Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl? My face is huge...

Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl? My face is huge, weird looking with a large jaw that sort of melts into my neck.

Or should I focus my efforts elsewhere and treat my body good? I'm normal weight atm.

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>Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl?
It would probably make it even worse desu. "Very skinny" isn't good simply because being fat is bad. There's an ideal middle ground. Preferences for this vary wildly, but in general if your breasts stick out past your stomach, and/or you have a good waist to hip ratio, you're probably close to most men's ideal.
This is as dumb as guys thinking they'd get tons of girls if they were 7'8.

You're a girl, you'll get a guy regardless of how much of a fuck up you are.

You're probably right. I'm just so horribly self-conscious about my face, and I kind of liked it when I was underweight because it was less flabby. But I'm probably becoming unhealthily obsessed.


Sure, if you mean a pump-and-dump. Go be a retard in the chad thread.

post a pic? not of your whole face if you don’t want i just wanna see if you’re correct about the face that melts into your neck thing

you’re probably not bad looking

Fuck you're talm about? If a girl isn't retarded, she can get a bf easily. Guys have to actually put in effort to get a girl, so I doubt most would pump-and-dump, you dumb cunt. Go kill yourself. I hope you get cancer.

Just ditch putting so much value in your appearance. Like said, you'll be able to get a sexual partner no matter what so why bother. Save money on makeup and clothes, don't get into some bullshit diet cycle. Think of all the ugly men who go about living their lives and not giving a fuck. That could be you.
The thing is, trying to look pretty when you just aren't is just a pointless waste of energy. You don't have to love the way you look but you can the face you were born with. You're just a human being and despite what the general consensus will tell you, you don't have to be pretty for anyone. and once you stop giving a fuck about it it's so freeing.
t. fellow ugly binch

Oh, if you liked it when you were underweight, then get fit. Like a skeleton isn't very hot, but a well toned gym girl is to die for.

>doesn't realize the irony of his incel beliefs
Nobody's interested. Sell it somewhere else.
In an ideal world you should date someone who doesn't care about these things.
In the real world, you should probably accentuate the positives more than trying to eliminate the negatives or anything.

Not for a relationship

You're right. Thank you. I'm tired of being in my pathetic diet cycle while I could focus on actually becoming a decent, interesting person. Ugly binches can still have ok lives.

See I know I wouldn't fuck and dump anyone, but then again I'm a manlet.

I'm probably being an overdramatic bitch about it but it's noticeable IRL. Not everyone is born with a fortunate jawline, I guess.

Attached: muggo.jpg (402x281, 40K)

Your jawline looks fine.
Post full face and I can rate it, block out eyes.

see there you go. Your face is fine. Even if it's fuck-ugly, it's fine. I'm guessing you don't even have a major facial deformity.
Lots of ugly people show their faces to the world everyday. There's no shame in having one, and nobody will judge you with the same obsessive standards you have set for yourself.
I'm just saying dude. I spent so many of my adolescent years obsessing over how ugly I was, looking up ways to fix it or other women to compare myself to. So much time. I could and should have just picked up a fucking hobby. Read a book. Knit. Lift.
The culture around beauty, especially with the internet, is such a bullshit waste of time that I'm angry with myself I got so caught up in it. Because ultimately? I learned a few makeup techniques, how to do my hair, dress better, but fuck it, I was still ugly anyway and even more miserable than before because I spent so much time thinking and doing nothing else. Not worth it. I wish I had gotten addicted to WoW instead

Attached: uglyandproud.gif (500x283, 934K)

It's fine calm the fuck down.

Fucking same, it's incredible. I'm 21 and I've wasted my entire youth on this bullshit and it's still so hard to stop. I think I might be projecting my issues onto my face. I mean, I was bullied for being ugly by guys my entire childhood and got surgery on my nose because it was fucked up, but I never stopped obsessing about my face (I did it more).


I got diagnosed with BDD but my therapist quit and now I'm on a waiting list, again. I don't know how to cope with this. I've ruined my life.

Don't feel too bad about it. The projecting issues onto your physical appearance thing is very easy to get tangled up in as a girl in puberty and hard to give up as a young female adult.
I was bullied for being ugly and awkward as a kid. It hurt and probably left an emotional scar or two, but I now can refuse to let some stupid kid's opinions dictate my life as an adult.
It's fucked up because even when the bullying stops (and it can take through high school to stop) if you've gone and internalized that shit then it will never end. I was essentially bullying myself by trying to pick over every insecurity I had, YEARS after the bullying from other people stopped. Nothing came of it but misery.
Because it's all a scam, user. We lost the genetic lottery and without plastic surgery, that's it. We may not ever be attractive but we don't have to make ourselves fucking miserable over it.

It's fucked up, how you do it while knowing very well that it's irrational. Being human sucks sometimes.

I love you, user. May you and I find peace in our lives independent on superficial people's opinions.


>Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl?
Why would you even think this?!

