To all cheating anons, how do you keep it up? Any stories and tips to share?

To all cheating anons, how do you keep it up? Any stories and tips to share?

pic rel my doggo

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Yeah, it won't last no matter what, make up your mind on who you want to work it out with.

delete all social media and change your number to begin with keep a secret account on hand like snapchat or a texting app and it all just falls in place after there

Die with your lies and play the vague stranger with people
Never connect, connections are the devil. Always always always leave the side affairs wanting more-- never indulge time or effort, always give them just enough to hook them for round two and then skip out til round two.
Always provide fully for the main course. Never leave them underfunded. You want them to corroborate your character.

When all else fails, play dumb and blame a MeToo.

Even in a ldr? My situation is this: I'm a virgin, she's religious deeply and waiting until marriage. I want to make it memorable and a nice time for her, get some experience in the matter. I want to simply learn how to get good at it with some milf who knows what she's doing


As I said, it would be no strings attached to learn what I'm doing

>no strings
That's why I say no connections. Not even a phone number if you can help. People will do crazy shit when they hit that snapping point. Even the tiniest iota of information can be too much

Other than that, again, avoid crossed wires and die with your lies-- although the fewer lies you have to tell, the better off you are.


I feel sorry for your dog.

>I want to make it memorable and a nice time for her, get some experience in the matter. I want to simply learn how to get good at it with some milf who knows what she's doing

This is NOT why you're doing it you disgusting scum. You know exactly why you're cheating. Fucking incredible that you people will try to justify your behavior under the pretense of being humane.

Kill yourself.

I didn't do anything yet. If you don't like it, leave. I will make up my own mind

How do people live with the guilt?

>honey, i know i said i was waiting until marriage, but i wanted it to feel good for you, so i let a few guys fuck me while we were apart. it's okay baby i know how to suck your dick now :3 i did it for you

Fuck off mate. As I said, leave if you don't like it

>convincing a pure girl to stay with a slut like you

you'll remember my words one day when you see how much you hurt her

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I haven't made my mind up yet. How do I have certainty she's faithful?

so now youre even questioning her faithfulness. have you not thought about how maybe this ldr waiting til marriage thing isnt for you?

>hurr its ok because she might be doing it too

kill yourself

Fuck off
You too

You're retarded. If youbwere both virgins you would get to experience it for the first time together and it would be a memorable experience. But nooo, let me go fuck a whore because that's the logical thing to do.

That guy wasn't even being hostile to you. Don't tell him to fuck off cunt.

You're making a choice, and now you're realizing there's consequences for it. Not everyone is going to tell you that it's okay to cheat.

I hope she finds out and shanks you in your sleep

I am aware of my choice and the consequences

Yeaa. I usually follow your advice. I have trust , she's a young girl in high school. Despite being deeply religious, going to a catholic school, partaking in that church service thing, she lives away from home. She's insanely attractive, too. I have no certainty she is monogamous. Even though her mother even reassured me what she feels to me, her, her brother(who introduced us to one another), I have read such stories here I don't think I'll ever be sure of that

I have trust issues, fucking autocorrect bitch

>have no certainty she is monogamous. Even though her mother even reassured me what she feels to me , her, her brother,
>I have read such stories here I don't think I'll ever be sure of that
Why would her own potential infidelity justify defiling yourself with the same degeneracy and destroying the relationship?
If she does end up cheating (which, mind you, is statistically quite unlikely for a religious girl waiting until marriage), then I'd have no issue saying she deserved to be stabbed instead--although cheating on your end still wouldn't be justified. But that's not what's going on--she has given no indication whatsoever of being unfaithful, let alone being proven as such, while you are making a thread about how to be just that. This isn't about her, it's about you, and the only failings I see at all lie solely with you.

Don't cheat. It is not only unjustifiable no matter how you look at it, it's also stupid even from a purely selfish point of view--you've already won the lottery in terms of quality, and yet you're contemplating an action which by definition will throw it all away.

If she cheats too then at least I won't feel bad about wasting my time and being led on like a cuckold

As I said, it's long distance for at least the next 2.5 years, I plan on visiting regularly(already booked a trip), she wouldn't find out as I plan on moving cities

>If she cheats too then at least I won't feel bad about wasting my time and being led on like a cuckold

You're an absolute fucking IDIOT. You're willing to cheat on someone in case THEY cheat on you because you read a few posts on Jow Forums about evil womenz :((?

Please leave her. ASAP.

Man these posts always get me.

You must be young to think this way, it's not an insult unless I presume wrongfully.

I'd advise you do not cheat and hopefully this piece could steer you in a better direction.

