Does anybody else think sex is awkward? I do. Sometimes I even think why am I doing this
Sex is awkward
I don't know your experience, but yeah, you learned that sex is not inherently good. What I mean is, fucking doesn't make one happy by itself. We put value or feelings into it and that's what matters.
So, congrats on maturity.
Nigga my list of issues regarding sex exceeds the character limit in a single post.
Well then do multiple posts
I’ve only been with 2 girls. The first was a ONS and it was absolutely awful. The 2nd girl is my gf. She’s the only who always initiates sex. I never do. But I like making her happy so I never say no
>The 2nd girl is my gf.
Are you happy with her?
yeah she’s been really good to me. I have nothing negative to say about her. I care about her a lot
What I meant was that properly explainin them would take too long. In Jow Forums memespeak, the short version is basically:
>be me
>not a beta, partially because I hate betas
>pretty much all women betas, especially when it comes to sex
>dislike sex because I'm disgusted by women's beta-ness
>still want a gf
Get better at it.
I learned to fuck good at my second try.
I am pretty fit and conditioned though.
Three sentences. Not one of them is an answer to my question. That speaks louder than your words.
You are just a self-hating dude. Deal with that and you'll enjoy sex more. You'll enjoy life more.
>he wants gentle tendon
what does that mean? I make my gf orgasm no less than 5 times when we have sex. so, I must be at least ok I suppose.
I don’t get it
Get a dominant girl then.
Plenty out there.
I can't imagine why anyone would't want a submissive fucktoy though.
Femdom. Lol @ tendon
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use...
While I'm at it I usually hear these sorts (is sex/girlfriend/dating supposed to suck/be stressful/be weird?) from people who are under an impression that relationships are expected and normal and that they have to have one.
Had the thought that you were more comfortable without it and without a relationship ever crossed your mind? It's more common than you think these days
Alternatively it's never really too late to date. Two or so years before he passed my grandfather was still copping feels on nurses and found a lovely old biddy to keep him busy during lonely afternoons.
>I don’t get it
I asked if you are happy. You told me she is good, that you care about her, and that you have nothing negative to say about her. But you didn't say that you are happy.
This is projection.
Sex isnt awkward. People are awkward.
There are many different positions if you mean physically awkward.
If you mean emotionally awkward then thats a personal issue as you shouldnt feel judged or embarrassed with someone who is willing to sleep with you.
Well, I am happy with her. But at the same time, I do have thoughts that I should just be alone and have nothing to do with women
>This is projection.
So sex is inherently good?
>If you mean emotionally awkward then thats a personal issue as you shouldnt feel judged or embarrassed with someone who is willing to sleep with you.
Oh, I see.
>someone who is willing to sleep with you.
If you see sex as a gift, as something that others grant you, then yeah, I can see why you believe sex makes you feel better just for being sex.
Understand that not everyone sees sex the way you do.
>But at the same time, I do have thoughts that I should just be alone and have nothing to do with women
See? The problem is not the sex, is how you feel towards her.
That poster is a thot desu
That doesn’t make sense, because I do care about her a lot. People say sex is always enjoyable with people you care about. I know from my first time having sex that it is absolutely awful with a random person
As far as I can tell, I like myself just fine. You could be right though.
No it's worse. I want a fantasy version of relationships where there's no hint of any sub/dom dynamic at all.
>I can't imagine why anyone would't want a submissive fucktoy though.
I have no respect for a submissive fucktoy, and I wouldn't want to have a relationship with someone I don't respect, let alone start a family.
>People say sex is always enjoyable with people you care about.
Sex is an activity. Let's start there. Yes, you open up, you get naked (literally and figuratively) and this is the first time you have a steady relationship in your life. But sex is not a magic connection, and caring about someone is not the same as being happy with them.
Projection just means taking your own belief and projecting it on others.
Its not necessarily wrong its just projection.
Its bad when you have to say that everyone else agrees when saying what you personally think.
Sex is a choice by TWO people not just one.
You choose to have sex with them and they choose to have sex with you.
So you know they are interested at the point of having sex.
>So you know they are interested at the point of having sex.
OP is not interested, he does it for her. It sounds like for him it is watching a movie he doesn't care about.
>You could be right though.
