How do I start a conversation with a girl in my college class? I want to start talking to her so I can see if I want to date her. We haven't talked at all before so idk how to just start talking out of the blue.
Start Talking
What the fuck is it with you losers and 'dating' in college? What girl wants to date? Girls in university want to party, and have fun and do exciting things, not go on formal dates.
Holy shit.
How do you usually start talking to people?
Just like you talk with other guys,
when you started college you didnt know anyone, slowly you started making friends. just like when you enter a class feel free to sit beside. for a moment forget that she is an attractive girl
Its not that abnormal not everyone is out there for a quick fuck.
Usually its with people I know I have something in common with, like at work I talk about work with people to open up and then start going more. The only thing I can think about is talk to her about the homework over the weekend or our midterm grade. But then im at a loss what to do next if she doesn't start talking about other things.
>Usually its with people I know I have something in common with
So, if you don't have anything in common with her, there's no way to organically talk to her.
The problem is that for you, it's not just "talking". If you really needed to ask about homework, you would do it and it would be easy. But no, you have other goals in mind and that makes it weird.
So what do I do then?
Talk to her about class stuff obviously
That was the original plan to ask if she did the homework for the weekend or not and how she did since its graded on the spot.
What you can. Talk to her like you would any other person in class, not trying to pick her up because class is not a bar, or let it go if you can't do that.
You already knew what you should do so why did you make this thread? I’m tired of the same fucking “help I’m a social retard how do I get waifu” threads where the answer is always just talk to her.
No shit just talk to her but I have no like good reason to talk to her in class friend wise or trying to fuck wise I dont have anything to say to her to open up the door for talking
Then don't talk to her and join Tinder instead.
Why do you think there has to be a way to talk to her? Just because you want one? That's not how life works.
God it’s the same thing again and again. We tell you to talk to her, you even have an excuse to start the conversation, and you still act like it’s an impossible problem and you don’t know what to do.
I hope you're trolling because I cant imagine someone being this dumb. You're telling me you just walk up to random people and say whatever? You obviously have no idea how different it is in this situation than someone in the real world. In a classroom I cant just walk up and be like wow the weather is nice or wow how's your day when I havent even fucking talked to the girl yet. Once I get past the initial first conversation then im fine but I cant manage to think of anything to say to start a conversation with her other than talking about school and going from there. If I saw her in the real world it would be ALOT easier but it doesn't work like that you autistic fuck.
I am really curious to hear how you would act in my situation, what would you just walk up to her and talk about? I know you're not gonna answer because you obviously dont know how to randomly interact with people just like me.
>In a classroom I cant just walk up and be like wow the weather is nice or wow how's your day when I havent even fucking talked to the girl yet.
Why do you think there's a way to pull this off, then? You know this is a social faux pas, so why do you keep asking for a solution when there clearly isn't one?
because this is literally the only way to talk with this girl
Then maybe there's no good, socially acceptable way to talk to this girl.
So just give up?
>I am really curious to hear how you would act in my situation, what would you just walk up to her and talk about?
Just ask her about something related to class, which you keep bringing up but for some reason pretend like it's not a valid excuse to talk to her. And yes I know you're going to tell me it's hard and embarrassing because you've never talked to her before. But how else will you get to know her? You have to suck it up and try, instead of bitching about your own cowardice.
You are not really giving up. I mean, what's the situation here? You like the way someone looks and you find out there's really no way to talk to her without coming off as a creep. You lost nothing.
Hope you learn something, though.
The point of this thread was mainly to see if asking her about class was a good choice, and if there was other options. I am going to talk to her next class on tuesday no doubt I just wanted opinions on going about it was going to work. I know its super weird to "plan" conversation but I just need to open her up and then im good with talking. My issue is just that very first reason to go and talk to someone.
So just dive in talking to her and pray? I mean that was my plan to begin with so im glad someone else came to that conclusion
> I mean that was my plan to begin with so im glad someone else came to that conclusion
The cold approach has a low rate of success, and I personally don't recommend it. So, no, we didn't come to the same conclusion.
You can do whatever you want, but don't come back here later saying women are assholes or whatever if it doesn't work.
I assume you're the same guy who's given at least 4 non-answer answers and then judge what I say. Honestly you've done nothing here at all except say im wrong then give no reason or examples why.
What do you need a clarification for? I'm happy to help.
If you mean the whole idea that walking towards a girl just because you like her face and striking conversation even though you are not that social within the class will make it awkward, the reason is pretty simple.
If a dude is not social and breaks from that pattern for a girl, she can tell what's going on. Asking her about the weather might as well be asking her out. Same if you ask for her notes. Sometimes there's no good way to approach people.