Delusional, eating disordered history. I've heard a lot of people say that you have to compensate with a perfect ultrathin body and believed it I guess

I learned the term "butterface" at 8 years old user, girls take in this stuff all the time


>My face is huge, weird looking with a large jaw that sort of melts into my neck.
That would go away if you loose weight.
>I'm normal weight atm
according to BMI?
Because that ranges about 20 kg for the average height of a woman.
Going below normal weight is not good.

bmi 19.5

It's the idea that ultrathin = perfect that baffles me.

I'm very tall and got the "you could be a model!" schtick often. models are extremely underweight most of the time. and to compensate for my ugly face, towering statute, lack of tits, I figured I'd have to maintain a low weight.

Then don't loose weight, start working out more and maintain your weight.
You need muscles not fat.

If it's really as bad as you make it out to be, I don't see how being ultrathin would make things any better. Treat yourself well, and focus on more worthwhile pursuits.


Yeah, that's my real issue.
I think i'm just avoiding and postponing the real problem, which is my shitty habits and mental problems. That doesn't bar me from getting a goddamn hobby tho

>Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl?
No, but having a nice butt and hourglass figure can.

Skinny? As a guy I like curvy / thick girls. I dislike extra skinny girls.

Last few months i have had a crush on a girl thats way more than just thick. But she has destroyed my mind (not because of her body, she has other things that i find attractive, so its not that i have a fetish and promoting fat cows lol)

So yeah, eat healthy and take care of yourself!

without going into tinfoil hat territory about the diet and beauty industry, I can tell you that girls are encouraged to appear weak, small, and delicate. It's kind of like the appeal of loli anime girls.
Taking up space in general tends to be hard on many girls. Especially in awkward puberty years when their bodies start growing, boys and men start ogling, other girls start judging. It's uncomfortable to say the least, especially if you feel inferior for having a fat stomach and thighs or whatever.
Or it could be a coping mechanism for low self-esteem. Girls make being thin their main occupation to the point where many cases of anorexia are theorized to have overlap with OCD and autism. It gives them a goal (although the goal usually is never reached), a purpose, and most importantly something they can control by themselves and see physical results from.
Even when it doesn't go as far as anorexia there's a lot of food morality going on in everyday life. A girl with a flat stomach is determined to be "good" about her eating habits, so controlled that she has no extra fat. This isn't from males btw, except the ones in any fashion or beauty industry, it's a really sick culture all too common among girls and women.

Models exist for women to look at, men look at porn instead. The fashion industry is not controlled by straight men in case you didn't notice.

I'm pretty out of touch though, so maybe "thicc" has taken over the ideal teenage body image by now. It's uncomfortable in different ways, and in some ways worse ("if she's 13 i'm 13 amirite bros lololololol") but I guess at least they're not starving...

>boys and men start ogling, other girls start judging
Which begs the question, are they doing it for other boys or other girls? Every girl would say that they're 'doing it for themselves', but that invariably sounds like bullshit.

> Girls make being thin their main occupation to the point where many cases of anorexia are theorized to have overlap with OCD and autism. It gives them a goal (although the goal usually is never reached), a purpose, and most importantly something they can control by themselves and see physical results from.
They sould channel that OCD into getting Jow Forums, not thin.

it depends on the girl's situation. I'm not too well-versed in this but some feel sexually targeted and want to starve themselves back into a little girls' body, others feel self-conscious or get bullied by other girls (or boys) for being fat. eating disorders are still mental illnesses though so ultimately it's just a physical manifestation of that, like self-harm or refusing to get out of bed from depression.
Usually in the non-anorexic less extreme cases of girls dieting it is the feeling of inferiority and/or competition to other girls, afaik. those other girls actually judging and bullying isn't required for this to happen though, low self-esteem can let the girl do it on her own and bully herself.

But all that talk of bullying doesn't explain the original question vis-a-vis ultrathin being the imagined ideal.

being thin is hard for most people to achieve, is celebrated as an aesthetic goal, and communicates that a girl is "good" about food (she has control and can eat nothing while others would give in to hunger and cravings)
I'm on board with making Jow Forums the new teen girl obsession though, totally down for an accidental army of jacked high schoolers

>I'm on board with making Jow Forums the new teen girl obsession though
The question I keep asking though, is why this hasn't happened already a long time ago.
Fit would showcase the same personal characteristics, while at the same time being both more aesthetic as well as healthy.

being skinny will make your big head even more prominent desu, i knew a girl like that and she looked like a weird bobblehead

It's just fashion. Open a fashion of lifestyle magazine. You will see skinny models. Look at a fashion show, you will see skinny models. Look at porn and you will see what men are actually attracted to.

Idk that much about Jow Forums, but I'm pretty sure than actual Jow Forumsness that isn't diet industry BS isn't as profitable. Like what do you need to be fit? Oats and squats?
I know actually losing weight by itself literally costs nothing, but there is a lot of profit potential in exploiting the concept. Make a lot more money convincing girls to starve themselves, watch them fail, then sell them products that are 100% guaranteed! to make them skinny this time around.
Or getting them fat in the first place then convincing them to buy shit, like in the classic McDonald's next to a Planet Fitness setup

I watch porn with anorexia-tier girls, it's what I'm attracted to.

