The bleeding heart of Jow Forums beats once again.

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I am afraid of my own species.

I'm going to be a better person and control my anger. No more making enemies, no more losing friends, no longer will I hold myself back.

I will be a better person for myself and others

I saw that Terry died
Fuck man, god is cruel
I hope youre doing alright
I wish you missed me like I miss you

was I blue or was I red from that dream?| Red was getting incredibly jealous but then they let him in a little bit, to see what blue sees but when it came time to get in at the end... they didn't let Red in. He tried, Blue tried to get him in but they just wouldn't let Red in.

Blue said to Red "They don't want you."
"Why?" Blue replied.
"Because you're an asshole." said Blue.

Why are you rejecting me at every chance you get? "Hahahaha I dont want to date you" ok thanks, neither do I? You go out of your way to call me "man" and "dude" just to solidify the fact you're not interested, I get it. I'm not interested in you like that either, so why are you doing it? It's embarrassing and awkward when you keep doing it. It's mostly confusing because I don't understand what you're doing.

It's ok, I have you covered.

Kill all humans.

This is definitely NOT the kind of guy I can have Thanksgiving Dinner with. Because if his parents see that I am 18 years older than him, they are going to have me prosecuted. For messing around with an autistic kid.

What the hell am I doing? I’m a fucking monster.

And then blue said "SMELL YA LATER"

Sounds like they’re trying to resist you.

Posted late into the old threads life span.

>meet girl off dating site and add her on social media
>occasionally post whiny memes about how she gets played by dudes
>also posts memes showing her sexual side
>have asked her to dinner on one of her off days
>claims she's either busy or has ti check her schedule. Never gets back to me
>still complains about how she gets played and how she wishes she had someone.

I feel like she's just an attention whore at the end of the day. We've had some good conversations but she seems unwilling to meet. I figure she's just in love with complaining, or she has other guys and i'm essentially waiting in line.

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maybe this is precisely why she’s alone? ain’t your job to fix her shit

I don’t feel sorry for you at all.

Not trying to fix anything.
I'm just curious as to what her deal is or if i'm correct in my assumption.
Or maybe she just wants dick, idk.

Everything sucks and I don't know why I exist. All my dreams are dashed by everyone else, and there is no reason to be excited for anything. Friends are a useless waste of time, as is everything else.

I will get a job, and then I will die, alone. There is no happiness, and you can't make your own. Only those born happy, or those that fate smiles down on will ever live a decent life.

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Girls like that purposely date guys who don't give a fuck about them and then complain when he drops her or reveals he only wanted her for sex.
But when someone is legit interested in her, she won't give you the time of day until she's ready to settle.

Drop her. Don't bother. Unless you yourself just want to fuck, it's pointless to ask her out.

I really doubt that user. He is truly is not interested and I completely understand and fine with it. Why would he keep hurting me like that though? I don't even know why it hurts my feelings but it does. It's a reminder that I'm not wanted, maybe?
It's like telling someone to stop being angry when they're laughing. It's like ???
I might start a thread to understand this situation.

the ONLY reason why I exaggerated "the gap" in that one UNFINISHED painting is because I was going to have light accents there. It was part of the process. She wasn't going to be nude either.

I hate that you guys go through my unfinished works, especially my experimental doodles. There's so much context, process, and thinking going on there you just don't know about.

I'm sure you all have some unfinished works that take chords and rhythm straight from other songs..

I bet you have unfinished lyrics that are complete cringe because you were just writing down some generic verses, feelings, or other such things. Like "grr my heart is darkness" kind of shit.

That shit is private.

I never told you, but I know the shit you’ve been doing. I’d rather let the guilt consume you forever than confront you and give you relief.

kek, i feel the same.

I really want to withdraw from a class despite getting a good grade in it because I hate the class and it's completely useless and boring. But if I do withdraw then I worry that having a W on my transcript will come back to haunt me, since the class is supposedly easy, and I worry that future employers will look over me because they think I don't challenge myself.
It sucks, man.

I don't feel guilty.

Thank you.