I can understand the pressure you feel as far as performance- all of the many insignificant insecurities. These fickle things would matter to a woman who lives and breathes on the surface level of reality. This girl you speak of has an entirely different upbringing. I want you to understand that through religion she values a greater moral framework. I promise you that fidelity above all things will remain ground zero for the both of you. If the both of you truly are new to this, you will learn each other deeper as individuals. You will learn how she really likes it instead of basing it on how a generalization does. It'll be awkward and clumsy perhaps, sure- but it's a experience for the both of you.

Do not waste your chance to create an honest bond rather than the perception of one. It's not a matter of if she finds out, it's a matter of all the times you'll remember you failed to be an honest man in a good relationship.

I believe you'll do the right thing OP. Be good to her.

you realize 99% of threads on this board are fiction right

>If she cheats too
I will never understand this mindset of cheaters. They cheat as an "insurance" for what, exactly? If she cheats on you shed wouldn't have given a damn about the relationship to begin with, so how is this "getting back" at her? And if she doesn't, which she probably won't, then who's the asshole? You, for cheating on an innocent person.

Let's take the worst-case scenario, the one which I assume is what makes you consider cheating: let's say you stay faithful and she doesn't. So what? You drop the whore and move on, she'd have ruined herself over momentary hedonism and you get out with your dignity intact--where if anyone asks why the relationship fell apart, you can flatly and honestly say that she was a whore and you did nothing wrong. Would you stay with her if she cheated on you, as long as you cheated, too? I'd assume not. Then why do it? If anything, your infidelity would serve to vindicate hers if she ever decided to do that.

And I cannot emphasize enough how unlikely it is for her to be unfaithful given her actions and beliefs so far.

Yeah, that's what I think
As I said, I have trust issues. I had no friends up until the age of 18, no gfs, parents didn't care about me much, they were always working, now they're arseholes, this site and my (mostly dissapointing) life experiences raised me.

I guess you're right. Thank you. I'll visit her in about two weeks and see her reaction and stuff.
I have a few doubts, though. Firstly, as I said, she's insanely attractive. I have never seen someone get so approached by men in my life. 30 year old dudes hitting on her in the church, for instance. Why would she be with me if she has giga chads all around?

Secondly, I remember the first and second time I met her, she really wears tight clothing, mostly revealing some parts of her body. It bothers me and I even spoke to her about it. I don't know the outcomes of that yet. We'll see.

On adv? Most of the stuff here seems real.

Never said it's about getting back at her.

I guess you're right. Thanks

For the record, I don't give two shits about saving myself for marriage, I'm an atheist. I would do everything I can to marry her if that would make her happy, but it won't change my mindset.

>I don't give two shits about saving myself for marriage, I'm an atheist.
I'm agnostic, and I have only been to a church twice in my life. One of those times was for a Bach concerto. Waiting until marriage isn't something that you have to be religious to want, although the fact that only the religious seem to do it at all is a point in favor of religion rather than against it.
That's neither here nor there, I have no interest in converting you.

>she really wears tight clothing, mostly revealing some parts of her body. It bothers me and I even spoke to her about it.
Good on you for noticing this. If she hasn't stopped then I would brace yourself. Be careful that she isn't the meme Catholic girl "saving" herself by only taking it in the mouth or butt. In that case (which is far from proven, she could simply be naive), it's still not a good idea to cheat, just to cut your losses and move on. Don't be too pessimistic without any information, of course.

>Why would she be with me if she has giga chads all around?
>Wears tight clothing, etc.

Same poster here, just wanted to follow up.

Only she knows the answers to why she is with you. Realize these questions as true insecurities and approach them as such for these questions have the potential to change your actions and tear your entire relationship apart for nothing.

These chads; it's not what they have, how they look or how they act. It has nothing to do with them. It's about the two of you and how you compliment each other.

It's cheesy but puzzles don't find resolve due to one piece being greater than the others. It's a matter of how different pieces align just right- and a relationship in all honesty is one big fucking puzzle at times.

Always keep a keen eye on behaviors above all things. Remember that you may not control all of her decisions with discussion alone and should they stray far from your tolerance it is simply time to leave respectfully. You can live honest and choose not to invest your heart just yet, should she turn out a liar herself.

Ur doggo is uggo

Thanks, what to do about that clothing problem?


You bitch

About that clothing stuff, maybe I'm overreacting. She has great assets and they kind of are visible even in loose clothes. I know there's not much to do about that but it still pisses me off literally every guy ogles her on the street

I'm a fat depressed edgy cunt, that's why I wonder why she's with me

>how do you keep it up?
Never become emotionally attached to them. If you do, then you do stupid things like contact them or allow them to contact you. Its easy to establish no contact times when you'll be with your partner.

