Where my /sad/gals at

There is approximately the same number of men and women

Why does the ratio of /sad/boys to /sad/girls seems so high, where are all the gals hiding?

inb4 1% of men fuck 100% of women
inb4 sadgirls can just get a bf whenever they want BC SURELY THEN ALL THE EMTIONAL 5/10S AND BELOW WOULD JUST FUCK AND WE'D LIVE IN A PERFECT WORLD

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Because women have more support from their friends, and because women want relationships less.

women don't know struggle, there will always be a thirsty man

>bc surely then all the emtional 5/10s and below would just fuck

What are you on about? Why do women always want a counterpart? Sadgals don't make sense. A 5/10 and below could easily find a man, should their standards shoot as evenly fucked up as they are.

Sadboys are autistic anyway. Idk why that'd be your choice of emulation.

Incels and naive anons who think that women have it sooo easy when it comes to finding a relationship are deluded. Or maybe that's really the case in the States. I'm emotional, introverted and unattractive and can't find anyone. My friend who is 8/10 can only find guys willing to fuck her and leave.

Because you spend most of your time in male-dominated circles, so there's more sadboys just because there's more boys.

Thoughts on then? How would you say women typically feel about being single?

Women have less expected of them
Women are emotionally coddled socially and legally, they don't even realize how nicely they are treated 24/7 from year 1
There is always a thirsty man for any woman. Always.
Men marry below their income, women don't

Well, because many guys and people in genral (especially older women who live in the past) think that nowadays woman just has to exsist in order to find a long-term partner, lonely women, women who fail to find someone long-term are often ridiculed and belittled. At least in my country (eastern Europe) where feminism and being single as a lifestyle is not very popular. So spinsters feel like failed human beings, unwanted and deeply flawed.

guess that's my problem then, don't got those

finding happiness in a thirsty man seems overrated. like if a girl feels worthless, sad and lost she's supposed to feel better because she gave some guy an erection?
even if the sex is good for the girl, you can't just fuck for 24 hours of the day. dicks don't cure depression

also the concept of being treated like a princess because some guy wants to smash doesn't actually do anything for my personal sense of self-worth so idk what to do

I mean, yeah. I don't know what it's like for women, but a lot of guys have never experienced being wanted even superficially, by someone, especially guys in their teens and early 20s. I know it wasn't until my second year of college that anyone other than my family had even suggested it was a possibility.

My point wasn't that all women have it easier than all guys, just that this is why there are fewer girls that feel the way op is talking about.

I can definetly tell that this is NOT true. I am a 7/10 but got such social anxiety I just run away in fear if someone approaches me. I am 25 and never got a boyfriend and it stopped bothering me at 23

any girls want to message on discord I'm a funny guy I promise

I want a caring guy :( Not a funny one

I'll respect u for who you are babe I swear it on my life

Good for you, but I know it bothers me and my friends who also are lonely and in their late 20s or early 30s. For most women failure at attracting a long-term partner is painful

Maybe there's hope for me yet.

back off loser shes mine

oh, ok

>My friend who is 8/10 can only find guys willing to fuck her and leave.
If she is truly 8/10 then she simply goes after the wrong dudes. There are tons of men out there who would happily commit to an attractive women. But your friend probably only dates/hooks up with these player-esque type of guys.

To answer that question you must first ask the following question:
>What creates sadness?
for the purpose of this thread we will only divide sadness into two categories:


Tragedy is when someone die, your house burn down, someone steal your pet and so on.

This category should statistically affect both men and woman since there are roughly the same amount of people from both genders.

The social category include your love life, your friends, your "reputation" with others, your job and so on.

Now, who do you think is most likely to initiate a break up?
Who do you think receive more comfort from their friends after a break up? (Even if the other person broke up with you because you cheated or otherwise was a terrible person?)

>Spoiler alert: It's the girls

Also, if one of the girls in your group of friends have broken up with someone, have you ever heard anyone not automatically feel sorry for the girl, no matter how much the break up was her fault?

In a previous job I met a girl who got broken up with by her partner because he lost the feelings for her. (He was never mean to her, he just did not want to be with her any more)

People at the work actually conspired to beat up the guy, and she immediately went on Tinder.

She had no intentions of going out with any of the boys, she only wanted the "attention" as she called it.

This is not something uncommon for girls, but how many guys get this kind of back-up and attention?

Now, when it comes to reputation/drama/intrigues woman are more exposed and in the danger zone. But this does not only create sadness, it also create anger and a will to move on. (unlike sadness alone)

Now, I am not writing this to be edgy, this is simply the current state of social life as I experience it.