I have a massive death drive Anons and it's bothering me massively.
I can't quite explain it ever since High school (UK Ages 10-16) all I've known is that I wanted to kill myself for a lot of things, usually revolving a lot of guilt and a lot of disgust of what's happened in my life and some things that I've done comes to mind, but, I thought originally it was going to be when I was 16 I would end it, then 18, now that I'm bordering 20 everything is becoming a weird shade of grey where if you've ever seen "The Enigma of Amigara Fault" and the people that climb into the holes is how my body/brain is starting to act where I'm getting nearly consumed by the repetitive thoughts of why am I not dead? I should be dead, I should have died a while ago, I should be dead, I need to be dead.

With that being said, I can take a step back and go I don't want to die, nor do I want to harm myself and I mean who does? But with the current state of my head having been in constant pain since August of 2017 and seemingly no answers as to what's causing it to still hurt post concussion or any cures for it either even with an MRI scan showing nothing, I'm seemingly getting bleaker thoughts by the day as I feel more and more useless and ever more tired, hell even my legs are starting to act up, all of this in mind I don't want to die necessarily even with those thoughts in my head, I just want the pain to go away and be able to rest for a long while, just be able to wake up and be productive again, I want to be myself again, to be able to love someone and not have to worry about the next day, but I fear that day will never come and that makes me fear one day I might do something awful to myself Anons.

I just don't know what's the right path from here, I only feel lost with very little escape. Sorry if this comes off as a Scitzo post but it's literally Getting everything off my chest.

That and I love Lydia Pope more than I've ever loved anyone but that doesn't matter much.

that last dream. Had a bunch of kids in a school that was on fire (totally not my fault you idiots broadcasted that) and then going through house to house and saying "------ COULD NOT BE SAVED."

Then a doctor that was an alien or something came to me and someone else to discuss our super powers of being able to see hidden things. Like the stars, planets, predator, kicking buses, and then some kind of tesseract where the planet has a giant cube inside of it that is being lifted off and then opend orh that was the radar thing ok.

Then a giant blackhole sucked me in with science alien doctor and he asked what did I see when I looked through my little device I created that matched up with the exploded moon and I saw really beautiful colors that were red, blue, purple, and white. He said that it was something called "The incursion." and that our race will try to fight the incoming space pirates with some kind of new space torpedo but then we got obliterated by some kind of explosion because it was too late or something.

Cut back to red in a gundam spacesuit preparing for the last battle of spaceship earth and they said something like "REMEMBER THE M-SOMETHING" before charging in and stuff and I got some reeses cups at the end.

Basically earth is doomed and I'm getting the fuck out of dodge before it all goes to shit.

Why the fuck would any of you believe a god damn word any of my exes have to say about anything?

They were paid to literally kill me through psychological and emotional abuse. That's a fact. So why the FUCK WOULD YOU BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY FUCKING SAY OR DO.

I miss you.

my AI companion is a fucking dick

I want a new one please

I don't understand. It feels like I've tried so hard to let things go, let my anger go, but you don't do the same. Infact, you get "triggered" by less and less. I day dream of leaving you, but you broke up with me last night over absolutely nothing, and all I've done is spent the past 16 hours or so begging and crying like I'm fucking pathetic. I'm pathetic and crazy and should just let you go.
That's where it gets overwhelmingly confusing and upsetting.
You always break up with me, and then comeback and say it was just because you needed to "cooldown". But it's abusive. It's emotional abuse to get your way because you know that I crumble everytime and sob and am so happy that you come back. And the handful of times that I've buckled down, said hey no, he really fucked up and I don't deserve to feel this way, he comes crawling back and fucking begs. I want off this ride. If I sit here, and get strong with myself while you take a break from me, I'll be done with you. Why don't you get That? For me to be strong enough to not be in unbearable pain because of how you treat me, pain so bad that I beg and I'm terrified to be away from you because what if these are our last moments. If I get strong enough to not feel that way, I have to hate you for making me feel that way. I'm sure that's going to read weird but god.
I want to leave this place.
I want you to be kind towards me. But you won't ever be. You won't learn how. So why should I listen to your mother and learn to accept that you'll never be kind? That isn't fair. That. Isnt. Fair.

