If you work a 9-5 everyday workout eat and sleep your soul is drained...

if you work a 9-5 everyday workout eat and sleep your soul is drained, your mind is wiped clean and you have no energy to do anything but work, eat, sleep and repeat, your entire life is centered around 1 hour of free time which you use to recover and 1-2 days on the weekend

if you're self-employed your life is on the constant verge of doom and you have absolutely no idea how you're supposed to pay next month's rent and you have no time to do anything but find ways to make money worry eat and sleep repeat and you cannot enjoy anything because you're loosing money

if you don't work and be a NEET then everything stops becoming fun and you will go mentally insane

so what the fuck are we supposed to do then? we shouldn't have to spend 99% of our entire live's working JUST so we can fucking exist...what the fuck is the point of making money if you can't even spend and enjoy the money because you're too busy working and making money?

are we just supposed to accept the way things are and do nothing about it and carry on working 8-12 hours a day for some company everyday or constantly seek out clients to pay next month's bills?

capitalism doesn't seem like it's working

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Yeah it’s pretty brutal. Either find comfort in the Bible/God and if that isn’t helping your state of mind/how you feel then idk. It’s rough and even if we were rich, people still be fake and social anxiety etc would still exist. Boredom would still be happening a lot. Idk what the answer is. I find comfort in the Bible. God says our suffering is seen and if you live righteous and always turn the other cheek when people are mean to you. You will be rewarded greatly. It’s hard to keep that faith because we don’t know for sure if there will be any reward whatsoever for letting people walk over you basically but all the paranormal ghosts etc kinda proves that it must be true. Try to find comfort somehow. Don’t suicide cause it will lead to hell most likely.

Part time job.
Working one year and then being neet for another year while living from savings.
Finding job which you actually enjoy.
Talking to your boss and working less hours or less days.

And yeah, life was always lowkey awful. If ever in doubt, look at any video about how humans lived in the past. They didnt even had the luxury of having time to think or complain.

The problem is not with jobs, the problem is with you.

I work 24 hours a week, go to trade school, faggo.

if you want to live, you gotta work. nobody is going to work for you for free. if theres 20s on the floor you gotta work to pick it up

Work and invest.

Too many people live above their means. If you land a good job and live below your means you can save a lot of money fast and be on track to an early retirement.

yeah i'll pass, religions is lie heroin for the mind, it's the ultimate cope it even gives you a nice high because while your eyes are closed and you're murmuring whatever words you're saying while everyone else around you is doing the same you tell yourself everything will be alright and that there is actually life after death

it also gives you an excuse to justify things and form with unders under a hive mind like nazis

honestly if life after death existed that's fucking terrifying, imagine living forever...that's not something pretty, that's genuinely terrifying, whether or not you're in heaven or hell

it's a useful social tool though, great for making people die for you like disposable cattle as well, only works on low IQ people however
how do you save up enough money working part time to live by yourself for a year? actually no wait, how do you make enough working part time to even make enough to live dude?

south FL:
-100 auto insurance
-100 health insurance
-100 gas
-300 groceries and cleaning / essentials
-20 gym
-50 phone
-800 rent and utilities (cheapest 1 bedroom i could find)

you need a minimum of $1,500 just to exist, and that's not even including the taxes you'd have to pay on that, i can't even make that at my full-time job, i don't see anyone being able to even make half that with a part-time job
so we should actually be happy that we only have a few hours a day to live life?
how much do you make a month and what thing did you graduate in and how long did it take you to graduate and how much did you spend?
if you want to get a good job you have to have experience doing that good job, but if you want to get experience doing that good job you have to get a good job, since everyone has a college degree they're worthless now

how am i supposed to get a better job than the one i have now?

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>so we should actually be happy that we only have a few hours a day to live life?

You are living the most sheltered and comfortable era in human history yet all youre doing is whining like a bitch why you have to do stuff. And yes, I'm fucking happy I have to only work a few hours a day in a comfortable office, instead of backbreaking subsistence labor billions of humanity lived and currently living in.

