Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate.
If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no “magic moment” (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. “Signs” of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may also work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Are all those "how to tell if she likes you videos" bullshit? Or do they have some legit points to them?

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Probably bullshit. I’m not about to sit through any though. The way you tell that a girl likes you is by casually dating her and seeing if feelings develop.

I'm too ugly for dating apps, and I'm not in schooling. How the fuck do I meet someone? It's gotten to the point where I'm considering hitting on customers, but I can't see that going well at all. If you had any doubts left, I'm a dude.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Or online
Read the first part my man

So this guy that I know is into me will leave compliments on photos saying I look fantastic, good, nice but recently saw he commented on a mutual instagramers (Someone instafamous) photo that she looked hot, and again with a cosplayer saying she was beautiful. I know he doesnt know them in real life, is it possible he's just being more reserved with his compliments to not scare me off?

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside.

If I have strong romantic feelings for a girl other than my girlfriend, is that cheating? What if I never act on those feelings in any way?

I don’t think it’s cheating to have those emotions, but it’s a bad, bad sign for your relationship. You need to fix that shit or get out of your relationship.

How do I break up a girl's relationship so I can have her for myself?

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Why do you say it’s a bad sign? You one of those types that think you only fall in love with another person if you don’t really love the first?

insert a philips head screwdriver into your urethra and send her a pic

No, but it’s something that your gf will suspect.

I know it's pathetic and some of you have probably heard it a thousand times before, but I have no idea how to initiate contact with women.

Everytime I see someone I would kill to talk to or hang out with, I freeze up mentally and have no idea what to say. Hell, I have no idea what to say even when I'm not freezed up. It sucks.

Even in the rare occasion that I kind of know how I want to talk to someone of the opposite sex, I just get self-conscious and assume they think the worst of me

It can't be as easy as gaining some confidence right?

Learn to initiate with men in public. Talk to normal people for non romantic purposes.

I don't have her number and I only have flat headed screw drivers.

>be in the same university group with her
>talk to her only about university stuff
>have to think the most of the time about her

should i ask her out, for example a spontaneous coffee or smth like that?
Or would it get cringy? Because I think what they are thinking is, that i'm into this girl.

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Sure ask her out for coffee. But don’t be pushy; if she declines don’t panic. And don’t do the cringe thing of calling it a date.

>Match with girls on tinder
>Make decent conversation
>Try and get their snapchat/ask them out relatively quickly
>Message for about a week at then it just fizzes out or they give me a 'I'll let you know when I'm free'
>Most haven't even unmatched me

I feel like I'm dong the basics right so am I just giving up too quickly. I get girls get 100s of matches so should I be being more persistent/direct or will I just come across as desperate?

That's easy for me, but actually walking up to someone with the intention of something romantic like a date or even flirting with them almost seems Impossible.

Are you supposed to become friends first?
Last time I tried to become friends with someone I wanted to date, they saw right through my ploy and dropped Me like a Rock.

"Casually dating"

You mean you just go out on a date right? Or is this some faggy bullshit where you "date" but don't actually date

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>with the intention of something romantic like a date or even flirting with them
That’s because you don’t do this. The initial approach is done like you would for anyone else. And no, you don’t randomly hit on women in public and then ask for a date. It’s best to become acquaintances—i.e., not exactly friends—before asking the girl out for coffee.
>Last time I tried to become friends with someone I wanted to date, they saw right through my ploy and dropped Me like a Rock.
The trick is (1) acquaintances and not friends, (2) not waiting weeks or months before asking the girl out, and (3) not thinking of it as a ploy—you’re spending time with the girl to try to get to know her better, and even if it doesn’t turn into something better, you enjoyed the time you spent with her. In other words, you don’t become committed before you ask her out.

Finally, don’t panic about this. You’re suffering from an extremely common problem among young and inexperienced men. The reality is that dating is rather simple and straightforward. The more you build it up as a challenge the worse it will ultimately go.

>Or is this some faggy bullshit where you "date" but don't actually date
The fuck do you think a date is man?

Casual dating refers to hanging out one-on-one in environments where you can get to know each other better and determine whether the other side finds you attractive. It’s not complicated, and above all it’s low-pressure.

