I made quite the fucky wucky. I'm taking a college course right now where your entire grade is based on 5 exams you take outside of class online on specific dates. Me being a dumbass, I messed up my sleep schedule causing me to miss a couple classes which lead to me forgetting about an exam date until it passed .The professor for this course doesn't allow any make-up exams unless you were ill on the date in question and have some sort of proof. I'm trying to transfer schools so I need my grades as high as possible so in a moment of panic, I created a fake doctor's note claiming I had the flu using an actual local doctor's office's address, name, and phone number. I emailed pic related it to my professor (obviously not censored) and figured he'd just glance over it and let me make up the exam. Instead, however, he simply replied with "Please deliver this note to me after next class. Thank you. - Dr. user's Professor". I'm kind of freaking out now. I'm scared he's gonna call the doctor's office and try to verify the note's legitimacy. Do you think this is the case? Is there something suspicious in the note in how the signature's handwriting doesn't look too similar to the description or something? Do you think my professor just wants to look it over in person? I'm thinking maybe I should go in a large sweatshirt with fake circles under my eyes to try and sell that I was sick so he'd be less suspicious. Should I just not give him the note at all and risk failing the class and super duper disappointing my parents or is the risk worth it? Lemme know what to do lads, I'm tweaking.
Committing Fraud to Pass a Class
You fucked up.
Face the consequences and learn from your poor judgement.
Cheating the system will only give you the propensity to do it again.
Its normal for then to only take notes in person. My workplace is the same.
Now go get the flu or some illness and say you've had it for a while. Maybe travel to Africa or Mexico. Make sure you jump in cold water while its snowing out. Eat your dogs shit. Do anything to get s real doctors note.
He may just as well do it. One of my profs was a bitch and she always made a point to double-check all doctors notes and verify whatever documents we had to show her. You're a dumbass user.
WEeeeeeeeeeeew lad.
Where I am you just have to walk in to get a dr note. Not the case with you?
isn't this forgery?
You can't undo this shit, so just go forward with it.
The note is a really poor forgery job. But chances are he'll just take it.
Just give it to him and change the subject, don't stand there like a dumb ass waiting for his approval and close examination of this shitty done piece of paper, give it like is nothing and change the subject, ask some question about the subject he teaches or just chat about something else to distract him.
You ever think that maybe, just maybe in all his years of teaching he has received REAL excuse notes from the doctors office you picked and yours looks nothing like the real ones?
It looks like a piss poor forgery too
Good god user
that signature is obviously not a doctors.
dude thats obviously not a doctors signature. they sign like 100 documents a day, a lot of them just kind of scribble but it is very fluid
Can't you just drop the class and retake it next semester?
also i bet the numbers match the way you normally do numbers
OP is freaking out right now, lol
This. If I get a note from my Drs office it's this pretyped out thing, that is super generic and he gives it to almost everyone who asks with something that looks like a squiggly line as a "signature". OP is kill.
Emailing it to him was suspicious as fuck. He absolutely knows that's not real.
>But chances are he'll just take it.
Really though? They might have to rewrite the exam just for one person. To me the smart thing to do is to verify the note to prevent doing extra work for an illegitimate reason.
It's extra suspicious because it's after the fact. I know if I had the flu during an exam I'd probably take the test anyway. And if it were so serious that I NEEDED to stay home, I'd probably give notice to the professor before the test even started.
To me I think he wants the note in person so he can question OP on some details after class.
He wants it in hard copy to verify it's fake. It looks nothing like a note but it's professional to have all the evidence before delivering a verdict.
I just went in no note, appealed to my professor, basically begged to make a C off the exam.
If it's a local doctor's office, which it will be, he'll have seen doctor's notes from that office before.
Also now you've not only fucked yourself over for this exam, but you've also cast doubt on everything else you've done so far because you've shown him what lengths you are willing to go to to be dishonest.
He's already called the doctor's office.
How many doctor's actually sign their notes with "Dr ___"?
OP what the fuck were you thinking
That "professional" penmanship and then those kindergarten style numbers, holy shit OP!
I keep a scan of one with a generic excuse on file for when I fuck up and need extra time. I doctered the image in the past by changing the date down to the individual pixels so that the font and colour match, and it was accepted no problem.
That's how universities normally do it. You email the lecturer a copy and they print and archive it.
no he wants the hard copy so he has HARD PROOF that it ever existed. it's just easier to have physical than digital copy. but 99% chance he has already attempted to contact the doctors office and already knows the note is fake. i would just prepare to tell the truth and hope you don't get a 0 in the class
you're fucked boy
OP should've taken notes from you