sure you can

Higher or lower?

Higher would be a waste (and would likely land me in a hospital or a prison), and lower are just degenerates and NPCs (although I am low enough as it is).

You might be overestimating your value in the dating market. Degenerates? You're on Jow Forums. NPCs? You're clinically autistic. You're a degenerate NPC, so what makes you think you're above dating degenerates and NPCs? Or are you just afraid even they will reject you?

I know I am.

Which is why I am going to remain single.

Only other option is to go to China, Thailand, or Indonesia or somewhere and find girl who only likes me because I am white and American (and absolutely nothing else).

>Only other option is to go to China, Thailand, or Indonesia or somewhere and find girl who only likes me because I am white and American
Those days are over.

Like this guy said SEA isn't incel heaven anymore. Those places are developed. Maybe try Africa.

>Those days are over.
how come?

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And get AIDS from dirt-poor women I don't find attractive?

They have options now.

They can get white boys easily, or move to america on their own merits if they want.

That or stay single. Your choice.

You fat, OP? Just just a gym and tell good jokes, bro.

That won't change that you clearly have no ability to talk to women face-to-face, so join a REAL dating site and start practicing.

Problem with most guys like you is you think you can date outside your 1-10 level. Find your level, gain 2-3 points on your level by getting in shape over the course of a year, and then date inside that.

Or, if you are going to keep up this mentality just accept women don't want a bitch, and you are being one. I don't think that you are one, but you can CHOOSE to feel and think a certain way or strive towards a better way of thought.

>You fat, OP? Just just a gym and tell good jokes, bro.


The only girl that does like me lives in Indonesia, but she was raped, and was forced to marry the guy to support her baby.

I don't know how much it costs to go there, or if I could even do it, or if I should (she wants to divorce him as soon as I plan on going, as she hates and and he abuses her, and doesn't even live with her).

Your problem is you're a fucking loser, OP. You are choosing to be a loser.

You are defo ugly with a shitty job that you aren't proud of and you have zero things in life you feel like you're great at, otherwise you'd have something to be confident about.

>bitch is in indonesia blah blah bitch got raped who gives a fuck

Bro, there are 7+ billion people on the planet and most of them are girls you are acting like a loser based on all that shit you just typed to me that I do not give a fuck about

Shut the fuck up, stop being a loser on Jow Forums(I was a dumb bitch like you in my teens on this shit, I haven't been here in years, bro) go do something you can be proud of and gain some confidence in because your little long distance ass is so much of a pussy it makes sense why no one likes you

But, once again, that is a mindset that you choose, not one that is assigned to you forever.

Get rejected 500 times by bitches around you while you were on yourself until you find one that likes you

I'm a handsome guy, bro. I still got rejected by bitches who I consider 4's on their best day because I was going for easy puss. Shit happens, rejection doesn't hurt that bad, git gud

I'm done replying to your puss ass

You sound like a loser with the way you type.

You can't ever accept it. Everything in your being is telling you you need to fuck but you can't because no girl is attracted to you. Dying is the only way out of feeling that way.

Don't feel too bad, bro. Even if you did get to date them you'd grow to hate them. That's what gives me "acceptance" I guess.
I haven't totally given up hope of finding someone but ive never dated a girl I liked, though I've dated a lot. Girls I've met have only viewed relationships as superficial accessories, they never actually cared about me to any extent beyond what I could do for them and if they don't, they've ridden the cock carousel for years and expect someone to put up with their shit just for pussy.
I'm more than happy and open to find a woman who will accept me for who I am without needlessly wanting to mold me into something I'm not but until then, I'm gonna remain an apathetic virgin.

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if you think everyone else is better than you of course no one will ever give a shit about you

you are a fucking MAN, its time to stop giving a shit and just live life with the cards you got dealt

Well first off to accept it you have to start grooming yourself.
Why? Since no girl will find you attractive do it to make yourself look good.
Next go out and do something, since no girl looks your way then go find a hobby and dont worry about what the girls think.

You realize that life isn't about how things should be as you imagine them. Life isn't fair and the universe doesn't give a shit about you. You happen to be here by chance, you might as well enjoy life without a partner, which is possible.

>if you think everyone else is better than you of course no one will ever give a shit about you

But that's because it's true

>LARP: the post.

Why do people write blatant lies and expect people to believe them?

>so join a REAL dating site and start practicing.
To be honest, I'd advise against this. As someone also struggling with blah at best looks and underdeveloped social skills, online dating has been a nightmare.

It's very much stacked against below average guys. I don't think it's anyone's fault persay, but just the natural way things pan out when horny men outnumber women 5 to 1. They have their absolute pick of the litter, and because of that disparity have the option to date up. This leaves us 5/10 struggling to get dates from even the hamplanets. All online dating did for me was obliterate what little self confidence I had left and make me give up on trying to date, at least for a little while.

