I'm talking to this 7/10 girl who has a boyfriend...

I'm talking to this 7/10 girl who has a boyfriend, but they're in a LDR so she rarely gets to see him and sex is a topic that keeps coming up with us. I'm trying to push and pull her and make her jealous without being too obvious, and so far I think it's working, but I'm not too sure how I'd advance the relationship without it backfiring. Should I wait until we're both drunk before making a move, or just confess my feelings and hope for the best?

Pic somewhat related as it looks like her

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Why would you do that to her bf?

Well she said he doesn't care about her much, and he chose a job over her, plus they rarely have sex because he's usually not in the mood, so I figure it's his own fault.

I'm not in a relationship with him. I have no obligation to him

This is not me. I'll put this tripcode on just to stop the thread getting derailed

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You're a disgusting person for wanting to do this to that couple, you're only thinking for yourself.
Also of course she fucking cares about him, she wouldn't be in a relationship if she didn't? You're only doing this for personal gain and if i was her i would never talk to you again.

Is it really that bad if I love her and want her to myself? If it was only sex I wanted I'd see your point.


Find someone else

Its bad either way, it shows your only thinking about yourself. If she dumped her bf and got with you or you guys were together and her bf found out she would be really upset and destroyed, the fact your even thinking about this shows you dont really care about her.

Just text her "if only you knew how bad things really are" and leave it at that.

How can you love her when it seems you barely know her? She obviously doesn't love you and you seem like your trying to manipulate her...

You act like she has no choice in this. At the end of the day it's entirely up to her if she wants to leave him for me so it's not my burden to bare.

It is when your forcing it when you dont know what she wants (and i think its pretty obvious she wants her bf)

She's not like most girls, and definitely doesn't seem like the type to cheat. She's really kind, funny and pretty smart too.

Maybe you're right, but I don't see why that should stop me. Whatever I guess I'm a piece of shit, but at the end of the day it's worth it for her.

I know that outsiders can't know what is going on between 2 people, that's why i say don't mess with the relationships of others to break them for your own interest. Find someone else , and let people in relationships be themselves, it's their own decisions what they do into them ,don't need to be manipulated by outside forces.

You will be more shit if you push that. Both of them will get trust issues and paranoia if you try to get them break up over some fake cheating. People get damaged over such things. That's why i say go find yourself someone who isnt in a relationship.

You sound like a terrible person user
>i dont care that im manipulating a girl i supposedly love
If you loved her then you wouldn't do this.

that isn't proper advice. He should get her drunk and try to get his hands on some drugs like MDMA. If you can't get her to take it willingly try getting some date rape drug like GHB and get it into her drink. you'll be able to have your way with her and mission accomplished. She will respect the fuck out of you compared to her bitch ass BF who's not in the mood. you literally knocked her out and fucked her which is alpha male shit she won't be able to refuse.

This isn't advice, raping a girl he should care about is horrible.

Yeah that's true. I just really like her, and want her to myself. Don't want to risk losing her as a friend though. Whatever fuck it I'm not gonna do anything. I'll just let things play out on their own.

lmfao dude raping is the opposite of alpha. It's pure desperation, and I may be desperate but I'll never be that desperate.

If you really care about her user you should wait and see what happens and if an opportunity arises where you can tell her your feelings maybe do it ? Or not depends.

Oh I bet girls love you user, rape them and then they'll never leave huh? Discusting piece of shit

It just sucks because I finally met a woman I can really vibe with and she's taken. I've looked for a long time for a girl like her and it's kind of bittersweet. I get along with her better than I do most if not all of my friends.

he can care about her but he needs to be alpha. Alphas get what they want by taking it etc. if your advice is to just find another girl that doesn't help him with his question. girls read that 50 shades shit because deep down they want to be raped right? give her what her inner animal desires. try asking around clubs for GHB etc if you can't get that then as a last resort get a shit load of over the counter liquid sleeping pills and empty the liquid into something. let's take a shot bb and in her chaser is 10 or so emptied pills ; ) amount may vary but if she doesn't go down just dose her again. you can get these at Walmart for cheap and with enough of them she won't be able to properly move or even recognize what's happening.

We live in a cultured place, where the alpha doesn't need to rape. The alpha gets everything handed to him. Only a beta will rape, and then get raped in prison, right after having his balls flushed down the toilet.

Shut up fag, you're a piece of shit and raping the girl you like sounds like pure desperation and just raping her wont make her like you because you forced her, it will do the opposite and make her hate you.

All this dumb alpha and beta shit as a girl i wouldn't even be friends with either of you.

It doesn't matter if a girl likes you... you wanted to fuck and you did. I've never roofied anyone close to me that didn't flirt and seem to already want it. What they don't know won't hurt em and that's true. I hate bugs but if one crawls on me while I'm sleeping I wake up none the wiser and it doesn't matter. either they don't know and it doesn't matter or they do know and now view you as a fucking alpha

You're deranged and delusional if you actually believe that, but I'm pretty sure it's bait at this point.


hunny that's the thing... you wouldn't be with either but as an alpha I'd take it. you see he just doesn't get what he wants and he accepts that but I'm done with that mindset. I now take what I want. If I knew you and wanted you I'd find a way to get it. I can be very creative which chicks like too.

Supreme gentleman always gets what he wants

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If she cheats with you there's a good chance she'll cheat on you too.

She's playing you
If you're just that hungry for sex hit up an escort or grab a barfly

If you wanna be The Other Guy go for it I guess but this seems like a good way to get discount Metoo'd or just get sex once and then ghosted.
The reason taken girls pursue single guys is because they admire the strength of character in not hitting on them; so while you'll meet their desire by fucking them there's also a chance you'll ruin your image and then bam.

>cheats with you there's a good chance she'll cheat on you too.
That's something I never understood about this whole thing. Like, if you help someone cheat and try to get them to leave their partner for you... doesn't that just show you what kind of person they are? How could you ever trust them?

Fuck of you discusting fag

If she does it to him she will do it to you. Do what you will but unless she goes about it the right way and breaks it off with him before fucking you then she isn’t worth shit. She probably already isn’t because you two getting chummy and her telling you about her relationship is a red flag bro. If you fuck her tell her bf and ghost that bitch.

First of all, you're scum. Secondly, you're probably not the only dumb orbiter she's fooling into thinking she needs rescuing. You're being played but think you're a player.

If she's allowing someone to get this close to her with this dude, think about when she's with you lol. She's a bad girlfriend for considering this, and you're a lowsy person in a bad situation, get out of it, girls like this are not worth it and you really shouldn't enforce this type of shit.

You're just going to end up in the relationship and she'll either repeat this with you, or she'll want to go back to her ex and you would have only succeeded in ruining this couple and also gotten hurt in the process.

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