I wish I could realize about your feelings sooner.
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Same, except P
I cheated on my oneitis and it just made me think of them more. This guy is just a fucking ho who doesn’t even know how to fuck. He has no fire, no passion. He didn’t mean anything. He just looked kind of like you. A dim, thin version of you.
I miss you. I hope you’re doing well.
I'm so happy I came here. Learning more about Jow Forums, venting and posting about you, reading you and your cronies replies has really helped me to better understand you.
You're so lost and will remain that way. No wonder you keep such losers for company.
It has really helped the feelings of "missing you" to "I'm so glad I got away."
You are just a scared cowardly weak fake opportunistic waterboy narcissistic little boi.
I'm done with this site and you.
I wish you the best, you're the highlight of my life and I wish I could cheer you up as much as you cheer me up on a bad day.
You mean so much to me..
Hang in there, it will be better soon.
I promise.
Don't try to use glamour photos were selling me on transwomen, that is the dumbest shit you could possibly do.
Even regular "photos" are often cherry picked all to hell. I mean fuck, in the right light, angle, and the planets aligning it's actually possible to make even me look good.
Wish u loved me. Wish I could live without u. Xyzzzzz
I don’t love you anymore, it is just the hope it might rekindle which keeps me in our relationship. I go against my apathy to hold, kiss and hug you. I wish you would be more affectionate and appreciative, especially after I told you that.
Wish I hadn't have moved out yesterday, you are still my life and I will never have anyone as good as you
I love DOTS movie candies, they are by far my favorite.
I get them for all the best movies. I got them when I watched Jurassic Park for the first time as a kid, and I had them for so many more and I want them now and I love candy and I am ok with movies at times too but they are more enjoyable if you, me, were getting snugs while watching that movie. Like, head scratches and feet massages and boobie grabbing and kisses and just you know, snugging and stuff. While watching movies.
I didn't sleep last night and I'm tired. Umm, my nose is not ok I don't think I'm ok.
You have a beautiful smile. I wish you weren’t so tormented.
shes got MURDER in her eyes.
She got KILL THEM ALL in her eyes
Like you tell me "You put on a lot of pressure." when it comes to the rent but of course you would blame that on me, because everyone blames everything on me.
You did that to yourself, you know that right? You were the one that lied about being able to afford rent. You knew that Mike wasn't going to be able to give you money but you lied to me and we got the apartment even though we couldn't afford it.
So you want to talk about pressure, what about the pressure on me and stress on me for signing up for an apartment that I can't afford because my dumb gf lied to me.
Then when I went back to my homestate, it was because you were the one that cheated and then left me. You made your bed and blamed me for having to sleep in it.
Why does everyone blame me for the shit that they do? If you couldn't afford it then you should have told me. You lied to me about where you were getting that money and you fuckin blame me for having to whore yourself out.
What the fuck world. Just give me a fucking break mang.
I think I might kill myself
What’s wrong, user?
I loved someone so much I become addicted to it. Almost feeling like I lose control of myself and not respecting myself as much. Now that she left because of my bad decisions, I will try to make myself great again.
What you're feeling is a common symptom after the ending of a relationship with a psychologically abusive person. Don't blame yourself for everything or continue through life feeling guilt about a bad decision you made.
Today fucking sucks so far. I left my wallet at home so I won't be able to eat today, and some guy bumped into and spilled coffee on my jacket. fuck I'm hungry.
not user, but in the same boat. i feel like i don’t know what i did wrong, or even if i did something wrong, but i felt i was constantly being punished with distance and coldness, then they left me. and now i miss them and feel guilty. wtf brain. is it normal to leave the room silently to sulk when I leaned on then/hugged them?
Thanks understanding user. Only feeling slight a bit of guilt by it, but I think it will pass.
I think I'm not good enough.
I lost my job and I feel clueless right now. I've gone through the motions all my life but now I need to get in charge.
I really want to work as a web dev but I'm not sure if I'm capable of learning that on my own even though I show myself as strong and determined in front of everyone.
feed my dirty dirty mind you little whore
I get that I wasn't what you wanted, I just wish you'd figured that out before I fell in love with you. I'm better off because of this, I'm changing because of you. I just hope you find someone you deserve, and that we can be friends again.
user here. My personal train of thoughts goes by to try to understand and balance out on both ends. Think logically, not emotionally. Calm yourself when vulnerable situation occurs oke.
Google: Trauma bonds
Sounds like you anons have been with some abusive girls, as that other user said. I have been through the same. Silent treatment is very toxic stuff and being discarded on top of it is brutal.
You have my mind all kinds of twisted. You make me feel the extremes of emotions, it’s too much. I think I’m going to kill myself, it’s not your fault. I’m just weak and hopeless. Never telling me how you feel about me is playing on my insecurities and paranoia. I’m tired.
