Aside from a suit, what is the most attractive clothing for guys?

Aside from a suit, what is the most attractive clothing for guys?

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What on Earth made you think a suit is the most attractive clothing for guys? You're way off track.


Just buy anything not made of sweat pants.

In the words of George Clinton of Parliament Funkadelic, "style is anything you can wear with confidence"

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grey sweatpants.

there are tons of memes about this.

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The duality of man


Honestly a well fitting suit works if you're a well fit man. For us fatties it doesn't always look great.

Cleanliness and not having holes in your clothes are the top complaints I hear from woman. All a guy has to do regarding clothing is make sure his boxer shorts aren't 15 years old.

Buy some new shorts.

Suit is kinda tryhardish, you only wear that when there's an ocassion (or your work requires it)
Chinos + sweater is a safe combo. Most importantly - well-fit, not too big or too small. And just don't look like a 15 years old I guess. It's the face that matters way more than clothes anyways.

Attached: Best-Chino-Colors-For-Men.png (800x600, 214K)

pic related doesn't have nantucket red or mustard yellow, both manly colours that require cojones to pull off.

showing ankles is awful
>center left
those pants are too blue
>center right
looks like hes on tour in Afghanistan, go with darker shoes (doesn't match belt)
Same issue. Get shoes that aren't the same as the pants.

My face is ugly and I'm balding

How do I fix it.

my boyfriend has these yellow and blue Street Fighters boxers and they are so fucking busy and colorful, not sleek or fancy or anything

but he looks fucking hot in them, so I find it very attractive when he wears them

in other words, if it shows off your body right, it doesn't really matter

go full bald and work out Mr. Clean.

this only applies if you have a massive wang

The most attractive clothing is clothing that speaks to your personality and lifestyle, fits your body type and skin tone, and doesn't look out of place on you.

If you're a man child wearing a suit, it'll look awkward and try hard on you. If you're a lawyer, it'll look good.

Funnel necks.

the man makes the clothes, the clothes don't make the man. wear whatever makes u feel sexy as fuck, and that'll translate into your disposition, which will attract girls

I thought the only man who ever said "Nantucket red" in his life was my boyfriend.

Personally I melt when my boyfriend wears jeans

Clothes that fit well, match with each other and are simple and timeless if you're over 24 and without a strong sense of style.

Pic related is one I had on my laptop.

Attached: beige-crew-neck-sweater-red-and-white-long-sleeve-shirt-navy-jeans-tobacco-boots-large-7150.jpg (325x488, 55K)

you just need to meet more men with a pair of balls big enough to fit a pair of nantucket red trousers. but for your purposes, one is enough I suppose.