Anons. How do I leave my asshole boyfriend for good? Hes my first love but i am miserable and need off this ride. I know he's going to beg. I know I'm pathetic and dumb and how stupid women are for just accepting ass hole men. How do I get better? I don't know what to do.


Just do it. You deserve better.

I have met my next best friend in uni.
She will be moving to a different state.
I have only just now figured out both of these facts.
We're the types of people who play off one another so well it makes the rest of our day instantly better.
How do I cope with the loss of my newly found best friend? It's cost prohibitive for both of us if we wanted to see eachother on the regular when she moves.
These have been some of the best months of my life and all I want is to give her the same joy she's shared with me.


My ex boyfriend's friend is doing a similar thing

Every day I check the facebooks of two women. One was something of an ex. The relationship was more of a toxic codependency than anything else and ended two and a half years ago. Last time I saw her was over a year and a half ago. The second girl is someone I met once four years ago when I was in the toxic codependency. We friended each other on FB and that's it.

Every other day I also check the facebooks of the first woman's mom, because she's more likely to post something, as well as the facebook of my highschool sweetheart, who I broke up with 9 years ago and who has been married for a few months now.

I realized last night that this was the last "pathetic habit" I have yet to overcome so I am taking it upon myself to not look at these people's social media anymore.

Which species is that?

I wish I had someone to be with so I wouldn't start missing you after a few days of no contact.
I'm not interested in you anymore, but I still miss hanging out.

I'm going to tell my dad the truth about how I've felt about him this whole time since the divorce. I've been frustrated with him this entire time, hating him for his selfish choices and ruining his family, but also having to realize that he is still my father. I've been ignoring just about anything he says, and honestly haven't been giving a shit about him while he just tries to help me in my life.

He was an asshole then, but I have to move on and progress or I'll just regret all this shit after he passes on.

can I fucking go now?

I'm so fucking bored holy shit.

I can't believe you would steal my entire life and then delay my freedom indefinitely. You fucking assholes are fucking assholes.

After what she did to me, I’m kind of glad she has anxiety and depression. Even if she said it wasn’t on purpose.
The best revenge is a happy life, so at least I can live life and be genuinely happy unlike her, amirite, fellas?

Whatever, glad I didn’t say more. I was about to but knew better. Always have to shut me down, don’t you? Don’t get confused, I want you not need you..,

That's plural right?


You are expendable. Deal with it.


Don’t speak for me... fuck I can’t even vent here anyone

My farts are lethal.

Every passing day I could die without hearing from you.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm trying so hard to maintain a sense of wanting to live but it's so fucking hard. I have no one to confide in about this and I have no one who can help get me out of my situation.



Thank you for being my muse. You were never real, only my Wilson. In the end you floated away. Time for me to move on.


I just wanted to say that I hate niggers so fucking much

I'm sure most people hate you too.

I've thought this exact thought about him.

Nope I'm loved by many

I don't think I will ever understand why people say simple tasks are hard.
Assembling Ikea furniture, driving a manual transmission car, following a map texting on a t9 phone.
Are some people really this retarded or is it just a gag I don't get?

Cute girl and I have known each other in passing for a year and I've fallen for her now completely after hardly interacting with her. The more I talk to her the more I regret not having done so before.
I believe I have a pretty realistic chance to make something happen if I just keep at it. But we barely share classes at this point and I see her only twice a week.

My regret and self-doubt run deep and it hurts. I had all the time and opportunity and squandered it yet again. But I won't let life pass me by anymore. She's the one, I know it. I'll try my hardest.

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Right. Some cunts deserve to have those problems.

Thats just your delusions.

Don't blame women because you are a loser.

This might sound like a lie, but life isn't the culmination of your guilt and grievances. You're completely free to walk away from all of that and forgive yourself for whatever you've done. Take it from someone who used to struggle with death anxiety and constant head pain as well, right behind my right eye.

