What is the youngest do you think a 29 year old guy could date?

What is the youngest do you think a 29 year old guy could date?

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Fifteen. I saw it happen in high school.


early 20's

Go with what you want as long as it's legal. Don t listen to the roastie toasties that get mad for you dating younger and not dating used up them as they speed smack against the wall. Why do you they tell these younger girls to go put there and get some "experience"? It's not to grow up, but the used toys get some sort of satisfaction knowing they dragged another fresh shrimp onto the barbie.

As long as you think you can, go for it.

t. 29 yo dating an 18 yo

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Legally? 18.

Whatever the age of consent is in your state/country.

I'm 27 and I date 18 year olds.

Are you confident? Do you have money? Do you party? Do you know cool information? Do you read? Can you speak? Do you smoke weed?

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not what I was asking, morans

mid 20s. too much of an age gap and it'll be way too awkward and feel like pandering

As a 19 year old dating a 24 year old you disgust me. Not because you are dating someone younger but because you seemingly only want to do so for her "inexperience". I'm glad my boyfriend is a normal person who is able to love me for who I am and not because I'm a virgin.

Tldr it's not roasties being angry you are just a disgusting person. Kill yourself.



You stupid fuck. They all gave you the answer. 18 years old as a legal age is how young a 29 year old could date if he knows how to attract someone. Fuck you.

Your bf probably fucks you because you were a virgin, and he didn't have to worry about multiple dudes who have destroyed your cunt which he seems to value.

lol look at this pedo

Lol look at this roastie.

>bf probably fucks you because you were a virgin
This is why I hate MGTOW's.
>give me a virgin gf, loose women suck!
>I demand sex from my gf, otherwise she's a frigid bitch!
Selfish bastards.


I'm a level 7, I need at least 2 tributes.
You want me in attack or defense position?

>implying implications about me
I'm agreeing more and more with Hitler. I don't know how to feel about that.

Could? Anything. Should? 24.

>who is able to love me for who I am
That's what anyone would tell you. Unless he's mentally stunned or you're some kind of a genius, he's basically dating a kid.

It means you're breaking the conditioning. You already profess to want the same thing I do with
>"able to love me for who I am"
Waiting until marriage filters out almost all of those who don't. If they want your body, they're not going to stick around for years to get it when others will give it out in a week--if a guy stays, he's going to stay first and foremost because he likes being around you. Whether you're waiting or not isn't even the point here, it's that your mindset will naturally lead you to many of the same conclusions I've reached.

>That's what anyone would tell you. Unless he's mentally stunned or you're some kind of a genius, he's basically dating a kid.
>t. guy that thinks "who I am" is synonymous with "pleasure-giving fleshbag"

Then go fuck yourself.

Im 29 dating a 23 year old. She's amazing, don't even care about her age but it's a small plus. Who she is as a person's the best part. Finding someone that you click with is amazing.

You could be like the seedy fag thats ramming my ex and fuck 16 year olds lmao.

I was 28 and pretty much dating second year university students for a two year period so 20?. First year was a bit ... just left home, live in dorms, still hanging around friends from school, drinking and getting sick in my hair. Second year was more living in my own place, feeling super independent, maybe got a crush on my lecturer, friends from back home blown the fuck out, less drinking and getting finger blasted on the dance floor, more feeling sophisticated and grown up.

Of course it is all bullshit, they are still 20-21 and mentally children, but they FEEL grown up and I was quite happy to be part of their story for a while.

I ended up seeing one for a while and we started a relationship in the end. She was finishing university, I had a friend who was looking for a housemate, she moved in with her, we continued to see each other off and on, eventually decided to gf her up.

Any younger than 21 and I don't think I could have dealt except for a one night stand. They are practically teenagers still, acne, awkward, grumpy, moody, entitled, indecisive.

Yeah. After my high school girlfriend and I broke up and I started dating again, I quickly set my minimum age limit to 24. My assumption was that by that age a woman would have graduated from college and been working and taking care of herself for two years.

Even then there was a lot of self-entitled irresponsibility and childish behavior.

Yeah I'd go visiting and be like 'shit this girl has it together' then learn that she was house sitting or something and back at her place she didn't have any cutlery and was locked into a bitter conflict with her housemates over the dishes.

Around 25, in my opinion, if you want to be serious about it.
But anything 21+ is fine.

A friend of mine is 33 dating an 18 year old, so it's definitely possible.

*Could* date? Probably even as young as 13 or younger, but the younger you go, the more fucked up in the head they'd be to date a guy that much older than them.

>acne, awkward, grumpy, moody, entitled, indecisive.
Apart from acne, what changes?

In girls who aren't pieces of shit quite a lot. The main difference comes down to life experience. Think about if you date a girl who is still living at home, still hasn't had her first real job, still hasn't cooked or cleaned for herself, still hasn't learnt to manage money vs one who has just moved out though hasn't figured out they should do these things yet, vs one who is unhappy at the world because they've realised they need to do these things and they aren't very good at them, vs one who is getting on with it.