People are a lot more conservative in real life with people they know, then with people on line. I call people niggers and faggots on Jow Forums, but Ive never called Irl friends that. It's as simple as that.

Emotions aren't cheating, actions are. Don't be a fucking retard and go acting on those dumb feelings.

Also if your having them, it's a possible indicator that something is wrong in your relationship. Sleep on it, figure out what's wrong, fix it.

Don't and quit being a manipulative idiot. Become a better person and move on.

Practice flirting with old cashiers. Thrn move on to milf cashiers. Then younger cashiers. You build confidence through practice. Eventually go to a bar out of your city and hit on the prettiest looking girl to get rejected. Easy.

Otherwise, find girls you have hobbies with and talk shop, don't worry about fucking them. Another good way to get practice.

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So faggy bullshit where the other person doenst know your "dating, but you pretend you are. Cool

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Ah, you’re going the wizard route. Congrats on making your decision.

I see. That method sounds gradual.
I'll have to try that sometime, but I'm still worried that even trying to become acquaintances without the intention of something greater will trap me there as a friend.

As long as I'm checking to make sure I'm not orbiting anyone, and that I don't look and act like a total loser (which is me now, I've never dressed to impress not had the intention of impressing someone)

On another note, isn't it true that woman prefer men who are busy being men? I was told by one woman that they find it unattractive and desperate for men to approach them and that instead of approaching women the right thing to do is to wait for women to approach you.

>he doesn't call his white friends nigger
I have no idea how you call that living. Granted we're always sensitive about topics like that and generally field the 'does anybody find X content offensive?' if we're hanging with new people.

But dood I think conservatism is personal, the only-- ONLY-- differences between the internet's stupidity and real life's stupidity as far as I'm concerned are that people on the internet can just sit there and "LALALA" way harder than in real life, and people on the internet can pretend to be whatever they want to avoid responsibility to themselves.

Not that it's here nor there but some perspective

Lol I'll try so long as I don't render myself a creep. Older women have flirted with me on the past, but I always just shrug it off as pity or a dead-end conversation.

The milf thing sounds interesting, if I'm able to find one. They are hard to find and discern from regular women sometimes

>I'm still worried that even trying to become acquaintances without the intention of something greater will trap me there as a friend.
If that happens it’s because she’s just rejecting you, not because she thought you just wanted to be friends. The key is that you don’t commit to a girl before you’re seriously dating. You need to be in a position such that when you do get rejected, or you stop caring for the girl, or it just doesn’t work out—which will happen—you can swiftly move on without suffering too much.

>I was told by one woman that they find it unattractive and desperate for men to approach them and that instead of approaching women the right thing to do is to wait for women to approach you.
Haha no. Your female friend doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She may be referring to something like randomly approaching random women and hitting on them. You need to ask women out. It’s simple. You could wait years for a girl to ask you out and it won’t happen.

>Don't and quit being a manipulative idiot. Become a better person and move on
But she's cute and would probably be accessible to me were it not for the bf.

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should i ask her personally out for a coffee or when she is in her lets say "gang"?

pro: i get info about stuff from her and from her friends.

contra: i might get evolved to a beta, which i don't want.
Personally i'm mostly alone and doing my own stuff during the university day.

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Do you know her at all?

i see her during the classes, we talked seldom at each other and when we are talking ist mostly about university stuff.

You need to make acquaintances with her.

i did, we had an lunch with out group... i talked about what stuff i liked the most and so on, that was one year ago...

I have been waiting for years. Maybe it's time I actually did something instead of sitting on my ass and waiting for someone to come to me.

I may be awkward and I'm certainly weird and out there (so says everyone who has met me), but I'm sure I stand a chance.

I just have to find a common interest to start with. For example, I shouldn't be asking random woman at a store if they like Attack on Titan. Rather, I would find a collective, meeting, or establishment where that interest is talked about to meet them there.

