My fiancee just cheated on me

My fiancee just cheated on me. We had a vacation together in August and I proposed to her and everything was perfect like it was a dumb romance movie.
Then she went to college and less than two months later she made out with a guy and sucked his dick for 15 seconds before "realizing this is wrong"

She told me about it and now crying non stop and saying that she's sorry and she never regreted anything more etc.

When I ask her why she just says "I don't know" and when I ask her to give me any reason she can't give me any.

The guy is a lumpy, ugly neck beard nice guy who figured he could get some if he listens to her problems for a while and pretends to care.

Why did she talk to him about her problems instead of calling me, a person she knew for years and who actually cared is beyond my understanding.

Can you guys tell me what do and how to react to this. This situation is so beyond reason that I honestly don't know how to feel.

She was the only person I truly loved and cared about and was dead set on spending my life with her.

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Dump her and take the ring

>made out with a guy and sucked his dick
>for 15 seconds before "realizing this is wrong"
Lmao. Stupid whore.

I hope you don't honestly believe this bullshit OP. Dump the bitch, and make sure you take back the engagement ring if she has it. Leave her and never look back. Be happy she did it before you got married because it sounds like you dodged a bullet here.

This is why you don't get married young.

>Then she went to college and less than two months later she made out with a guy and sucked his dick for 15 seconds before "realizing this is wrong"

More like "realized that there are consequences for this"

If you wanna forgive this whore OP make sure you get a prenupt with a signed statement that she had cheated on you previously.

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Unless you're a cuck or wanna get cheated on more, dump her.

DO NOT FORGIVE HER. I made that mistake with my last girlfriend, you can never rebuild trust with them completely. There are 2 types of people, those who cheat and those who don't.

to even be in the position where she's sucking someone else's dick is bad enough, but actually doing it? drop her

OK, this is not a meme reply. Break up with her. If she can't give you a reason why she did it, then either she is hiding something from you or she has no impulse control.

From what you have said, she WILL cheat on you again. It is just a case of of you catch her or not.

It sucks mad ass, and it'll be painful, but you'll meet someone else who respects you more and treats you better. Better to just break up now and rip the bandaid off than catch her with the mailman's dick in her mouth in a month or a year or a decade.

Dump her before you walk in on her getting her asshole blasted open by the mailman

bud today its "I sucked his dick for 15 seconds" tomorrow it will be "for a few minutes idk how long" then in a couple weeks it will be "we banged a few times" etc etc etc

Haha so true. Women man ffs.

Leave her OP.

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Girls lie like this a lot when they cheat. It’s just a kiss turns into “I might have jerked him off” to having sex.

Firstly, you need to stop your relationship. You need to give yourself and herself time to think. For her it would be to think about why she did it, for you it would be time to think if it’s worth trying to rebuild the relationship.
What may have been the reason is a lack of communication. You need to think what may have led to it too, if everything was fine in the relationship, it wouldn’t have happened. (Unless she has no feelings). Imo, You should try to seriously consider that situation as a cry for helpfrom her.
Have a long talk with her after she has calmed down and discuss why it happened, what led to it, what she/you could have done for your relationship to be different . And ask her if she wants to be in this relationship. Because everything might be as simple as a dirty way out of the relationship.

Without talking it will be impossible to make a rational decision

When talking, don’t call each other names and make sure to stop her if she starts saying “I’ll do whatever to be together..” That’s desperation, but you both need time apart to realize what you want from this.
Of course the trust has been ruined and she needs to understand that too and she has to try to regain it step by step. It takes 15 seconds to ruin a wonderful relationship but maybe years to rebuild it
Lastly, your relationship will never be the same, but it can be better

Dump and never go back. As much as you love her, as much as you care, you'll never look at her with any glimpse of respect or trust.

I was literally in your shoes and I stayed. It took me 5 years to manage to break it off because I just couldn't love him anymore, I resented him so much for what he did and couldn't trust him.
I wasted everyone's time.

Move on.

user you're kidding me right?

Are you seriously trying to look for legitimate justification for why she might has sucked some other dudes dick? This is the reason why men turn into full-blown cucks. If OP forgives this girl and stays with her, he'll be a complete cuck for the rest of his relationship, possibly the rest of his life. Cheating should never be forgiven under any circumstance.