Much of the excitement comes from stealth.

Thanks, his can one do that?

>first gf
>years ago
>started to resent her for her bad attitude and inability to change
>kiss another girl while we're still dating

It was the worst night of my life. Idk how people cheat. It destroyed me. Years later, im with a different girl now, but i still wish i could take it back.

Post more doggo, I'm just here for the pics of your doggo


No more pics, he lives at home back in my home country

god you're so fucking annoying - stop posting. Dramatic bitch. We get it, you were cheated on. You don't need to mention it in every thread.

Same poster again.

Realistically there are no moves beyond discussing her wardrobe and voicing your stance on it. In all honesty, changing her sense of fashion for any reason likely sounds ridiculous to her, given she has put in the effort to own this attire.

If she doesn't comply with your request, be warned: more attempts you make will have you appear to be more controlling which never bodes well.

My two cents would be to allow her freedom in this. If she looks incredible like you've mentioned before then you should try to enjoy it more, instead of keeping track of every unwanted set of eyes that cross you two. You'll have to make your share of compromises this way, but as long as she isn't showing signs of straying from the relationship theres no reason to feed your paranoia.

god you're so fucking annoying - stop posting. Guilty bitch. We get it, you cheat. You don't need to mention it in every thread.

You don't like her wearing tight clothing, while at the same time wanting to slut around?

If you cheat on this girl, your chance at a meaningful relationship will forever be gone. Not just with her, but with anyone else. If she's fortunate enough to find out how much of a slut you are and leaves you, you'll be faced with having to find another unlucky girl. You'll have the option of not telling her about your previous infidelity, in which case your relationship will be marred with a horrible lie of omission and worrying she'll find out, or you can tell her, in which case she'll run if she's reasonable or stay with you but in the back of her mind she'll never again trust you fully.

It's a bad decision that'll fuck up not just this relationship, but remove a lot of optionality from your life later on as well. Dating a dude who's cheated is kinda like dating a chick who's fucked a nigger, but somehow even worse.

You guys are going to call me a piece of shit or whatever but honestly I love my partner.

I've been with him for the past 5 years and first cheated on him 3 years in. I kept having sex with this other person for a long time. I realized I was depressed hence why I was acting out. I also realized I witnessed my parents constantly cheating on eachother, both of which knew. I'm not blaming it on my parents or anything else, it's just a part of the equation.
How I deal with the guilt: At this point I think I might be somewhat of a sociopath. And it also helps that he doesn't berate me or bring it up in a hurtful way.

He can't bring up what he doesn't know
You know the rule, and so do I: die with the lie

>How I deal with the guilt
You don't "deal with the guilt" when you actually did something wrong.

break up with him

What? Not one bit of your rambling carried any form of saving grace. Is this just your vent? Nobody cares and you deserve to be acknowledged for what you are.

OP this alone should convince you of the mistake it really is.

I must be really autistic because I legitimately can't fathom why pieces of literal human trash are so set on hurting someone they supposedly care about. Just admit your selfish garbage and end it if your not happy

>hurting someone they supposedly care about
I'm guessing they don't. I don't think people like this are capable of feeling empathy.

That is why you should be discrete so they never find out. I have a lover my bf doesn't know exist and my lover isn't emotionally attached to me so he will never cause me any problem which would get me caught.

I'm starting to doubt if I want to cheat.

It does, well thread over bros. Thanks

Cheating works like this:
If you cheat on your SO and don't feel bad about it, the relationship was fucked to start with, break up with them.
If you cheat on your SO and feel bad about it because you love them and care about them DON'T TELL THEM, if you do tell them it is because you want to stop feeling hurt and move it on to them.

If you are cheating:
Don't fuck someone who has any ties to your life like work/friends/family, they shouldn't even have any ties to your town or anywhere you go.
Don't tell anyone, it may feel better telling your friend about your affair, but it is a charged topic, they might feel like they have to expose you or protect your SO
Don't contact your side piece on your phone/email/social media, have a burner phone/fake account for contact
Don't bring your side piece to anything in your life, people notice and talk
Don't stick your dick in a woman who isn't going to get rid if she gets pregnant, don't stick your dick in a woman who seems like she will try and blackmail you
Spend cash on your side piece, your SO can look at your bank statements at some point (especially if you have a joint account)
And most importantly
If you catch feels for your side piece and would rather be with them than your SO, break it off and start seeing them full time, its better than trying to afford two SOs.

During a 2 month affair with a coworker I never felt guilt but when he transferred out of state and after I stopped missing him and spending more time with my bf I feel a little guilty because I really do love and want to marry my bf. But its weird since what I had with the coworker seemed like it wasn't really me doing it and it didn't effect my relationship at all.