This encompasses ages 18-22 and while the age difference isn't massive from the perspective of somebody say, 30, the development of attitudes and experience is massive.

I'm 35 and in all honesty girls under the age of 22 look and act like children to me. Some of them might scrub up ok, but this is the exception rather than the norm. I want nothing to do with somebody who is still figuring out every basic thing alongside a personality. Age 23-24 is almost a completely different story, at this age you encounter women who've actually started to express themselves and begun to take a path in life. Not all of them, but at least it is now possible. I can work with that because there is something that is interesting. I don't have to teach them how to use a train ticket. I wouldn't be an asshole if I had to, but the reality is the exchange, the dynamic, the relationship isn't a fair one or it isn't one that I'm interested in anyway.


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Half your age plus seven years. That's the universal creep cut off point.

>youngest do you think a 29 year old guy could date?
>could date?
It's technically possible to date an infant.
But what you're asking about, is the social acceptability of dating range. Which is highly dependent on the country, demographic, religion and culture of your immediate surroundings.

It's socially acceptable to fuck an 11 year old village girl in Guatemala, it socially unacceptable to date a college girl when you're past 30 and broke in the USA

but you're an idiot, and possibly autistic.
So I recommend you date within your IQ range, instead.

How am I autistic or an idiot?

>How am I autisitic
one of the traits of autism is the lack or difficulty of understanding of common social behaviors, cues, and practices
>or an idiot
your inability to clarify your issue, as evidenced here despite clear answers and your expectation of random strangers to try and extrapolate what you believe you are asking, is a clear marker of lack of developed critical-thinking skills.
Intelligence wise you are, at most, average.
At worst, 1 standard deviation below average.
so an IQ range of 105-85.

>they're not going to stick around for years
I would love to have someone who want to be with me for years without having sex, but I don't think that it possible anymore. I am not one of those "she must be virgin reee" people, for me, being able to stay celibate for a year until I marry them is close enough.
But I don't think women like that exists anymore.

Why would you want a young girl? They're idiots.

Have you had the chance to fuck multiple women that you found attractive? Because I can't take this sort of mentality seriously from anyone who hasn't been approached by multiple hot sluts trying to seduce them and said "lol no thanx!"

Like if you went on a series of dates with an attractive young woman who constantly wears clothes that make you rock hard over the course of a month and then one day she rubs your bulge and says "Hey, want to... come over and hang out tonight instead of going out?", you'd pass?

lol gtfo with that shit, bro.

Not him, but the only people who talk shit like this,
are people who think themselves really smart, but really aren't.
Stay in school.

age/2 + 7 years. in your case it's 21.5

But now you just try and negotiate the time with me as if that matters.
In reality, women never say stuff like Hey, want to... come over and hang out tonight instead of going out?" They just tell their friend that it is weird he wants to wait and then either break up or cheat on him.
But let's play that game then.
Why is it hard to find a woman who is willing to wait 2 months before having sex?

But yes, I have turned down "hot sluts" because that is not what I want.

He asked and he got an clear answer that wasn't just "your dumb and socially retarded" how else was he supposed to say it?

>Why is it hard to find a woman who is willing to wait 2 months before having sex?
Because the biological clock, isn't just a meme.
If you want a woman who can date you for a year or 2 without sex, date a 14 year old

Theres this reality TV show here earlier in the year about dating and a 39 year old dude hooked up with a 26 year chick. He looked like he worked out casually but had style and she was a babe in general looking for a "man".

I like your post.....I've recently met a 22 year old whom I get along with very well. She's the most amazing person I've met in a long time. But she's got this youthfulness brightness in her disposition, and if it was any more sincere, I'd be grossed out thinking of flirting.


Depends what your expectations and goals are.

>Just wanna fuck? Age of consent

>Want someone who's your equal/want long term? I wouldn't go lower than 24, but would stay under 27.

Still kinda creepy desu

Date? 18.
Fuck? Age of consent.

What if the 18y/o and 29y/o genuinely love each other?

fuck is 18, no matter how old you are.
date is half age plus seven.

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Fuck is (Local age of consent)
Date is (Local age of consent)
Only idiots care about what others think of their relationships.

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It's the following formula:

Your age*0 + 7 + age of consent where you live - 7

/thread btw

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>saying yikes

>/thread his own post

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>this post

Self-awareness much?

yeah good luck dating a girl two generations out of you.

You're 100% just being used for your money and she's fucking so many more guys her own age while you're asleep on the toilet.

That's every woman. Age doesn't change it.

Disproportionate power/experience is a reality in every relationship. I agree on that. I don't think they have to be that big of a deal though. Perhaps I'm more mature than my peers, perhaps he is immature but I think I know him well enough to know that we work together.