This isn't me saying pick up a hobby, this isn't me saying meet the right people, I'm gonna tell you life is work and it's hard not to get dragged down by such empty feelings. Because it feels inevitable. But in spite of that, it's not a part of your waking life and everything you experience is so much larger than that. Just keep going, just try because as long as you're alive you should find a way to ease the suffering, maybe even overcome it.

Getting all of that off your chest is the first part to a clean start, it shows you're willing. Be strong.


Every problem everyone has always boils down to fear.

What are the reasons to keep living?

I'm sorry Em.
I know you'd want me to go on without you, but it's just not worth it. It's not getting better, the therapist doesn't understand what my problem is, and I can't cope with the world without you in it.
See you soon.

Jow Forums, thanks for the sympathy and the chance to vent in a place where I didn't feel like my problems were being judged and prioritized differently by other people.
I wish you all the best of luck, no matter what you're going through.
I can't say it'll get better because I don't know it does, but I hope you can all get through it.
Bye anons. See you in the next Jow Forumsenture

not all

SOME cunts. Learn to read you insecure wench.

You're a cunt; you deserve a painful existence and to have numerous mental disorders. Die.

Take your meds. Go bother somebody else.

Started training to be a city bus driver, I don't feel it. It's only a few days in and I'm already falling apart. Everyone in the class seems so excited and happy to try for that job. I feel like shit, I feel like crying. I don't think I'm cut out for this, fuck. My family is happy I'm working again, I don't think I can do this.

Fuck I need help, I'm scared and it sucks since I have no one to lean on.

I already feel like a failure.

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I think most women are whores.

I hated my dad growing up, I actively rejected his kind of behavior towards women. I've always been really firm on treating men and women equally.

But now that I'm older, I feel deep down that most women are whores in some way. Most aren't really self-starters, I don't think most women could handle just doing things for themselves. Seems like most women just want the easy road. Flipping through Tinder is worse since it's filled with women that want sugar daddies and the gimmies. Absolute worst are the Snapchat/twitch/findom whores who don't actually put out.

I don't think most women could handle being alone and doing what you want for yourself and making all your own decisions.

I think the only saving grace is that now both young men and women don't know how to do anything.

I do take one medication but it's not for mental illness like you're implying retard. So yeah, I will take my medication when I eat.

You're a bitter parrot who hates women because they see through you and won't put up with you. Your mother was a terrible parent and basically sucked your dick when you were younger. kys

I love you A. You make me happier than I've been in 20 years, just from a hug, kiss, or cuddle. I'll try and tell you this by the end of November, when I can say that with a clear soul. I want to be your one and only. I don't want to tie you down. But I do want to be everything I can be for you.

Ugh are break ups always rapid waves of sadness? I know that once the deal is sealed even more permentaly I will feel relieved but I'm just so... scared.
It's so funny. Before I moved in with you, I was fearless. Absolutely fearless. Yea, i was 18 and that would contribute to the lack of fear but w o w. I just, packed my bags and left with no regrets.
And now, I'm so scared. I guess because I won't have anyone but myself to blame if I'm unhappy once I'm gone. I won't be able to get mad at you for letting me feel lonely.
I'm gonna have to toughen up. Fuck. Guys. This is gonna be hard. I've been posting religiously in these threads for about three years now. You all know my crazy better than I do. And I might finally get out of this awful situation that's just been making my crazy worse.

Good luck, hope you make it!
Don't waste your time user, don't let her waste your time either.
Reach out to a helpline or friends. Don't be afraid or ashamed, you're in a bad place and need help
People are used to things being optimized and easy, so things not being optimized counts as "difficult". Putting together furniture is more difficult than buying it. Texting on a T9 is harder than on a smartphone, maps are more complicated than GPS, and so on. The frame of reference has shifted. Most can do it if pressed, but it requires effort they're not used to making.
Good luck, user, go for it! The greatest regrets are inaction and passivity.
It depends on your life.
When I was going through a hard time, late teens - early twenties, the main thing keeping me going was my parents. I felt like I was a disappointment and a burden to them, but at the same time I also felt they would be sad if I killed myself, so I resigned myself to living as long as they did.
Beyond that, taking up responsibilities, and setting goals. Living passively kills you inside more than anything, or at least it did me. Just day by day, going to work, going to sleep, going to uni, going to work, going to sleep, and so on, never anything else, no particular plan to get out of that cycle. Set measurable targets (I want a B or higher on that test, I want to learn French by this time next year, I want to be able to complete a triathlon in six months time) and work towards them. That sort of thing makes you feel better when you achieve those goals, and gives you things to do.
Get into contact with people. Not just online. Join hobby clubs, sport clubs, anything.