Give a girl a single bite and she'll take the entire cake when she gets the chance. If she can get away with cheating this time, she'll do it again the next time a hot guy comes along.

Best indicator of behavior in the future?
Behavior in the past.

Either 1) cut your losses and leave or 2) come back to this board after she cheats on you when you're married and cry about it

>sucked his dick for 15 seconds before "realizing this is wrong"
Poor guy. Getting blue balled like that fucking hurts, man. She sounds like a crappy person. Drop her.

Demand the ring, your hoodies, etc. back and drop her
Delete her number. Refuse to acknowledge her existence

What about the couples that start their relationships from a new page and become even better?
I’m not saying that OP should or should not get back together or forgive her as he doesn’t know enough about the incident

To be fair, she was in the right state of mind to make a decision and I think she’s hiding something and might not really love op if she cheated. But how can we know if she’s not saying anything, she can’t state a reason?

Plus, if op stops the relationship She might just get bored and not want to rebuild anything since it takes effort. So to stop being together oficially andgivinh it time is a win win situation.
If she really cheated because she doesn’t love him(which is most likely as that’s the case in 99% of cheating incidents), then at least op will know and won’t regret later on not finding out

If she's really the only person you truly care about, cancel the wedding and promise her that you are never getting married, then date her until you feel ready to leave.

>What about the couples that start their relationships from a new page and become even better?
Saying something along the lines of: ''OK, i'll forget about the fact that you sucked another dudes dick and we'll start over with a clean slate'' is nothing more or less than lying to yourself.

If your SO cheats on you, you will never forget it. The trust (which is the foundation of any relationship) is compromised for good. Once the trust is compromised, the relationship is doomed.

You proposed before she went to college? How fucking young and retarded are you?

I'd say dump her, this event will remain in the back of your mind forever if you stay together. I wouldn't be able to trust my boyfriend again if he cheated on me, no matter how much I love him. This shit turns you paranoid, every time he'd go out without me I'd think of the worst.

You will find someone else, there's no point in sticking with a cheater. She broke your trust, there's no going back imo.

Just think, if that's what she did with a lumpy neck beard, imagine what she'd do if Chad ever looked her way

Also, if she truly regrets this then your breakup will be a life lesson for her. She won't think of cheating with her next boyfriend (hopefully, in the best case scenario). If you stay together, you're only enabling her and pretty much confirming to her that she can get away with anything.

>When I ask her why she just says "I don't know" and when I ask her to give me any reason she can't give me any.
Fuck I know that feel. She just kept repeating she is sorry, she didnt play you, she is sorry again, it was just a spur of the moment, she lost control, right?
I feel your pain my dude, take the ring and move on to something better.

>If she can't give you a reason why she did it, then either she is hiding something from you or she has no impulse control.

Yep this. She'll do it again, and worse. I know it hurts OP, believe me. But it's best to move on. She killed the relationship you're trying to hold on to the moment she put her mouth around his cock. Think about it, you really wanna even kiss after that? Let alone spend the rest of your life with her?

I agree. The 15 seconds is a lie. She probably fucked him. The type of person that does this, will lie when they admit it. They only admit it because they're selfish. The guilt is bothering her so much, so she kind of tells you the truth.

>They only admit it because they're selfish. The guilt is bothering her so much, so she kind of tells you the truth.
This is a real thing. She doesnt care about hurting you OP, she just wants the guilt to go away.

You don't wanna marry somebody you can't trust. Dump her skanky ass and take the time to heal and put your feelings at rest for her. (This will take time. Years, for some.)

You can't marry some one who you can't trust with half of your life. Your finances, your future family, your empire. You just can't.

She's gonna beg and plead and snot-nose her way through apologies, but you need to dump her ass like a bag of bricks. She's no good. A bad apple. Rotten and ruined.

Detach, return the ring and then focus on you and what you want in life. Build your world and when you're ready, open yourself again to finding somebody to share it with you. Not only someone who will share it, but improve and help it to flourish.

I'm sorry for your loss, OP. Being cheated on is a hard thing to go through. Sometimes, it feels better if they had died instead of cheated. This way, the honor and love and trust wouldn't have been so carelessly ripped to shreds.

Remember that professionals say being cheated on isn't about you - it's about them. It's THEIR selfishness. THEIR lack of empathy, honor and trustworthiness. They do it for entirely selfish reasons and that it doesn't reflect on you at all, but rather them.

