ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate.
If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no “magic moment” (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. “Signs” of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may also work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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When dating someone is major differing political views a death sentence for a relationship or is it tolerable as long as you remain civil with the other person?

How often do politic factor into your life? If you are both armchair politicians, then it is fine. If at least one of you is politically active, then it can be ugly. If both are, then it will.

Is it normal that the "get to know each other" phase of the first date is kind of boring? I mean if the date is a generic kind of date like a coffee date.

Depends on how strongly they feel about certain issues they differ on. If it's something small that doesn't affect them directly like immigration or economic policy then it probably doesn't matter.
But if you think Brett Kavanaugh did nothing wrong and deserved to be on the court and your girlfriend was sexually assaulted at some point, yeah it'd probably be a deal breaker.

Of course. You know nothing about each other and you are both trying to see what's going on. There should be enough fun to want to try again, but you can't expect a non-stop laugh party.

What are some first date ideas that work better if I already sort of know the girl a bit? I feel like I can sort of skip the "get to know each other" stage but I'm not sure. I know she's into sports (I'm not but I don't mind), she's somewhat into music, she's a Catholic (and so am I), she's really into doing charity for disabled people.

I consider myself a more armchair politician. In reality I tend to just not give a fuck period unless it's something major that'll immediately affect me and my family. Personally with my gf I don't really know as I've avoided talking about the issue because of this very reason.

All I know is that between us I identify as a right-leaning centrist while she identifies as a democrat.

If you don't go to rallies and shit, it's gonna be fine.

If you know her only a "bit", then you can't skip the "getting to know you" step.

I don't, but like I said I don't know about her because I've never asked her about it.
I do know though that while she identifies as a democrat we do share a lot of similar feelings on political issues, like Trump's tax cuts or that infidelity isn't "empowering" to women and the border should be secure to keep criminals out. Maybe this means she's either not as democratic as she thinks or I am moreso than I think.

Yah I guess you are right, I mean we know stuff about each other but not THAT much yet. I'll go with a common date idea then I guess

Stop with the dumb labels. You are the one creating a problem here. Don't think about labels, think about actions: Do you think she really cares about politics?

If she did, you'd know. So stop using buzzwords and just date her.

You absolutely do not need to sit across from one another and have a long conversation as a first date. It's boring as fuck for both parties. You'd be better off going and doing something fun together, and learning a little less about one another, than having a heart to heart and telling each other your life stories.

Having fun creates certain positive associations in the brain, besides which you don't need to know everything about a person from minute one. There is lots and lots of time to learn about their history and their hopes and dreams and all that.

At anyone: What was your best first date like? What did you do?

>I'll go with a common date idea then I guess

What would be an "unusual" date? What did you have in mind that you think can't happen now?

Nothing specific yet, I just feel a bit weird asking someone to go have coffee or drinks with me if it's not someone I have only met recently

Is it weird that I want to touch my crush's ears? I mean, say, I'm playing with his hair and then go for his earlobes and then back to his hair. It's not consciously sexual, but definitely affectionate.

The less you agonise about this the more fun it will be because you won't be preoccupied with the anxiety over whether you're doing the right activity and saying the right things and getting to know each other the right amount.

As with any first date question, the answer is always ice skating.
>go ice skating
>skate around
>break touch barrier
>can talk a bit
>but no pressure to hold a long conversation
>hold hands
>get cold and tired
>call it quits
>go get food
>take her somewhere super casual, hole-in-the-wall type
>talk some more
>eat some good food
>can extend the date at this point, go to a pool hall or something
>or if it's late you can call it a night
>kiss her at the end

>I just feel a bit weird asking someone to go have coffee or drinks with me if it's not someone I have only met recently

What would you suggest you could do instead?

No. Also, you need to be 18+ to post here.

Normal, but you better not be playing with my hair if I've got product in it.

I don't know. There's a day that my city opens up every museum for free but that's in 20 days from now, I would suggest that. But otherwise I would keep googling for more activities in my town or date ideas in general.

Anybody not really that into texting?

I’m tryna text this girl and when she responds she will be nice and seem interested but then she’ll kinda just stop. And she takes a while to respond to my texts.

I’m not doing anything crazy. I’ll maybe send her one text later in the day, try to have a little conversation, see where it goes.

Personally I’m a big texted and have conversations with my friends all day so it seems a little odd to me how “bad” she is.

When we hang out in person she’s conversational and really nice. Kinda in a weird spot with her lol.

Is it weird to not feel attracted to someone, but feel jealous when they are with someone else?

I was texting a girl I’m friends with and she was telling me she was doing a photo shoot with her friends and “I looked like garbage just like always”

She went on to say something about looking like a dumpster fire.

How the fuck do I respond to that. I don’t like the fishing for complements angle, and I don’t want to her therapist.