I have been in several relationships myself, the longest one have been 8 years, and while I am not bitter or angry I am most certainly a lot more sadder now then I was as a kid before I learned this.

it depends on the woman itself. I am looking for depth, this type of depth you cant find in chads, you cant find in good ordinary people. I am looking for creative, intelligent, caring and passionate minds.

>no bf
I don't believe you, if you really are that attractive guys would be lining up

its not the lining up, but its rather the stares in public and I get frightened by this really fast. I am paranoid some of the guys may harm me or something

I don't WANT to be wanted superficially, though. In fact, it's made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe multiple times. And seeing as men would fuck rotten coconuts anyway it's not exactly a great achievement. (before anyone says this isn't common there was a "pumpkin guy" AND a "vacuum cleaner guy" in my high school alone)

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>people wont stop looking at me!
news flash: you're attractive

Hey wanna be my gf

Don't you think you think you'd feel worse if you had the lack of emotional connections, and on top never had someone think you're attractive?

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what does other people finding me attractive actually do for me? Flowers are pretty. Art is pretty. This is just the way I was born. I don't spend a lot of time in front of the mirror or taking selfies so the way I look doesn't really affect me directly. My thoughts, actions and emotions are what I experience all the time.

It means that someone thinks you have value. You passed the first test of looks. Your looks do say a lot about your genetics, which means that you have the genetics to produce beautiful children.

what's the point though? looks aren't something I can control too much. I don't see myself as more valuable for being physically attractive, at least not the kind of value I'd prefer to have. I'll be old and ugly soon enough anyway.

Then you better lock down a rich handsome guy right the fuck now before your value drops to nothing.

By the time you realize this is what you should be doing it'll be too late, so do it now. Go hit on rich guys.

sigh, yes your looks will fade away, but if you work out and take care of yourself they wont fade away that badly. Believe me, us guys like a pretty woman who can age with grace.

For most people, being at least somewhat attractive is a prerequisite for getting a partner.

This. For a woman, age 18-25 are your prime man-snagging years. If you are in this age range and you also happen to be a fairly naturally attractive girl, you can seduce nearly ever dude out there. Just be wary of getting pumped-and-dumped.

and once again the only response comes down to "you can get a guy that finds you physically attractive and therefore find happiness"
this is the only case where it would actually be beneficial I guess, attracting someone who then loves me even when I'm gross and old. but really I'm not tying happiness to finding romance in the first place

yes dipshit you're a woman the two most important things you can offer to a man is your looks and ability to be a housewife. it's actually very simple. And don't put out with every man

I'm not placing my self value in what I can offer to a man frankly but thanks for trying to make me feel better.

Whatever, good luck in life, I'm trying to find a good woman in my life but at my current age and predicament it just isn't happening

Humble people tend to be good looking i noticed.

>and once again the only response comes down to "you can get a guy that finds you physically attractive and therefore find happiness"
That's the reality of being a woman. Accept it or end up a spinster.

You stop being valuable at 25, men start being valuable at 25. That's life.

ehh, thats half true

Not OP, but basically this is just another reason for me to end my life. I had to take care of my grandmother at the time and had mental health issues still unsolved and now that it is too late why bother?

I wonder the same thing and I'm a man.

I'm 25 and don't have the value others at this age have so it's hard to date. You'll just have to lower your standards or try extremely hard.

I talk that out of experience. I noticed the people i meet and were pleasing to the eye in a natural way , tended to be very humble, which made me wonder what is the connection of these two.

probably the halo effect man

I'm not saying I'm super hot or even that attractive, I'm just going by the fact that no matter what I'll be attractive to at least some men just by being female and young.

Find some 30-40 year old CEO and marry up, that's your job.

Until very recently I was a /sad girl/ and a femcel.

Recently as of two nights ago so I still am.,

What's that?

Don't have much going for me either. Social anxiety is shit so better off dead. Well you only get better while women just get worse so you still have a chance.

A simplified example of the halo effect is when an individual noticing that the person in the photograph is attractive, well groomed, and properly attired, assumes, using a mental heuristic, that the person in the photograph is a good person based upon the rules of that individual's social concept

That happens. You can't control, just ignore it if it bothers you.

Oh. No, not that way. I was talking about people i meet and had talks with .They were humble people and in same time looked good. What i try to say is i noticed this pattern in some people.

