Is meditation real ?

Or is it just a scam? I want to know if this could improve my study and my life in general. Does it help a bit against procrastination ?

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Mediation is a large umbrella term like the word sports - there are many kinds of sports. The one meditation technique that is very vogue now though is mindfullness mediation which basically instructs you to focus on something, commonly your breath, and return to it when your mind becomes distracted (which will happened every few moments) - the idea is to accept whatever comes up without judgement or preference. This practice has improves focus and general well being - a breakthrough study found that this practice was able to be as effective as antidepressants when preventing depression relapse. Also, there are hordes of physiological benefits to mediation, lowering cholestorol, blood pressure, stress etc.
To answer you question, it is not a scam - millions of Buddhists, Hindus, and non-religious people don't waste hours of their day meditating for it to accomplish nothing - it has very real, helpful benefits.
And it will improve focus and studies and general wellbeing.

TL;DR : meditation is not a scam, has been used for thousands of years to help people lower typical mental suffering - just its just requires a lot of patience and practice.

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Thanks user, do you know where to start? Any guides?

not that user, but hee and here

its deffinetely real. start with the mind illuminated by culadasa


Thanks Anons, I just starded reading and listening, mind illuminated but I will check all you sent to me.

I just hope I will be able to meditate for mindfullness before the 13 hours of audiobook. I have some study material but do you have a way to practice it ?

don't go full retard, read and listen a little eve day, and do a little meditation eve day. Maybe try for 15-20 minutes? regularity is more important than quantity.

I did a 10 days vipassana meditation retreat. I had severe depression and an awful time trying to get things done.

It's all about breaking dualities, letting thoughts come and go and notice the impermanence of everything.
At first, you focus on breathing as it is. Not trying to control it. Then, you reduce the focus on the skin right under your nose, feeling the touch of air on it. Once your focus is good enough, you move this focus on every part of the body, feeling each sensation.
The logic is that at anywhere in the body, there is a sensation that comes and go. By not trying to change it, just observing it, you train your mind not to crave or have aversion torward a particular sensation.
It's not simple to keep doing it, as I felt back to self medicate with drugs. But it's something I hope to master and free myself from addiction and depression.

Yes, about the meditation part I will start with that video from because it's the only practice I know right now about meditation

Thanks user, I kind of get it, meditation is a state of mind. It's a bit the same, yet I need to focus on the present, I need to focus and get things done. I hope you will win this battle against depression. Wich drugs do you use? Maybe try microdosing.

Meditation is somewhat real, to me the benefits are mostly from how I can recognize when I'm spiritually fucking up, such as...

fidgeting, walking too fast, rolling over people with words in conversation, speaking all rushed, etc... I can get wound up frequently and meditation helps in part.

What also helps is being self-long term oriented and fixing the unavoidable problems in your life. But yeah I'd recommend.

Also you having inner stillness is great for succesful relationships and women

Also don't get caught up in spiritual jargon. I apply technical words as often as possible. When I meditate, I imaging next to me is a microphone. If you listened to the audio from the microphone, it would just be the sounds in the room and outside, and all of the details. Meditation to me is sustaining this objective sound in my mind as much as possible, without the thoughts and mental chatter. You have to really sift through all the spiritual words to get to your own personal interpretation that clicks with you. And don't hang up your intelligence when reading, read and study critically and don't just become a mall rat Bob Marley stoner, if you can be smart and zen the world is yours

This look promising, how do you become aware about fucking up?

Yes you are right, I don't like too much about the relegious term but I will read 2-3 books and make my own definition.

If you are a skeptic look up a guy called Dan Harris
If you want a very rational approach from a neuroscientist, look up a guy called Sam Harris

The Jesus standard is the no-fuck up standard. Or Buddha. But we're human.

I'd say you're not fucking up when you're not "adding" anything to the NOW, that is, mental commentary if any sort that distorts the objective situation occurring, as measured by your senses.

I feel terrible giving advice on this sort of thing because words are just signposts and I could be wrong

Did you know that people who meditate for a short time each day are much happier than people who don't?

Meditators are much healthier with greatly extended life spans, too. As a matter of fact, their health is so much better that a number of insurance companies have reduced premiums for people who meditate.

Did you know that experienced meditators have developed many latent abilities that they never knew they had, abilities that exist within every person? And they have gotten much closer to answering life's mysterious questions?

They are much smarter, too. In fact, meditators brains have been proven to function at a superior level on every single test, measurement, and assessment that the scientific community has generated. That is one reason why top level executives and CEOs meditate.

Were you aware that meditators produce immensely more pleasurable brain chemicals, the same chemicals that flow through your system on the days when you feel very good, and these pleasurable brain chemicals are produced constantly?

Did you know that they also sleep much better? As a matter of fact, they need fewer hours of sleep every night because their mind and bodies are completely refreshed and rejuvenated during their highly pleasurable meditation sessions. Meditation is many times more powerful than sleep.

Also, meditators have far superior mental and emotional health. They have less anxiety, depression, anger, sadness, fear, and they have more friends, healthier relationships, and feel a great deal more satisfied and content with their lives.