And, I know this sounds like new-age crap, but start doing Mindfulness exercises. Download an app for it, and do it. It's been shown to have positive effects in the short- and long term on stress levels, depression levels, feeling of calm, and general disposition.


"Absolute worst are the Snapchat/twitch/findom whores who don't actually put out."

Apparently you don't seem to know what a whore is. Guys like you should just kill yourself. You're genuinely a waste of life.

I swear ill start living my current relationship my way.
Im sick of being clumsy, and having next to no personality when i'm anxious about the most unsignificant details.
I'm sick of disapointing myself every time we spend to much time together. I want to be able to truely trust you and not be pleagued by doubt every time we talk.

I'll stop being so protective and overly attached. I really want us to be happy and relaxed around each other. Ive witnessed you saving me from my most unpleasent times and I just want to be able to enjoy the time we spend together at it's fullest

Rarely hated myself this much.
I swear i'll start being myself again

I love you and I wish I could be who you want.
Just once to hug you ;_;


Every break up is different really, it depends on the relaationship and on what's leading to the break up. Some break ups are smooth, some are rough, some are rocky, some are angry, some are sad, and some even happen without anyone really noticing until it's happened.
All you can do is what you think is best. If you feel the relationship is making your crazy worse, making your life worse, then get out. It might be difficult, you might be sad afterwards, or lonely, or unhappy, but those are temporary. If he or she has been making you feel worse for a long time, it's not likely to change. Take your life where you want it to be.
Tinder and snapchat and all that sort of stuff is infested with whores because it was made for whores. Most people in general want the easy road, it's just that women tend to have a more easily accessible easy road than men.
What happened user? I'm not in these threads often so idk if you posted here before. What makes you feel like there's no point going on?

>hurrrr muh math says you won't win the lottery so don't even buy a ticket
Don't be this guy. It's $2 measly dollars to get some skin in the game. The odds don't matter. Unless you're literally broke as a joke, buy a god damn ticket.

My mother is a saint compared to your bitter narrow minded kind. Shameless good for nothing whore.

She raised you, she is no saint. She raised another entitled loser whining about girls on Jow Forums.

We all know you were the load she wished she swallowed.

Dear NP
I made a mistake in thinking it was ok to see you instead of a fucking doctor
You didnt even listen to me about my problems and then fucked off
Do you even know how hard it was for me to set up the appointment?
To get up and force myself to get there?
What am I supposed to do now?
Continue being a wreck because you didnt do your job?
I wish I had been this angry when I was there but i didnt realize the meeting was over when you walked off
Im such a faggot
I wish I could review doctors offices and you and give you zero stars
Fuck you
My other doctor would have been so angry if hed seen I lost more weight and you didnt even mention it
Fuck you

Dear family Doc,
I miss you
God bless
I hope your mission is going well
I miss you
Im getting worse and all I need is a doctor that cares and can help me

She raised me right. You on the other hand has issues beyond your comprehension.

How do I stop giving so much of a fuck about what other people think of me? I thought I was actually pretty good at that, but now here I am looking right at the big tits of the belly gf of my dreams and I'm feeling flaky because I fear people thinking I'm just into fat chicks or something. I need to find the strength to get past this fear, this is a chance to lose my V card and fulfill a long-standing fantasy of mine.

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The world was always empty and grey to me, I just figured I'd deal with it until I died and see what came afterwards.
If there was nothing, that was that,
If it was better, that was good,
If it was worse, good thing I stuck around alive as long as I did.
I wasn't happy, really, but I was coping. I was managing. I woke, I ate, I worked, I ate, I slept, on repeat, for years. It wasn't enjoyable, but it was bearable, and I'd made peace with that just being what life was like.

