What are your thoughts on open relationships?
What are your thoughts on open relationships?
What? Fat people can't run away
Still too much work but better than monogamous cancer. Also I had a pretty hard time finding people who are actually cool with it 100% but never actively searched for them either.
I'd say no. I don't want that.
I'd atleast try a poly relationship, but only if all parties involved loved each other equally. ( aka not some lazy lesbian or whatever who just wants some place to crash)
>better than monogamous cancer.
Neck yourself faggot.
Open relationships are even dumber than poly ones.
How's the search for your pure virgin waifu goin?
How's never having kids?
They're bullshit. One person gets to fuck around with no consequences, and the other one gets to put up with it. It's for immature garbage human beings.
>knowing how stupid non-monogamous relationships are is equivalent to wanting an imaginary pure virgin anime girlfriend
Not today, brainlet.
someone always gets resentful
They're for cucks. Do you like being cucked, user?
Horrible. The woman gets more than the man, in most cases.
Beyond awesome.
Monogamous relationshits are the pinnacle of stupidity though. If it's not pure waifus, are you the serial monogamist type then?
Yes. Its true. The trick is... If you don't mind...
I didn't. As long as she didn't tell me and wanted to fuck with me.
I never made use of that benefit. She did.
>Lol Fuck Breeder Culture
Fuck yourself Dyke
At least someone is going to get laid, faggot.
That's rich faggot. I'm getting head from you now
>Big Dick IN front of your Mouth
Bet you can't contain yourself
Yeah... that's a good little poly slaveboi
>open relationships
Is that what the cucks are calling now?
Now eat out of this Dog Bowl
It's filled with HIV cum
yeah... all of it....all of it
They (open relationships) don't work. People become jealous and eventually hate sharing.
Are you disabled?
>What are your thoughts on open relationships?
Fancy term for fuckbuddies.
Oh hey, just the thread I need.
Been hooking up with this girl that's in an open relationship. We started out as pure FWB, she told me straight up she's got a boyfriend, they both sleep with other people, even met the dude one time, he was a decent guy, probably banged his fair share of chicks.
Yesterday she asked me if I would actually want to date her. Felt like that was crossing a line, but she told me she was going to break up with her boyfriend and she didn't want to do open relationships anymore. When I asked her who started it in the first place, she said he's the one who propositioned it, but she wanted to try it out too at the time, it's just that she doesn't think it's really anything worthwhile for the long run and prefers monogamous relationships.
Now, I like her, and we did more than just fuck when we met, but I'm still kind of iffy about it. Anyone here might have had any experience in this kind of situation?
I'm in open relationships and they are great. No need to deal with all the drama and lies and inconveniences of normal relationships. I'm not sure I could ever go back to having a conventional relationship.
You got your titles mixed up.
You went from being exclusive to single. There is no relationship anymore.
I guess it's easier to store a skinny person in the trunk or whatever and to restrain them.
They barely ever work out. Both partners need to be 100% okay with it (which isn't the case most of the time), otherwise it's just cheating by another name.
Either get a relationship, or a fuckbuddy.
There is no middle ground.