Physiological benefits:

1- It lowers oxygen consumption.
2- It decreases respiratory rate.
3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4- Increases exercise tolerance.
5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6- Good for people with high blood pressure.
7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8- Decreases muscle tension
9- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10- Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
11- Helps in post-operative healing.
12- Enhances the immune system.
13- Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
14- Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
15- Helps with weight loss
16- Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage
17- Higher skin resistance
18- Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
19- Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
20- Decreases the aging process.
21- Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
22- prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases
23- Makes you sweat less
24- Cure headaches & migraines
25- Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
26- Reduced Need for Medical Care
27- Less energy wasted
28- More inclined to sports, activities
29- Significant relief from asthma
30- improved performance in athletic events
31- Normalizes to your ideal weight
32- harmonizes our endocrine system
33- relaxes our nervous system
34- produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
35- Cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation).

Psychological benefits:

36- Builds self-confidence.
37- Increases serotonin level, influences mood and behaviour.
38- Resolve phobias & fears
39- Helps control own thoughts
40- Helps with focus & concentration
41- Increase creativity
42- Increased brain wave coherence.
43- Improved learning ability and memory.
44- Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation.
45- Increased emotional stability.
46- improved relationships
47- Mind ages at slower rate
48- Easier to remove bad habits
49- Develops intuition
50- Increased Productivity
51- Improved relations at home & at work
52- Able to see the larger picture in a given situation
53- Helps ignore petty issues
54- Increased ability to solve complex problems
55- Purifies your character
56- Develop will power
57- greater communication between the two brain hemispheres
58- react more quickly and more effectively to a stressful event.
59- increases one's perceptual ability and motor performance
60- higher intelligence growth rate
61- Increased job satisfaction
62- increase in the capacity for intimate contact with loved ones
63- decrease in potential mental illness
64- Better, more sociable behaviour
65- Less aggressiveness
66- Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction
67- Reduces need and dependency on drugs, pills & pharmaceuticals
68- Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation
69- Require less time to fall asleep, helps cure insomnia
70- Increases sense of responsibility
71- Reduces road rage
72- Decrease in restless thinking
73- Decreased tendency to worry
74- Increases listening skills and empathy
75- Helps make more accurate judgements
76- Greater tolerance
77- Gives composure to act in considered & constructive ways
78- Grows a stable, more balanced personality
79- Develops emotional maturity

Spiritual benefits:

80- Helps keep things in perspective
81- Provides peace of mind, happiness
82- Helps you discover your purpose
83- Increased self-actualization.
84- Increased compassion
85- Growing wisdom
86- Deeper understanding of yourself and others
87- Brings body, mind, spirit in harmony
88- Deeper Level of spiritual relaxation
89- Increased acceptance of oneself
90- helps learn forgiveness
91- Changes attitude toward life
92- Creates a deeper relationship with your "God" (you are god anyways)
93- Attain enlightenment
94- greater inner-directedness
95- Helps living in the present moment
96- Creates a widening, deepening capacity for love
97- Discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego
98- Experience an inner sense of "Assurance or Knowingness"
99- Experience a sense of "Oneness"
100- Increases the synchronicity ( in your life

So when do you try to sell us your book or convert us to your religion?

religion is mind control user

how is breathing a religion, you are doing it now you cuck.

You can achieve ego death with Meditation, no need for psychedelics.

>So when do you try to sell us your book
I rarely read books. I hate reading books. I have read about 20 books in total in my entire life. I never read books, i would never read books because they are fucking boring. Even if i read a book, i would read a couple of pages and stop reading cause i don't like reading.

I LOVE READING. But i don't like reading. Do you get the difference you retard?

But i don't like reading books*

Why not both?

And what can you really learn about ego death? Is it a life changing?

I see meditation similarly to musculation or running.
Your mind will want you to stop running or not complete another repetition, but you have to ignore it. Focusing on the pain helps make it tolerable, feeling the body and breath helps run longer.
You'll sometimes feel miserable, but you keep going and pushing yourself.
Meditation isn't always pleasurable. You'll feel pain, physical pain at almost unbearable level. Even experienced meditator don't always have pleasurable sessions. But the only thing that matter is staying equanimous. No expectation, no craving or aversion.
It's years of work, you won't run a marathon until you ran your fist mile.

I use psilocybin and LSD from time to time, and marijuana every other day. I want to believe they helped me getting a more open view of this world, but they certainly aren't necessary and most likely hold me back to further development of spiritually. For me, spirituality is simply the art of living, you learn to change your perspective and understand things by experience.

Thanks, what are you doing during your session? Do you only think about your breathing?

Take a look at Headspace. They offer 10 free sessions for you to try it out for yourself. If you do 1 a day, it will take you 10 minutes at most. I bought the full version myself and I use it regularly to get calmer, happier and more productive.

It works really down to Earth and walks you through all the steps. After the 10 free days, you could also use the tips other people in this thread gave you to start by yourself. Good luck!

I might give it a try thank you, this and some books should be a good start.