Thanks, I'll have to give it a try. First thing is actually finding a group of people that into the niche things I'm into

PLease respond.

pro-tips for eating out a girls pussy/ass?

fork and knife

>one year ago
Have you had recent contact with her? Like within the last few weeks?

we are in the same group, our contact depends on university stuff

>First thing is actually finding a group of people that into the niche things I'm into
Meetup groups are good. It’s also a good idea to broaden your own horizons. Getting into sports revolutionized my ability to socialize. For me, it’s major league baseball and college football, plus I can talk a little about cricket and women’s college basketball. Really you don’t need to know a ton, nor do you need to know everything; I’m lost when people start talking brackets in March, and can’t say a thing about teams I don’t follow (I have friends who are endlessly talking bracketology and the like, and I have no clue how they stay so informed). Either way it’s an amazing way to bridge the gap with just about anyone when you’re at a loss for things to talk about.

I guess my point is that you don’t need to meet people who fit your niche interests perfectly, or even significantly. A couple years ago I dated this girl for a few months despite us having virtually nothing in common. She liked travel, art, theater, and pop music; I like books, sport, food, and crafts. We still found things to talk about.

Okay, ask her if she wants to get coffee after class or something. Don’t panic if she turns you down.

To women. What pleases you? I don't just mean sexually, but anything that you find pleasing.

should i ask her out when she is alone, or with her friends for a coffee? It might get cringy for me if I would ask her out personally... cause they know me, they know that im kind of introverted. It would be beneficial if I would ask her out with her friends and try to get more contact with her during the coffee. That would make me a beta...

>had a thing with a girl that ended pretty badly
>last time I talked to her is like 2 months
>she already going out with another dude
>still have her on social media
>she randomly RTs and likes shit I post
She doesnt care at all right? Just want to confirm that


>It would be beneficial if I would ask her out with her friends and try to get more contact with her during the coffee.
I have no idea what you’re trying to say. I suggest learning to express yourself coherently before trying to date girls.

That she’s seeing someone else and you’ve not talked in 2 months is a pretty good indication that she isn’t interested anymore. The social media shit is meaningless.


Im trying not to read into it too much
Im not really sure if she is till going out with the guy, I just assume she still is together with the guy I found her making out with.

Im really trying not to overthink, thanks for the advice.


chocolate, too

A female friend of mine's life is in a pretty bad way. She's a drug addict and a real mess right now.

She's also been a really good friend to me, and is sometimes really great company. How do I remain a friend but not get drawn into anything bad? Is it even possible?

I feel awful keeping my distance, but I know how manipulative she can be with her addiction and it's horrible to see her in a bad way. I don't know what to do. I don't want to set out to help her because I doubt I can, but I don't want to be someone that ignores suffering.

Johnny Klebitz is that you?

Matched with a cute girl on tinder.
We are having great chats, solid conversation, flirtatious banter, getting a bit sexual at times.
She seems really into me, and I'm pretty into her too.
Only problem is, she lives 5 hours away in another country.
Her city is a fairly popular destination and I went there often with my friends, but I don't wanna drag a bunch of people there under some pretense, just to maybe smash some tinder chick.
I wanna go there eventually, but it seems like I am only motivated by thirst right now.

What would you do?

Is it a bad idea to ask out my brother's friend? I know guys have a thing about not dating a friend's sister but I have a huge crush on him.

There is no such thing.

Its harmless, go ahead.
That bullshit about the bro code is just an invention from a sitcom

I don't get it.

me and this girl have known each other for 2 years, she hit on me i declined because i was insecure about myself
i hit her up a week ago telling her how i feel
we've been texting for a week and today she posted a story on snapchat, saying ''tu pourrais m'avoir'' which means you could've had me, and i responded with ''Je peux encore''
she hasn't responded yet
lads i am scared as fuck, i dont know how to react please help

A man who is attentive and can anticipate my needs without me asking.
Not something I expect a man to be able to do, but shit isn't that the most satisfying thing ever.

No joke that's pretty inspirational.
I'm not that into sports since I got a full time job and night classes for college, but I would kill to have the time to dedicate myself to a sport like baseball or even better hockey.

Sorry for the late response, but I'll do my best to employ what you've said. Thanks m8

Well like I said, you don’t need to know much about sports to have a basic conversation. Even if you just watch SportsCenter once a week. After a couple months you’d probably be able to converse about anything.