Ok now what if I am always late to the class so I never have a chance to talk?
My issue that I am having with this opening conversation is mainly that I know that I will come off as trying to get with her I want to avoid that for now and just start a conversation without being a creepy guy suddenly talking to her.
>just start a conversation without being a creepy guy suddenly talking to her.
But you are just talking to her because she is hot/cute. That's a fact.
>My issue that I am having with this opening conversation is mainly that I know that I will come off as trying to get with her I want to avoid that for now
Again, unless you have a way to organically talk to her, it will always be obvious. Just because you wish something will happen doesn't mean it will. Face reality.
Yup shes cute and I want to talk with her that is 100% true. If something might happen along then way then I'll go with it. But for now this is for experience, and maybe make new friends along the way. End goal in the perfect world is we go out or something.
And I have literally zero ways to organically talk to her so im just gonna shoot my shot with my original plan to just bring up something about class or whatever.
>But for now this is for experience, and maybe make new friends along the way.
Are you talking to dudes and girls that aren't cute, too?
You are not, and that's what makes this creepy.
I have been talking to other guys at school to open up more. I dont have alot of chances to talk to people in my class since I show up late lol. The experience for her is talking to someone that i think is cute and seeing how far I can take it.
>The experience for her is talking to someone that i think is cute and seeing how far I can take it.
And that's creepy too. Treating an interaction like an experiment.
Whelp then im a creep because I have no other way to talk to girls I find cute other than in school.
Parties? Tinder? Hanging out? Female friends? Nothing? Really?
I think you need to deal with that. When your best shot at dating are strangers at class/work, then I would ask you, why? Don't you think you could get better prospects?
I know and see plenty of people at college in relationships, not everyone is out there for quick fucks and those aren't the girls I would want to be with. I wanna make a relationship and a potential future with someone not just fuck and walk away.
>Tinder: I don't like using it because most people around me are either fat and ugly, bots, or the rare cute girl who can just find a million other guys hotter than me
>Parties: Most of my friends are either shut in's , busy with working, or just go out one in a while which really sucks
>Female Friends: I have a few but they aren't the type to date and there friends aren't either, it ranges from slutty gross girls to just obese women I dont feel attraction to
My best success with girls has been irl face to face us just talking overtime. I never have any good success with girls on tinder I dont have the ability to just text wit and pick up girls. I like to build rapport with them and go from there.
>My best success with girls has been irl face to face us just talking overtime.
How you meet those girls you had success with?
No I know, I get that. The hookup culture in most universities are over exaggerated. But you dont take a girl on a "date". You "hang out". Stop being so autistic. You date when you're in your mid or late 20s or older, young people hang out. Dont take a girl to dinner or some dumb shit and dont pay for her like a simp.
One was at a party when I was 18 (first time I had sex) We were both drunkish and started to talk and then eventually went upstairs and had sex. I honestly felt like shit that I did that especially for my first time and then I never saw her again.
The second was a girl in college actually and she came up to me and we started to talk a little about school, our majors then it expanded into our hobbies and shit then we ended up dating for a few months but broke it off because we were into it.
I guess basically my most successful interaction was the plan I am trying to do so maybe I am trying to recreate that? She came to me so I never tried something like that before and I thought well it worked for me so might as well try it on others.
no no no I know how it works. I just say the word date but a date for me is like lets go pick apples or some shit or lets just chill at my house. I woulnd't go up to her and be like Hey you wanna go on a date? I would ask if she wants to hangout, I know how it works
>I guess basically my most successful interaction was the plan I am trying to do so maybe I am trying to recreate that?
Approaching at a party is not the same as during class. So that first example is not like your plan.
The second girl, how was it? Did you talk soon after meeting in the same class or did it take a lot of time? Was she a social person or a very awkward one?
It was like 3 weeks in we weren't next to each other but we ended up having to work together. Which is perfect situation for this but the type of class im in is all solo work no groups so I have no chance to get closer with her that way. I am social but just need to open up a bit but most of the conversation she was starting in the start of it all but a little while in it was organic both ways talking non stop.
So, she didn't approach out of the blue to flirt, she had an actual reason to do it.
I guess none of your examples are really analogous to your plan, then.
The closest part of my plan for what happened was what we talked about, school, and majors and homework. Other than that you're right the situation was totally different.
I have no excuse to talk with her does that mean just sit there in the corner and do nothing? Just sit quietly and no even make an attempt?
>I have no excuse to talk with her does that mean just sit there in the corner and do nothing?
It means making an attempt will make your intentions very obvious, and given that you don't know her, you don't even know if she is single, straight, looking for something, etc., which means that statistically speaking it will go nowhere.
If you are fine with that and how it will make you look, then by all means, do it.