Is it possible to get house arrest instead of doing a probation sentence?

is it possible to get house arrest instead of doing a probation sentence?

I have probation and its raping my ass because I just want to do something with my life but its just trapping me in my small town where I have no resources and no people or anything literally nothing

im on a deferred sentence probation to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor but the judge said one time before I was sentenced if I took the max sentence of jail instead but I said no and was put on probation

is it too late to ask for that deal and do it under house arrest?

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So you're probably on supervised probation until you pay your fines and do community service. Correct?

wait is that how it works? they let you off early if you pay the shit and get everything done?

the only reason I wanna do house arrest instead if because its such a long fucking time

>two DUI guy
Oh boy. When's the part ya blame God for your DUI, as if He got you drinking and then into a car?

It can’t hurt to get everything finished.
Be nice to your PO, she recommends everything for your case.

shes kind of a bitch and is always pissed off no matter what I do

Understand but pay off your fine, do your required stuff and be nice no mater what.

Keep in mind you got two DUI’s, there are people around you that know someone killed or injured by drunk drivers... my grandfather was killed by a drunk driver before I ever was old enough to have memories of him.

my first one was literally over a hit of weed

It doesn’t matter, there is a stigma attached to it, one that you need to overcome.

Yes, been there done that. Pay your shit and they'll likely put you on unsupervised for the rest of the term. Don't fuck this up felonies suck major ass.

Too fucking bad you dumb piece of shit
Drive sober or don't drive, fucksakes

really? my lawyer said that probation was mostly about paying fines but I just dont see that happening because my state is so fucking strict. they give the longest probation sentences in the country and that just makes me assume everything else is super strict

the only hope I have is the county where I live is really fucking poor and they probably do want to save costs supervising people and shit

i feel like im gonna go in pay my fines down in one single payment and nothings gonna change and they're just gonna bark and bitch at me still

>can i just browse Jow Forums in my basement instead of going to jail?

probably not kiddo

Worth a try, pay it all off and complete anything else they required with flying colors.

Fresh out of fucks, snow niggs

>its the 2 DUI guy again

how much money for you to kys?

but im sad

one transfer to the big city and im gone forever

So why don’t you get your money in order and drop by their tomorrow and pay it off.

I haven't been sentenced yet im on a deferred sentence to get all my shit reduced and I cant really do anything until thats over. I dont even have any fines right now

Oh OK. Well hang in there Two DUI Guy, I have faith in you, can’t wait for your album to drop, I’m the guy that nicknamed you here...

lets hope there's not some horrible fate where the worst of the worst keeps happening and im just stuck here and all my dreams die

thank you