my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and intend to get married later on, the relationship is very serious and while we've had our ups and downs I have never been more unhappy with him right now. Recently a guy in our friend circle wanted to raid a titty streamer for shits and giggles, and my boyfriend and a couple other guys thought this was a good idea, so they found someone on an 18+ streaming service, and while my boyfriend wasn't the one who paid for it, the streamer ended up winning them over and they paid her to T pose, dab, and do fortnite dances as a joke all while she was bare naked. Then they invited her into our circle of friends and now she's on our discord server. I explained to my bf how totally uncool this was but he got super defensive and said it was all just a joke and there was nothing sexual about it and that hes offended I'd have such little faith in him. After arguing back and forth I agreed I'd let my guard down for now and that I overreacted, but honestly I just hated arguing with him and was scared of conflict as he was growing increasingly angry. To make it worse, he is a long distance bf and he's visiting me in person in a week, and he picked now to pull this bullshit. He just doesn't seem to understand why this would bother me so much. He even told me about it, expecting I'd find it funny, and was surprised when I told him how upset it made me. I know he didn't do this on purpose to hurt my feelings, but I can't have him pull this shit again. I need help confronting him in person about this and putting my foot down, I'm a very passive and submissive person so it won't be easy. I don't want to leave him as he hasn't pulled shit this bad before and he obviously wasn't trying to hide anything from me, but he's always had a hard time understanding how others feel and how his actions can hurt people, he just doesn't seem to get it.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and intend to get married later on...
>bf literally saw another girl naked and then started hanging out with her
yeah, when you put it that way it sounds bad. I've already been crying for hours about it
Honestly, in your shoes i'd contemplate dumping him.
But that's ultimately up to you, I'd consider this a form of cheating
I do too
but we've been through so much together, I will try to make him get it, but if he doesn't I guess its over. I just wish he pulled this shit before buying his plane ticket. If he doesn't end up caring im done.
I'm so scared
and so sad
It sucks when you have to do this, but it gets better eventually
>t. recently lost a house due to cheating
But I love him. He's done so much for me. I wanted to have his children. I wanted to be with him forever.
You are overreacting... dumping him over what is essentially watching porn? He didn't hook up with anyone. If he finds out she's a cool person and wants to hang out with her, then why not? You don't let your BF have friends who are girls? What does the circumstances of their meeting matter? Sounds like you are slut-shaming
Holy shit this is one hell of a dumb situation. If your boyfriend is that immature to find no fault in what he did, then you should probably expect to see more stupid crap in the future. If you can't handle that, maybe you two are just incompatible.