ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate.
If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no “magic moment” (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. “Signs” of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may also work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Is it actually possible to find someone you like online, court them, ask them out, and be successful?
If so, how would you go about that?

I know a girl I would kill to date, oy thing is she has a small following of orbiters I'm trying to avoid joining, and online is my only way of reaching her without being a creep and going to where she works or something.

What does it feel like being an object and having everything in life handed to you in exchange for sex ?

Yes it’s possible. It the fact that she has a collection of orbiters is a big problem. In my case, it worked simply because she didn’t chat with many others online and eventually just straight up fell for me.

I wouldn't know because I'm not a massive whore and have only experienced rejection.
How does it feel knowing your body is superior in every way?

>hang out with 2 female friends
>notice a girl i matched on tinder months ago but never went out with at the same place but a bit further away (it was outside)
>asked them should i approach
Now here's what's interesting. They gave me a strange look. They said things like: "Why would you?", "She's a goblin", "I'm starting to worry about you", "Your standards are way too low", "You can do much better", "Why did you swipe right on her in the first place"
Is something wrong with me? I like to think i'm not superficial and that i go for a girls personality, but i'm into a girl's style because i believe it indicates she's not a normie (dyed hair, pixie cuts, clothes).
Am i superficial in the end? Are the two of them superficial?

Literally who cares? Being a man means doing what feels right and damn what others tell you.

>asked them should i approach
go ask her away.

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What are some common reasons a guy could want to avoid sex? I feel like the man I'm dating was sexually abused but I don't want to bring up any memories by discussing it with him.

Holy mother of based.

I wasn't asking about that. I was asking more along the lines of: "does liking a girl for personality, and maybe looking quirky, that's not that pretty make me superficial?"

Four possibilities that are far more likely:
1. He’s a virgin and afraid (this is possible even if he’s claimed he isn’t one)
2. He has premature ejaculation and is embarrassed and afraid of doing it again
3. He has ED and is embarrassed and afraid of doing it again
4. He has some kind of infection or skin condition around his genitals that’s disgusting or embarrassing (even if it’s not a STD)

>avoid sex?
sexual aversion, trust issues, not being comfortable showing vulnerability, performance/physical issues, actual fear of sex. there are tons of things.

The answer is the same: literally who cares? Being a man means doing what feels right no matter what the world thinks.

It makes you the opposite of superficial. Most people start interacting these days because they wanna mash their private parts. It's why Tinder exists in the first place.

I really hope it's one of the reasons you mentioned. All of those could be worked through. He's 32 so I doubt he's a virgin. (If he was that would be pretty cute though.)
I just hope he's not suffering in silence. He has major trust issues that we're trying to work through. I'll probably prod him to open up once we make some more progress.

Is it still successful?

>He's 32 so I doubt he's a virgin
There are plenty of +30 male virgins.

Lasted about six months online followed by one month in person. We’d been best friends for five years before it developed.

>He's 32 so I doubt he's a virgin. (If he was that would be pretty cute though.)
I lost my virginity at 32, incidentally to my first gf. It literally just happens (and yeah, my ex was actually into it in the end; the whole corruption fetish)
>I just hope he's not suffering in silence.
If he’s a man, he’s suffering in silence. That’s the core of masculinity.

Bisexual/lesbian chicks: Theres this chick in my class who seems to be into me, like sending almost every signal that she is attracted to me. That being said, she says shes attracted to women in like alot of her posts on Instagram, despite never having a gf (from what she has posted). She's never said she isnt attracted to men, but puts significant emphasis on women.
Shes super cute and im interested in dating her, what are the odds of me actually being able to do so? Ive made it pretty clear to her that i like being around her, going out of my way to sit next to her and arranging with her to be in the same group for our class' group project, and she hasnt said anything about her sexuality or put the brakes on my not so subtle advances in any way.

What do you gals have to say about this?
If any guys have had a Similar circumstance I'd like to know how it worked out.

I was gonna make a thread but i think this thread is more appropriate.

Pic related is her

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>wall of autism
I’d say just ask her out for coffee, but it seems pretty clear you’ve already managed to invest yourself in this girl to the point that you’re almost surely going to get friendzoned. Seriously, sort yourself out.

Yikes, where did i go wrong

What's the best way to ask out a relative stranger? We work in the same building, but aren't coworkers. We've exchanged pleasantries a few times, but haven't really gotten an opportunity to chat.

Many girls go through that sort of phase in their first few years of uni. She's probably just experimenting and discovering her sexuality now that she feels comfortable to do so. You're by no means out of the running if she hasn't expressed a complete disinterest in men.

>Ive made it pretty clear to her that i like being around her, going out of my way to sit next to her and arranging with her to be in the same group for our class' group project, and she hasnt said anything about her sexuality or put the brakes on my not so subtle advances in any way.
Congrats. At best (and really, most likely) you’re a friendly guy that she might think of as a bro. At worst you’re creepy but tolerable enough that she’s not told you to fuck off.

