How the fuck do I get all my international friends to stop being such assholes about me being American...

How the fuck do I get all my international friends to stop being such assholes about me being American?! I don’t mind playful banter, but it’s all I ever hear, and I’m sick of it. Any time I try to combat their jokes with my own, they just go “still better than you”, and so I’ve given up... I’m literally just considering saying fuck everyone and just leaving my friends. It isn’t funny any more, and it doesn’t help that I’ve been bullied forever...

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Bring up old wars. Who’s the only country to level entire cities with nuclear arms?

Are these international friends Canadian?

If so it's playful banter 99% of the time.
If they are overseas remember that america is viewed as the villain by most countries. Think of how russians are viewed in the US for a similar picture.

It's just their culture. I think there is a level of envy there as well, because the US has higher income than most other countries (although in PPP terms it's around the same).

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>playful banter
It’s only playful banter for the first couple times user... After the first hundred, it feels tiring... Besides, I’m sick of hearing how “great” Canada is...

Some of are also from the UK and such...

I don’t know, I just am starting to not want to travel or talk with anyone... I’ve grown sick of it...

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Have you tried talking to them about this?

If it really bothers you you can tell them.

Are these Jow Forums people?
Particularly /cum/ people?

I’ve kind of brought it up, not that it really ever get resolved...

And yes, it does, I already have inferiority problems from years of abuse and bullying, and hearing this all the time just makes me feel like shit. Everyone shits on me, and I just want to be left alone... I thought friends were supposed to be cool.

Hell... I don’t even want to visit Japan anymore due ton hearing that I’ll be hated even more.

I don’t understand what this means user, you mean like people from the international thread? If so, no.

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If you really bring it up and say it is really bothering you, and open up about your past problems with bullying they may lay off if they are real friends.

I was asking because this behavior sounds like a group of canadians and brit I know from Jow Forums.

I've noticed the opposite problem of americans heavily bullying me for being canadian in online circles. It just seems to be a thing that happens. I blame Jow Forums and the australians for stirring things up.

I’m sorry you’re also getting bullied user... I have brought it up, and only one of them kind of gets it, but it it’s not like it really has stopped in any compacity.

I’ve come to just kind of dread talking to anyone, because all I hear is “lol, your school sucks and you aren’t as educated as I am” “your healthcare sucks” “Trump lol” “Shootings” and all of that, all the time...

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These sound like people who have been listening to either too much Jow Forums or too much CBC

Sadly all too common in Canada.

For me it's hearing all about how bad Canada is as well. Where did you meet these friends?

Here on Jow Forums and other places, but even in person it’s basically the same “you suck because you’re American” haha...

Are you like a super-trumper or something?
Even on my server it's always equal sided banter, not dogpiling.

The only guy I know who got dogpiled like that was a Jow Forumstard who wouldn't shut up about how great america was.

No I’m not, I promise you that. I don’t even talk about politics ever usually... I am also one of the only Americans mainly it seems.

And I don’t constantly do that. I love my country, but I’m not annoying about it.

It's just something you will have to roll with if they don't stop when you speak up about it.

Jow Forums and the australians fanning the anti-american fire on Jow Forums (and the whole proxyposting as canadians thing) really turned anything country related into a banter festival and it's really tiring.

I can't really help you, only sympathize and suggest you try out other friend groups/servers. How long have you known them?

One for about a year, and the others for quite a few months now...

Move out of your quasi third world shithole if it triggers you so much.

Ah. I've known my server of lads for a good 6 years now. I think part of the issue is that 2016 really flared up a lot of anti-american sentiment.

Try finding a new server if you aren't too attached to people in your existing one. You on discord?

Oh user, why do you say this? And where is “better” in your opinion. Besides, moving won’t get me any less shit it seems, besides, I’m not ashamed of my country, just sick of the constant “heckling” and bullying...

I’d rather just be alone anymore. It doesn’t matter, it seems like most people are like this, and I don’t want to deal with it anymore.

I mean, during the anti-canada phase I just introduced myself as being from my province. That tended to dissuade them a bit.

What the shitposters don't want to acknowledge is that the US is above almost the entire world in HDI scores etc. The only countries better than it are maybe Canada and Australia + the nordics.

Hell I'm planning to move move there in the next couple of years because I like guns and lower taxes, it's a great place if you have ambition. Most of the shitposters are just jealous they can't live there.

I can't post my discord link publicly so I can't invite you to mine, but there are good groups out there.

>And where is “better” in your opinion.
Almost any place but obviously just north would be the closest.

>Besides, moving won’t get me any less shit it seems,
Well, obviously not. The issue isn't the bantz or even Murica but your bizarre ass attitude towards it. Polaks or Romanians get shit on their shitty countries all the time without getting triggered.

Well I hope you manage to have an easy move to enjoy the guns user. If you’re Canadian, thanks for being nice.

A. I’m alreasy as North as can be, and B. I’m tired of hearing it every time I talk to my “friends”...

>in HDI scores etc
Only if you discount the majority of the population, which doesn't make too much sense given that even Nigeria isn't too bad when you have money.

>I’m tired of hearing it every time I talk to my “friends”...
Well looked deeper into it, why the fuck would it bother you? I don't recall any of my slavshit or even Syrian friends bitching about this crap.

Whatever is said about your country has no connection to you, unless it's something insane like "all Americans are dumb", in which case you know the persons opinion is worthless.

Have you ever actually been to America?

It's a perfectly serviceable first world country managing to survive with a ton of third world people there. The fact it is still together shows the strength of its institutions, same as Canada.

Are you in Alaska user?

user, if you get told something shorty every day, it starts to wear you down and affect you. I’ve been bullied for a good chunk of my life, and then people I consider friends start doing it...

It’s not about my country, it’s about me with extension being my country...

No, I’m right on the border if US/Canada though...

Which state?


Yeah, WA, right there

Oh, I'm in BC.

Well then you would know from possibly driving across the border that the two countries are almost identical and that the banter is essentially meaningless.

Your friends are just being dicks if they don't stop after you ask them too.

Okay user... I don’t have a passport so I wouldn’t know, but I’ll take your word.

I might just leave everything for a bit... If they actually miss me in my absence then maybe they really do like me as a friend...

Post your discord or an email or something if you want to talk again and I'll check it in the morning.

But for now I am heading to bed. Good luck user and I hope you can find some friends who appreciate you!

>Have you ever actually been to America?
Have you ever actually been to Nigeria?

Also sure, I checked out NYC and lived with my online fwb in San Diego for a week, plus have some family in SF. Anecdotical experiences are pretty irrelevant when talking about a country. I had a great time in Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine too, doesn't mean the countries aren't utterly fucked.

Only if you let it affect you. Besides, bullying tends to be personal attacks. Your country has nothing to do with your personality (unless you want to go into stupid deep details over how it shaped you). It's way easier to learn how to deal with bantz and will improve your life beyond online shit.

> it’s about me with extension being my country...
Like what? How would "Muricans are stupid and fat" make any sense to care about if you are neither dumb or fat? It not your fault nor responsibility when people who happen to live next to you voted for crazies. It makes no sense to be so invested in this shit.

My email is [email protected] if you want to email me. I hope you have a very good night user. Thank you for your kindness.

No one will see honour in that.

Turning it into a spitting contest just makes it worse, don't do this.

double down on american is #1, cuz it is.

they are shitting on you because you are not fighting back. learn to fight back faggot. verbally.

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