How do I accept that I'll never have a family on my own? I thought dedicating my free time to lifting would help...

How do I accept that I'll never have a family on my own? I thought dedicating my free time to lifting would help, but I'm still lonely and sad as fuck.

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Live the way you do, in 10 years you'll get over your issue.

How many women have you asked on date this year?

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>that I'll never have a family on my own
how did you come to this conclusion?

Why did you choose to not have a family of your own?

I've never asked a woman out. I don't meet women regularly and even if I did I don't have the social skills to have a conversation with them.

You can still gain skills if you put effort into this. The thing is whenever you really want to change.

>If you need penis growth / enlargement
Search for JELQ, there was a bunch of anons that followed routines and achieved solid results, JELQ works maxing your blood pressure that will result in "growth" or to achieve your natural maximum penis size.
It's free, no need to invest anything or buy some bathmate. You just need proper warm-up, respect routines, your body and have good nutrition.

>if you want to increase your height
If you are an teenager you can try to do a lot of things plus the solution I'll show, it works for people that reached their final height or to individuals that still growing. It doesnt need investment and wont make you any type of prejudice. Its a setup of exercises to make your body flexible and that empowering your back muscles and torso help to correct your posture, the gains can go from 2cm to 15cm. It's based on postural correction, exercises and to get more flexibility and stronger back muscles.

>if you doesnt understand how World works
Read the books (that are free again) "48 laws of power", Sun Tzu "Art of War", Maquiavel "The Prince", Dale Carnegie "How to make friends and interest people" and "Eclesiastes" from the Bible (Roman Catholic Version). This are basic human knowledge of social interations and human behavior with atemporal truths, this will help to you understand at a primal basic level why some people fail and why others cant even compete.

Dancing lessons.
Pic related.
Google what flirting means.
Practice makes perfect.

Simply ask your dancing partner for her number after class.

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Atleast try, no matter how "socially skilled" you are. Atleast then you can say you tried

>never even tried to get close to a girl
>moams about not having a chance to have his own family
fuck off dude, seriously. You can't put no effort into something and then bitch about the consequences of your own lack of effort

I recommend reading this. There's pdf online.

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I'm not OP, just warning you that this is the worst approach you can give to someone like him.

Like telling someone that wants to suicide
>kys you attention whore

Meme book

the is no good approach for someone like him. He already gave up without even trying and now posts a hugbox thread like an attention whore he is complaining about being lonely or whatever and expecting sympathy and advice, which he gets, but he will never ever implement it anyway because he was a giant pussy fag

Not really.

I'm just bored, I'll just say to you I have been into imageboards and the "brosphere" since I was really young, like 14 years old and now I'm 22+, its a really complex hole that isnt easy to leave.

Decades of wrong mindset and actions wont change in one second to another.

But the solution isnt punching him down, remember that for 1 poster we have more than 15 lurkers, aim for the lurkers not for the replier.

I have it, it's not a memebook but its like common knowledge 101. The book is more to make you aware of how you act, not really giving real advice imo

This thread is really pathetic OP. If you want a family then make one.

If your social skills are bad then improve them. Go out to bars and talk to people. Get rejected. Join circles. Work your way up from zero. Get a part time job in customer service. Do everything you can to learn how to have a basic conversation.

What’s the point of just feeling sad for yourself without trying to improve. How did you have the drive to start lifting weights, but not to engage in basic social activities?

If you like Asian women then learn Japanese, Korean or Chinese and go on exchange to an Asian country. You can be as shit at social interaction as you want and nobody will judge you for it, because they’ll assume you’re just bad at their language.

Worked for me. Now I’m good at socialising, speak two Asian languages and have dated 4 Asian women.

This is a sad advice given by people who never did what they recommend.

Guys like OP didnt even had previous experiences to understand how to act properly, to cold approach people you have to be really easygoing because their social shield will be at max level, to argue to someone that never did it to go by himself without any self esteem of previous sucess is to make him fail one time more.

No normie go out cold approaching others, in fact besides "PUA guys" nobody does it and the ones that are cold approached wouldnt like to be by an aspie without social knowledge.

Its like talking to a guy that never shot with a gun to go to war against guys with proper training and that did that for years.