Nothing you’ve done is an “advance”, and given you’ve begun to obsess over her to this extent, you’re not gonna succeed even if you did have a chance of being attractive to her.

While the problem of her sexuality is a threshold issue, you’ve fucked it so badly on the merits that there’s literally no point in doing an analysis of her sexuality issue. It would be futile because no matter the outcome you have no chance.

Next time learn to casually date girls before you get so emotionally invested.

Get an opportunity to chat.

>being a man means functionally the same exact thing as being a hedonistic thot
they're just jews they said. they just want to live their lives and won't fuck up your communities they said. don't be so racist n sheeeit they said.

Why does it seem like the hot sluts are the friendliest to me? I'm still a virgin, but the average girls have always been more dismissive of me in my experience. Like even when I did some creepy shit when I was learning how to overcome my anxiety and talk to girls, the hot girls were never as hostile to the point of blocking me like the average girls did.

Pretty nice, as long as you can control it. I wouldn't want to live through my teens again though.

That really sucks. He shouldn't have to suffer. I want to help him through anything he's suffering through.

No, it doesn't make you superficial. As for your original question you have to realise women generally don't like men talking to other women, especially ones they don't know. This is the best way for them to keep you off others without showing their true intentions.

You’re a chad at heart. I’m serious too. This was me in college; I hit it off great with the hot, sorority type girls, but struggled like crazy with the geeky, frumpy, bookish, etc. Fact of the matter is you’re more cut out for hanging with and getting with those kind of girls.

It’s a guy thing. We all have our own struggles and burdens. While it’s lovely of you to want to share it with him, there are some burdens that are so personal or so shameful that it’s more of an affront to have you inject yourself into it than anything else. I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to help him through whatever is wrong with him, but just be aware.

>You’re a chad at heart.
Heh, I actually was one in my earlier years of school, but my family and the environment around me caused me to mellow down and become quiet for some years which lead to a fall out with the popular guys. I'm getting better now though and my older brother is a complete Chad, so I guess I just need to find that same spark I once had.

I am not that pretty so I wouldn't know. I had one decent guy who wanted to date me in nearly 30 years. He's the only one who ever went out of his way for me.

There really aren't. A very small percentage of people is virgin past 25, and a laughably small one is virgin past 30.

If my hands shake like a sperg when talking to this girl I like is it immediately obvious to her that I like her or will she just think I have aspergers?

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I had a "sort of" argument once with my ex.
>was about to tell her she's amazing
>we're cuddling after sex
>she interrupted me and said "every guy told me: you're special"
>she then talked about manic pixie dream girls
I had to assure her that people aren't tropes, and that we are more than the sum of our parts.
I guess that left a bit of an emotional scar.
Do i like the traits? Or do i see traits as indicators of personality?

She will think you like her and that you have Asperger's.

Is the fact that I'm not a sperg around other women enough of a tell for her?

Usually you want to apply the "show, don't tell" principle in a relationship. Instead of saying 'you're amazing' you buy her flowers, or take her somewhere nice etc. something rare and not often done. The only thing you should say is 'I love you' and even keep that at a minimum.
Women often want you to "prove" your love if you don't do so through action. Usually this involves statements such as "I'm not important to you" or questions such as "do you love me" "will you leave me" and so forth. In your case, she saw your relationship the same as every previous she had, and wanted you to prove that it's special.
Traits comprise a personality. You see positive traits and negative, and when you look at women you try to find the one with more positive than negative ones, forming in the end one personality most compatible with your desires.


Why do you judge guys if they have little sexual experience but then get upset when guys judge you for being sluts?

Nah, if she shows signs then ask her out. Don't expect a long lasting romance tho since most bis are born cheaters since they need to fuel both their attraction for men and women. You could maybe get into a threesome but that will just speed up the breakup.

I don’t judge guys for having sexual experience? If It’s a guy I like I might feel a little jealous but I wouldn’t judge him.

This doesn't happen you stupid incel.

I never judged anyone, really.

Unless someone is virgin well into their 20s or a complete manwhore I don't even care about sexual history. In those cases it's more a red flag of an underlying issue or future problems than anything else.

>judge guys if they have little sexual experience
>This doesn't happen you stupid incel
Doubt it

How does an ugly, shy poor, mostly uninteresting man get a girlfriend?

