How do I stop loving boys

How do I stop loving boys

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U gay?
Just stop being gay.

>Tried that

Boys like 16 year old boys, or boys like 8 year old boys?


6-14 is my preferred age range

Sorry can't help you.

I got over my attraction to twinks by having sex with lots of them. I wouldn't suggest that in your case.

I’d be willing to fuck a twink

Then go do that enough that either your attraction fades or you start being attracted to them.

Just don't go molesting kids.

Idk I think my dick is too small to top. 4.5” erect

Holy shit.
> 4.5” erect


>this thread
OP, you should probably talk with an educated psychologist or therapist instead of the userbase of a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.

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You're right, much better that he ends up in jail for actually raping a child, silly me :^)

Petite boy
i.e. a 20 year old asian guy

Who is small

I am giving him an out to help him

Or, he could get proffisionsal help and stop being attracted to small boys all together. But of course it's his choice after all.

But why nobody value men?

Every psychologist/psychiatrist I have been to had a form they made you sign before seeing you that said they would report you if you indicated you were a danger for harming kids (I was there for depression and anxiety)

There is no help for him.

Who says he's a danger to kids? Having bad thoughts and acting upon are to separate things. If OP has a relatively stable state of mind and doesn't express any sign of wanting to act upon these emotion then he won't get reported.

Would YOU trust a random coin-toss that his shrink thinks that way?
Would YOU, YOU personally, risk your life and freedom on trusting some random person to interpret what you say in exactly one way.

I am warning him of the dangers that could come from seeking help from this. I think he SHOULD seek help, but the system isn't set up for it.

So in the meantime he can accept he's just gay and go fuck the many many many many many legal gay asian men who look quite young. Every fucking gay bar in my city is filled with them, OP could go there and grab one TONIGHT and get over his fixation, or he could risk the next 20 years being constantly surveilled.

It's a shame there aren't any girls with a cute feminine penis, I would love to suck on that cute cock all day. I have to settle for fucking women in the meantime.

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Your not in danger of harming. Simply govern yourself. Your feelings ang actions can be different things. How you feel is not wrong. It just is a bad fit for the society you live in. I know there are plenty of people that I would like to klll but I don't do it. 90 percent of men want to rape90 percent of women but most of them do not. Fuck what is allowed and maybe vacation somewhere the rules are different if you can't be the ruler of your own behavior

The fuck do you think is going to happen? That he'll spend the rest of his life in prison for merely THINKING about touching boys with little to no evidence that he's actually going to do it? If that's really something OP's afraid of, then at least seek help online, anonymously, with therapy groups and the like.

You need to seek professional help and therapy. I am assuming these are mere cognitions; nothing you have acted upon? There are psychiatrists who can suggest an appropriate psychology and appropriate medical treatment for your issue.

I am sorry you have to think this way, OP.

Wait 4.5 inch erect is small? Holy fuck.

Can I ask, what about boys do you like bro? Just no feelings towards females whatsoever ?

Not open, but it's about an inch or so below average. It's only as small as a 6.5" dick is big.

>not open
*not op
My bad.

Depends on method of measuring and amount of honesty. I'm sure most of the posters here are in the same ballpark. You don't need help. Nothing is uncontrollable. Normal people think all kinds of things that they would not want anyone to know. A shrink is not a magical person. They are dummies like you and me. Feel what you want and do what is appropriate

Damn, why did God do this to us.

Kill yourself.

I like the way they look, there cute innocent ways, I could go on but your get the picture. Not recently harnI felt much attraction towards adults of either gender

Who are we wonder. There would be no criticism in Ancient Greece. But we are not in Ancient Greece. I'm sure we do things they would think are f'd up. As far as how to stop. Just do not act on feelings. I switched to chew instead of smoke. I'm sure pussy is more like ass than dip is like a cigarette

*i have not felt attraction toward adults of either gender

Chill dude. I made that 6.5" comparison for a reason.
I could be seeing things kinda skewed since I've only got my dick, but 6.5" seems pretty close to average, as does 4.5".

Avg is 5

God dude idk, id keep this shit to yourself forever and unless you move Bangkok get normal fast.

You're right, at least globally. If I recall the average for America is about 5.5". I could be wrong though.

* dances cuz 1.3 inch over average *

If you're gonna get cocky about it I'll have to flex on you squadfam.
*doesn't have to dance because 3.4 inches over average*
Dick size doesn't mean dick.

lets dance together cuz superior genes

Thanks for making me feel inferior

Mentally stable women do

My dude. Dick size is so inconsequential. I would argue it matters less than the size of a girl's tits, since you can see that with clothes on.
Having read what I've read in the thread, your other problems are way way more important.

If you are woman then it's a natural atraction, if you are male probably you have hormonal problems or lack of a masculine parental figure, don't worry, all you have to do is hit the gym, avoid the sugar, onions and bad shit, inject yourself testosterone and learn how to do it with responsability, do sports of contact like box, more important, have sex with a women, most faggy kids turn to be super machos once they taste how a vagina feels like, avoid social media, avoid fedorism mindset, learn about how society works, ask advice from old people like grandparents, watch documentals of people diying of aids, think about your future, what's the happyness of a man? Money? Power? No, thats a family, only a family can make you happy, they are one that will take care of you once you are old, you can't have a family as a fag, homosexual "marriage" is not a real one and an adopted kid wiil grow up mentaly screwed under that parody of the nuclear family, you are just confused because you are weak, but try to make yourself stronger mentally, emotional and phisically, don't be afraid, just fight against that impulse, only animals let their impulses control them.

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But I’m a ~5’4 manlet

Dude I'm sure there's twinks that like other twinks, they're just even gayer gay guys.

Also this, op.

I myself am not a twink by any stretch of the imagination. I’m short and fat and have too much chest hair.

Lose weight

Lose weight and get waxed then.

Get urself arrested then get a prison buttbuddy you peddo

So it is ok for a child to be charged for a crime and tried as an adult. (He knew what he was doing!!). But is not ok a 13 y.o. boy to choose to fuck a 25 year old guy. I hate double standards

Bullet to the head

And worse, there's definitely "too big", which can be less functional than "too small".