Does fapping cause balding? Will stopping fapping slow it down?

Does fapping cause balding? Will stopping fapping slow it down?

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no balding is natural stop believing that new age shit

Oh ;_;

Balding is the least of your concerns. You are telling your whole body and mind that you have achieved something great when you really haven't. Semen plays a huge role in your bodys system and constantly ejaculating depletes your body of necessary nutrients your body needs.

I'm starting to think this.
I've decided to cut it back a lot.

It goes even further, but that all depends on your beliefs. Trust me, if you ever get to the point of stopping completely you will find yourself having much more energy and desire to go out and do something. It is extremely addicting, that sense of ejaculation releases the same chemicals in your brain as heroin does. So don't be too hard on yourself if you find it hard. What matters most is that you put forth the effort.

No that's bullshit. It's like the people who said it'd make you blind.
Visit a dermatologist unless you already have a fully bare head or just a thin horseshoe of hair there's ways to stop and recover from the hair shedding user.

If I end up finding a girl will that have ill effects?

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Even if you marry her you won't fuck her 3 times a day, every day

No. Because you have rightfully earned that ejaculation.

this too


Do you see alot of bald teenagers?

I activated my internet from xfinity today, after a little bit on the phone I got it activated and "working", but only certain websites such as google, yahoo, and youtube work. Amazon, twitch, steam, discord and many other things will not connect however, I find it odd that im able to check email and watch videos/livestreams on youtube but I cannot use steam online or even load amazon. I believe the lady over the phone sadi it was a letency issue that would resolve itself in a few hours but i'm not so sure, it was a bit of a hassle to get it set up in the first place and now it only kind of works. I don't know what to. Any advice?

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This is bullshit. The semen is coming out whether you jack it or not. If you don't masturbate, you'll just have wet dreams.

Placebo effect

I bet you could jerk it 10x a day and not go bald

Yea but this happens very rarely, only in extreme circumstances. Not on a day to day basis, neither multiple times a day.

tell that to Jow Forums

I don't know who to believe.

How do I even stop fapping?
I now fap 2 to 3 times a day.

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If it helps, you make sperm regardless. So weither you ejaculate or not, it doesnt matter. Those nutrients have been utilized in spermatogensis either way

I'm thinking more the psychological impact of climaxing.
I feel it is mistraining my brain to think I have a girl etc. when I don't.

I need to be hungrier.

Usually a combinaison of growing up, keeping busy & self loathing are a good way to kill your sew drive

I do keep myself busy, but fapping is like the only thing I haven't been able to stop doing.
I don't even smoke or drink anymore and have a healthy diet.
I also suffer from severe yellow fever, and all my gfs have been japanese.

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