I'm basically a proto-incel. I'm 25 and I've never had a girlfriend although I have dated and slept with a handful of women. Nothing long-term has ever come of any of these relationships though, max like a few weeks or a month

Not really interested in casual sex (I wouldn't say no obviously, but it's not what I really want) - want the companionship of a gf more than anything desu

I already did. We weren't in a long enough relationship for me to say "I love you", i mean things when i say them. She ended up leaving and i just let her. Left the ball in her court and never talked to her again. It's been 7 months.
I kept telling myself letting her leave is the right thing to do, so did my friends. But it still doesn't feel right.
Should i text her? Before or after her birthday? I have an idea for a birthday present that's meaningful.
JESUS, i started asking a question and ended up pouring my guts out about my ex.

>This doesn't happen you stupid incel.
Am not an incel, but am a stupid. Does this really not happen?

Become less uninteresting.

Y u gotta do dis 2 me?

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It's okay, user, nobody should bottle things up.
Did you love her? Do you love her still?
Do you want her, or just the perfect idea you made of her in your mind?
Why did you break up?
Do you want to be with her? Do you want to be with specifically her?

How senpai? I have plenty of interests but they're fairly solitary/not interesting to like 99% of women (mostly practising combat sports and reading)

My friend has a girlfriend but confessed to having feelings for me earlier this year. He said he loved me but he shouldn’t and that nothing can happen between us as long as he’s in a relationship.

It’s been months and I recently asked him if he still feels the same and he said he does. He’s told me he wants me to move on and be happy because it’s “not fair” to keep me on the backburner, etc. But then he gets jealous when I’m nice to other guys or talk about dating?

I really don’t know what he wants from me. I’ve offered to give him space to focus on his relationship with his gf and he declined.

lower your standards

I’ve been judged by women because I’m 29 and only had 1 gf before, and I did hook up culture. The last 3 women I’ve dated recently all asked me my history and acted all shocked and one even laughed when they found out I have a very small history. I didn’t go on future dates with them after that obviously.

I should've asked her out BEFORE doing this group project with her; we'll be working together until December on this.
On further thinking i might just ask her out sooner than later. If she rejects she can just claim she's lesbian and then i can pretend i didnt know and it would be 100x less awkward that way than just straight up rejection.

Do you want to get divorced one day?

This is how you get divorced

I have virtually zero standards to be quite honest senpai my standards aren't a problem, I'm not picking and choosing and finding no girls interested in me that I like

I simply am receiving zero female interest en ce moment

It's surprising that you had just one gf at 29, especially if you've been single for a while. Being surprised or "shocked" doesn't mean that they think you're a subhuman.

Never believe a woman when they say they don't judge you on things, they not only compare you against an "average" but against the APEX male

Every woman wants you to be earning massive money, have fucked all the bitches etc

>Every woman wants you to have fucked all the bitches
You need to stop going on Jow Forums.

>Being surprised or "shocked" doesn't mean that they think you're a subhuman.
It literally does. Especially laughing to your face.

Don't want to make a thread for this, but my penis bends.
When measuring dick size, do I force it to flatten out and then measure that, or measure from the base to the tip with natural curvature?

I'm in love with her, yes. I don't love her, because of what she did, it hurt too much.
I'd say i want her. Tho 2 of my friends say it might just be the idea of her. But i think they're wrong.
We talked about us that night. She said she didn't want a relationship, but in the end she agreed. Everything was great but the day after i left i got a big text about how she's just not ready for a relationship, and wants us to be friends with benefits.
By the end of the week she probably realized both of our feelings were beyond fuckbudies. Heck the day before she stopped talking to me she sent voice texts of her playing the piano.
I want to be with her.
But i bite my tongue thinking that someone "like her" would do.
I've never met a girl i just clicked so much with before. She kept blowing me away with each date. She kept surprising me (pleasantly) even when we had breakfast the morning after we fucked (and slept together, which is something i haven't done yet).
I doubt my feelings.

Most datasets have you flatten it as much as you comfortably can.

Unless you dick curves like a u or a circle its not gonna make a difference silly

Acting shocked is them viewing me negatively. Jaw dropping and saying “oh my god what??” is definitely negative

No it doesn't. It's uncommon, hence surprising, it doesn't mean it is bad.
I'd be surprised if my boyfriend told me he had 6 billion dollars in his bank account, and probably laugh nervously, but it's definitely not a bad thing.

Laughing at your face - was she laughing at you or just laughing nervously because she was surprised?

It looks to me like you're biased towards women and your own experience, and you look at it with conclusions already in your mind.

No, it isn't. You're biased.

>I have an 8 inches dick
>Oh my god what??
>And I also have a 2 million dollar mansion
>*Shock, jaw drop*

Not negative. Surprise isn't a negative emotion. It's uncommon, so it is suprising - it doesn't mean it's bad.

It bends like this, so it does make some difference.
Cool, so I guess I have a perfectly average 5.5'' dick.

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I keep hearing about this "casual date" thing
What is it?

Do you mean you date the person, but you guys aren't seriously trying to make it work?

Or do you like hang out as friends and neither of you acknowledge the fact that your dating?