If you have the option, try to meet girls in real life. At least there you can attempt to win them over with your personality, the more subtle stuff which doesn't really come across through profile pictures and text messages. Online dating should be a last resort IMO.

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what part of that is a lie?

The only thing to do is cope by overachieving in some other area. Your other options are either joining the French Foreign Legion and becoming some war dog soldier, eventually drinking yourself to death after you get PTSD, or, preferably, go become a monk of some sorts. There are many options for monkhood nowadays, you can go Eastern religions, Buddhism, Tibet, Tai Chi shit or you can become a Christian monk, like a Trappist or a Jesuit. My recommendation, if you're in Europe, is to go to Greece to Mount Athos and become a Eastern Orthodox monk. Look it up, the place looks like Hogwarts. The big benefit of Mount Athos is that women are literally not allowed to enter that whole zone (not even female animals, the monks thought of everything) so temptation shouldn't be a problem. Good luck and may God be with you.

Can you even keep up with a young girl?
Physically I mean.

I refuse to date a girl 10 years younger than me, UNLESS if there is a damn good reason why I should (and I can't think of any reasons).

It's just creepy for me to think about dating a girl straight out of high school.

It's stacked against below average(4/10), inexperienced, older (late 20s and above) guys.

We're a specific kind of loser.

Am I a super-loser because I mainly go to Jow Forums and /v/?

/v/ hates it when I treat it like Jow Forums though.

Don't know why you'd be going to Jow Forums at this late age. Don't you have other pressing issues?

It may have a lot of racist and anti-Semitic shit (which I don't partake in), but a lot of what they say is true.

And they're all losers like me.

This obnoxious self-loathing is so goddamn annoying. This shitty attitude is probably what drives people away from you. I'm a 20+ guy who hasn't had sex because I don't prioritize it, and the women I've met haven't been right for me beause I refuse to settle. Not once have I sat in my own self-pity and thought 'yeah it's all on me, my life is just so bad because no pussy.' Boo fucking hoo. Nobody likes a whiner who doesn't put in some effort or show some confidence.

For those of you like OP saying this shit about not wanting 'leftovers'; shut the fuck up, you ARE leftovers if you're gonna sit and mope about what you 'don't have'. Man the fuck up and get over it. If you can't form yourself into someone that another person would want to be with than you don't deserve to be with anyone. Stop being slobs. Improve yourself and get some kind of fucking goal besides getting laid and maybe you won't be so unappealling to everyone. Your attitude is the problem.

>I'm a 20+ guy who hasn't had sex because I don't prioritize it

I don't know why retards like you come into these types of threads bragging how you haven't got laid because it's "your" choice.

It's not even about the sex, otherwise going to a hooker would be no problem.

I don't care about sex.

I only care about getting a girlfriend, and perhaps marrying her someday, and starting my own family (in that order to be precise), as well as not be lonely anymore.

What's it about then? Seems like nothing but a whiner circlejerk with lack of sex being the aphrodisiac.

And how does that post still not apply? If you want people to be attracted to you you have to make yourself attractive

>hurdur muh genes

Attractiveness isn't just biological. The way you carry yourself, your actions, your mannerisms are things that people judge you by. If you want to attract a particular type of woman you have to become appealing to her.

>What's it about then?
It's a symptom of other issues. Like I'm sure that OP has no(t many) friends.

The thing is, I KNOW I'm leftovers. You can be happy with your celibacy all you want but the reality is you also hold on to hope that you'll eventually meet the right person. Some of us know for a fact that that's never going to happen. I'm 31 and 90% of the time not even attracted to women in my own age group, I certainly don't expect younger women to lower their standards for me, but you know what that means? It means I'm FUCKED. I can either literally become a hikki and hide in my room so I never see pretty young girls to be reminded of it, or I can try to accept that I'll never experience romance or dating or sex with anyone I'm actually attracted to. I'm trying to do the latter, but it's damn well miserable. I've tried "lowering my standards," it doesn't work, you find somebody that way and then you're in a shitty relationship that has no solid ground underneath it because you didn't actually like the person you're seeing to begin with, you just started spending time with them because you craved the companionship.


I always find it difficult to give legit advice on these kinds of threads. It's always an OP who claims that no girl has ever liked him (or so he thinks) and that there is absolutely nothing valuable about him and his personality.

If you think like this, no shit no girl will ever like you. Why would people in general like you if you are so negative about yourself? You know what's the most attractive/valuable trait a human being can posses? It's confidence. And you are the walking opposite of that. People hate people who are insecure and drown in self-loathing.

