What makes you think you are capable of giving good advice?

What makes you think you are capable of giving good advice?
What advice have you ever given that helped someone?

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I give advice for trauma mostly, because I suffered through trauma and had to shoulder most of that burden alone as a child.
I do generally always suggest people with actual problems (not tfw no gf, that is) go seek therapy. Professionals > Jow Forums.

I have people online tell me thanks and that my advice helped them. I advise my friends when they ask, and they thank me and do what i advised and their life is better. I told a friend not to dump their SO in the beginning and just see how it went because they seemed good together and there wasn’t anyone else. Now it has been 3 years and they are strong and happy and probably will get married soon. I give good advice personally because i always think about whats best for everyone involved and go from there. And i’m not very partial or have a secret agenda.

>What makes you think you are capable of giving good advice?
- I have above average abilities to interprete human mimic and gestures. (psychology made me run a test)
- Im 31 yo
- I have a job
- I've been through psychiatry
- I am very good at listening

> I told a friend not to dump their SO in the beginning
What was the problem?

Because I'm better than you.

My friend was just feeling scared and cold feet but not actually anything to do with the SO (like a bad personality or anything). I think it was their first relationship. And the first month or so of it.

My friend was nervous and asking me “user what if i meet someone else?”

I said, “well friend, is there anyone else? Is there anyone you really want to talk to or have your eye on?”

My friend said “no.” I said “are you happy with your SO?”

They said yeah. So i said “why not just stay and see how it goes? I think you are happy and if you’re both happy and there’s no one else then no harm in staying. And if you decide to leave that’s also ok”

My advise: stop being such a conceited cocksucker

Sometimes I wonder how many people I've killed here on Jow Forums. I fear the number is greater than 0.

So she had commitment issues? Not exactly the most difficult subject to give advice on

Did i say i was the most expert advice giver ever? I said i’m good at giving advice and i can listen to people. I didn’t post here to be judged on how good the advice i give is. My advice was decent enough and helped someone , that’s all that matters.

I'm old and wise.

> I said i’m good at giving advice
Yeah no shit when the issues are that easy, lol

Ok, can you do better than me? Go try and give advice to someone without you pissing them off or sperging out because autism

I have a great relationship with an amazing sex life, so I mostly answer all the "tfw no gf" and "why is sex awful" type of questions. Dunno if I ever helped someone, I'd like to think I did in a small way.

Tbqh I just hope something can be useful. But you should go for professional help instead of Jow Forums.
I will give you anecdotal life experience advice at best, that might help depending on the situation.

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Your "advice" is literally just common sense, no actual advice in it at all. The fact that you are getting upset is very telling

I see a lot of people like you posting here. Successful people with relationships, careers and bright futures. It never really made much sense; why come here, Jow Forums, the asshole of the internet, full of bitter, broken people, instead of somewhere much more controlled and welcoming, such as Reddit? Why are you here?

I enjoy the anonymity, never felt comfortable on public forums. It's a bit strange since in real life I have no problem talking with strangers, I have some sort of weird internet only social anxiety.

To be fair I used to frequent Jow Forums a lot more a couple of years ago when I was in college. Now that I have a full time job and I'm also in a relationship, I come here much less. I guess old habits die hard though, can't seem to fully quit this place.

You know Reddit has anonymity as well, right? Throwaway accounts are made constantly.

I'm literally a fucking genius, I know everything about everything. fr.

i only post when i have had similar experiences so if anything i have a general idea of how things could pan out for them, thus my advice is relevant at the least