Really offputting to me. Especially because she’s an objectively pretty girl. Does she actually have no confidence or was she trying to get me to respond in a certain way?

Is it a terrible idea to ask someone on a first date (sort of) that will be over 2 weeks from now? (because of the date when the event takes place)
Or should I wait a few days and then ask her to go there with me?

What were the reasons you had for breaking up with a girl?

>I was bored
>she annoyed me
>she treated me badly
>we were friends for too long and physical intimacy just felt like I was kissing my sister
>even after all the time we dated I felt absolutely nothing for her beyond physical attraction

Can you just make a thread stop shitting up this one with all your separate mini questions?

Is there a go to question or something I can ask a female friend to figure out if she's just using me as a therapist or actually interested in me as a friend?

Also second question why do girls constantly bitch about guys only wanting to get in their pants and nobody just accepting being friends but then never actually want to be legit friends?

I used to go out with this girl 2 years ago, and things were going well but then i fucked up and i had to move far away for a year i almost lost contact when i finally returned things changed i was really depressed for other reasons but seeing her again really made me happy the problem is that im still a bit far so i can only see her on weekends, im also really busy with college, nowdays she knows i like her and she still says yes everytime i ask her out, but im 80% sure she has a bf now so we are just going out as friends

And look last time i went out with her was when infinity war came out after that i decided that the most healthy thing to do would be to just text her and go out with as many girls at my college as i could to get her off my mind and find a gf

But while the girls were really nice they were not as fun as her and im starting to think my only option now, is to wait until maybe one day she is single again and i can make a move

im thinking of going to the movies with her this weekend, of course it would only be us as always, but i wonder how much it is going to suck to just know that this time there will be almost no chance of flirting like 2 years ago

This kind of frienships kills me a bit inside but she is also the only one that makes me happy

Should i even keep going out with her? how bad could it hurt

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I met a guy which was not as a date. We talked about a lot for three hours. Loke our lives and goals and beliefs. It became obvious he started becoming interested. Things like touching my face a couple times and saying you're beautiful and touching my waist once, nothing sexual, saying he wants to get to know me, he wasn't into marriage (me neither) but said if it's the right person he would, and smiling a lot more throughout.

So yeah it is obvious. I do find him attractive but Idk if I feel anything yet and I am not ready to have a relationship, but I want to be friends and get to know him. I made a whole speech about being honest and direct, which is why he ended up saying he wants to get to know me, and now I don't know what to do. I also still have feelings for my ex.

I'm waiting to text him when I figure out what to say or if he texts me I will have to reply.

I matched with a beautiful girl on Bumble and we have lots in common. How do I make sure I don’t scree this up? I have never met anyone off a dating app before or even really talked to anyone

A real friend would be there when you need help or you are sick. You can contact her at those times and see if she is there for you.

So what's stopping you from hanging out more? This is literally the point of hang out culture. You can spend time together and not commit to anything.

For this guy's sake, don't let him be a rebound. If your break up was fairly recent then do yourselves both a favour and stay apart instead of falling for the trap of jumping into something new too soon just because you feel a bf shaped void in your life.

Despite what the internet would have you believe, are women secretly even more lonely than men?

What anime do girls like?

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The point of this thread is mini questions though

The point of this thread is self contained mini questions, you're running a thread within a thread and it's retarded because you've already received solid advice on what you should be doing. Either do it and stop asking little questions here or make a thread where you can ask them all.

It's not disrupting the thread, why are you even complaining about this?

Men can fill loneliness with work
Women have the whole biological clock/child situation.
Yes. Men win again.

Nigga that is what girls think friends are.

Why do men freak out when they see women without makeup?

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>right-leaning centrist while she identifies as a democrat
So you have the same politics? Neither of you seems to give enough fucks for it really matter.

Not sure whether they are relevant statistical differences.

Guy here. How do I tell a girl I love her if I truly mean it?

Break up was not recent.
It's been several years, we reconnect two years ago but he was seeing someone else. I have dated a few others genuinely trying to like them and nake it work and it never did Almost since I reconnected with him I have not dated anyone. It has been a while of being single and I want to recover myself more. Idk if I get a chance with ny ex, he said he still has feelings for me and has to work out his life and doesn't want to bring me stress, which is the same for me. But I do want to connect to people.

This guy is not a rebound, if it was I would jump into it like the rest. I really just don't know if I can get to know him and wait and hope for my ex, and on top of ths if I can get my own life together.

I guess I can say such and get to know this guy for a while and see what happens.

Because most of our attraction is based on looks.

Are you dating?

If no, then you don't tell her.

Through your actions and behavior.

Just agree with her, say she looks like garbage.

