Why do women attach some emotional significance to sex and men don't? I know the biological reasons, what are the psychological ones? Or cant women tell the difference?
What are women trying to do exactly with all their talk of intimacy, feelings, trust, etc... ? Is it just to trick beta cucks? Do they feel anything for Chad? Do they hate betas and their tricking them is just sadism?
>women attach some emotional significance to sex and men don't Your premise is wrong.
Dominic Barnes
Women like what other women like and thats why sex is so important.
James Barnes
Thats redundant.
Caleb Bennett
Weak bait is weak, we should ban anyone that replies seriously to this crap.
Asher Baker
Men do? But why? Sex is just a physical thing. Not meaningful in itself. It can be used as a means to show intimacy, but its just a means then. For women however it is all connected for some reason. To then sex is intimacy and intimacy is an end in itself, so sex becomes an end not a means.
My point is, sex in itself is meaningless to me
Gabriel Gutierrez
I swear its not bait. Do you know AVEN?
Carter Wilson
Benjamin Robinson
I'm a man and I do. I wish more women would.
Sadly (((they))) have programmed all girls to be consumerist sex slaves.
Caleb Lee
You'll be a lot happier when you realize, hardly anyone knows what they actually want. you're trying to make rational sense out of irrational behavior and it's just not going to work.
Matthew Moore
Brandon Price
Men and women look at sex very differently, and their need for it is extremely different.
Men's hormones drive their aggressive need for sex to the point of it being a mechanical act to relieve the pressure of that need. Women can feel horny like this, but not nearly as much as men do because their hormones are different and drive different emotions/needs.
Nathan Martin
You assume biological reasons are different than psychological ones. They are intertwined. Our biology affects our psychology.
Carson Ortiz
>just a physical thing. Not meaningful in itself Nigga nothing is intrinsically meaningful. Meaning itself cannot exist without the ability to comprehend it. The meaning of anything is only that which we project onto it.
Benjamin Ward
Then how do you explain gays?
Then what is it that women project onto sex that is different from what men project?
Xavier Parker
I swear one day biologists will discover a chemical/protein/bacteria that has a strong correlation to homosexuality. At that point, we can say it's purely biological.
Ryder Stewart
There is a biological predisposition to being gay. It's been found that people with very strongly heterosexual men tend to have more homosexual women, and that families with very strongly heterosexual women who bear a lot of children tend to have more gay men. You can think of it as a biological disposition towards being attracted more strongly to men.
It wouldn't surprise me if this happened the other way around. Though it's obviously not the only factor, this suggests an inherited, biological disposition towards being more attracted to men or women.
Luis Diaz
gays are sick.
Logan Hernandez
>Then what is it that women project onto sex that is different from what men project? Go reread the very first reply.
Aaron Butler
Yeah I agree with OP but in a totally different light. OP said >women attach emotional significance to sex Which is entirely true. But not in the sense that men dont - implying that men usually use emotions to get sex and women usually use sex to get emotions - but rather that women have this false way of concluding that good sex = love. Thats why you see lots of lovely girls end up with total douchebags, they fuck good and the woman takes it as a compliment or a sign of love. Not one woman ever said ‘he fucks bad therefore he loves me’ or ‘he comes early and cant find the g spot therefore he loves me’. Biologically that IS kinda valid because good sex = lots of it = offspring, but it is in no way a reason to conclude for romantic love.
Yes thats exactly what i meant but i didnt make it clear in my OP.
I find it baffling how many women think that just because a man really wants to have sex with her then that must mean he loves her (hence rape fantasies ). It just makes no sense. Could it be that for women both things are intertwined and they project that on men? Just why?
And when does sex equal love for men and isnt just a way of satisfying an urge? How can something the original purpose of which is to satisfy an animalistic urge to possess and reproduction be used as a means to show emotion? It just seems more like self delusion to me.
Does sex even truly mean anything or is that just something naive young people belive in?
Lucas Wright
I’m glad that I got your point. But between you and me OP (and obviously anyone else on here kek), its more a question of accepting the other or trying to change it. I mean, is it easier to get fit and learn to fuck a woman well because she wants it, or is it easier to explain to the entire female species that they base their opinions on bad judgement? I kinda realized I want the former and I’ve been doing great. I can even last longer in bed because she thinks I love the fuck out of her (literally) while I get to cum all over her tits afterwards. But I will never ever tell her that good sex doesnt equal love, even though I know it
Elijah King
>Why do women attach some emotional significance to sex and men don't? Only childish people do that.
Jacob Martinez
You're so far up your own ass you don't even recognize shit for shit. Jesus, user, I genuinely feel bad for you.
David Rodriguez
Obviously you never read the FWB guys that constantly post her saying they fell for the girl
Charles Garcia
But that must feel a bit... depressing for you, doesnt it? Not trying to make you feel bad or anything. You probably lose respect for her as a person, and probably cannot help resent someone who equates your displays of animalistic lust with love. Its like she is implying you are not capable of higher feelings or if you are, she doesnt take them seriously which puts in question her own. Just my opinion.
What do you think would happen if you tried to enlighten her?
Josiah Butler
Thats lust, not love.
Brody Perez
I used to but the value of males decreased significantly after 2 relationships and a string of dating. Now I just want the D. They literally have nothing to offer to enhance my already stable life. Having said this I'm yet to have a one night stand because masturbation is enough for now.
