What question would you ask a being that literally knew the answer to everything?
What question would you ask a being that literally knew the answer to everything?
How do I gain your powers?
People usually ask irrelevant stuff about my personal life.
Where do I get your powers
How do I get your powers?
Can I have the Mega millions winning numbers in order they were drawn for this Tuesdays drawing by tonight please.
You realize "it's not possible" would be a valid answer? You sure you want to waste your one question only to end up disappointed?
"Wanna fuck?"
Why would I want your powers?
How are you today?
I would ask him if he’s happy with his powers, soooo deep... knowing everything might get boring and lead to depression, celebrities kill themselves all the time.
Why wont she talk to me?
How do I better myself?
is there an afterlife?
why is there something instead of nothing
who was phone?
how can i get her back :(
I get that would be cool to know
but do you REALLY want to know that? Isn't it more exciting to just find out eventually. I think knowing ruins the surprise
What day does the Oculus CV2 drop
is pee stored in the balls?
Tell me what you think I should know.
How do you end racism?
End race.
why did she say no
cringe and bluepilled
Wait, what happens if he decides not to answer this?
Why would it answer though? I would probably ask how I can become immortal and then get my face melted like in that Indiana Jones movie.
You assume an all-knowing being isn't also capable of lying.
Why is this on Jow Forums?
Op, who have you met?
are traps gay?
Only if the beams cross
t. higher intellect
Y tho?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
I'd want to ask how the universe came into existence. But in reality, I'd ask for the winning lottery numbers. I just can't turn up a life time of not being a wage cuck.
Oh yeah totally worth risking your eternity. Hey there's a chance that you might go to an eternal fire of torture or be reincarnated into a fly. Really fun game
really good
Yeah, but if that's the after life, then that's the after life lol. Nothing you can do to change it. And if it is something awful, what's the point in knowing about that now and freaking out over it for the rest of your life?
Are they going to murder me?
Well depends, if the all-seeing eye says you have to eat nothing but spinach and broccoli for the rest of your life so you can go to heaven instead of hell, then maybe that's worth knowing.
How can I discover the tecnology to travel to other galaxies in a short amount of time (less than 1 year)?
There are many things more important than a cute GF.
If you rated the value of each human being on a scale of 1 to 10, what number would I be?
nvm we are talking again. Thanks OP
>Nothing you can do to change it
How do you know that?
Tits or asses?