Unironically Where are all the good women at?

Every girl I've met seemingly has some kind of mental problem nowadays. I cannot remember when I've met a girl that was genuinely nice and cool since elementary school. I seem to only attract or be attracted to broken or near broken girls.
>inb4 is cause youre broken op
I have my problems but I have them well under control and I don't show them in public or use weed or alcohol to cope. I've gone out my way to talk to more people in general this year and every time I knock on the door red flags appear almost immediately. I just want a qt3.14 gf to play vidya cuddle and joke with, without having to worry about her constantly wanting to commit sudoku

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They're all unironically taken. Don't worry though, all the muh depression and muh anxiety girls put out much easier than normal girls especially if you're in college.

We're out there, I promise.

How to find?

Maybe on a cartoon forum....

>play vidya
How old are you op?
Your post makes you seem like you are mid 20s but you are playing video games and expect an unbroken girl?
You cant chase a manic pixie chick and complain about the manic.


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I feel like I'm missing out on something. Sometimes I envy those who can easily be by themselves. I met girl who would only talk her therapy, meds, and "orange man bad" and another who seems fine at surface level but nearly FUBAR when you look closely. The only redeeming qualities I've seen iys easy to spot who to avoid because they feel need to tell you. I'm like

You're young, now is not the time to look for wifey. If these girls are interested then put a condom on, fuck them and dip.

They’re with the good men.

>all people with x interest are the same
>wanting someone with similar interests is ridiculous
Trust me I'm not chasing manic women as soon as I see the flags I actively avoid. I don't play videos nearly as much as I used to. Say one or two hours a day just to retain and build skill. I think it's a bit dishonest to say that all women who play video games are fucked

I'm not looking for someone to wife up but it'd be nice to have someone close

Everyone has problems. As men we're taught to handle them ourselves. Women are taught to hand their problems to men.

Shucks. Too bad this is anime imageboard.


Idk man, I'm in the same boat.
All girls around me have some kind of drug or drinking problem and/or a serious mental illness. I don't smoke weed so that seriously limits who I can build a relationship with. Plus they are all unbelievable stupid and basic. I thought about going for girls a little bit older, but that's even worse. I'm 25 and a ton of girls over 20 are already single moms. It's pointless really. So I prefer to pump and dumpm

I think one part of it has to do with what this user said
But another part has to do with the fact that anywhere you might go to MEET girls, the place is either socially unacceptable to strike up a random conversation with someone, or a trashy place like a bar or club, which naturally draws trashy women

>some kind of mental problem nowadays
It used to be that women kept most of their crazy thoughts inside so they weren't considered weird.
Now it's trendy to be as fucked up and victimized as possible so they exaggerate the other way.

I assume and hope that this trend will also pass.

Simple, start dating elementary school girls!

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They all got scooped up in high school by guys who weren't fucking around, and the ones left have been heavily picked over. It's like going in to a black friday sale 5 hours after the doors opened, all the $200 TVs are gone

you're a mess

>I seem to only attract or be attracted to broken or near broken girls.
This is your issue. The people in your life and who you attract is a direct reflection of you. Focus on this.

So much this

you can definitely find them on a yugoslavian bull rearing forum OP, be sure of that

>posts on Jow Forums


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uuuh, can someone tell me where unironically all the good men are at?

No one puts out for first-years, retard.

>you are playing video games and expect an unbroken girl?
>You cant chase a manic pixie chick

That one detail sure triggered the fuck out of you.

Commercial and industrial construction sites and the bars close by to them.

Hard working dudes who are randomly drug tested, background checked, and decent earners. Almost guaranteed not to be nu/beta/onions males.

Source: am one

how do i get closer to you guys?

>Every girl I've met seemingly has some kind of mental problem

News flags all women have a mental problem

Its called being female

>t. Redpilled man

First of all. Stop being an illiterate nigger by not adding "at" to the end of your sentences.

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Not OP but how the hell are you supposed to do that? How am I supposed to know why crazies like me? That doesn't make any sense.

You probably have nothing to offer to good women. Sorry, that's just reality.

>I met girl who would only talk her therapy, meds, and "orange man bad"
This is so fucking true. Why do they have to tell you about their "mental illness and medication" within the first minute?
> don't date crazy

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The average video game player's age is 35 grandpa

Quality women are never single in their entire life. Before they even enter puberty, some boy is already working on getting from friendzone into her panties.

The rest is as OP said it: mentally unstable.

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The girl I was talking about tried to jew me into taking mess too even though I'm fine. It's really convenient they tell you how fucked they are
At the risk of sounding like an incel it sounds you guys are saying you have to become an orbiter just to get a chance

Playing video games is a red flag.
Its equivalent to dying your hair a different color.
I have never met someone where they played video games daily without it negatively impacting other things in their life.
Thats not the case of most other hobbies.
The median income per capita is $33k.
By your logic thats the best salary to aim for.

>put out to chad much quicker than normal girls

I'm usually at the grocery store op.

Ahhahaahah good women don't exist

What does it mean broken?
Doesn't everybody and their mother have some kind of diagnosed mental illness nowadays?

People who dealt with mental illnesses, and managed to become and keep themselves functional and with life under control can be very good people. Sadly they're a minority, and generally you can't expect this kind of wisdom from 20something girls.

Those are the best ones, fucking lightweight

The only difference between you and these 'broken' girls is that you hide it from the world. You're still not better than them and you're still not in a position to expect better.

I bet you'd think it's unreasonable if you dated a 'good' woman and she dumped you when she found out you have issues.

