I guess my daughter is a furry?

Just got the message from my ex wife, my kids live with her and apparently my ex found a couple "animal costumes" hidden in a locked trunk in my daughter's room. My daughter is 15. My ex said they were different colored full-body bunny costumes with anime eyes. She said she was only messaging me because she was wondering if our daughter was in some kind of play that I hadn't mentioned.

I told her I had no idea and then made up an excuse to get off the phone. I know these are furry costumes, I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

Did I cause this? How fucked up is she going to be in the future? Is furfagging even reversible?

When I was a teenager the big worry was are they doing drugs or getting in trouble with the cops. We would ditch class to smoke weed, and one time I got into a fistfight and the cops came and told us to go home. Now I can only wish it were that simple, wtf is going on in society that this is even an issue? I am not at all prepared to deal with this, wtf do I do??

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be nice.

she'll be fine, Furries are just a form of self expression. She will grow out of it

What he said

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Hats off to OP. Rest in peace.

It isn't your fault. They're kids, yes, but they are also individuals. Hopefully they'll grow out of it once they realize that being a furry isn't going to pay bills.

You should get into it too. Fur Life is a beautiful thing when you get past all the judgement and furphobia. You guys could even meet at a con and fall in love and then have a kawaii when you guys realize that it was you two the entire time! Uwu

Yikes, 15 is really young. By this point she's probably either going to end up as 1). Really fucked socially, 2). Probably socially OK (low possibility), or 3). Some weird lgbt shit.
Rest in peace brother from another mother.

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Could be a lot worse. Talk to her about it. In some sense she'd probably be relieved (after a period of embarrassment).

You don't understand, so find some answers. Ask her questions.

The fuck is wrong with having a fursona? Quit pretending that you wouldn't want to try it, if your daughter does it it's probably in your DNA. Why don't you just try it?

rip op.

Though really, tell the girl that she can store the suit at your place if she doesn't want her mom to get nosy

In my experience, furry is the stage right before gay bdsm. I didn't feel comfortable with my homosexuality and my desire to be dominated by a man unless I was dressed as a wolf first. After a while I got used to it and now I'm comfortable expressing myself homoerotically. Although I still sometimes put on the fursuit for sex play, just as a stroll through memory lane more than anything else.

This may be true, but at the same time if she's compelled to pursue it in secret it could become a lot worse for her in the long run.

Honestly OP, you could be fucked either way. Might as well discuss it and at least try to understand a little bit. Enough to have her know that this kind of escapism and deviancy, while fine in doses, can turn people into terminally inept manchildren if it becomes their existence. They'll self-isolate, then become trapped when they find that the hobby they've steeped themselves in alienates them from "normal" society.

You've gotta figure out how you're going to raise a degenerate to be okay with engaging with the world at the same time, in a nutshell. Otherwise you're in for a true nightmare scenario.

Sounds like perfectly normal child sexual exploration to me. My first sexual experience was as a very young teenager with a grown man in a turtle costume, and it was fine.

You need to tell us more.

Lotta furphobia in this thread, furries aren't degenerate they are the next step in sexual evolution. I was a skeptic too until I went to my first con with a buddy of mine and we got drunk and fooled around with a group of guys in costumes. Now it's like having to go back to lunch meat when you've had prime rib.

The real question is how your daughter got a suit, those fuckers are expensive.

your daughter is about to become a pansexual communist OP

accept that she has found another family to belong to

AKA Ugly Daughter AMA

My fursona is a dream dragon, but it's hard to get the right materials for a suit that'll fit me. I'm a bit of heftier guy and I typically tear anything I try to get into.

>Did I cause this?
Fetishes just happen.

Furbunnies are the niggers of the furry community, im sorry to say that your daughter is the lowest tier furry. You're a bad father.

How many 45 year olds do you think have run a train on her by now?

You know there are many levels to furplay that don't involve sex. I think you're maybe jumping to conclusions that she's yiffing just because she has the suit. Does the suit have a removable bum flap? If it doesn't then worst case scenario she may just have furry watch fetish

Apex comment right here

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Realize your daughter's degeneracy is temporary and not causing any real harm to anybody. It's objectively stupid as fuck, but so are lots of things kids do. If she's 19 and still a furry, seek therapy for her. In the meantime, just show her love and support (in general) so that maybe she can realize she doesn't have to put on a faggoty costume to be special.

> does the suit have a removable bum flap?
> fur watch fetish

what the fuck am I reading

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All lies


What matters the most is that you show support and make sure your daughter knows that both you and the mother love her no matter what. Trying to do anything else to a 15 year old female might cause her to rebel and do really bad things to the point where you'll wish it just stopped at being a furry.

>not causing any real harm to anybody.
She's participating in an indocommunist plot, you faggot. Her actions threaten the very foundation of western democracy.

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