Anyone here who has extraordinarily bad luck? How do you deal with it?

Anyone here who has extraordinarily bad luck? How do you deal with it?

On the surface I have pretty much everything that people would consider necessary to be 'successful', but every single attempt I make at bettering my life in a material sense ALWAYS backfires and blows up in my face.

Sometimes I feel almost cursed in that it feels like with whatever I do, life is just waiting for me to slip up momentarily for even a few seconds and everything just comes crashing down.

The worst part is when outside people ask why I'm so broke and financially unsuccessful in general when they consider me intelligent and charismatic and having the necessary traits to become highly successful, and when I tell them I'm just extraordinarily unlucky in every possible sense, they never buy it.

Anyone else here who can relate? It's like I have a black cloud following me 24/7 365..

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>Anyone here who has extraordinarily bad luck?
No. Noone has any luck because that's not a thing.

chemical imbalance, light it up you fag

you sound like you are not even 30, just wait until your time comes

I love my life right now, so not anymore.

You're not really asking for advice, so I'll just give some generic advice that I found useful in my past.

Maintain connections to successful people. You win in two ways: You learn about their mindset and they can help you in practical ways. Don't be afraid of asking them for advice.

Don't surround yourself with fags like you do know. It's a circlejerk of depression that you're setting up.

Failing is allowed as long as you learn something from it. Try-> fail -> learn -> adapt-> repeat.

Don't hesitate when trying something. Trying twice is better than thinking about it and trying once.

Yeah I'm 25. Lighting it up is the only thing that actually somewhat helps. It gets harder to continue to light up when everything falls apart in my face whenever I try to make money though..

Thanks though, user.

What is this bad luck, really? Give me a couple of examples. And how often have things like that happened in the past, let's say year?

I suppose you are a man(male). It WILL get better. You are just starting, seriously. Godspeed.

I can't maintain stability in my life because I can never hold down a job no matter what I do.

I've lost my a job twice in the past two years. I work my ass off wherever I work and literally pour my blood, sweat and tears into every moment I spend at work because I feel terrible whenever I slack off at work.

Doesn't matter though. I still get fired. Almost every job I've had I've either been 'made redundant' or straight up fired. If everything seems to be going well, something catastrophic will happen like the manager who likes me suddenly out of the blue deciding to leave and being replaced by a manager who absolutely hates my guts who ends up firing me (what happened with my most recent job).

It's like I can't maintain any stability in my personal life because I can't find stability in whatever job I work because as soon as I become comfortable at a place, I either get fired or I have to end up leaving because it's a place that exploits people to slave labour like levels.

I am, man. Thank you! It means a lot right now because for some reason everyone thinks I'm lying or being ridiculous when I tell them this stuff for some reason.

Luck doesn't exist, only karma

Yes, but karma following from previous lives is what luck is in this life, if you follow the logic of karma..

Thank you! Great advice. I listened and downloaded it because there's a lot of good info in there that I have to evaluate for myself.

Are you Portuguese by any chance?

Glad to be of help, user. I'm not Portuguese.

ahh interesting accent that's why I asked. Thanks again!

You might have a gypsy curse on you. Go to /x/ and they will help you.


just give up. im cursed too and I did everything to try and make life good but god just follows me around with a lightning bolt waiting for my next bout of happiness to throw that fucker with the almighty fist of fucking thor straight up my ass hole and ruin everything

I live in a rural area and everyone here gets disability and they give you a really cheap apartment for like 200 bucks a month plus food stamps and its in a really small building and right next to a field and a mile away from town so there's literally no noise and they come with heat, air conditioning everything the fucking works.

I want one of those apartments and to just sleep forever

i'm sorry man. i know the feeling. that 'cursed' feeling you mentioned is something that only people who actually experience it can describe and vouch for.

how old are you?

too old to be stuck in place like this but god doesn't forgive or let people be happy. its fucked because im actually a kind and genuine person. I hate god now. ive devoted my life towards destroying the Christian religion and making the world burn out of spite

I'm guessing you're quite generous as well? Have you found that the more generous you tend to be, the worse off life becomes in some ways?

I feel like the more im an ass hole the more shit I get that I want but I just dont have it in me to be an ass hole idk how to do it

my life is beyond repair now anyways god really fucking got me good

I know what you mean man. It's a catch 22 situation. If I think to myself to be a selfish prick, as soon as I see someone in need, it all falls apart because I can't help to see someone lacking.

The way I see it is, if God were to ever put you in a place of abundance, experiences like what you're going through right now will help you to remember what it felt like to be lacking so that you pay it forward when you actually make it..