Why even bother trying to improve if at the end you'll have to settle for hive-minded insect women anyway?

Because you already are an hive-minded insect that doesnt understood that we are humans and we have idiots on both sides, people like you that suppose shit and get mind poisoned and have a distorted view of reality.

I have read pic related and it helped me realise what I'm supposed to do, but still I don't know what to say most of the times. Thanks for the recommendations tho, dancing lessons sounds pretty fun desu.

How could I get close to a girl, if I don't know how to have conversations?

>If your social skills are bad then improve them. Go out to bars and talk to people.
I've went out to the bar with coworkers multiple times already and couldn't figure out how to participate in convos. So just sat there silently for hours. Also I work 9 hours a day and don't have more time for part-time jobs.
>How did you have the drive to start lifting weights, but not to engage in basic social activities?
With lifting it's easy because I understand what I have to do to improve and I love improving myself.

>if I don't know how to have conversations?
Do you know how to speak with guys? It's the same with girls just a bit more teasing and flirting.

Normie who goes to bars sometimes here.

I get cold approached by random drunk people all the time. I also talk with random people if I’m a few drinks in. It’s not very rare or uncommon.

Isnt the same, dont fuck with OP.

Guys use logical reasoning.
Woman use emotional reasoning.

Like you said: people approach you where they are drunk or in places where people wants to have "fun". Not on the middle of the street.

You small talk with those people, you dont create bonds and intimacy with them, period.

>couldn't figure out how to participate in convo
What the fuck does this mean? You’re participating in a conversation with us now. You make words with your mouth. You just say your opinion on whatever the topic at hand is. If the conversation stops you ask the other person a question. You could ask literally anything, but it’s best if it seems like it would be slightly relevant to them.

>So hoe do you know [friend]?
>I just saw [movie], have you seen it?
>I had the weirdest dream yesterday *explain funny dream*
>Do you know any good restaurants around here?
>Have you got any pets?
>So what’s your home country?
Etc etc. Just ask questions. If they’re also socially awkward it might not flow well, but who cares. That person is way too wrapped up in their own securities to care about yours anyway.

Where did anyone imply it was on the street or that it would “crate intimacy”? Op says that he can’t even have basic level conversation. The first step would be to learn to hold a conversation. Then he can work on finding the love of his life.

Dude, just fucking stop, you never did that and you are asking a guy with no self esteem to go cold approaching others.

The first level would be to make him achieve more knowledge and wisdom, then improve himself to an average level or above average then after that start interactions.

Because, by the look of the OP picture he’s attracted to them?

Most people are fucking shallow morons anywhere in the world anyway. I don’t see how it would be any worse for him to end up with an Asian gf. At least he could learn the basics of social interaction and pick up a second language in the process.

>more knowledge or wisdom
In what area? What a dumb, vague statement. Dumb people have conversations all the time. What he needs is practice and you certainly aren’t helping by telling him it’s okay not to try.

He doesn’t need to “cold approach” people. He has stated ITT that he goes out drinking with workmates. He can practice small talk with them.

An Asian gf sounds like a dream come true.
>go on exchange to an Asian country
Please tell me more about this exchange.
Don't get me wrong, I also can't speak with guys.
>It's the same with girls just a bit more teasing and flirting
Can't even imagine how that supposed to look like.
>What the fuck does this mean?
It feels like I'm broken or something. I can't figure out what questions to ask and when there is a topic at hand, I don't have an opinion to share.

How do you approach people you're interested in? Seems like you got your shit sorted out.

>Please tell me more about this exchange.
If you’re in university your uni probably has a foreign exchange program. If you’re not, then you can always get a job as an Assistant Language Teacher. Just google ALT + your country of choice and apply. Provided you meet the low expectations you will get in.

However, you will still need to approach people on your own. People aren’t going to approach you out of nowhere so you need to find some courage. Just keep in mind that nobody will think you’re a sperg - just that you’re bad at their language.

>what area
Human related area, that means at human behavior, human relationship and how the world works.

Yes, dumb people have conversations because they are used to, small talk doesnt need intimacy or deeper bonds. I'm not telling him to not try out, I'm asking him to get better before he does.

