ITT post one good thing and one bad thing that happened in your life recently, its therapeutic reflection.
Pro: I got in touch with my friends again and haven't had so much fun in a while
Con: GF dumped me
ITT post one good thing and one bad thing that happened in your life recently, its therapeutic reflection.
Pro: I got in touch with my friends again and haven't had so much fun in a while
Con: GF dumped me
Kinda silly since it depends on you whether something is good or bad.
Pro: Apple is going to introduce new shit in a week
Con: A serious Macbook refresh is beyond unlikely.
good...i made chicken gloria and it tasted breddy gud
bad...i realized my life long dream of being a professional musician will never happen
Bad - my LT girlfriend dumped me a few months ago
Good - I married my oneitis (girl who took my virginity) from highschool last month
Good: I stopped smoking weed daily and got a better and closer relationship with friends and family, appreciate life much more in the sober essence.
Bad: Encountered an LSD badtrip which resulted in self-harm, police and hospitilization. Sent me into an existensial crisis, made me realize life is an illusion and simulation, made me unable to smoke weed without getting flashback to the trip or anxious.
Good: started watching anime again, the slime anime is funny
Bad: my bf of 4 years ghosted me
good - i had sex yesterday after a long dry spell
bad - it was with my ex
True, perspective is everything.
Why will it never happen? Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right
I wish I could marry the girl who took my virginity, my first GF. I fantasize about her constantly, even as I am fucking others. I fantasize that I creampie her like I used to and make her pregnant and that she wants it. Too bad she is with another fella now...
Life is a trip my dude. Hang in there.
Why is he ghosting you? I know its hard to hear after 4 years, but you should probably start looking for alternatives. Or just evaluate if you want to deal with his shit. I got dumped recently (2yr LTR) and while it was bad the first weeks it has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Well I believe this is the norm actually. If you are not on bad terms after break up, having sex with your ex probably will happen. This also means that if you are dating someone, its likely that they have been fucking their ex recently. If it ended on OK terms of course.
Good: I'm taking baby steps in learning how to cook, almost got French Omelet down to a T and getting the hang of fried rice
Bad: Missed my early morning jogging and excercise routine two days in a row, I actually feel really bad about it
pro: I can't think of anything
con: I can't think of anything
My confidence increased and I believe i'm more attractive now.
Crushed on a girl i knew would fuck me around (she said she would)
anyway, im forgetting about her and moving away next week, hopefully this new found confidence will help me find love
You can either rewind to some events which was major for your life.
Or you can go the other way, and reflect on what happened very recently. It can be anything. Did you have a good/bad nights sleep? maybe you haven't slept in a while?
did u have a good breakfast? did you have a good past year? why/why not?
good. you have confidence. now you can have fun. thats how you'll get laid. if you go looking for girls, thats how you make things hard for yourself. instead focus on having fun and confident and you'll be a magnet, law of attraction and all.
G: Met someone to exchange interests and freelance work
B: lol nevermind
Well I sent my voice to a lot of gig auditions and indie producers and everyone loves my voice and am doing a few collaborations.
And also I found out recently my tolerance for cheese is getting rather low, my love for cheese cannot withstand the pain of being lactose intolerant. What a ride.
Good thing: i got a new job
Bad thing: that week one of my sisters had an accident, my dad fell from the ceiling and my uncle started having panic attacks. A lot of shit in just a week. Pic related is my little sister's stitches
This thread seems pretty /comfy/
G: Cut ties with my ex completely and a majority of my anxiety went away right after
B: New girl I like started hanging out with me but has a bf
good: finally asked out a girl to hang out and grab something to eat (we did btw)
bad: seems less interested in me
its weird though, she will always message me at random times then make the conversation really short..
Pro:Half a year with my gf, I am kinda enjoying my life at this moment, have fun with most of the things in my life
Con:My friend is fucking annoying me trying to be overly mature, the rest of the group with him included just wants to smoke weed all the time.
good: lots of self development and discovered I'm really loved by my friends, despite me not being able to deal with it yet
bad: I'm having a hard time getting to know new people and I feel socially dislocated ever since my break up in early 2017. been increasing lately
Are you me? The same thing happened to me literally a couple days ago
Pro: Started some new exciting projects. Been noticing the results of my workout and diet a lot lalely.