Thanks for the new term. I've felt this way, way before this thing ends. I kept on hoping for her. We were LDRing so everything is mental game.
No, I am sorry. I think each of our own insecurity and paranoia has inadvertently shaken each other, leading to a calamity of misguided reactions. I couldn't afford to let my guard down. Don't put all blame on yourself. Get well.
But what if his bad decisions involved violence?
fuck back off to reddit, you toad.
I wish we had met later in life.
we've been together for 3 and a half years.
I'm 22 years old and I just want to know what it's like to be independent. You wanna move out of my parents and get an apartment and I am your ride, your shoulder to cry on, and your best friend. I am sorry you don't have anyone you can depend on and I'm sorry I feel this way. I just need a couple months to be an individual we met when I was still in highschool. I keep wondering if there is more to life than this. I just wanna press pause on everything between us, grow as a person, and jump back in but I am worried to leave you alone. I do not know where you would go if you did not live with me. I am tired of being broke and anxious but the nights when we cuddle and talk just feel too precious. I want to marry you one day but I don't feel ready yet. I just really need a pause button.
You never will? Why not? I love him more than anyone I’ve ever known.
The only way to win is to not give a fuck. But it is impossible for me to not give a fuck unless I'm drunk. I am all of the worst things about both of my parents.
I think it's to early for me too say, as I'm not very suicidal. I don't even self harm. I'm just depressed and lost motivation for almost everything, and I believe that if in a few years nothings really changes I might actually consider suicide. Right now I've pretty much lost of my real friends, and I feel as if I have no one to turn to. They're even rude to me too, It's the like the whole has turned against me. I'll hold on though, I'll see if I can make things good.
I lost almost all my friends too... from ptsd and depression. I hope you’ll feel better soon.
Are you here? Do you still think about me? Can we still be addicted to each other, or is it finally over?
I’m still addicted and will always love you. Sometimes it’s just overwhelming and I can’t communicate.
man you snore so fucking loud. shut the fuck up, I can't sleep.
I feel this feel. Sometimes my dogs and bf wake me up with their snoring and I have to go sleep on the couch. And by sometimes I mean most of the time, I never get a full night's rest with him
To "H"
I don't know how to put this any better than this: I miss our friendship. You were and probably still are a very interesting and fun person to be around. I know the odds of us ever getting things back to the way they were are zero but that doesn't stop me from dreaming about it every now and then. We knew each other for years and yet in a few weeks everything fell apart. I feel like a total idiot for not seeing what was happening at the time. I just hope that you have moved on better than me and have better friends now.
I am a beast! I shall sleep like one!
I don't know if she's giving me hints, or I'm just reading to much into it because wishfull thinking.
She seems kind of shy, but at the same time she's very popular.
You probably arent him but its a nice thought to delude me with, user.
I feel this. More than you know.
Time to get strong. Giving a fuck means you're human. The emotions are their for a reason. Drown them in alcohol and guess what? They're still there whenyou sober up.
And no one is ALL bad. Got negative traits from your parents? Welcome to the club. I'm the president. Get over it. Be kinder to yourself and learn to work with what you got.
All I wanted was for you to act in congruence with your words. Was that so much to ask?
What you did was really really unfair. I was left to blame myself so harshly. But I still don't want you to fee the same. As I understand it is not entirely your fault. And if you explained the whole truth I could understand. But it is on your own conscious whether you will seek me out or not. It is impossible for me to let you go fully but I want to love myself more and I need time for that. I would still even like to hear from you one day soon. You didn't even remember what today was..
Welp. I have officially gone too far. I legit fantasized about raping him. I wanted to tie his hands and feet, have him be my sex hostage. I wanted to muffle your moans as I turned your dick rock hard with sweet kisses, touching you, forcing you to share your warmth with me. Ride you as much as I desired. I have never had such thoughts before. What the hell is wrong with me? And of course it doesnt help I wanted you to rape me as well. My sexual thoughts are not normal and can never be shared anywhere but here.
Are you a girl? Actually, it doesn't matter. You'd be surprised how stereotypically ordinary you are.
I really could use some tits right about now
Have you told him how you feel or are you just another person that isn't brave enough to face rejection because it might really be the end this time?
Of course I remember. It was the date that I saw you for the last time, but don't act like you didn't abused my trust either. Let's just leave it at that, I am depleted. Love is poison to me.
Yeah, he knows. He wanted my number. So I gave it to him and he never called. I dont know if I was rejected, not with words at least, but it feels like it. Its been years so it may as well be a rejection.
how can anyone be shy AND popular???
Yes, I am a girl.
I don't think these thoughts are ordinary at all. Sorry user. They are abusive and sick, not normal and healthy. I want him to be my sex slave and vise versa. Uhh, stereotypical of a sociopath maybe but not ordinary.
