Is this true?

Is this true?

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>stop taking advice from SJWs and fourth wave feminists

Yeah it checks out.

The source of information does not automatically make that information valid or invalid.

I don't know if you're actually stupid or have just decided to act stupid.

If you're not smart enough to be able to evaluate what you're being told though, then it's probably a good idea to consider whether or not the source is hostile to you before deciding to act on what that source is telling you.

Pretty much. All the SJW people I know through friends or whatnot either fuck Chad's who just don't give a shit or attractive, but socially awkward, people who can do shit for them like get them easy high paying jobs or pay for their shit all the time and use things like sex as their leverage.

Yes. 100%. Masculinity is the key to female attraction. Since I embraced my masculinity and went borderline fash, I've never had so much female attention.

yeah obviously

It goes both ways too-- women shouldn't be taking advice from woman-hating men, because they just want women to degrade themselves, which is what they hate women for doing.

Hell yes it's true, but you need to expand that to "stop taking advice from women" in general. Women either genuinely do not know what they want in a man, or are deliberately dishonest about it to appear more mature. They give the worst dating advice, and they WILL steer you wrong to make themselves or all women appear like they want more mature things than they really do. You're the one who will suffer for it.

Listen to men who are successful with women for dating advice. They will give you the reality of what it takes to get laid or get a gf, and they have the experience to back it up.

Where does one find such men.

Probably not Jow Forums for one
I've been with my girl for eight years and here's what I have for you: when she chases you but does not stalk you, she's the winner
if she chases you but she's also chasing you at 4:27 in the morning, she's already won-- it's too late, you need to escape. I have papers for a man named "Felix Gringo" and you can start your new life in Cuba.

>women shouldn't be taking advice from woman-hating men
I think that the difference is that there are a lot of feminists going around with the guise that they are doing it because they love men and want the best for them

Women hating men aren't trying to pretend they're doing it for the good of female-kind

It's not limited to those who "hate men".

>Probably not Jow Forums for one
There are a lot of more or less normal people that go on this board

I've never seen a feminist use the words man and love in the same sentence

But ones successful at relationships?

You've been in a relationship for 8 years, so yeah

There's married people on here all the time

Jow Forums isn't the weird niche site it was 10 years ago; shit is popular

This is true lots of people here just discredit women and say they don't know what they want. Or any move that they do is malicious like break up with you the advice is well she was just fucking somebody else anyways. Do all women's moves in regards to a relationship or sex have some ulterior motive because fuck men?

Wild, me too.
I just don't think they're all that common given the general dialogue of Jow Forums is woman-hating and general ignorance of what sparing good advice is here

Truth of the world is that feminism ensures lots of young men and lots of middle aged women live unfulfilled lives.

Female hypergamy hands 80% of the pussy to 20% of the men when we are at our most horny and variety seeking. 99.9% of women are nowhere even close to ADMITTING they will act the whore for a Chad, or that they use sex to control men in longer term relationships. Then feminism gives us the phenomenon of a load of 32-36 year old women who are hitting the reproductive wall and are desperate to start a family, leading them into compromise relationships with "nice guys" or childless and barren.

This is the absolute reality of the English speaking western world. Any advice which doesn't acknowledge this is bad advice no matter where it comes from.

Very true. I won't blame all my romantic problems on feminism, but some of them are directly related.
>inb4 stop whining and take responsibility.
It's solely my responsibility to solve my problems, but that doesn't make them solely my fault.

Yeah but men have become so feminized in the modern world, all it takes is a little bit of masculine polarity to propel yourself into that top 20%. Also it's not so much about how you look, as it is how you act.

The source of the information doesn't make it invalid.
Listen to everyone's prospective, don't take anyone too seriously.

This is shit information as well.

Many men who are aware of this don't understand positive masculine energy though. They think it's steroidmonkey gym regimes, driving the right car, wearing the right labels, and either being rich or thug. This never attracts quality women.

Men should have physical and intellectual interests. Learn a language, an instrument, a craft. Become self-educated on history and culture... and don't be afraid to demonstrate it a little publically. Don't be the guy afraid to make a fool of himself or always protecting his phony alpha male ego self image, as that actually demonstrates fragility not strength or confidence.

A man should basically take all of the MGTOW self improvement advice, take on board the lessons about female concious & subconscious motivations and behaviours, but develop charm and humour and resilience. I think most MGTOW men who haven't actually been burned by a woman to make them bitter, just lack personality and interpersonal skills and cannot make or hold successful relationships.

No, it's generalised information for which there are exceptions. This behaviour in women is more evident in the US than UK or Aus, but does exist strongly in all 3.

My friend is a 37 year old chad man ho, and has fucked over 500 women 7/10+ in the UK and Australia. He's still banging 22-27 year old qts all the time. No man who is not a chad can lay claim to anything like this. Women rate 82% of men as below average looking from being shown only a head and shoulders photograph of them. They are and always have been the sexual selectors.