Con: I've been made aware of the fact that I'm way too old to be single and without prospects. Realized Tinder is a waste of time because I probably wouldn't want to be in a long term relationship with someone I met on Tinder. Thought about my ex yesterday, it was her birthday. She's been engaged for three years now. I just need her to get married to finally get some closure.
Thats not so strange to feel, because I am you. And you are me. We are all the same universe observing and expressing itself through separate expressions.
Happy: Daughter started 1st grade and doing great
Killer: Was to miss her first class recital because of work but able to slip in mid way through. Sit in the back and she did awesome. At the end make my way to her and see my wife get there and another man has his arm around wife. Daughter seems to know him and the three of them start to leave together. I get to them, wife and daughter silent and guy says we need to talk. I'm numb and frozen in place and wife takes daughter away and guy says he found out a year ago MY daughter was HIS though he suspected when my wife was pregnant. He was a coworker of hers during our engagement and early marriage and they had a "thing".
PRO: Recently discovered a song that I quickly came to like very much.
CON: I've been kind of a sperg in presence of a girl and felt bad for days afterwards.
Pro: Realized how much my friends and family actually love me
Con: got played pretty bad by a girl and Im still getting over it
Good: I recently moved and made more friends than I've ever had.
Bad: Despite all the good stuff in my life my mental health isn't getting any better.
Pro: Got 100% on my GEO midterm, and I feel confident on my upcoming CS and Botant midterms.
Con: Still fucking lonely. No single event, I've just felt like shit the last six years.
Pro- nothing
Con- found out my wife of 13 years has been cheating on me for the last 2 years. We have a 10yr old together. We've been together for almost half of our lives. She wants to stay together, but I'm living in a world of pain right now, with little hope. The only reason I don't eat a bullet for lunch is my daughter.
hugs for you
Good: made more friends
Bad: my gf depression is making me feel like shit
First how did you find out and second why does she say is the reason she wants to stay in the marriage?
I mean, two years she is fucking this guy and it hasn't ended so I doubt you knowing will stop it. Furthermore, should she stop it wasn't because she was ready.
Pro: Getting better at animation after doing some courses online.
Con: Haven't had another 3D job in a year now.
Thank you. My wife refuses to discuss other than saying it was a long time ago, I've been a good father so far and my daughter wouldn't understand my withdrawal from her life. My daughter (I mean his) looks at me weirdly now and acts differently though my wife says that's not true. I asked my wife why she brought the other guy into our life now and she said the real father deserved to be involved so she found him, and asked if he would have a DNA test. I had no fucking idea.
Good: This super cute girl who went to highschool with my roommate is into me
Bad: she's a complete slut, borderline whore
Pro: I got a good run in a speedrun I'm doing
Con: I missed a train which wasted like 5 hours
>no longer sleeping in the street is good
>have no friends, haven't gotten laid in 2 years, have busted teeth, have no skills or education, overweight, and legal troubles is bad
Good: I get to go make a lot of money and travel for work in a week.
Bad: The girl I love doesn't love me anymore.
Pro: I own a house and got enough money to survive
Con: I've been eating way too much garbage and I'm getting depressed bc no family or friends
Good: Took acid and felt a bit relaxed afterwards
Bad: Took it in the middle of class
in front of my crush and some was saying i was freaking out for some reason
I found out when the wife of her fling called me and told me. She eventually confessed to it all, and we're in counseling. We've known each other since high school, and always had a thing for each other. The worst part is, I can't stop loving her. She says she loves me too, for whatever that is worth.
She gave the whole cliche excuse of me never being around, drinking too much, not appreciating her. It's all true, but it's not like she appreciated me either.
I'm in constant torment whether to leave or not. It feels like I'm dying all the time.
But I can't stop thinking of the video they made together, and the 2 years of lies and deception.
