Have 10/10 coworker

>have 10/10 coworker
>have gf
>gf already hates my coworkers because she is beautiful
>be two months go, go eat with gf
>we see my coworker, I say hi to her, go on with my life
>today at work coworker and I have to go somewhere where my girlfriend is going to be
>coworker says that my gf doesn't like her and last time that me and her talked she didn't seem to like it
>I tell her that she's wrong (probably not though)
>my retarded friend heard our conversation
>I sit with my gf and him, he fucking tells her what my coworker said, she acts as if she doesn't care but she is mad af
>fast forward, I message my gf and she is mad af, she said that she is sure that I told my coworker that she knows what she said
>I tell her I didn't tell her anything (I really didn't)
>she says she doesn't believe me and that I probably gossip about her and about her anger issues with all my friends (I don't really)
>she says she can't trust me
>I tell her that I can show her all my whatsapp conversation and she will show me hers and we will see who gossip mores about his partner
>she doesn't reply

is she insane?
been together for a year she has so many anger issues she literally flips out over nothing

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Your "retarded" friend fucked up. Why would he tell your gf that?

your friend wants to break you up so he can fuck your gf

Why is this woman typing on a keyboard which appears attached to a printer?

You're girlfriend is still a girl. Get yourself a woman.

Your gf is already texting your friend. And not in a friendly way. She doesn't want you to see.

Where have i seen her before?

Dump gf fuck coworker

Sounds like you already have it bad for coworker. Your gf is probably picking up on that, and it's making her act out. Work crushes can fuck your relationship up if you aren't careful. Talk to your gf about it. You should also beat your "friends" ass. What a dickhead.



This so much

She’s entitled, self-concerned, and emotionally unstable. Most people have some things that are unideal about their psychology, so I’m not going to idiotically insist that you dump her.

So you're upset that your girlfriend knows you want your coworker, and you think she is insane for being hurt? Your girlfriend doesn't hate the coworker because she is beautiful. She hates her because you're basically dating the coworker at work and and its bleeding into your girlfriend's life, and is most likely heart breaking for her.

I am assuming you're flirting with coworker, text outside of work, and imagine sleeping with her regularly.

Why do you get sucked into the imaginaty drama your GF creates?
Hit her in the face with a flipflop.

> this

That’s a snake of a friend user, it’s time for you to cut the grass

God bless user

Attached: image.jpg (680x540, 154K)

>anger issues
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
Your buddy did you a favour, now ditch the bitch and move on, maybe even onto your coworker, Serious.

the friend is literally a lifesaver, don't be such a muppet.

2 things could be happening here
>GF is bitch
>GF is simply feeling a lack of attention and maybe a little jealous

Why aren't you siding with your girlfriend?
You literally refer to your coworker as beautiful in the post, and tell your coworker that your girlfriend doesnt like her. Why would you do that?
If I told my boyfriend something like that, or if my boyfriend didn't like a male friend of mine, we would not rat eachother out like a fucking highschooler talking shit and starting drama.
By telling her that she doesn't like her, you told your coworker that your girlfriend is jealous and you plan on doing nothing to alleviate it.

>i have a beautiful coworker
>and gossip to her about my girlfriend
>my girlfriend flips out over NOTHING
>she says I tell my friends about her anger issues (I don't)
>she has so many anger issues.

>she doesn't reply
Your "friend" is probably fucking her right now

if dubs this is true

Double checking


okay pablo

Well I am. Drop that bitch like a 40lb sack of feed

He literally said that he denied that claim if you actually read the post.
>coworker says that my gf doesn't like her and last time that me and her talked she didn't seem to like it
>I tell her that she's wrong (probably not though)

OP. You know you've been overthinking this for a while now and your girlfriend is thus feeling it. Things will never be the same between you and your gov wife now that you've fallen for your work wife. Your best bet to save your marriage is to find a new job or relocate, or both. Or bang your coworker and get tangled up in that and find out your wife is already cheating.

t. had work husband whose wife hated me but he never had to say anything she was just not used to him having female attention even though he was smoking hot and amazing she was cheating not him

Your friend is trying to break you two up. Beat him too it. If she's that much of a fucking psycho then she needs to get dropped. She'll always find a new girl to spaz out about.
9/10 times if your partner is throwing wild accusations of cheating at you then they are the one cheating. My dad pulled that shit all the time.


This guy is asking the real questions here. Have a (you)

Bam, right here.

OP your gf is going to sleep with this guy if you break up regardless of if they are talking now (which they are)

Get rid of your GF dude. She's crazy. Jealous, flips out over everything, untrusting. Don't pedestalized her. Dump her and tell her it's because she's got issues and good luck fixing herself and getting a new man.