So I slept over at this girls house we had sex for hours and I couldn't cum...

So I slept over at this girls house we had sex for hours and I couldn't cum. She got upset like she wasn't good enough for me and she said she was tired pumping on my dick for hours and that it wasn't fun for her. Did I fuck this shit up? I was drunk and high on coke too so I said that could be the reason... do you think she was so turned off she wouldn't want to see me again?

Ps if anyone saw my sushi waitress thread, here's an update: I gave her my number so we will see if she texts

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Bump need advice I feel fatty bummed out


>do you think she was so turned off she wouldn't want to see me again?

Seriously? Fuck!!!!!

You really have a thing for bumps, don't you? Fucking cokehead subhuman. Fuck you.

Fuck you faggot ass bitch I want advice about this shit

Just ask your reflection for advice as you're taking another bump off your mirror you fucking human garbage.

Lol retard I don't do it all the time, she had it and I was like sure

Sorry I can't understand you through your coke fueled rage. You're going to have to calm down a little.

Lol diff user here but why would we want to help a cretin like you? Stop getting into internet fights and quit doing blow

You're the one raging I'm just styling on ya

It's not an internet fight I'm happy to move past it

You need to chill out and stop doing drugs. If you’re happy to move past it then you shoulda been happy enough to not engage. I remember your waitress post . you have no chill at all

Yes it's a huge turn off sorry

Does the coke give you delusions of grandeur? Neck yourself so there's one less scumbag in this world.

Love u bro




Dude I was with a woman for almost a year and I used to cum quick and she HATED it, when we broke up she made me feel really bad about it and insecure.

now when i'm with a woman I have a hard time cumming. Like I was seeing a girl for a while and I don't think I came once when I was with her. Shit's crazy, idk if I need to go to sex therapy or what.



If you are feeling like you won't be able to cum, tell her that and ask if she wants to keep going. Sex is a team thing and communication is important

You are lucky, it means you can have sex for hours without stopping. Why are you complaining?

Yea the problem is I'd get hard, bang, get limp in a while, stop and cuddle, then get hard again and repeat the cycle

I'm complaining because she thinks I don't like her and she said she put in a lot of effort and it got to the point that it wasn't fun for her

Maybe you're gay?
Have you tried sleeping with a man?

I'm not gay motherfucker I've come with lots of other girls

Your coke use could interfere with ejaculation. Cocaine causes peripheral vasoconstriction, which makes it difficult for you to maintain an erection. Cocaine also likely interferes with your ability to ejaculate, as ejaculation requires both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve firing, and cocaine obviously drives the sympathetic (fight or flight) into overdrive. You need to quit destroying your body with drugs. Shit isn't a fucking joke, you need to stop, or you could die.

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I've never had drunk sex but I've jacked off drunk and I basically had to beat my dick half to death in order to nut.

What a sad little addict.

Maybe from her, yes from me.

Been there, done that. Figured it was either the coke or from him jacking off. Fucking for hours can hurt. Moved on.

New guy cums quickly but more passion. Rebounds, too. More than satisfied

George Bush, is that you?