I'd rather die alone in a house full of cats after a lifetime of shitposting than marry and make kids with a man because he liked my ass in that dress. Maybe that's what happiness is all about

Enjoy your cats.

idiot, it's not just the ass, it's also because you might have a cute face and well toned body, goddamnit woman you're fucking brainwashed being beautiful is not a bad thing

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the good news is I don't have any of those things in the first place so the likelihood of meeting that theoretical hubby is lower.

ok thats it, post your fucking face right now. I need to see the idiot I've been talking to and I can give you a solid judgement

There is hope user, There are still men with a brain out there. But are quite gems to find.Not the type who will love you for ass or other, the realist ones. Good luck to find one, they are ussually staying out of crowds.But be carefull.Talk alot to someone first and get to know them better before doing some step.

nah, but the den of thirst that /soc/ gave me 4-5/10 when I got curious. I also thankfully don't get stared at or approached a lot like pretty girls do.

oh I thought you were the 7/10 user on here

>age 18-25
I'd say that's too old already.

/tv/ get out

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Nah he's right. I would unironically prefer a 14-18 year old (physically) over any adult woman. That isn't /tv/ territory, that's normal guy territory.

Everyone is just pretending

And what do you lovely ladies look for in a man since men are shallow pieces of shit for looking at your ass? :)

well between you and me, I'm not sure about 14, but I think that 16 is fair game


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Only a fairly well developed 14 year old I'll admit.

But the reality is that the only reason guys don't go for them constantly like they used to (grandpa was like 30 and married a 15 year old) is the laws feminists and puritans pushed through.

This is good news for the girls in this thread though, because way less competition.

Yup fuck Puritians and Feminists, both of them are cancer

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I'm not faulting men for being heterosexual men, I'm just not going to marry him for it.

Have you considered the fact you may be gay?

I'm And that's true, but even celebrities (Drake, R.Kelly, 6ix9ine) these days are dating younger girls without giving a fuck. Mostly they go for girls around 13-16.

ok there's plenty of smart men out there in IT and Academia, whats your excuse?

don't bother user, she's just being a typical woman, say one thing but secretly wants the other

Hoping the laws catch up with it soon, but I doubt it will happen.

For proles you have to settle for 16+, just the way it is. And that's really fine. You can have a nice relationship from 16 if you keep the girl relatively sheltered, but we have strayed WAY off topic.

literally here. am /sad/gal and here on Jow Forums is where i'm hiding every day for the past year.
fuck this gay earth

No excuses, i got one already. I was just saying.Personally to me a smart and creative man is 10/10.

What about looks?

define smart and creative

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most girls I knew at 15 didn't stay with their boyfriends after graduating three years later, why do you think you deserve their entire late teen and adult life?

As long as he is normal and not deformed , he is alright.
Someone who puts up to create new things and uses his brain for it and doesnt give up easy.

I'm bisexual but honestly volcel seems like the way to go sometimes.
but then I get off the internet and the men I meet don't seem too bad. I can only hope they don't bullshit me if they want to fug and nothing more though.
Sex isn't that important to me. I want friends, a career, cats at least. Priorities, you know?

>tfw I'm a pretty strategic pilot
>tfw going into one of the hardest careers to get into and thus cannot give up
>tfw very ambitious
>tfw no gf
fuck I wish more women could think like you, instead I live South FL, where there are no good young women

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Did you really fall for her shitty bait? She just said that shit in order to gain social approval on here.

leave the career to the men, trust me men don't like having a competitor, thats why I don't go after female pilots unless they are doing it as a hobby, otherwise I just see them as competition instead of potential lovers

I wont lie it struck a chord with me, bait or not I wish more women could actually have that mentality

Keep looking . There must be some woman out there wondering where you are.I looked around and didn't do any move when i seen there was nothing,until i found my man, then i found a perfect connection mentaly. Was worth. Good luck user and keep searching and don't do stupid moves if there is no connection.

I'm not financially independent from my parents yet, why would I decide to shift my wellbeing onto some guy instead? And what would I even do, be a stay-at-home gf?

>There must be some woman out there wondering where you are
I highly doubt it

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Normal to doubt but don't give up yet. Keep looking, i dealt with doubt too at some point.

As if anyone born after 1990 has any financial independence

Thanks but I never had a woman say "I love you"

Literally all men would wish that, kek. But reality is something entirely different, otherwise the nerds at school who do all the homework would get girls.

Of course I know, I've been going on here for 3 years and I've taken the redpill

kek that's true, housewives/househusbands isn't really a thing anymore because if you don't both work you probably can't afford your own house

they are if you don't live in a major city and can keep costs down

Some might be shy or waiting for you to do the first move since is more man-like or want to be sure you feel the same without them jumping to conclusions too fast. But some might not be interested as well. If you got in the interest of some woman , she will tend to want to be more around you than normaly.

>have completely resigned myself to living in my parent's basement until they die and I inherit the house (I'm sure the state will work to prevent that too)
Hopefully I can find a girl who wants an engineer in a basement suite.

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