>guy in work
>no chad no loser either
>just average guy
>I know he is single because I found his facebook
>whenever I smile he doesnt smile back
>he seems to not like me
>is this shit doomed for ever or is there still some chance?
Guy in work
Other urls found in this thread:
Ask him out or something ya dumb roastie
but girls shouldnt do this
lol this guy obviously rejected her, how is asking out gonna help?
stop that
Some guys don't get hints. Trust me I'm one of them, my friends always have to point out "hey dumbass she's flirting with you are you retarded or something?" So just keep flirting or just say "hey you want to fuck or what?"
So you think you're better than him because you're a woman? Nice equality you got there
OP has the hots for some dipshit that can't read signs, dipshit
its not that I think I am better, I am afraid people will talk about me for being a girl that doesnt get shit
>being a girl that doesnt get shit
How old are you
Who cares what others think? Are you seriously gonna let 'what other think of you' get in the way of you maybe gaining a modicum of happiness? Live a little, take some chances
I might be the guy, send me a text
Never, ever do this OP. Quickest way to a slut shame.
There are other indirect ways to get his attention. I had no help but let me help you
>me plain
>guy at work, no chad no loser either
>I smile and he smiles a little
>frustrated so every payday change
>make up
>clothes that fit me good
>he's smiling before I smile
>but so are all the other guys at work
>with choice, lots of chances
>don't care about no chad no loser either guy now
thank you omg
The guy probably doesn't know how to smile. Just ax him out, you dumb worthless bitch cunt.
Wtf just happend here? Did I just witness peak female insanity? What? WHAT? THIS MADE NO SENSE AND OP IS THANFULL FOR THAT. THATS IT. CALL ME A INCEL MANCHILD IDGAF
I didn't over do anything either. Well, except I had my hair styled and highlighted for the first time ever and I looked totally different. I also went to the cosmetics counter at the mall and they gave me some great tips. Next I found someone that was good at alterations. I know it cost money but I was able to mix in some of the things I already had in my closet with new I bought after she altered them to fit perfectly. None of this happened overnight but that was actually better because a lot of people didn't notice such a drastic change.
Anyway, get ready for a lot of dates
I hope you get raped and killed.
You call me insane when I let OP in on what works and all you guys can offer is for her to ask him out. Now thats crazy.
I'm sure OP was like me and maybe her mom or other friends never helped or she was too uncomfortable and scared people would make fun of her but she can do this. You guys always tell other guys to hit the gym so whats crazy for me to tell OP to wear clothes that fit, apply tasteful make up and get her hair done?
But I don't think you really think that is insane. I think it bothers you I had plenty of choices and chances for love and so will OP with these simple things. Most of you guys just want us to feel unloved and unappreciated so we have low self esteem and no suitors.
What kind of monster are you?
We're just telling her to ax him out. The guy probably doesn't know how to approach girls, smiling at him isn't exactly giving signs.
Kill yourself.
One think I noticed with women is that you love to pretend knowing what others feel and think.
>i dont think you really
>I think you
No. Just stop. It is irrelevant what you think that I think. Stay with the facts. I stated it is insane for me. If I claim something for myself you cant just bend reality and dictate what is in my head. This is female nature. Nothing bad mind me. You are weaker and this is your survival method. Men go more with muscle and conflict. It just gets really annoying at some point. Im mentioning this because I had a few recent cases where I was told such stuff.
>no you actually feel this
>no you really think that
Also Im ill and in bed 24/7. I apologize for my rant. Just very bored.
You really prove why OP shouldn't rely on guys to give her advise. Men have just two ways of handling a girl that doesn't throw herself at you (or anyone that doesn't give you what you want). You force fuck or you kill.
Or op could just ask him out. Quickest way to let someone know shes interested.
No girl should ever ask a guy out, ever. Guys will call her a slut forever. Either the guy doesn't like her or he's a weak or lazy coward so what is the point.
There are guys that aren't weak, lazy cowards so all OP needs to do is put her best in front of them and they will come.
>No girl should ever ask a guy out, ever. Guys will call her a slut forever.
I guess I'm lucky I dont live in whatever backwoods village you come from.
Worst any sane minded guy would do is turn her down. I know plenty of girls who took the initiative and no one has ever called them a slut for it.
>There are guys that aren't weak, lazy cowards
What does that make women then?
Im only the lower one. I dont throw around kys like that other dude. Also never ask woman how to get a woman does not work the other way around. Because men know what they want. Women do not. Several girl friends admitted that they have no clue wtf they actually want.
