Is it possible to get a body like this if you're not in the top 5% of humanity?
Do girls like bodies like this?
In my experience, some do. Id say about a third of women like guys that are in really good shape. Everyone has a type. And yeah, if you dont ave great genes, it might take 10 years to get really big.
I'm 5'7 180lb.
niggers are not in the top 5% of humanity
good build, wide shoulders. You should be able to get jacked as fuck if you lift heavy weights and eat good.
Athletically? Also he's not a nigger.
They like wide backs.
looks like a nigger to me
I thought it took more than having black skin? Isn't it about being an overall waste to society?
By that ruling the whole of Jow Forums and maybe even Jow Forums is a bunch of niggers.
Niggers are useful when tamed and put into slavery. What you have shown and are striving to become is an excellent example of a good cotton picker.
Why are you incels spamming this board lately?
shit is not THAT hard.
> workout 3 hours a week
> eat the proper diet
> take a couple supplements
You telling me you don't have 3 hours a week? How much time you spend on Jow Forums?
It still amazes me when people complain about how hard it is to be in shape.
>lifting heavy weights for 3 hours/week
>eating 3k calories every day
>sleeping 8+ hours
>my gains are still non existent.
It's really hard if you have shit genes like me. I've been doing this for a year and still nothing.
No. They want a lazy fat "dad bod" meme slob who's just as unproductive and gluttonous as them so they don't have to worry about being judged when they stuff their big fat faces with greasy hamboigas or any other junk food.
No I'm not gay, not an incel, or being ironic. Women have SHIT taste in men and will feel insecure in the presence of someone more disciplined than they are. Because discipline is beauty that begets attention and they don't enjoy not being at the center of it.
At least thats the case for most females. Only gay men and gym chicks can appreciate a chiseled, sculpted body like that.
Most of the attention you get as a fit guy comes from other guys, girls don't even comment on my bĂceps or fit body unless they're drunk or we're in a party.
Most guys just tell you right away, and gay men love fit guys.
Girls don't really care or if they do, they pretend they don't care. So if you're lifting for girls it's not all that good anyway
This is a known fact
Maybe hit up a professional trainer to let him take a look at it
Either you're lying or you're fucking retarded.
Do you also remember to
1. Get enough protein? During high school me and my friend decided we wanted to train together at the same gym. But for some reason, he didn't "believe" in protein shakes. So by the time I had gained 10kg+ and looked pretty fat-muscly he was still a skinny son of a B. Protein shakes are the essence of bulking.
2. Do you rest min. 2 and no longer than 3 nights between training the same muscle groups?
When I first started bodybuilding, I heard a rumour (looking in hindsight, it was pretty fucking stupid) that you could train stomach without resting in between. So everyday I would finish off training with some planking time and crunches, guess what? I still had the same basedboy-looking stomach after 1,5 years of training. Once I rested inbetween it took me 2-3 trainings before I could see improvement.
If you want to know, what I do these are my usual combinations:
Monday; Biceps, stomach (obliques included), breats
Tuesday; Legs; Calves, thighs, ass whatever
Wednesday; Triceps, wings, back (all of it)
Thursday; Biceps, stomach, breasts
Friday; Triceps, wings, back
Weekends are for resting, so your muscles are completely fresh by monday.
If you want to, in the first couple of months do some neck training aswell every odd day. But once you've got that bull neck, DON*T train neck, you'll look like a steroid penis.
It corrected basedboy to basedboy, dunno why
It's called a wordfilter my worthless 2016fag friend.
Suck my dick.