Also, a healthy adult male enjoys work, enjoys exercising his skill and enjoys the creation of something valuable.

People often live in pairs so they split the rent in half. Or even better yet, they own their own home. Or they live with their parents.

Also some people live with less money than you and are okay...

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I am a self employed farmer (hazelnut) and my life is pure fun and relax.
Some years I make big money, other years I make fuckall but ultimately it doesn't matter because my job is literally like a fun game to me with the exception of harvest season.

>I'm a 20something with a vague but highly pessimistic notion of life that surely applies to everyone
>woe is all and suicide is the only way
>is this all there is?


i'm not whining, i'm discussing, those are different things

also the fact that people currently live worse than this is actually even more fucked up and more reasons to whine, that's not okay dude, we live on the same planet as these people, and they think the best is what we have when really it's only slightly better

good for you that you're in a comfortable position, how many hours a day do you work in the office and how much do you make a month? i work around 6-8 hours a day at costco and then i work 4 hours part time on the weekend at a nightclub as a bouncer, so around 2200 a month take home after taxes, i'm left with $500 a month after all living expenses and i just save that in my savings account
i wouldn't want to live with anyone else, my parents never left me a home to own they just rented and it would take 30 years to own a home but by the time it's yours it's all broken down
do you live on some big farm your parents owned or something? why would anyone buy your hazlenuts if they could just buy it from the big multinational company that handles everything in 1 order and has a better quality product with better marketing for half the price?
i'm glad your life is nice and all i was asking what there was other than that and what solutions we can do to fix this, capitalism doesn't seem to work for most of us that aren't you dude

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>wage cuckery
If you can manage your time it's not nearly as dramatic. And if you didn't pick a crappy job, it can be fun too. (Or so I heard)

Maybe the first year when you still have to build up the shit. Afterwards it's pretty chill, and again enjoyable if you like that kind of stuff.

It's a fucking blessing if you actually do something with your time. So just like wage cuckery, learn to manage it.

>are we just supposed to accept the way things are
Obviously not. For one, there is a need for basic income. Beyond that the current workdays for most professions are way too long. Office drones spending more than 30h a week on the shit don't get any more productive. Surely there is some candidate or a party near you offering some solutions, so vote for them if you're too lazy to do more.

>300 groceries and cleaning / essentials

Pretty pointless data without the living costs. Also seems damn low overall, is it after tax?

You only need the money so you can pay for:
A diamond ring for your girl so she will have sex with you
Food for the kids resulting from that sexual activity
A bigger / house for your kids and your sex provider
An SUV so you can take the kids, the dog and all the shit that comes with them to the vet/school/ice hockey etc.

And that is why you work.
You work so you can afford to reproduce.

You ARE whining like a petulant kid.

>also the fact that people currently live worse than this is actually even more fucked up and more reasons to whine, that's not okay dude, we live on the same planet as these people, and they think the best is what we have when really it's only slightly better

Only slightly better? I want to send your nigger ass to some african village, so you can do 14 hour shifts of backbreaking labor, just so you dont starve to death. Your coddled ass doesnt even know how good you have it. You just want to whine about how bad you have it because your not rich off your dead end job and fishing for sympathy when there is none to be had for faggots like you. Maybe you should have paid more attention at school and applied yourself so you dont end up as a fucking costco salesman.

>do you live on some big farm your parents owned or something?
I own one hectar of land I bought with the help of my parents. I also take care of some of the neighbours' pieces of land. I cultivate their trees and give the owners a small percentage of the money I make with the product.
>why would anyone buy your hazlenuts if they could just buy it from the big multinational company that handles everything in 1 order and has a better quality product with better marketing for half the price?
Because hazelnut is an extremely desirable product and companies need to maximize the quantities they get, so everyone can contribute.
Also I live in Italy, this country still has a local food culture.