The number sign it made a difference for me was when I went to get my hair cut. I was able to have a normal conversation with my barber for the first time ever. The key is to let other people do most of the talking. At its most basic level, “How about them cubbies?” does work, but “Did you see that homer Rizzo hit the other night?” or “What do you think about the rumors about Heyward getting traded?”

Seriously though. It’s like working into going to the gym. A little here and a little there can make real results.

Why do men often seem like bigger whores then woman and it's socially acceptable for them to stick their dicks in anything with a pulse while woman that have more than 3 partners in their life are called whores

masculinity is all about penetration.

Because women are treated like objects to be plundered.

Keys locks etc.

Because sex has more consequences for women than it has for men, so women would need to be more careful with whose dick they suck.
Man can basically fuck whatever without any real consequence.

If you fuck everyone, as a woman, you have poor judgement. If you fuck everyone, as a man, you're alright.

Biologically speaking, womans' "seed" is more important than male ones. We can get 10 girls pregnant in a day, but a woman can get pregnant only by one for 9 months so her judgement should be the best possible. But if a girl goes around and fucks lots of guys it shows poor judgement, which also indicates poor character.

It's socially acceptable for women too. Doesn't mean you need to talk about it anywhere but in the ladies' locker room. No man gets a GF by saying "hey, I've been around the block 100 times btw" either, only if their status overrides their flaws (which counts for women too; no one will ask questions if you're a multimillion dollar chick).

Stay mad you coping slut.

Girls & guys:

>have male friend for years
>date him for a few months
>he's immature, so I break up with him
>he rages on Facebook about how women are all cunts etc
>kept him on my friends list because I didn't want to cause any drama

Yesterday I deleted him, he immediately noticed & started asking our mutual friend about me. Apparently, he's going to message in a few days and it's making me so anxious. I don't really want to be friends with him anymore. But we were close for years, plus I feel pressured to be nice to someone that has my nudes.

wat do?

If you don’t want to talk to him, block him. He knows better than to do anything with your nudes. Or text him and say you don’t want him writing you again, then block.

Tell him to fuck off you spineless bitch.

He's asked our mutual friend to deliver his message if I block him, so I feel bad about sticking this friend in the middle if I do block ex...

Block him, let the mutual friend know the situation and move on with your life.

Then tell the friend to, please, not assist that guy in harassing you (which is what he’s doing if he starts jumping around your block).

Maybe you shouldn't have sent nudes, whore

Thanks guys.

This. Thots should be burned alive.

How do you guys find bi girls to have casual sex with. My wife just came out as bi and wants to bring another woman into the bedroom, but holy shit between all the fakes, cam girl scams, and full on lesbos it's near impossible to find the other woman.

It’s pretty much impossible.

Thank you for restating my post

>If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.

You didnt answer any question you raging faggot. You just repeated what I said.

Have you tried Fetlife? I heard it's a decent site. It's the only thing that comes to mind.

I'm on there and its workable. But holy shit it's just a bunch of single dudes desperately trying to get laid without any work.

>If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
>And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

Gf of 1 month broke up w me over text. Said she felt that I wanted the relationship to be more serious than she is capable of (was always bad at “serious” convos about us and tried to avoid them) and that she’s sorry that she not better at communicating how she feels and that it’s not fair to me.

Asked if we could talk about in person and she said everything she already said is what she would say in person and that she doesn’t wanna waste anymore of time. Didn’t respond to her, already deleted pics of her and she did the same as well on IG but still follows me with her main account.

She was my first GF and my first real love and I feel so low and down. I’m not gonna beg for her back or anything but I truly do care about her and hate feeling this way. She told me that she
had never liked anyone as much as me before and I feel like there might be a chance in the future but I don’t wanna get my hopes up.

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Can we gas faqfags? They waste bumps and contribute nothing.

>never gave an answer
>dont get mad about the answer I never gave
Ok retard.

*any more of my time

>And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

So... what do you want to know?

>Gf of 1 month
Eh. Nothing serious then.

How to stop feeling like this. I’m texting this one girl already and I’m so disinterested and don’t wanna get to know her, just fuck.

We started talking back in June and had a falling out in July but then started talking again in August and finally started dating in September.

How long has it been since you broke up? It’s normal to need a week or two, even for experienced people.

Almost 24 hours.