Why do I feel a tingling buzz feeling behind the top part of my head. It is where the frontal part of my brain is...

Why do I feel a tingling buzz feeling behind the top part of my head. It is where the frontal part of my brain is. I feel like rubbing it or taking a shower but it's not going away.

I drank a Starbucks frappicino and took my ADHD medication. This never happens unless I drink coffee.

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Also I'm very short of breath and it's hard to focus. When either coffee or Adderall by itself helps my focusing. I don't know why this is happening. I feel my heart beating in my throat and my heart beating super super fast in my chest

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Bump please respond

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Drink lots of water and get some mild exercise (take a walk, do calisthenocs, etc.), dont fraps have coffee in them?

If symptoms worsen or your chest starts hurting, seek medical attention.

First off just relax to bring down anxiety; take a deep breath, put tip of your tongue behind top front teeth, and exhale slowly. Second, you probably just consumed more caffeine than your body is used to:


Maybe the frap you drank has a really high caffeine content, so you probably just gotta rehydrate because caffeine is a diuretic and removes water from your body to produce more urine.

>0 replies from OP since their last post

RIP in pece ;_;7

OP you OK now?

Just breathe and get off that devil medication.

I am trying to breathe but I'm super Shakey and jittery. I am drinking water but my heart is still going extremely fast and my front of my mind feels very fuzzy buzzy I can't even focus on anything. I feel like my chest is a paper bag that is deflated and I can't sukc in enough air. This happened on fe before when I drank a nos and took my medicine I blacked out for 20 seconds. I am worried that it is the coffee . It usually helps I don't know why it's not helping I hope I can breathe normal what if this is how I breath now.

user, you have to be more careful next time, who knows what Big Pharma puts in those pills

Those meds ruined my life, stop

You're just gonna have to give it time for your body to process at this point. Do you know anyone nearby who can just be around to make sure you're ok until this wears off?

It's finally over I'm fine. Thanks everyone

Ganbare user, try to get off the meds.

It rarely ever happens I guess it's mixing coffee or energy drinks with my medicine. Most times either alone work fine. I may just ask my doctor to give me a long acting type. Thank you though user san

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Do the meds not make you a robot like they did for me?

They used to, but I prefer it to being a social retard but I also don't experience it anymore I am guessing due to getting used to it.

What other things did it cause for you user. It is a godsend for reading or remembering things to do or being overall calmer but this instance scared me as I felt like I was going to die.

It made me super anxious and unable to talk to anyone.
Also paranoid and made me really like lolis, surprisingly went away off of them.

But I became a fuckup off of them, graduated and became an unemployed NEET who gets nothing done. I need to get back on them, but I really don't want to become a paranoid pedophile robot again.

But I know I'll have to ;_; a shame lolis are illegal here.

It makes me very anxious but it kills my sec drive. The only times I get off is when I take breaks usually every few weeks/4 weeks. You're right it does make me unproductive even when I am on coffee or soda but no medication.

I don't know why it makes you say pedo though. Too much dopamine in the brain can cause paranoia.

It murdered my sex drive. I became 26 never having even thought about having a gf.

The problem was I took no breaks from 12 years old so I was on such autopilot I never even thought to take breaks, let alone look for a gf.

Caffeine affects some people badly, can trigger anxiety symptoms. Switch to green tea for a lower, gentler dose of caffeine. Or try an L-Theanine supplement - it makes me kind of spacey so I don't like it much personally, but it's harmless, and some people say it really helps with their anxiety symptoms and specifically takes the edge off caffeine jitters

Yeah it always works great or helps me sleep but I guess mixing it with Adderall is a no go. I notice that caffine causes me body aches and pains too.
I know that feeling I don't even feel like a person more less feel like flirting with anyone. I am afarid to voice my concern to my psychiatrist because he may say I'm crazy and take away my medication that is fixing my life.

I'm scared because that happened to me.

It is the only thing that lets me be successful, off of it I'm a 26 year old NEET, but I at least feel HUMAN

I honestly don't know what to do, what's the point of being successful if I can't have fun or have sex or have any emotions. What good is success I can't feel.

Yeah I usually take breaks but I'm working full time 50 hours a week and currently in college full time so I'm sure stress is a part of it too

well Adderall is a stimulant, and caffeine is a stimulant, so maybe your body is telling you that it's too much to combine them. Switch to decaf

I'm sorry I don't know what decaf is I rarely drink coffee anyway.

Yeah I guess I just need to cut down I don't know if I should tell my psychiatrist the only reason I drink this is because my medication isn't lasting as long anymore or is not longer assisting my symptoms.