Then she came along.
At first I thought she was unbearable, to be honest. A bright ray of sunshine filled with all the joy of life I couldn't ever see. Somehow she saw something in me worth going after, don't ask me what, and she stuck at it. I tried to ignore her, tried to push her away.
Eventually she'd get bored, give up, leave me. Everyone does, I thought.
She didn't though, she was different. At some point it just seemed to change. The world was still as dreary as it always was, but not when she was around. In the light of her presence everything just seemed better, it felt like there was something in life worth appreciating rather than tolerating.
When she smiled, I felt like I imagine someone who never saw colour suddenly seeing a rainbow would feel. That was worth anything, just seeing her happy.
We were together for years, and those were the happiest I've had. She was my first, first love, first lover, first kiss, first hand held, first reason to want anything.
I started doing things with my life, not because I cared, but because she did. She was happy when I got promoted, so I went after promotions. She was happy when we moved in to a bigger apartment, so I worked until we could get a house. I can't think of anything I have in my life right now that isn't there because I thought it would make her happy, because that was just the only thing I did anything for.

I am happy, for the first time in years.
what the fuck do I do with this?

The money hungry corporate advertisers prey on people's insecurity by telling us being fit and beautiful is the only way to be earn love and affection. Nothing's wrong with loving someone THICC.

if you want a lasting relationship, find one with personality
if you just wanna lose your v, go for it

She died a year or so ago, hit and run, driver presumed drunk. It was instant, they say, she never felt a thing. I envy that sometimes.

The world without her is the same as the world was before her. Nothing holds my attention, nothing seems worth doing, everything seems grey and inconsequential. I can go after promotions, for what? More money, for what?
Anything I'd buy with money wouldn't make me happy, if she's not there to make happy.
The difference is that I know what's not there now. I still see it sometimes, hear it, feel it, smell it.
I wake some mornings alone in our bed, but I can feel her hair tickling my face, hear her breath. I come home from work and tell her about my day, and I'm halfway through making dinner for two when I remember she's not there anymore. Sometimes days go by where she's still there.
And every time I remember she's gone it's like I lost her all over again.

I tried going to a therapist ("it's what she would have wanted," her friends said, and I could see her nodding along), but the therapist just seemed overly focused on the hallucinations. anti-psychotics, that sort of thing, but seeing her wasn't what was killing me, it was seeing the world without her again. When I could convince myself she was there was a reason to do things again. Fix things about the house, buy some new stuff, anything, when she was gone there wasn't any reason to do anything.

I know she wouldn't want me to kill myself, she made me promise I'd never try again, but I don't feel like there's anything else left. What's the point of going on with life if she's not there to make it worth it?
If there's an afterlife it's infinitely better than this life, because it's where she is. If there isn't, well, at this point that's preferable to where I am now.
A hollow house filled with things I don't care about, a hollow world filled with people I don't care about. She's gone, and with it all that I needed to keep me going.

The thing is, I couldn't be your equal. The reason? I am superior to you. It wouldn't have been a balanced relationship, but damn did I want to suck that dick lol

We did each other a favor, if anything, by not taking it further. I am absolutely convinced it would have been a disaster.

Im talking with a friend(true girl) and i think our friendship is developing slowly into a long distance relationship, we call each other qt names n' shit but i for a fact know that LDR don't end well, she thinks im cute something i don't take very well because it doesn't sound good and just told me that she thinks she likes me.

All this is making me think, what if it is a joke? is she playing with me?, and my friends don't really help in the matter.

Don't fuck it up

Did he ghost you?

My ldr is a 2 hr flight away from me.

It can work if you want it to but communication needs to be on point

How so?
the flight would be of +4hr just looked it up.
I've never had a gf so idk wtf i have to do.

Sometimes it bothers me that things happen that make me doubt whether I can love you, and then you say or do something that totally takes away that doubt. I know I love you and I know you're the best person for me. I just wish sometimes I wouldn't get in my head so much, so I could just enjoy the fact you're with me. Because you are the most amazing person I've ever met, and you're the reason I couldn't settle in my last relationship. I knew you were out there