Girls don't look good fit, they should be delicate and skinny with moderately sized breasts.

most girls think this way desu, the skinnier the better. girls in my friend group will literally say shit like “omg you look so skinny!!!” as a compliment.

There are a hundred guys for every fetish, sort by popularity and you see what is popular in general.

What men want is a 15 year old girl.

>Girls don't look good fit, they should be delicate and skinny with moderately sized breasts.
Nigga you're retarded.

Yeah, we've established that. The question was not wether they think this, but why they think this.

With big butts and tiddies, yes.

>Which begs the question, are they doing it for other boys or other girls?

Other girls will make you feel like shit for being heavy, even more than guys. I used to be oveweight and it was ALWAYS girls who bullied me and made rude comments. There was a guy who asked me on a date once and all my “friends” told me that he was just being nice because “Guys hate fat girls like you! Sorry but that’s just how it is. You’ll never find a boyfriend or get a boy to love you unless you stop eating”

But I was only like.. 20-30lbs overweight? I definitely wasn’t obese. When I would call myself fat in front of guys they’d act like I was delusional and say I wasn’t fat and didn’t need to lose weight at all and that I looked good. But I believed the girls around me who were telling me I was unloveable and ugly the way I was over them.

Thinner = smaller, more feminine, beautiful and fashionable (in their perspective), indicative of self-control

Attached: popular.jpg (1361x647, 271K)

Also, a lot of girls just want really small waists and don't mind sacrificing breasts and ass to achieve it, which is also another way that it doesn't involve attracting men

media brainwashing. even on places like tumblr, super skinny girls get the most notes and the most gassing up from other girls. a skinny girl will wear an outfit that is like.. a white t-shirt and jeans. and people will be like “OMG WHAT A LOOK!! SLAY!!” and get thousands of notes but a chubby girl posts photos with almost the exact same outfit and gets a lacklustre response. the whole “heroin chic” ideal from the 90s still endures in a lot of ways, even if it’s now slowly being edged out by the “slim thicc” ideal. which is actually even more harmful and unrealistic imo. before the goal was to be as skinny as possible, which is hard but doable. now girls want to be skinny, but also somehow be thick in all the right places. big boobs and big butt but a flat stomach and skinny arms, etc. it’s just not realistic for most and is why so many girls are getting brazillian butt lifts and other types of plastic surgery now.

Well, that's a very clear answer to my question.

the only exception to this is fat black girls. tumblr and twitter etc will gas them up because they’re afraid of being accused of being racist.

>now girls want to be skinny, but also somehow be thick in all the right places
This is literally what fit is.

I think a big reason girls put other girls down like that is.. like.. imagine a girl who starves herself every day and works out to maintain her ~slim figure~ because she believes guys won’t like her otherwise. She has a friend who is 30lbs overweight, eats what she wants, doesn’t really work out or put much effort into keeping her weight down. They meet a guy and he is more attracted to the non-skinny friend. This is basically the worst thing that can happen in her mind because it means all her effort is for nothing. She wants to believe that all her suffering and dieting means something and NOTHING makes a skinny girl angrier than seeing a fat girl that is popular with guys or who found a guy that loves them the way they are because it goes against everything they believe.

>because it goes against everything they believe.
They should have more grounded beliefs in the first place.

No it’s not. A girl who works out and gets “fit” isn’t necessarily going to get big boobs and a big ass from it. Fat distribution is largely genetic. 2 girls can weigh the exact same and one will carry the fat in her stomach, the other will carry it in her butt. The fat stomach one can work out and lose weight but the fat will come off where her body decides it will, there’s no such thing as spot reducing.

I know a girl who started going to the gym every day and dieting so she could get a flat stomach. She did this for like a year. Instead her thighs and butt shrank and her stomach stayed the same. Another girl I know easily lost weight from her belly but her upper arms stay fat until all her other fat reserves are used up, including her boobs. She went from a D cup to a B cup but still has fat arms. People who think you can work out and lose fat from your arms and belly but somebow magically keep the fat on your huge boobs and huge ass are delusional. Maybe some girls are lucky enough that those are the last places the fat disappears from, but most aren’t. Fit means you’re healthy and have a low body fat %, it does not mean you are skinny but have a big ass and big boobs.

You're right about the boobs, but having a nice shapely ass is about building muscle, not fat. Your friend excercised and dieted did it wrong. When you excercise you need to feed your muscle building with energy and proteins. So you need to eat well, but make sure you train hard enough to spend the energy you're taking in. Being fit also increases your resting metabolism, which helps keeping you lean and have a flat stomach. I said nothing about spot reduction.

If that's your only problem you have to worry about you are pretty lucky. Boohoo