Now going back to your actual questions:

>How do I accept the fact that I will never be able to find a girlfriend or marry and start my own family? How do I accept this inevitability?
You don't. The fact that you made a thread about it means you care about it ALOT and you will probably continue caring about it. Either you A) start working on yourself to improve your situation, or B) you simply live your life in eternal depression until you eventually kill yourself.

I'd personally prefer going for A.

>approaching 30's
>time is running out

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What do you make of

It's not so much that no girl will ever like me, as my experience with trying to find a relationship by lowering my standards has been terrible - toxic LTRs that wasted much of my life and left me in the situation Im in now, whereas I'm basically aged out of the game with women I'd actually be into and will likely never catch up with my peers.

10 years ago, I might have had a chance, but I made all the wrong choices and tried to settle down with someone attainable rather than waiting for my 10/10 and ruined my life because of it. Trying to improve myself to the point I catch up with my peers will just put me in the same place again

This is me also, bumping

>you also hold on to hope
I never said that. I'm content if the right one never comes along, and you should be too. Learn to find solace in your solitude. Shit, if you have this much experience why are you still hoping for it to change? Why be so down about it if it's been this way for so long?

>just started spending time with them because you craved the companionship
That's how it always turns out anyways. You find someone you like and stay with them. Eventually someone's going to change and the other probably won't, and they grow apart, but stay together because there's no one else and they're too far in. That's what you set yourself up for no matter who you get with. If they don't change with you, you grow apart. Source, my parents and every other relationship I've seen past the age of 30. No one will ever truly understand you, you're gonna die alone no matter who you sleep with at night, and there's no use getting upset about that because that's what everyone gets in life.

Define halfway decent

Experience makes it so much worse. I'm not expecting some perfect match, but at least I used to believe that maybe in the future I'd have a chance with a woman I actually found attractive. Maybe even if I ended up alone... just once in my life I might have the experience of sleeping with a girl I thought was hot. In my twenties I could believe that that still might be something in ny future. I know that will never happen now. Im in my 30s and spend all my time crushing on 19 year olds, and I'm only going to get older.

Just invest in getting a sexdoll, no joke. I'm younger than you but I've had enough of the girls around me that are barely engaged in the relationship. All I care about is sex and I don't want kids so this option is perfect for me. Yes, I don't that "connection" and "comfort" that everyone overhypes from my doll, but i don't have to put up with any shit and I don't need to worry about false allegations.

This isn't for everyone, but consider it. At the very least work on building your worth, financial, physical, and mental. Better yourself and REFUSE to care about things that don't benefit your life.

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Same to me. I will kill myself. I know it. Not because of lonliness, ir not getting a girlfriend, but because i dont want to spend more decades, hoping, regreting and feeling like shit every single day. Life is really a nightmare. I want to leave.

Its odd had a gf for the first time when I was 27. Up until then it seemed impossible but youd be surprised at how strange fate can be

I will never find one. Ever.

They never liked me.

That's what you chose. Don't whine.

I literally thought exactly the same thing up until a few months ago. I'd even gone years in college without even physically talking to a woman who I wasnt related to.

He chose to be born ugly? Lmao.

He chose to never do anything that would result in him getting a gf.

How do you know that?

Kek, just give it time. In 10-20 years you will get used to being a lonely fag.

Because he would not be here whining otherwise.

I'm 25 and my girlfriend is 18. I don't give a fuck. It was her who approached me, too.

I know.

But that isn't for a long time.

That makes no sense. Are you implying effort leads to guaranteed success?

There are 2 things you always need.
Money and health.

Now engage in small talk with ugly women and call them interesting and you are wondering if you can have phone number so you can later talk

Not him but we live in a simulation. If you continue practicing and change you will succede. This is mt experienxe

Eventually. It's obvious OP has never made any effort.

like this?

If you're a virgin past 16 as a man, you're a weirdo.

I am not unhealthy, but I also don't have a lot of money.

Even the ugly girls I spoke to, I honestly also wanted to date, if they were really nice (but I also never gained the courage to speak to them). Sure, I would prefer a good looking woman, but if she is a total bitch, I do not want.

I would much rather date an ugly girl with a heart of gold, than a pretty one who is mean.

I got a girl's email address today.

But she is 9 years younger than me (I am 28).

I don't know. I think all I could do is remain friends with her in case she becomes single. She is cute though, but really young.

Who cares how young?

It's creepy. I also know her sister who is just 3 years younger than me (but she has a boyfriend she had for 7 years, and all of her friends are married, and she also lives with her boyfriend).

I had a crush on her sister before I learned about her boyfriend. I really wanted to date her, but it'll never happen.

>It's creepy.
To who?
Why do you care?

I don't think her sister would appreciate me dating her, if she became single. I don't know.

But she has a boyfriend as well.

Just date her you brainlet.

Only extreme betas care what others think