First of all, relationships works as a business.
The same way you are attracted to someone for some reason the person have to become attracted to you in some level.
Example: You are attracted to a woman, the reason is her "looks" at a primal level, if the woman see something of interesting in you then she can proceed and lower her guard, if not she can let her guard up and even refuse.

The lesson: Always have something to offer.

See... I have studied years about humans and subjects related to humans, that means I'm able to solve people problems and that interest them, isnt like if I just wanted to get their time or take from them things that would just benefit myself (sex, their time, money, etc).

So before approach someone always have some value: that means to dress properly, have a clean look and always can offer something back.

Even before start a conversation people usually already noticed me because I improved myself so hard it becomes clearly above average.

The time I would be spending to bribe talking and yada yada to fake value was the time I was going after real value.

We are humans, everyone is different, there is no magic phrase or setup.

I already did a lot of cold approach before I understood that value comes first, had people using me to shit talk about their lives and at the end they didnt even care to me. Then I started digging this topic.

If you can shitpost on Jow Forums, you already can shitpost in real life or as normies call it: bantering and flirting.

This is some sociopathic pick up artist autist shit.

Kind of, I'm obcessive compulsive and since young I spent more than 5 daily hours searching/interacting about human related subjects.

Oh you're a sociopath got it.

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Yup, truth is truth. I'm a known Jow Forums guy, some anons helped me and this is my way to pay them back. I dont have reason to hustle anybody here, so its a cool interaction.

>I don't know how to have conversations
How the fuck can you not know how to converse with people? Do you live under a rock? How do you communicate with fellow humans if not through conversations?
Anyway, I'm not joining your pity party. If you are too autistic to know how to talk with people, put time and effort to learn it. I have hard time believing that you don't know how to have a conversation, as it's one of these natural skills that children learn organically. Unless you were a feral child, it sounds like you are bullshitting us all.

Advice from someone like you can be handy no doubt. Just remember that your calculated approach isn't always the best approach just as an overly emotional one isn't necessarily one either.

>How do you communicate with fellow humans if not through conversations?
Trolling Jow Forums.

I dont have time nor opportunity to be dumb, the dumb ones are already in jail or dead from where I come.

I dont calculated, I achieved Gods blessing that made me able to feel empathy, that is why I help people instead of ripping them.

Im not OP, but this kind of stuff haunts me.
Im fat, ugly and have no seld esteem what so ever.
I tell myself i will start trying to date when i lose weight, but its never going to happen, i take out my crappy life frustrations on food.

All i wanted is to have a happy stable family i never had

Boohoo stop eating so much piggy. And pick up a fucking dumbell. Your male body is crying out to be used for what it was built for, physical work.

Thanks user, you gave me motivation to start learning Chinese.
>Just keep in mind that nobody will think you’re a sperg - just that you’re bad at their language.
That's good enough for me.
>How the fuck can you not know how to converse with people?
Is it better if I say I can't hold a conversation for more then 20 sec? I can communicate as much as needed for my everyday life.

post body phaggot

You know you need girl to make babby right???

You thought lifting would bring the girls? Seriously? No dude, if anything it'll drive them away...depending on how much you are into it. Being in shape is one thing, it might get the initial attraction from them, but what do you think will keep them around or coming back?

Work on your personality as opposed to your biceps. Get a sense of humor. Being witty and funny has charmed numerous panties off. But then you gotta be good in bed as well. Learn how to please a woman....and i dont mean just please, i mean PLEASE them.

One rule i honor, i dont insert until ive made her cum at least once. Women are so tired of the guy always getting off and leaving them hanging, they will follow you like a puppy if you can please them. Trust me, do that and she'll make damn sure you are well taken care of. A family will come in due time. Find the right girl first. That takes time.

>wah boo hoo I'll never have the mediocre suburban life everyone else does


I would rather live a mediocre life than end up miserable and neurotic like everyone who chooses to live without kids.

uh have you been around people with kids?
they spend all of their time justifying their choices to no one but themselves

If your still in your twenties don't lose hope. Just keep an eye out for high quality mates not just pretty and "cool"" . Properly responsible and well adjusted like you should be.