Leave the basement dweller alone. He has no sense for reality.
Fucking around is slutty. Trying to build a relationship is not. How far up your own ass are you? Did you reach your inner self yet? Is it wise or just as stupid and dillusional as you?
Of course you weak, lazy cowards would disagree with me call me stupid and backwards but I am answering the OP from a female perspective. I'm telling her she doesn't have to fall into your trap and its not a mystery. Most women know or finally figure it out themselves like I did or have another friend help. Thats me not you guys so take your anger and worthless balls some where else.
>Women do not
Oh yes we do we just know to deflect your interrogation with a little white lie.
This is bait.
What trap? Are you schizophrenic too? My condolences.
What interrogation? Is everyone here having halucinations? Where do you get all these conclusions from. Oh I forgot, 5chinks is for the mentally ill. Guess Im not that crazy yet. Or am I?!
>What interrogation?
Thanks for proving my point with your angry, illogical questions
Dude Im legit concerned. Are you ok?
[spoiler]darkness creeps in[/spoiler]
No you're not. Men don't inquire because they want the truth, they interrogate in an effort to prove they are right.
ASK HIM OUT THEN YOU RETARD. There's barely a 19 year old male on the planet that wouldn't be thrilled about being asked out. If you're worried about the social consequences, ask him out somewhere discreet. Guys almost never shame girls for asking them out, that's an exclusively female behavior.
this is the best answer so far
You are on some highly education, arent you? It is pretty unusual to speak english this good
based eastern european bro
let me guess, its czechoslovakia
Well, if its a muslim country, it IS technically considered as slutty
Eastern European bro is right, also anyone who would call you a slut for asking a dude out is fucking retarded and is not worth caring about their opinion.
Babygirl, I love you, but I have asked out girls before and approached them. So that makes you a weak, lazy coward who should kill herself. :)
To be fair I'm a girl and this shit is retarded
Don't immediately ask him out if he doesn't act into you that's also retarded. Id say just do it but yall work together. Go about your business. See if you can talk to him as a co worker or friend. Then if he's receptive ask him out later.
I am not your babygirl
There is a girl at work that i never smile at and she always tries to talk to me. It’s because I am so nervous around her it makes me sick.
You're clearly a dumb whore so yes, go find another man to fuck your retarded ass.
oh jesus why so much hate?
First day on Jow Forums?
Because he is right.
Actually, yes... kind of. I only looked around a little, mainly because some guy mentioned it and just out of curiosity I went on here. I regret it immediately. Never ever seen so much cringe in a place before.
Well that's how it has always been, absolute hatred for women, niggers, faggots and etc.
I agree, OP is clearly your modern woman, aka a stupid whore.
Some edgefags on Jow Forums talk massive amounts of shit. But you just gotta understand if they're being unnecessarily rude to the point where its an attack and usually when they bring up your gender its a bunch of bullshit. They're just using newbs to blow off steam because they have underlying issues. If it hurts your feelings dont show it cause it gets them off. Eventually if you stick around you won't take them seriously anymore.
Btw i don't think you're a whore. Just obviously anxious an inexperienced. Just talk to him and feel out how he reacts an go from there. You'll be ok regardless of what he says.
>Not being told what I want to hear is cringe
Smiling is not showing interest. Complete strangers smile at me and I don't assume it means they want to fuck me. Either be a bit more proactive or stop complaining. That or find yourself a hugbox and complain about how meek and cowardly men are, whatever works for you.
This placed used to be a lot of more edgy years ago, i kinda miss it, the more popular this place got the more shitty it became, the magic of being anonymous is being able to express yourself.
To be fair you're still fully capable of expressing yourself however you want. There are just fewer people patting you on the back because you said "hehe dum nigger whore". My biggest question is why is being as mean as possible your version of expressing yourself?
Have a conversation with the guy. We don't always pick up hints especially something as normal as a smile. I have women smile at me all the time that aren't interested but a woman enthusiastically conversing with a guy and dropping hints about going out. All but this thickest will pick up on that
>presuming its gender
Guys dont get too freindly with girls nowadays because they are afraid they might get accused of harrasment or something.
You asked for it, now you have to 'man up' and ask him out.
Begone then THOT.
This is the opposite of a safe space, we are all cunts.
Annnnnd you threw your bait into the water before putting it on the hook.
Good job!!!!
If you really think showing off your body and attention whoring would get you great guys then props to you, you have all the choice in the world.