I'm thinking about changing my name before I graduate college...

I'm thinking about changing my name before I graduate college, so that my diploma will be under a different name than the one I was previously doxed under. Then, when I apply for jobs, if they ask me about any other names I've used in the previous 10 years, I can just lie, right? Will there be any negative consequences? (I suppose they can look me up with my social security number.)

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What were you doxxed for?

it depends on what your dox revealed. also any employer thats not a retail wage slaver is going to check, and you will be called out for lying.

The details are irrelevant. Just know I have shit on me. I haven't done anything illegal, but I've done shit that'll make people go "nuh-uh, I don't want to hire that guy."

The question is, would changing my name and then receiving a diploma under that name, as opposed to my birth name, help me?

the details are relevant.

is it like
weird fetishes

or like
KKK membership?

>any employer thats not a retail wage slaver is going to check, and you will be called out for lying
Shit. Well, will they bother to Google the "previous name," or just the first?

I've done nothing illegal, but I've broken a ton of rules about what you're allowed to believe and what you're allowed to do in the privacy of your bedroom. Imagine the most disgusting (but legal) fetishes and the most bigoted beliefs, and the way you feel is, I assume, how a normie employer will feel upon seeing my stuff. This isn't to say that I actually am among the worst possible, but I'm close enough that if someone doesn't see the nuances, they'll assume I am, indeed, the worst.

Both. I'm not a literal member of the KKK, but people will think I am if they're not aware of the nuances that accompany "racist" beliefs. Think JonTron.

if you google your name and a news article about a local sex pervert comes up then I dont know how to help you.

there is nuance here too.
if you were a member of an organization that your employer will not appeove of, then you are going to need to explain that. if you simply expressed HOT OPINIONS on the internet, then just fuckin delete your facebook and twitter and start over.

People archive this shit, my dude. There are entire websites dedicated to storing incriminating data on eccentric individuals, and ones dedicated to storing identifying information on political enemies. I haven't used social media under my own name in a long time, but that doesn't help you once you've been doxed.

>news article
More like blog post, or a forum post. You must be new to the internet if you think you need to do something crazy to get negative Google results.

>then you are going to need to explain that.
Wait, I'm not going to have to tell them upfront at the job interview, am I? My approach would be to hope that if they care about it, they'll ask me to explain.

And again, this is about interviews in the future, not anything I have in the present.

I highly doubt an employer is going to go so far as to search an archive such as that-- as long as you dont gave an actual criminal record.

if they are going to go on what they find about you in some blog or forum post, then thats just unprofessional. If an employer is willing to not hire someone on the grounds of "someone on the internet said theyre RAYCISS" then you can be sure you dont want to work for them anyway.

you dont have to openly mention it. if they ask, just go with some "it was a dark time in my life, heres how I have grown as a person since then" story.

>I highly doubt an employer is going to go so far as to search an archive such as that
You don't search an archive. You search Google, and this shit is the first result. I really, really don't want to say the name of the kind of site I'm talking about, because that could draw in the kind of people I don't want in this thread, but the biggest one starts with the letter K.

I might be able to pull that off for the Jow Forums stuff, not so much for the Fetlife stuff.

There's a lot of kvetching I'm doing now, but I think I've gotten my main answer. Changing my name won't help me for another ten years, at least. Which means I should've fucking changed my name as a teenager, but it's too late for that now.

this is just out of curiosity--
the info on you, was it public knowledge or was it stolen from you?

TLDR Employers dont care about fetlife as much as you think they do--
People don't want to know.

membership in an organization that is in... low public view, we'll say, is going to be a nasty thorn in your side for a while however.

A mix of both. My name never appeared in the newspaper with information about me doing bad things, but when I was a teenager, I said dumb shit under my actual name. I've continued to say dumb shit under pseudonyms, but then those pseudonyms have been tied back to my real name by internet detectives. And because my parents are of a particular culture, I'm literally the only person in the US with my first + last name, and definitely the only person in the world when you include my middle name. So when you Google my name, the first thing that pops up will be..

The literal first link that appears will be on a site they've either never heard of or used to get laughs from as a teenager, and it will include that kind of information. If they click it, they will know, even though they don't want to, and it will form their impression of me. In fact, if they understand the lingo, they'll know without even clicking, because it'll be in the fucking url title. I thought Jow Forums, of all places, got how public shaming works.

Sorry if I'm coming off as a douche right now. This is very stressful stuff and I don't like having to explain it.

I think you're worrying more than you need to desu. I suppose you arent going to know how it will all play out for you until you interview. The worst that could possibly happen is you dont get a job.

>The worst that could possibly happen is you dont get a job.
If that happens consistently, I will be homeless. My parents have their own financial problems and I don't plan to mooch on them after graduation.

tell us straight up what the dirt is so we can give you a logical unbiased response.

I don't know exactly your situation even from reading this thread, but I don't think your employer will ask about past used names. I would recommend to change your name now anyways, whether you're applying for jobs or not. It is easy and cheap.

I'm a race realist/nativist/xenophobe, and I read VDare and American Renaissance. I've done normal libertarian and conservative activism but I've still been called a Nazi and a fascist for it. I believe that the racial differences in intelligence are real and mostly genetic, and I advocate ending affirmative, having a completely merit-based immigration system, and allowing for private businesses (not government entities) to have freedom of association. I only talk about that stuff online, though. IRL, I mostly talk about free speech, 2A, etc.

I have this attachment to my name that's hard to explain. It's a part of my identity. I've used it my whole life. Plus, my family sees it as a sign of my heritage. I don't want to do it unless I know the pay-off will be worth the sacrifice.