I don't sell my product directly to the consumers in case that's not clear, I provide it for the big brands.

While you're not wrong per se, why the fuck looking down of how much worse it could be? With the same attitude you could tell the guy in the African village to be grateful that he isn't enslaved and to some slave to be grateful that he isn't alone dying of lepra.

How did you get into hazelnut farming? That sounds pretty awesome man, I'd love to farm. Did you have experience before you started?

I had no experience beforehand, I was born in the city.
I learned by working for free for the locals before starting on my own.
The most difficult part is the beginning, finding good land for a decent price in a good place.
The initial costs are steep and you need lots of machinery but it's definitely worth it, it's satisfying and makes you strong as hell.

Because youre nothing more than an ingrate who whines about how hard it is for him, even when he has it easier than 95% of the planet and 99% of the people in history.

If you never applied yourself, have no skills and you dont enjoy work you have deeper psychological issues anyway.

But user, I am not OP, on the contrary I am very content with where I am at in life; you're just missing the point.
Him being a whiny faggot doesn't change the fact that "look at how much worse others have" is a shitty way to look at things.

Wew, the bootlicking in this thread is too much.
Congrats, you figured it out. Low wage workers are not supposed to do anything but work and reproduce to create more workers. Do with that knowledge what you will.

Nothing could be more important than context when it comes to judging how good you have it.


I don't think life is that bad. I work really hard at my job and I'm in the elements but it's actually pretty fun. I come home dripping wet from the rain and cold (oregon) and I strip my wet layers off, put on my robe and have a cup of coffee at my desk all warm and dry and cozy. Spend the rest of the night lurking.

Maybe life isn't difficult enough for you. Your work isn't challenging, so your leisure is unappreciated. I had an office job once where I did practically nothing all day, maybe got 3 hours of solid work in per day, and I was miserable. Even though I had all the time in the world to lurk, read wiki articles, doodle, read webcomics and manga and whatever else you can do on a computer and a desk that can be hidden easily, I hated that job and those two years were some of my most depressed and desperate. Turns out I like to work hard, I like getting tired out. Being physically tired is not nearly as bad as the soul-drain of that menial office job.

As you noted yourself, it's likely that he never applied himself, doesn't know what he can/likes to do and probably has deeper issues. Context isn't going help with that much. That nigga needs a constructive outlook on things, not something as obvious and passive as "actually I have it pretty good".

>if you work a 9-5 everyday workout eat and sleep your soul is drained, your mind is wiped clean and you have no energy to do anything but work, eat, sleep and repeat
If you're a little bitch, sure.

>if you're self-employed your life is on the constant verge of doom and you have absolutely no idea how you're supposed to pay next month's rent and you have no time to do anything but find ways to make money worry eat and sleep repeat and you cannot enjoy anything because you're loosing money
If you're not successful, yes. That's how life is.

>so what the fuck are we supposed to do then? we shouldn't have to spend 99% of our entire live's working JUST so we can fucking exist...what the fuck is the point of making money if you can't even spend and enjoy the money because you're too busy working and making money?
Adapt, plan for a future, start a retirement fund, figure shit out and not whine like a bitch because life is hard and you can't be gleeful and enjoy everything all the time.

>are we just supposed to accept the way things are and do nothing about it and carry on working 8-12 hours a day for some company everyday or constantly seek out clients to pay next month's bills?
You can also not accept them, sure. They're not gonna change.

>capitalism doesn't seem like it's working
Cuba, Venezuela and China have very welcoming immigration policies.

What could be more constructive that realizing his actual position and starting to develop plans according to it?

He does seem to realize that his current position is shit, that would be a good enough initiative to look for ways to change it, without the knowledge that his position could be 1000x times worse. The focus on what things he could do (since he clearly wants to be spoon-fed) seems a lot more constructive.

This is literally why I want to die and plan on killing myself soon.