My fiancee just cheated on me. We had a vacation together in August and I proposed to her and everything was perfect like it was a dumb romance movie.
Then she went to college and less than two months later she made out with a guy and sucked his dick for 15 seconds before "realizing this is wrong"
She told me about it and now crying non stop and saying that she's sorry and she never regreted anything more etc.
When I ask her why she just says "I don't know" and when I ask her to give me any reason she can't give me any.
The guy is a lumpy, ugly neck beard nice guy who figured he could get some if he listens to her problems for a while and pretends to care.
Why did she talk to him about her problems instead of calling me, a person she knew for years and who actually cared is beyond my understanding.
Can you guys tell me what do and how to react to this. This situation is so beyond reason that I honestly don't know how to feel.
She was the only person I truly loved and cared about and was dead set on spending my life with her.