What is your first impression of me? Rate me out of 10. What can I do to be more attractive?

What is your first impression of me? Rate me out of 10. What can I do to be more attractive?

Attached: FB_IMG_1540334024599.jpg (1200x1208, 104K)

I think I have autism eyes

do you have a side profile. It's hard to tell but you kind of look like you have bad posture.

Also your shirt is probably ugly. I don't know what pants/shoes you're wearing so it might actually look okay but golf shirts are unfashionable now and a black one looks especially bad. Like you decided "I'm going to dress nice!" but didn't put any thought into it at all.

These are all things you can fix though.

Pretty good imo

I think you would probably do reasonably well if you lost weight/10

Do you have any tips on improving posture?

The neck gives away that you probably don't exercise or don't have much a recent history in physical activity and your expression is of someone that hasn't done something that makes them genuinely happy in a long time or is horribly afraid of taking pictures. That aside, you're very cute. Don't put images with a facebook filename on Jow Forums, it can be linked back to the profile it's from.


Every time you notice your posture, correct it. Eventually you'll naturally have better posture.

Be mindful of it. I had bad posture when I was younger but I just forced myself to walk straighter and eventually I built up the muscles/routine to just have better posture without thinking. Just take the opportunity to inspect your posture everytime you walk past a window. If it's bad stand up with your back against a wall and force your ass, your upper back, and the back of your head to all line up and touch the wall. The small of your back shouldn't touch the wall.

If you keep correcting your posture like this and consciously trying to hold it your body will eventually hold it that way on it's own + you'll build the muscles to hold it that way comfortably. It might be uncomfortable at first.

>What can I do to be more attractive?
Accept yourself for who you are and not seek the approval of the opposite sex or any human for that matter.

Look like a pretty friendly dude, would think you were in business or STEM if isaw you on the street but hard to tell without seeing your full fit. Ill give you 7/10.

Well if this dude is cute im happy with myself. Good shit

What's that supposed to mean

right now 6-7/10 but i think it might be the way you styled your hair, and your shirt isn't swag enough, so you should experiment with a different haircut and clothing.

Also i want to know what i can do to be more attractive too

Attached: IMG_1906.jpg (3264x2448, 1.81M)

Very accurate, Sherlock Holmes

Honestly? Grow out your facial hair. It looks like you can grow it out full. Keep it short though.

You look fine bro.

Too hairy, but aside from a pretty poor impression from your posture you're passable. Anyone who says things like swag or speaks in memes is an automatic pass though. I guess it could benefit a lot to find a hairstyle that suits you.

You look like a black guy with white skin and hair so kinda ugly

It's over. Time to LDAR

Pretty much the perfect balance between + and -.
Great skin, visible chin, colored eyes, good hair, no sminem ears etc

Eyes honestly look a bit weird but are not completely asburger
A lil chubby but not chronically fat, could get worked out


I can grow everything but mustache

Fat nerd who needs an actual hairstyle.

Thanks, wanna fuck?

Change wardrobe = instant chad.

you have a lot of potential. I'd say loose some weight, but if that proves too hard, then at least find a better hairstyle and grow some stubble like said, and find more stylish clothing. Like I said, you have potential.

Skinny jeans and a hair style. Dead serious.

the sort of popular guy in school but he hung out with the funny guys

Lose some weight and dress better, that shirt makes you look like a waiter

It means I dont need to be so self conscious about my own looks and accept it's my personality that is holding me back instead.