Carson Torres
>I know the biological reasons Those are the only reasons you need to know. Female arousal is based more on emotional connection than simply physical mechanics. This isn't a rule, obviously, just a general framework for human sexuality.
>What are women trying to do exactly with all their talk of intimacy, feelings, trust, etc... ? Is it just to trick beta cucks? Do they feel anything for Chad? Do they hate betas and their tricking them is just sadism? Asking stupid questions yields stupid answers. If you want to discuss the individual motivations of an individual person then you're going to need to be a lot more specific than broad generalizations and meme spouting.
Nicholas Bennett
>Female arousal is based more on emotional connection than simply physical mechanics. That kind of emotional connection has more to do with reproduction than actual connection though.
Nathan Walker
"Connection" is very subjective. One can argue all day about what does or doesn't constitute an emotional connection but as I said, this isn't a fixed metric, merely a basic framework for sexuality. The basic framework is that the female arousal system is far more dependent on emotional connection to sustain itself than males. Interpret that however you will.
Evan Flores
In that context, I interpret emotional connection as a chemical codependence that happens because of reproduction.
I dont think connection is all that subjective.
Asher Kelly
They don't, they're just like us men and just as horny. Where this idea that women attach some emotional significance to sex comes from is beyond me.
Evan Flores
>In that context, I interpret emotional connection as a chemical codependence that happens because of reproduction. Firstly, codependence is the wrong term for this context. Codependence is a specific type of relationship that requires two active participants with two very specific behavioral pathologies. That doesn't really apply to what we're talking about. Secondly, reproduction is only one of many contexts in which people have sex so your interpretation is a little narrow.
>I dont think connection is all that subjective. Emotional connections come in all different shapes and sizes, user. People have sex for all different reasons with all different motivations and emotions involved. There could not possibly be a more complicated, nuanced and heavily subjective topic than the nature of human emotional connection.
Elijah Davis
I get that however what I am talking about here is the nature of this particular kind of emotional connection. You mentioned that reproduction is just one context where people have sex but you cant deny that the emotional part of it has to do with the biological wiring of reproduction, or even if it is a fwb kind of thing then its about feeling validated for your sexual attractiveness which in the end amounts to the same thing.
>Emotional connections come in all different shapes and sizes, user. I agree, but I think the type of connection you get with sexuality cancels out other more authentic tyoes of connection.
For example the other user said women equate being fucked good with being loved. The reason for this i think is that they figure that if they can satisfy the guy he is going to reward them with his commitment, so his sexual satisfaction becomes their satisfaction in a sense. Then the guy gives her his commitment and sees her happy and sees that he can please her, so he enjoys himself because he knows she will reward him with sex. So it is a kind of utilitarian business transaction. You value each other because of how you make each other feel about yourselves. So its not a connection that is based on each person as an individual, its a relative kind of connection.
William Sullivan
Like millennia of propaganda about the fairer sex and pure virgin waifus.
Sebastian Myers
Im hoping this is very true. As a guy with a chick who regularly is sexing, and cuddling after sex in the glow. I want her to want me as more than a dick n tongue.
Evan Lopez
>but you cant deny that the emotional part of it has to do with the biological wiring of reproduction I will neither confirm nor deny this is the case because I am not an evolutionary biologist and neither are you. Nature vs. nurture, user. Tying everything back to our biology instead of contemplating other factors is a slippery slop towards a deftly uninformed opinion. You're taking logical leaps that even actual evolutionary biologists hesitate to take.
>For example the other user said women equate being fucked good with being loved. The reason for this i think is that they figure that if they can satisfy the guy he is going to reward them with his commitment, so his sexual satisfaction becomes their satisfaction in a sense. You're wildly connecting a lot of dots here, user. You're not separating the nature vs. nurture here and forcing a conclusion based on your speculation of a stranger's motivations and psychological profile instead of gathering the proper contextual information. You're making assumptions and broadly oversimplifying the context of a hypothetical situation based on sciences that you are not educated in.
Cooper Allen
Yeah user whatever. All that talk about sex and emotional connection seems like an attempt on the behalf of men to convince themselves that most women are loveable.
Lucas James
>Yeah user whatever. So you're officially giving up trying to provide intelligent responses I assume?
>All that talk about sex and emotional connection seems like an attempt on the behalf of men to convince themselves that most women are loveable. Another broad, nonsensical oversimplification. Everybody convince themselves of all different things for all different reasons. Self-perception is wildly subjective for a very specific reason. Without individually analyzing the behavioral pathology of individual people when talking about their motivation for behaving a certain way all of your blithering is just uninformed speculation.
Austin Edwards
I personally believe there's a combination of things in play that cause that behavior. Women certainly are more emotionally inclined, so naturally they would associate most things with rather than logic, sex is no different. Women also release more oxytocin when aroused which is the "cuddle hormone" which gives feelings of attachment and euphoria after sex. Men release much less and therefore have less attachment. I think there's also social factors that come into play; most women who hook up with a guy are risking their reputation by being seen as easy or promiscuous, society obviously looks down on promiscuous women for good reason so there's a much greater investment and social cost to a girl letting a guy she likes have sex with her so there's greater social incentive on her end to try to form some kind of bond or relationship with the guy, this often ends up with a greater emotional attachment to the guy.
Joshua Thomas
What the fuck am I in the mirror world?
>be me >guy >meet perfect girl >only wants me to fuck >dont even want to approach women like I used to >just want her >felt understood