So here's the thing. I'm a teacher at a high school for people with disabled backgrounds.
There's this really problematic girl (not problematic for us because she's been skipping school for two months straight, but I met her outside of school a few times), who didn't have a phone. So I bought her one, along with a SIM card, and gave it to her best friend (they live together).
As I heard and gathered more information about the two girls, I found out a lot of well...interesting things. Turns out they have no morals whatsoever and both of them are heavy drug users and prostitutes (only one of them is over 18 btw). I had a conversation with someone who knows them pretty well, and I casually mentioned that I bought a new phone for this girl, so he could call her. At this he switched tone and asked if it was a white coloured Samsung. Yes. He then said the exact model, which was correct, and told me it was already put up for sale.
I confronted the girl's best friend about it and she told me something that could be a lie but they're so good at playing people's minds I can't be sure about it.
My question is. Is it possible to track a SIM card? I have the phone number, the PIN, PUK, and the ICC number. If I call the number it rings, but no one ever picks it up. Also, on a more personal level, should I cut any contact with them? If anyone knows about the world of prostitutes (especially younger ones), how can I deal with them?
What country are you in? If you are in the UK you have about a billion responsibilities under safe guarding to report all of this shit to the point where you are liable for failing to report it. If you work in a school haven't you had safe guarding training?
I don't know an awful lot about it, my gf works in social care, but this shit would have her head spinning. You don't 'try to help' this shit gets escalated REALLY quickly because it triggers all the fashionable shit. Childhood sexual exploitation, rape and so on. To be honest I'm not sure I believe you because here, you'd not work in a school without satisfying the criteria for understanding safe guarding and CSE and all the usual shit that comes with working with children.
Kevin Turner
I never did go to university. I'm just giving English lessons as an instructor (? not sure that's the right word), in Hungary btw.
I'm closer to them in age than my colleagues. It's a little bit of a personal issue too. I'm not reporting it because I used to do drugs too (there were years where I could count on my hands how many days I was sober) so they're probably in the mental state I was in back then. I can tell you for certain no "help" that exists in this country could've possibly made me quit drugs. Sex is a different thing, I have no experience with prostitutes whatsoever. I wasn't being that elaborate about the age, one of them is over 18, the other told me that she was, but someone else told me a different number, so again...I can't be sure. I'm actually having a dilemma, because I want to really understand what's going on, what makes a person sell her body for money. I want to understand that state of mind. But I also know they'd probably be trouble if I got closer to them.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Jonathan Ross
>she's been skipping school for two months straight Aww, a newbie. Kinda adorable. >Turns out they have no morals whatsoever What are you, twelve? >they're so good at playing people's minds Dude, they are kids. >Is it possible to track a SIM card? Possible, of course. Legal? Depends. Also it's absolutely none of your business. >Also, on a more personal level, should I cut any contact with them? It does sound like you're overstepping your boundaries already. What exactly are you even trying to achieve? >what makes a person sell her body for money. You sell your body for every job. Some teach English, some suck dick. Some do both.
Liam Ortiz
You are missing the point, aren't you?
The issue is NOT what happened to your phone, but that these girls are living in a (physically, morally, psychologically,legally) dangerous situation.
Whether you're a volunteer or not, as a representative of the school you are obligated to report them - for their own safety - to Social Services or whatever it is called where you are.
If you don't want to do it yourself, tell someone in authority at the school
Julian Morgan
No, I'm not. I don't give a flying fuck if they sell the phone or use it as a vibrator. But the card's on my name.
Onto the problem with the girls:
Okay, so the school doesn't report them because that would endanger the school too, for two reasons. The first reason, and I suspect this is the bigger reason, is because a former teacher fucked one of them while she was drugged. (Didn't pay afterwards, so he's a real dickhead. He did a lot of other terrible stuff too.) The teacher was fired since, but if she talks, that would hurt the school's reputation a lot. Now, this is information I only know because I'm good at gathering them, they didn't exactly tell me not to report the girls. The second reason is because our country is REALLY bad at helping people in trouble. There are success stories, but for every successful one there's a hundred unsuccessful ones. This goes for drugs and crime. From experience I know how this works. Weed, alcohol, meth, mdma, lsd, shrooms, cocaine, heroin, opiates, a few designer drugs, these are all the things I met, and I met the people associated with buying, using, and selling these substances. Some of them went to rehab, around 40-60 of them went to jail, NONE of them laid off drugs afterwards (well, a lot of them are still in jail so can't say anything about them). There was one who genuinely tried, and got himself together, until I received the message that he smuggled a decent amount of "spice" (or "herbal", it's basically sage mixed with who-knows-what ingredients, kills your brain pretty fast) to Germany. I was past doing drugs when I received that message, so that's when I cut all forms of contact with the person. Another one "stopped doing drugs" (he got a sentence for attempting to stab three people, while on drugs), until I heard his name again in connection with selling meth to half the town.
To be continued further down...
Michael Morgan
This country will not help people who take part in crime or are abused, because it's unable, and our current government actually does not support whatever solutions different organisations try to provide. The state makes bigger and bigger decisions in both education and healthcare, and these decisions usually consist of revoking funds or making the situation worse (I can't tell you how many times they tried to close our school in the previous years or just how stupid the new History books are).
I can go on forever about this because I've met so many people who actually wanted and tried to get help (not just drugs but orphans, mentally challenged, abused by friends/significant other/family, etc.), but received more trouble because of it.
And I don't want to put these girls to the guillotine. Their lives are already fucked up enough. I probably won't be able to help them recover, maybe I can help smooth some things in their lives (like getting one of them a phone), who knows, and honestly, they'll probably be doing what they're doing for a long time. I won't report the girls.