Or is there some inbetween that I don't know about. Gimme the 411

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Yeppers. Perfectly respectable.

He's an indecisive cunt. Tell his gf about this and then cut contact with him.

>meet girl off dating site and add her on social media
>occasionally post whiny memes about how she gets played by dudes
>also posts memes showing her sexual side
>have asked her to dinner on one of her off days
>claims she's either busy or has ti check her schedule. Never gets back to me
>still complains about how she gets played and how she wishes she had someone.

I feel like she's just an attention whore at the end of the day. We've had some good conversations but she seems unwilling to meet. I figure she's just in love with complaining, or she has other guys and i'm essentially waiting in line.

If you really want her, go for it. First see if she's single though.
Avoid her birthday, send her that gift you were talking about a week or two afterwards, preferably not an expensive one.
You should, however, be absolutely certain that that is what you want. Also, just out of curiosity, how many relationships have you been in? Not fucking, real relationships.

2 real relationships. I dated/kissed ~ 7 girls and had sex with 3. (Her included).
She works as a programmer and while i'm not i made a java script text about trying again.
Ok, so text her after birthday.
The gift is 14-16$, but it's meaningful.

Wel when they start to act less interested almost immediately after this moment it’s obvious. Our dates at went well until that moment. After my answer they became noticeably less engaged.

It’s like they want me to be a manwhore. Which I’m not and won’t be.

What non-club/bar places can man meet women?

Too much of a nervy b to cold approach at the gym or whatever, do I just join hobby clubs?

What about things or is that too autistic?

I wish you the best, user. Good luck.


>hanging out with group of friends
>very self conscious
>friends ask me to play piano
>played for 10 years so not bad at it
>play a few songs
>qt girl I don’t know very well sits next to me, tells me it sounds beautiful
>spill spaghetti about how it’s not very good
>have multiple instances where she smiles at me that day
>don’t know how to react because awkward
>hanging out with same group again the next week
>we’re drinking
>she pats couch for me to sit next to her
>time goes by, garbage is overflowing so decide to take it out
>she follows me outside
>doesn’t say a word, but just follows me
>I laugh and try to make small talk about how it’s getting cold
>she giggles and then we’re back inside
>be last weekend
>everyone just sitting around talking
>she keeps staring at me
>caught her looking so many times through my peripheral vision
>sometimes holding intense gaze for 3-4 minutes
>like she’s trying to burn a hole in my ear with her eyeballs

I know something is up but I’m extremely awkward and don’t know what to do

she likes you. hold her hand if you're too nervous to try anything more.

Wow whoops I fucked up bad.
I left out:
>we’re both married

How do I get over feeling jealous about my girlfriend having more experience than me? I lied and told her I've had other girlfriends but she took my virginity.

She was FWB with some fat loser but she says only because she was stupid enough to think they were in a relationship. She says his dick was tiny and I'm the best, but for some reason I am still jealous? I think if I had sex experience before her I would be okay with this.

Is approaching girls to flirt with them actually a good idea, or can relationships only be formed if you let them happen organically?

I want to get back into dating after a few months of me-time but I don't know how to actually make it happen. Just approaching women I find attractive feels like forcing it, but I don't have the patience to just wait until my luck actually turns up.

oh. kek well yeah that changes things quite a bit m8. don't be alone with her ever. talk positively about your wife and ask her stuff about her husband anytime you two converse.

>cold approach
Don’t do this shit.

She's been with other guys, and despite that, she still fucks you. Think of yourself as the winner man, you're, at least at right now, better than those other scrubs she was with.
Don't become a jealous fag, makes you much less attractive. Stay a winner, my dude.

This. If you can internalize the reality that she picked you, it should be possible for you to talk normally about her exes.

If hes not husband material but we're both into each other should we even try?
And if we date and I find it wont work, what do?
I know people say that love can grow or what not, but I wouldnt know

Also, I only want to date seriously but I dont know if he would since we're both in our early 20s
If we do go out Id expect it to be serious, but if it doesnt mean marriage then what is it?
Why even bother?

Pls help

Oh. Weird. She's still interested, obviously. What do you want though?

How do you do that when you dont know if she has ever ended a relationship of her own accord

To know what she’s thinking.
I’d never act on it.
But if only I could know what’s going through her head when she stares into my fuckin soul.
Maybe she’s plotting to let a bunch of bobcats loose in my apartment lol

... because that’s irrelevant?

Then how do you know she chose you over anyone and not over being single

How do I get a girl to be affectionate towards me?

Find this girl who is super fine on social media looking at a friend's page. Don't know her personally but I don't have Twitter or Instagram. Only thing I have is Facebook but haven't used in several years. Is there any way to approach this situation without being creepy or coming across as desperate maybe I won't like her personality but holy fug she's fine. I'm sure she has a fair share of orbiters as well.