Saying you are not something just because you hate the idea of it is basically denial. You are just reinforcing how much you hate something and saying you can get it out f yourself by hating it.
Take a step back and work on your relationship with yourself before worrying about adding another person to it.
That doesn’t make sense to me
What doesn't make sense?
Thats what I said in the original post.
That if its emotional awkwardness then its a personal problem.
Its something personal that he would have to tell the thread about if he needs help.
I have a very special connection with her. There is a lot of trust and emotion. I really like holding her hand and going on walks and treating her to nice dinners.
I don’t feel awkward being naked infront of her. I trust her
Im not saying thats your problem.
There is just some issue you have with sex itself not with the person you are with.
Thats what I mean by personal issue.
>I have a very special connection with her. There is a lot of trust and emotion.
But you are not happy. Oh, you said it after I pointed out that you didn't, sure, but you also admit you have second thoughts.
While I think the other user is part of your problem (by putting sex on a pedestal) he is right about something: You need to face what you feel.
>People say sex is always enjoyable with people you care about.
As I said, sex is not inherently good. If things are not fine with your GF, even if you love her and care about her, you can see the cracks.
Maybe the problem is entirely on you and your disposition towards sex. I think there's more than just that, but I don't know. The only thing you can do is take a step back and look into this situation.
My problem with your original post is the way you face the problem. You take it as self-doubt, as if OP needs to see his GF likes him and that will make sex better.
There's plenty more to relationships. You reinforce this idea of his:
>People say sex is always enjoyable with people you care about.
Herein lies the problem with using Jow Forums language. What I meant by "hating betas" is that I don't want to "submit" to anyone, and I've always felt that way so I can't understand why women or anyone would want that, and honestly it's kind of unsettling, like someone obsessively cutting themselves.
It's awkward when you splurge in her face and her eye turns swollen and all painful but before she got back from the bathroom you fell asleep butt-naked so she had to sleep on the couch and you actually had no breakfast or coffee for real so she leaves with a goodbye and leaves her number but then you ghost her instead and see that she is the clerk of a store you frequent in your area and you see her at the register and she sees you so you skrrt your shopping cart around and leave the store and is afraid to ever shop there again
So yeah, it can be awkward at times.
Why are you so worried about submission? Why do you self-identify with betas?
Feeling the need to explain what you are not usually means you think you are.
Eddie Murphy has that great bit in his early stand about how 18 year olds don't have a good sex face they have always that one shocked look cause they're just constantly surprised that they're fucking.
If you only recently started having sex and/or only been with one or two partners then yeah sex can be pretty awkward but it gets better with practice.
>if things are not fine
But they are fine. We have no issues
Why do you even have those type of encounters to begin with?
>or only been with one or two partners then yeah sex can be pretty awkward but it gets better with practice.
So you’re saying I should go sleep with more girls?
That sounds like a terrible idea
>But they are fine. We have no issues
Then what do you think is the problem? Let's see, what's your best guess?
I don’t know. That i’m not meant for sex?
Fate isn't real
God isn't real
85% of the shit in your life is your own fault
speak for yourself rudeboi
why does it sound like a terrible idea? I'm not saying you should fuck around with dozens of girls and get AIDS, but generally speaking it's a good idea to sleep with more than just the one girl if you really want to experience sexuality.
>That i’m not meant for sex?
Why do you think that?
The first word of his post was "yeah" you imbecile
Sex is only awkward if you are uncomfortable with the person you are having sex with. If you're having sex with your girlfriend with whom you've had sex with like 500 times, it feels like a normal, fun and exciting part of the day. Nothing weird or awkward about it.
You prompted him to explain himself. You can't convince me you're not baiting.
being promiscuous doesn’t sound smart. I don’t see how anything good can come from it. It seems irresponsible
I don’t know, because it doesn’t feel as good as it’s suppose to. There are many more things i’d rather do
I’m not uncomfortable with my gf. But sex doesn’t seem as great as you describe
He was asked (I assume by OP) to post his experience, and he started by saying "I'm not this!".
That's such a clear sign that he thinks of himself as beta. No one came to the thread saying "By the way, I'm not gay, I'm not fat and I'm not an Inuit".
No need to say what you are not. Unless you are trying to convince yourself, that is.
>Why are you so worried about submission?