Years? Well, I would say it's due time to let go.
One of the hardest lessons in life to learn is knowing when to end. You can't live in the now if you're still caught up in the echoes of the past. It's ok to let him go user, and you will be ok too.
Not him and also a girl. You are basic and so are your fantasies. If it makes you feel more special to rp that you are so crazy and edgy for having them then more power to you though, you sound like a teenager
Why does my mother think I am gay?
Never had a relationship before.
>answers his own question
I don't see a contradiction.
My mother knows me, why does she think I am gay and not just waiting/not bothering with dating?
My best friend in high school dealt with this. It used to make him so mad he would call me crying, which admittedly didn't do much to change her mind, but he ended up marrying a super fine white girl later on (we're both asian), so fuck her. Fuck everybody giving you shit.
What happened to the guy that you fantasized doing these things with? Did he find out that you were a sociopath and leave you behind?
Rp? I was venting. You can tell me your fantasies too if you feel you are edgier and wish to make it a contest. I really dont care. I mean, yeah there are worse things like vore gore ect, but that doesnt make these thoughts ordinary just that they could certainly be more sadistic. Its not ok to think about raping people, sorry user but those are sociopathic desires and not normal.
They're normal. I didn't say they were healthy.
I'm not in an edgy contest I just think it's cute and funny seeing you post this really normal stuff and say that you can't say it anywhere else except here because you are so cRaZy and fucked up. I'm not saying these thoughts are healthy but your fantasy is so basic, one of the most common fantasies out there
They are not normal. Thats saying the majority of people are sociopaths which isn't true. Sociopathy is not normal. These are bad thoughts, and I shouldnt think as someone as a sex object for me to extort and abuse for my pleasure. No one should. Yes, there is a huge difference between thoughts and actions, but those actions only happen because of they think about them first and frequently.
Ok, so I should just tell everyone I think these things, yeah? Oh wait. No. No I fucking shouldnt which is why they are being posted here.
My ex still invites me to visit his gym after a painful breakup. Does he want me back or just wants to fuck up with my head again
It's probably a fear that she's projecting.
Am I just unlucky, or are women actually just gigaslut? Don't say yes to a date then tell me about how you went clubbing and got fucked. What the hell.
If you told everyone your sex fantasies you'd be a big weirdo regardless of what they are. You can tell your bf Linda lmao, I promise he won't think you are CrAzY
I think he wants to fuck your brains out.
Great, so I am using this thread to get something off my chest, as they were meant to be used. Can you fuck off now?
You just found yourself a gigaslut.
Hahahahaha you are so angry. You can get stuff off your chest and other people can respond and call you a dummy, it's Jow Forums sweetie.
Then I can also tell you to fuck off. So. Fuck off. :) this will be your last (you) from me, (You) whore.
I don't understand what I want you to be, and you don't understand what you want me to be.
How do we decide?
So angry, you give me life, thanks sis
why’s “H” between quotes?
Ntaryt but, attention is the only thing that makes whores feel alive when they are so dead inside. "Sweetie" couldn't have made it any more obvious you're a used up thot.
Sure thing whiteknight
Do other guys find this attractive? I have no idea who the fuck thinks it's smart.
I just want a nice 6\10 bf, short and kinda chubby, to cuddle with and fuck under tha covers. So tired of fuckboys.
That is too much to ask for, I guess.
Even a 4/10 doesn't want used goods.
Today he made me realize that I was groomed by baby boomers. I unconsciously fuck the way Boomers like to fuck. I’m Gen X and my sexuality was hijacked by these assholes. My ex-husband was Gen X and he didn’t like it like that. Maybe I groomed him, too.
I’m a fucking monster.
What is the difference between normal sex and how boomers fuck?
Virgin faggot detected
Have you actually asked anyone for that?
No, because I haven’t met anyone I wanted that with until recently. But this guy is aPUA with a five-minute attention span.
They like it a little rough. They fuck really hard and fast.
am I mentally ill? sometimes i meet people and can't stop thinking about them. man, fuck. i almost feel kinda manic or something. i feel like a cat or a dog that can't stop playing with a toy. thinking about them, the future, when i'll see them again, over and over again. borderline torturous but of course a big piece of me enjoys it. why do i do this to myself, me? what's wrong with us?
It’s so normal. I’m a girl and feel the same. I want to be consumed and consume.
No that’s completely normal.
It used to be called “love.” :)
What? How do you even know this? Ok break it down for me :
Who am I missing?
Relish this feeling. It is what it means to be alive.
Boomers fuck hard, the first time fast and then again and again a little slower.
Gen Xers are obsessed with oral sex
Millennials from my limited experience want to have sex that lasts HOURS.