I forget the precise statistic, but on average men have way smaller social circles than women. They also typically only share their emotions with one person only, or no one at all.
Men are definitely way lonelier than women.

Recently i've been trying to make more female friends, but couple girls I started talking to eventually started to like me when all I wanted was friendship.

my question is how do I make it clear that I just want to be friends without them thinking I'm hitting on them or being weird about it.

I am.

Things are very intimate (staying over regularly, that sort of thing)

Okay I get your situation better now.

I was in the same spot. Broke up (with my first love) and it hurt pretty bad. I recovered slowly as you'd expect and eventually everything got better. But not once after breaking up with her did I develop feelings for new girls. Not once. I met plenty of girls, I flirted with some, they flirted back, there were times where I had the opportunity to try for a relationship, but I never felt a god damn thing.

It was my friend who pushed me though in the end. He told me he'd been watching me struggle and that he thought I was handicapping myself. I was meeting these girls and getting along with them and then deciding too early, in his opinion, that I had no feelings and it wouldn't go anywhere good, and that the solution to me problem was to actually put effort in. To go into a relationship with a girl who I liked well enough telling myself that those feelings would grow, and he was right.

Maybe you already tried this, or maybe you also handicapped yourself in the past, going into those other relationships thinking they weren't going to work out.

Something I believe more and more strongly the older I grow is that you get out of other people what you expect from them. If you're friendly and expect them to be then it's true, if you're interested and expect them to be then it's true.

You like this guy enough to be confused and I would say that's a good sign. You'd already have your answer if you didn't like him in that way at all, but you're here instead.

My advice is the same. Go out with him some more. Go as slowly as you want, but go in expecting that something good will come of it.

I'm very tired of feeling lonely but I don't know how or what to change. I bathe regularly, have a stable career, own a home, etc. I've always been alone romantically, and it's been nearly a decade since I had someone I could call a friend.

What do you do in your spare time?
I know my older brother made lots of friends doing mma, so you could try that.

video games, cooking, creative pursuits tangential to traditional games (modeling, painting, collecting), and more recently trying to learn music after not receiving any education or training in music in the first 28 years of my life. I walk a lot and use public transit to commute to work.

I mean, other than gaming it doesn't sound like you meet a lot of people. Try out some different hobbies that are reasonably social and see you like any.

Do I need to delete all references to my cat (including pics) on my dating profile? She died recently.
I don't want to tell them a sad story, but I want them to know that I like cats.

I am not in the mood for dating yet, but I'd like some advice for when I am.

So you're a vidya and warhammer nerd. Give up the warhammer, pick up a team sport or an active social hobby.

No I think it's kosher. If they ask and you're stoic about it you might even seem more attractive.

I think it is also that my ex was the only person who really listened to me and really understands me and is genuine. And this new guy of course I barely know but we were able to talk deeply for a while. That is what I want. But I think it is too early to tell. I feel conflicted because he reminds me of my ex, but also reminds me of some worthless guys I met before I just wanted sex or whatever. I am not ready to be vulnerable again.

Lunch dates and texting for now seems like the best idea.

what if im not in that scenario? I mean if i am i will try it, but i cant make something up

women certainly share stuff like hobbies, interests, music/movie/food/life etc recommendations and just talk about casual bullshit with other female friends all the time, i dont understand why they dont think male friends wouldnt want the same thing, is the whole friends thing just a meme because they dont want to say they arent interested in knowing someone anymore?

I attract girls, but none of them really catch my interest and most of the stuff you're supposed to do to meet people look very boring. Am I just supposed to wait for something to happen?

>most of the stuff you're supposed to do to meet people look very boring.

like what?

Tinder, those stupid clubs everyone talks about

Girl to girls
I'm getting a copper iud inserted today in 10 hours
Any tips?
I got some ketorolac and ibuprofen for the pain and I'll see if I can go to an history seminar after that, idk if I should go straight to my guy's house to be taken care of but I'll see

>asking the same gender
Stop, you have violated the law.

>my ex was the only person who really listened to me and really understands me and is genuine

The way you word this makes it sound like you believe there's no one else in the world who can live up to this, when it's literally untrue. For as long as you treat this new guy like someone you need to be wary about because he reminds you of someone else, you will never be able to trust him properly.

There are others out there. Other good guys who are genuine and who understand you and with whom you will cross paths again and again in your life.

Don't get hung up on your first love. It didn't work out for a reason and you need to keep that in mind.

As far as lunch dates and texting goes, that sounds pretty good. Friendly reminder that dodging any and all physical intimacy, kisses/hugs/handholding/touching, is a bad idea. If it goes there then let it go there. Avoiding those things will do more damage than good to your opinion of the relationship.

your periods are going to hurt more

They're light already so I'm ok with that

Why do people do this. Just get the implant under the skin of your arm, it's less fiddly (i.e won't fall out of your body) and has a higher successful contraception rate.