Because women seem to like it, I can't understand why, and op asked if anyone else thought sex is awkward.
>Why do you self-identify with betas?
Because we're on Jow Forums and that's the language we use here.
>Feeling the need to explain what you are not usually means you think you are.
"That's exactly what [x] would say."
Come on dude.
>There are many more things i’d rather do
With your GF or without her? You have thought about being alone more. Why is that?
And stop worrying about what sex should or shouldn't be.
Someone else came to defend you and I already covered that point:
>No one came to the thread saying "By the way, I'm not gay, I'm not fat and I'm not an Inuit".
If you want to deal with your self-image, you need to face it first. Don't hide behind denial.
>But sex doesn’t seem as great as you describe
Why not? How would you describe it?
If it feels like that something is wrong. Theres a lot of possibilities for why but forced sex will fuck up your psych source been there
If you and your partner like it then what does it matter if it's awkward?
And don't the romantic feelings kinda turn disgusting into hot when it comes to sex-related fluids?
Dude I started it with that because every other time I've said I don't want a submissive girl I've been hit with "If you don't like dominating a girl it's because you're a sub" which isn't the problem and is a conversation I'd rather skip over.
Both. I’d rather hold her hand and go on a walk desu.
Also, sometimes I think I should be in a relationship or having any sex at all
It’s not bad. I have had terrible sex once before with the first girl I ever slept with. That was awful. It’s not like that with my gf. I like making her happy, and she really enjoys sex with me, so I gladly do it with her. But I never think “man I really want to have sex”
Being a beta and a sub are two different things.
>Also, sometimes I think I should be in a relationship or having any sex at all
I'll assume it's "shouldn't be" so it makes sense.
Well, lad, if you don't think you deserve a relationship, then no relationship will make you happy. You need to like and respect yourself before you can enjoy sharing yourself with others.
>I like making her happy, and she really enjoys sex with me, so I gladly do it with her. But I never think “man I really want to have sex”
That's quite uncommon. More often than not it's the guy who wants it more than the girl. Are you sure you are sexually attracted to her?
Fair enough, but as far as Jow Forums's usage of the words go, they're pretty interchangeable.
but I do love this girl and she loves me a lot. I know if I become alone again I’ll feel lonley once again, which I know isn’t the end of the world. But it’s like I can’t win either way
>But it’s like I can’t win either way
You can only win by feeling you made a choice.
> I know if I become alone again I’ll feel lonley once again
That's fear, not love.
I get boners around her all the time. and leak a lot of pre. But, I don’t really care to go through with sex
I’m not scared of being alone. I know that it’s very likely I’ll die alone. I’ve known that for a long time and I accept that
>I know that it’s very likely I’ll die alone. I’ve known that for a long time and I accept that
Yeah, you need to address all of this before you worry about sex. Are you seeing a therapist? It would help you a lot.
I'm a mongoloid, I really am. I cannot get my life straight if I so wanted to. If I try, weird things happen to me. If I don't, I seek them out. Not even sure how to word it less make a thread for it.
Oh I also had sex with a coworker once and pretended like nothing the next day shit was cring ey
I’ve been to one before over something else. The thing is right now, i don’t really see what needs to be fixed
>The thing is right now, i don’t really see what needs to be fixed
Do you not see this as troubling?
>I know that it’s very likely I’ll die alone.
>sometimes I think I should be in a relationship or having any sex at all
> I do have thoughts that I should just be alone and have nothing to do with women
No, as I said. I already accept it. It literally just seems normal.
>It literally just seems normal.
Is it normal or does it seem normal? Those are not the same thing.
uh you’re confusing me. All I know is the thought of me dying alone seems normal and is ok
Try therapy again. I can't untangle this over posts. You know it's not normal. After all, you are dating right now.
Are you sure you'll break up?
unfortunately I think so. I can’t get married or have kids. Which is something she wants
>I can’t get married or have kids
Why? I can see the "no kids" if you have some issue, but marrying should be fine, right?
Also, this kind of shit will put a strain on your relationship even if you "care a lot". You are already thinking of reasons to break up! That's not a healthy relationship!
I can’t get married. I can’t see it happening to me and the thought of it is just too much stress. I saw my parents divorce and don’t want that happening to me