I don't think I can judge. I think relationships within a similar age range are easier but I think it should be judged on a case by case basis. That being said it is hard to gauge how "ready" the younger party is for a relationship, even for the girl.

I remember being a very immature 16 year old. It was a terrible relationship. I was too inexperienced to realize my errors and my boyfriend was to inexperienced to call me out on my bullshit.

Definitely do not try to push anything sexual. I'm glad that by the time boys showed interest in me I was strong-minded enough (read: I browsed Jow Forums) to tell them to heck off. I'm sure though had I had a boyfriend with more confidence he could have pushed me to do something I wouldn't have wanted to do.

>tl;dr relationships aren't black and white but don't push someone to do things they aren't 100% certain of.

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16 is legal in most places


Are you retarded or just a women about to hit the wall

Why 18 when the age of consent is 16 in most states? To date it's a different story but for a hook up who cares as long as it's legal

You can date as young as you want provided it's legal and consenting.
But there's a lot of hangups with dating a woman in her early twenties, trust me

ive honestly met girls like this. hard as hell to find but ive seen it ~4 times in the last 4 years

youll want the ones who never went away for school or are REALLY religious. They exist but theyre hard as hell to find

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>I'm glad that by the time boys showed interest in me I was strong-minded enough (read: I browsed Jow Forums) to tell them to heck off.
>plus your posts ITT
2/10 troll, good job.

>bang a 16 year old
its not worth the stigma, you can just find a 30+ year old with a ton of experience and a decent body, or any age really. if its just ejaculate and evacuate does it matter?

the only reason youd want to date that low is for her virginity and increased fertility

That 16 age of consent is bullshit, only works if you're within 4 years of age. No 24+ yr old can fuck a 16 yr old anywhere in the US, that's the law

I only know about Canada where it is just you can't be a teacher or something.

That's wrong. In some states with 18 is the age of consent you can be over 18 and can sleep with someone at 16 as long as you aren't over 4 years older.

But majority of states it's 16 as long as you aren't a teacher or boss. It's different in every state but I don't know why you think that so confidently

>Definitely do not try to push anything sexual

Then how would he get sex? 18 is old enough for sex. The majority of women have sexual experience by then or if not, at least want sex

Half your age + 7 is the rule. 21/22.

>within 4 years of age
Depends on the state. In some states guy on his 18 birthday having sex with a girl 1 day younger is rape.

In Idaho, if you are within 2 years you are ok, so 16 year old girl 18 year old guy is fine, but 19 is not.

I know a lot of people in long term functioning relationships where the dude is 10 years older.

a big gap can work if the girl is mid 20s or older but if youre a 28 year old going after 18 year olds its gonna be tough

my bro is a 15 yo sophomore in hs dating a 12 year old in middle school. He thinks he loves her. You can do 20+ thats my recommendation

What do you mean thinks he loves her?

he probably said "i love her" and his brother doesnt believe him

Why would you want a 30 year old hag when there are 18 year olds. Every hot 30 year old looked better at 18

Teaching a girl is hotter than a girl who had 100 mile of dick

>Teaching a girl is hotter than a girl who had 100 mile of dick

i guess, but teaching a girl is useless if youre not going to reap the benefits later via a relationship

youre right about the hotter part though

I know a 33 yo guy with a 20 year old girlfriend. And allegedly her parents love him, even though he already has a child from a failed marriage. On the other, he is a respectable guy with a good job, and also very skilled at persuassion.

t. NPC

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>on Jow Forums
Imagine how hideous or autistic a women has to be end up on Jow Forums. I could understand blindly following her boyfriend's or husband's political leaning because women just do think what their SO thinks politically. Almost all right wing women are that way because a chad they want is right wing. But actually go out on her own and ending up there.

Alex Home's ex wife swung back to the left after divorcing him. Went from right-wing conservative to liberal #metoo antifa.

Depends on the guy mate
Seen 40s bag 25s


Able to date and morally acceptable to date are different things. You're able to date the age of consent and up, or lower if you're a pedo. I sense you're looking for morally acceptable, which is more like 22-23+. Anything lower is creepy, and while they may be hot they're gonna be dumb as a sack of rocks.

>said the incel from his basement
cut down on the cringe material, man

I just got out of a two year relationship with an 18 year old.

Slept with a 19 year old and 20 years old since.

I'm 29, 30 in a few months.

Oh well. If they want the dick...

Doesn't work so well if you are balding ;_;

I have receding hairline like crazy, but it's not too bad yet.

Mine is JUST tier and I'm only 25
I missed my one and only chance to get young girls.

Self esteem is gone, none of the drugs worked. I look awful. Why does my body self destruct just as I'm getting going.

Shaving it bald, utilizing headwear, and maybe a beard. Those might be options if the balding is that bad.

You don't really lose out on younger women as an older man unless you choose to opt out.

Male maturity is an inherent attraction for young females. Can't catch fish if you don't stick your rod in tho.