Non-hormonal is a joke. Enjoy slowly becoming a monster now that you aren't balancing yourself out. Literally the vegans of contraceptives. Just take it like the rest of us.

I don't want hormones anymore
Ok greg

>I don't want hormones anymore

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Give it a month and you'll wish you hadn't wasted your time.

>copper iud
literally the worst contraceptive there is

After she says she’s busy this weekend (she says this a lot) I say “No worries, let me know when your schedule clears up so we can hangout again”. I think she is stringing me along so should I reply to her text after the “ok I’ll let you know” or not reply until she says she is free? I think I know what to do but wanted some other opinions.

You should not reply and also give up unless she's going to make the move.

Last time I asked a girl out she was busy this weekend, but told me she'd be free all of the following weekend and that we could go then for sure.

i'll keep this simple

For some reason there is only one girl i know capable of really making me happy, but currently my chances of being more than friends with her are extremely low.

The logical thing to do was to go out with other girls, i had some fun but it never feels quite right, then i just had casual sex with other girls it was also fun but meaningless in the end

i can still go out with the girl that really makes me happy, but only as friends and i have trouble accepting reality

Should i keep going out with her? it feels like it's the only way for me to feel 100% motivated and happy

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Ain't over til the fat lady sings

Girls, how would you feel if a guy started talking to you during a train ride? Every now and then I see a cute girl in the train either sitting on her own or talking to a friend, but I feel like I'd be a bother if I said something to her.
I don't like to go out and online dating hasn't worked for me so my daily commune is pretty much the only place where I could meet someone.

To girls and experienced guys;
If a girl starts talking to you, while you are just passing by, it doesn't have to be interest right?
What of she works there and isnt obligated to talk to me, just passing the time right?

Thing is I might be missing opportunities when Im going out, but I cant just ask out girls I just met, especially workplace staff right

How do I deal with fear of rejection?
I have a mutual crush on a girl who is in a relationship, we made out at her place and she told me she gets the butterflies with me but we didn't have sex. She's not dumping her guy while being flirty with me over text.
Yesterday she texted me "we need to talk", which to me sounds like she's had enough, but then she went on how it's not urgent and can wait.
Now I feel like rejection is on the horizon but not quite here and it's making me uneasy. How do I relax in this situation?

Went clubbing yesterday and took a cute girl home.
When we arrived at my apartment though, I realized that she was way too drunk for me to want to do anything.
I just gave her some water and let her sleep on my bed, myself sleeping on the bed but with some distance.
We cuddled some in the morning and then she left.
I feel kinda beta for not trying to fuck her, but it was the right call, right?
Should I have tried to fuck her in the morning?

You should have tried in the morning yeah.
It was the right move at night. Maybe a bit beta, but these days...

Even so I don't feel ready to try it again, so I want to take it slowly, not having sex and kissing or calling someone boyfriend for a while. It's hard to really explain my life and why I feel this way.

But I will keep in touch and open mind to the new guy. Maybe I'll make a thread in the future when things have been figured out better in my head.

>but I cant just ask out girls I just met
Yes you can and you should.
That's literally how it works.

>no eyebrows
>uneven eyelids
>unhealthy skin
>receding hairline
>crooked nose
>pale small lips

Being approached in a situation where you can't possibly walk away if you feel uncomfortable is already set up to be awkward.

How can I satisfy you sexually?
I have below average penis, girth and length wise, can't last more than 2 minutes, and once I cum I lose all of my libido.
Also to top it off, I have nearly zero sexual experience, no understanding of romance, and below average looks and physical ability, I doubt I could "manhandle" any women.

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Whats up with girls who are quite "popular" having the tendency to say they don't "have friends" or say shit like "literally my only friend" to a specific person?
I've seen this quite often and I always wondered when they have so many acquaintances and even friends (me, included too) do they go out of their way to claim that they don't have anyone else? Is it a call for attention?

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>How can I satisfy you sexually?
Eating pussy/fingering before having putting benis in bagina.

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From my understanding cold approaching is a meme and would a girl really go out with someone based on his looks and 2 sentences?

While that's not great, realize that it's largely a "head thing" for women.
You gotta make her feel desired, be raw and primal.
Focus on having a good time but don't be selfish.
Women love making their man feel good.
But you will need some physical prowess. Start working out asap.
Dancing and/or Boxing is great, for cardio, conditioning, coordination.
It's all about the hips. You'll be naturally better at fucking.

What if she doesn't like having her pussy licked?

Yes they would. They do in fact.
Good text game is key.

Girl responded to my 1st tinder message but she didn't respond to my 2nd message that I sent next day.
Should I send 3rd message or no?

Do girls enjoy headpats?

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