Pro: I am being promoted to a district level position
Con: Haven't spoken to my dad in 3 months.
good: i can actually start to trust people again and have friends
bad: i still think about her and it makes me more addicted to drugs
Good: hanging out more with a couple friends than I ever have
Bad: the reason we're hanging out so much is to buy and shoot meth and heroin
Bad: lost my fwb and might have to pay the deductible for an accident that wasn't my fault.
Good: got my costume ready for a halloween party this weekend, along with being excited for my friends wedding
Good: broke up with a crazy needy girl
Bad: fell for a girl that's married (she likes me too)
That's life
good thing: found a really cool new guy, im happy with him
bad thing: i think my ex aka my first love who i still have feelings for may have killed himself but i have no way of knowing for sure
Today's my birthday.
Probably failed first term of college.
Good: I'm making little steps towards living properly on my own (learning how to drive, get a job after being unemployed for a month, learn how to cook, ect)
Con: I keep on stressing out over this girl, although because of circumstances knowing how this will turn out is really a matter of time, I kinda wonder if she's into someone else (if she's into me at all) or if I'm just a paranoid ass making things worse for myself
desu I'm probably not even in a good mental state for a relationship, I should be focusing on myself
good - my therapist says I've been doing a great job opening up to her
bad - I feel on the verge of a mental breakdown
good thing: Met a beautiful girl that I'm quite into, and she seems to be into me, inviting me to do stuff with her.
bad thing: found out she has a boyfriend that she's been dating for three years
I feel like shit. I know I should probably get over her, but she still seems as if she likes me and I don't think she's quite "friendzoned" me yet, despite the obviously low chance of her dating me. Wat do? Should I just succumb to the inevitable friendzone and pocket her for the potential chance that she breaks up with her boyfriend? (while I obviously still look for another girl), or do I just flat out forget about her and move on to another girl? Keep in mind the chances of finding a girl that is single around here are EXTREMELY low.
pls help...
It's really not that bad to miss it two days in a row. That's actually quite normal. Getting back into the routine will show you that you really didn't lose any traction, so long as it doesn't become a habit.
i bought shoes
still waiting on uni application results
Pro: I'm getting 32k
Con: My parents died this year
Idk what I want to do with the money. I feel like I deserve a vacation after all the bullshit I've dealt with this year
seconding this
have you ever gotten a large lump sum before? because if this is your parents retirement fund you're going to start spending it and it will not last at all and you'll end up regretting it because you're basically erasing their life's work by spending it.
I would put it into a high interest account/withdraw as cash and forget it even exists. Understand that it is a small amount of money in the grand scheme of things but it is invaluable when you actually need it. I wish someone would have given me this advice when my dad died because I ended up blowing his savings on a trip to japan and various other pointless endeavours trying to not kill myself(just turned 15 when he died), having that money now that I'm no longer grieving would have meant I'd be decades ahead of everyone else looking to buy a home in their 20's.
Pro: I'm taking ballroom dance classes
Con: My LTR dumped me for some guy she's never met in person
Con: someone I went out of my way to commit to ghosted me
Pro: have had more time to get close with my friends, work out, and do hobbies
can the boyfriend beat you up?
if not fair game
Nothing good happens. I live a relatively privileged life compared to the average person. At least materialistically privileged. But nothing good happens. Nothing good. Literally. Can't seem to find the good in anything. I suck at almost everything I try hand at or want to do. I'm not exceptional in any manner. In fact I have a host of problems that distinguish me as being the exact opposite of exceptional. Or I should say, I'm exceptional at being a loser. Any counters to nihilism? I can not see an argument against it.
Bad: got rejected several times this year and had them talk shit behind my back.
Pro: Future is looking good, finishing my education and will soon start to support my father with his company
i finally got an answer i had craved for years
it is an answer i cannot live with and do not intend to live with
Good: got accepted for a really good job
Bad: i can't seem to enjoy being around my friends anymore
He most definitely cannot. Interesting... there may be hope yet. Though I’ve always wanted to avoid making a girl cheat, as it only leads to my turn to be cheated on.