Brayden Jenkins
>Aww, a newbie. Kinda adorable. Because I met her this school term, I don't know what she did before. Maybe she's been skipping school whenever she could. (Most probably, by the way.) >What are you, twelve? Where are you? Under a rock? >Dude, they are kids. Dude, everyone's a kid. >Possible, of course. Legal? Depends. Also it's absolutely none of your business. The card's on my name. >It does sound like you're overstepping your boundaries already. What exactly are you even trying to achieve? "There are no principles; there are only events. There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances. The superior man espouses events and circumstances in order to guide them. If there were principles and fixed laws, nations would not change them as we change our shirts and a man can not be expected to be wiser than an entire nation." I'm trying to understand what got them into the state they're in. That's all. For that, I need the truth, because they're liars, cheaters, who would do A LOT of things to get drugs so they don't see all the shit that's going on around them. There are no boundaries here. >You sell your body for every job. Some teach English, some suck dick. Some do both. No comment.
Adrian Torres
>I bought a disabled girl a phone and got caught up in drama over them selling something I have no rights to tell them what to do with it as it was a gift Are you sure you teach retards? you might just be retarded yourself.
Anthony Sanchez
>Are you sure you teach retards? They're not retards. You're right, I should've used the word abusive instead of disabled, probably (there are some autists and people with mental disorders though, so maybe I should've used both).
Again, I express, I don't give a fuck if they sell the phone. The SIM card's on my name, and I want to know what they did with it. If they're using it (and someone is, because I can see the balance running out), it's fine, it was a gift. If they sold that too, I want to disable it. But because they deny that they sold anything, I want to know where the SIM card is located. I never traced a phone before, and I don't know if going to the provider would raise questions about why I don't know anything about my own SIM card, which could lead to a police investigation, which would be bad for everyone. Hence the question.
So, are you sure you understood my questions? You might just be retarded yourself.
Ryder Morris
My 2c is that you: 1. Obtain proof that you gave the sim card to them to use, and 2. Disable the card
1 Can be done by getting text messages from, or recording a conversation with them confirming that you gave them the phone+sim. 2 should be done because there is a risk that they may be using the sim to [help] conduct child prostitution, thereby connecting you to said prostitution in some way. You don't want to risk that at all - not even a contrived connection. 1 is to protect your ass if ever anything goes down.
Camden Anderson
No fun allowed: the thread
Angel Wright
Try me :P I'm actually having fun.
Levi Bennett
I think you missed the point that as a teacher buying students gifts in any capacity is strange, especially one like a phone. Call the network provider and tell them to assign the number to a new SIM card if you want to have it for yourself (I presume you have it on a contract and aren't trying to track a SIM you bought a while back) in which case you wouldn't have any rights to see what it is being used for.
Don't buy students anything as a gift, especially smack heads.
Jonathan Jackson
interesting thread user, here is a bump for you. Did you try the service provider? Tell them you lost your phone and want to know where it is.
Joshua Kelly
Alright, thanks for the multiple replies, user. Yup, it's a new SIM card, bought for around the value of 2 dollars. (Plus, I put 5 dollars worth of money on it). Buying gifts might be strange in other schools but quite common in ours. We're a weird school, that's true. Ninth-graders (first year of high school) don't even have subjects. There's not a strict teacher-student relationship, and there's a mentor program so teachers really do know their students pretty well. My real work always starts after class ends, because I'm visiting different students or they visit me at my place to hang out, solve problems (can be school problems or life problems), etc. Most students are having a great time. The reason why we're doing it this way is because most of them hate going home (a lot of them don't have a family, or can't see their parent or parents as family), or their quality of life is so much worse outside of school that it's actually a step-up. We give students a multitude of opportunities and want to see them grow in their own unique ways. We're not a big school either. We have around 270 students. We're not a traditional school is why I missed your point.
Ayden Cox
Hey, thanks for the reply. No, not yet, because I'm not sure if they'd ask questions about why I don't know my SIM card's location, who I gave it to. Worst case scenario (in my head) would be a police investigation, which would probably get a lot of people into trouble. I wanted to know if there were some easy alternative ways to tracking a phone, but ah, well, I'll probably have to visit the service provider.
Gabriel Richardson
I really admire what you are doing, you had a tough life but found your way to help people, you are just great man. If they pushed for info tell them you visited your parents and lost your phone since, if they asked for a location give them a vague location of where your SIM might actually be.
Logan Scott
Is it a smartphone? Did you set it up before giving it to them?
Because if it's your Google account active on the phone, and location services are turned on, then you should be able to track the phone's location from your Google account dashboard via a 'find my phone' function.
It's possible of course to disable it or not enable it in the first place, but tech co's always make it hard to disable all their shit properly, because data is where their money comes from. 90% of standard users aren't smart or inclined enough to disable this stuff, and I don't expect a couple of crackheads to be any different.
Easton Taylor
It's an old smart phone. I didn't set up my Google account because I had no reason to. I just did a hard reset on it, skipped all the Google stuff and added a few numbers of our mutual friends.
Thanks user. I had a really bad side going on in my life, but also a very strong good side. I met billionaires, drug addicts, and your average person too. (And, like a sponge, I absorbed everything I could.) So I decided to show them how they can also develop a strong "good side" while solving the "bad side". Yeah, I'm thinking that's probably a good solution. I don't know when I'll have the time for it, but if I'm able to meet them before I visit the provider, then I could directly confront them. We'll see.
Adrian Cruz
user you have a good heart. try to help these girls. If you wont then no one will. but at the same time if you get tangled too deep into this youll only end up saving no one and losing yourself. I never knew how hungary treats people who are addicts. makes me love my country a little bit more. best of wishes my dude