In a way, it's better that this happened NOW instead of years into an established marriage (like mine.) Before you had kids. Before you bought a house together and dropped coin on loans and shit.

Be good to yourself, OP. You deserve better and you know it. She will too, eventually. She'll try to worm her way back into your life, and if you're smart and respect yourself enough, you'll tell her to take a flying jump off a cliff.

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Neither of you were ready to be married. In high school these emotions feel incredibly real but you have no life experience to put them into context. She didn't want to get married, that's why she made the decision to sabotage it.

Dump her or she will never understand that her actions have consequences.

After you dump her, get rid of EVERYTHING that reminds you of her. Everything. Clothes. Pictures online. Shit around the house that belonged to her. All of it.

Sweep out her stench as you would treat garbage, because that's what she is. She's done this once, and she'll do it again. And again. And again. It's just a matter of time. You'll come home from work early and she's got her legs up over her head on the kitchen table while the plumber's got his hand shoved up her snatch and it'll be this all over again.

Once a cheater - always a cheater. Repeat that out loud. ONCE A CHEATER, ALWAYS A CHEATER.


ONCE. A. CHEATER. *****ALWAYS******. A. CHEATER. Always.

OP, I am huge on forgiveness and forgave a girlfriend for cheating on me. She seemed genuine with the way she apologized and I thought she would change from it but in the end it happened again. If you want to stay with her and try to make it work then do so with this moment in mind and be prepared for the worst.

That's pretty hot, did you kiss her after she told you this story?
My ex only got groped by other guys, but she never kissed them or fucked them. :/

I'm so sorry. Just be thankful it wasn't after the marriage.

Your new job is to forget her. Learn meditation. See a psychiatrist and get on meds.

>Forgave a girlfriend for cheating on me.
>I thought she would change from it but in the end it happened again.
This is simply how it works when it comes to cheating. The moment you forgive a girl for cheating on you, you made it clear to her that she can get away with it. So the next time she feels temped by a hot guy she'll do it again.

Being ruthless is the only solution. When i get a girlfriend, i always make it very clear from the start that if she dares to cheat on me, i will leave her 100%. No matter if we are in a relationship for a month, or whether we'll be married for 30 years. Cheating = you and me done.

This. Never forgive a cheater.

you can see a therapist but don't fucking rush him to get on meds if he doesn't need to.

I agree with guy who said "realized it was wrong, nah she realized the consequences" Like bruh, do you really believe she actually sucked his dick for 15 seconds?? If she actually did realize it was wrong, she would've stopped at kissing... but then she pulls down his pants, still doesnt get it then keeps going and then after 15 seconds of his 5 inch cock in her mouth she then realizes 'Oh wait.. i got a fiancee'? Its bullshit dude. If she really regretted it she would stop at getting feels for him and try to leave before she would do something like sucking his dick. Drop her ass. Period

>in the end it happened again
This is ALWAYS what happens. Cheating is completely unforgivable.

>it's better that this happened NOW
This too. She could have been squeezing fucking alimony out of you right now. Fucking IMSGINE that. Flush her out like the peice of shit she is.

>She could have been squeezing fucking alimony out of you right now.
Also this. The fact that the two of you weren't officially married yet means that you won't have to fucking pay the bitch for the next god knows how many years.

You honestly dodged a bullet.

>after 15 seconds of his 5 inch cock in her mouth she then realizes 'Oh wait.. i got a fiancee'? Its bullshit dude.

This. She may have done the physical act of a blow job for x-amount of time, but there was PLENTY of time for her to abort mission BEFORE this. The flirting that lead to kissing. That should have been her first red flag, but she ignored it. The kissing that lead to groping. Second red flag. The grouping that lead to undressing. Third red flag. By now, she has had many MANY opportunities to stop and reflect on her actions and realize that she's engaged to someone that she supposidly loves.

She didn't just trip and land face first on his crotch. She worked her way up to it. She passed all those red flags and in her brain, she did the mental math of, "This is ok. I'm ok with this." Nobody twisted her arm. Nobody held a gun to her head. She did this of her own volition. She made a knowledgable decision to do this. She's not sorry. She's sorry she got caught and/or stupid that she's dumb.

Dump her. There are many women out there looking for a good man. Your soon to be ex is looking for fun at college. May she get mouth herpes and pregnant.