So "good" = subservient to your will. Right, OP?

I think it's despicable what you've done to do this woman - assailed her with memes, assassinated her character in creative ways, invalidated her experience on the basis of your own intolerance. Every time you post a picture of this woman, you are telling her that she is not important. You are telling her to die.

But she will not die, OP. Her spirit is as immortal and unconquerable as that of any Greek hero, or any chauvinistic caricature to which you cling. This is Atlas, and she is shrugging. GET OVER IT

I'm talking about the ones who self harm, extremely low self esteem, high maintenence, social media, drug alcohol abuse

>I have my problems but I have them well under control

>I have my problems but mum and dad still wipe my bum

>I don't show them in public

What the fuck is wrong with showing that you have problems in public? Enjoy your breakdown later in life

> or use weed or alcohol to cope

> I don't have fun

So the problem is that a lot of people play Vidya, and it's patently true that hot people do it too. So now every girl who plays vidya thinks they're 10/10 and so they're all real toity at times.
But finding these bitches online is a waste of fucking time cuz you'll find their nudes before you find them and y'all know how it is, they spread that shit for attention real easy.

The trick is most people who play vidya and aren't just walking red flags, you're gonna have to get to know them first. So my recommendation is to get to know any old person and network socially through them. From there, you may meet girlz. Social networking is how I met mine anyway, and if you're brought in on a friend's good faith you'll have a step forward.

I reiterate, online is an awful place to conduct socializing. It's bad. It's a den of depravity. The further you stay from the internet while searching for social networks, the better. That includes Discords.

Eh, straight edge people exist, I found one once. Within twenty minutes of having me added on Skype she was digging through all sorts of my old forum posts and shit.

Yeah, I'll take my chances with the girl who knows she has a problem and administers SOME kind of treatment, even if it's weed or booze.


Honestly I'm a fairly decent woman and I'm dating a fairly decent man.
If you only attract people who are broken and shitty, it's probably because that's what you are.

>enjoy your breakdown later in life
I don't nit handle it talk about my problems I just don't telegraph them on to EVERYBODY I meet. I don't care if anyone smokes or drinks occasionally or whatever but the people I've met who go on about it do stupid shit and are self destructive you shouldnt use any substance to cope with your problems that's retarded

I like how you think, user.

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She was and still is a good girl user.

I can’t believe you nutter rednecks don’t see it. I think you are all happy to see her get raped and see him get off because that was also you.

we have a mental health crisis, OP, and women are naturally more neurotic than men. you might be better off finding a crazy one who is at least a good person. this way, she might be a handful but at least she won’t try to stab you.

Life gets easier when you accept the reality and lower your standards.

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Sounds like something a crazy bitch would say.

Not even memeing. Awful people are always begging for you to have faith in them and making empty promises to be good to you. Actually spending time in relationships has made me more cynical than a lifetime on Jow Forums could ever accomplish.

I was going to post to encourage OP and say I am female, with a healthy body, and no mental issues, but I am also taken.

I’ll say this though - they’re living like other people live. They’re at your grocery store, they go to the bank, etc etc. The tough thing is that people without severe issues don’t tend to spend a lot of time loudly making it clear they lack issues, they’re not at bars getting drunk and looking to snag guys, etc. I met my husband online, but I’m also married pretty young. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to find untaken females past 18. You just gotta be in the places the girls you’re looking for would be.

Retirement villages, hospitals, 6 feet under, etc.
>tfw no granny gf

>at least she won't try to stab you
I guess that's a good standard to have
Single mothers? Not even once
I hear what you're saying but last I checked women don't like being approached in public. However luckily crazy women do show signs. It's actually one of the few consistencies

If you date a single mom, you are a fucking retard and you deserve everything that's coming to you

>I have never met someone where they played video games daily without it negatively impacting other things in their life.
I's not hard to meet them, you just have to leave your mother's basement. Let me guess, watching series are a red flag too?

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>How to find?
The actual answer isn't anything that anyone on Jow Forums wants to hear

getting fucked by Chad


This has become such a bullshit crutch for people, I hate it

truth hurts

I'd like to say IT since my my bf is a programmer and he's amazing, but all his colleagues are autistic as fuck.

I'm happily married user. But it does piss me off that people create some abstracted concept of a person so that they can call themselves a victim in the realm of dating and relationships

>I would have a chance if it weren't for Chad!
>girls only want Chad!
>All the good women are getting fucked by Chad

This is the type of special snowflake shit that millenials and zoomers get made fun of for all the goddamn time, and as an elder millennial who never related to this shit it makes me mad

>I'd like to say IT since my my bf is a programmer and he's amazing, but all his colleagues are autistic as fuck.
Can confirm, I'm a programmer and autistic as fuck. Can't even hold a conversation for more than 30 sec.

Pretty much this. Dating is incredibly easy for women pre-wall, so any half decent woman that actually wants to be in a relationship is guaranteed to have one with minimal effort. If she's ever single it won't be for long

>Dating is incredibly easy for women pre-wall
what is pre-wall

Dating is very easy for women through their mid-20s. They can have sex or get a boyfriend whenever they want. This rapidly goes away in their late 20s and by 30 it's a completely different world for women.
They "hit a wall" around 30 years old and can't effortlessly pull guys like they used to

women use youth and beauty as currency in the dating scene. 'the wall' is when both begin to decline, usually around 30 or so. once that happens they will look for a branch to catch before hitting the ground. men have the opposite problem.

>Dating is incredibly easy for women pre-wall, so any half decent woman that actually wants to be in a relationship is guaranteed to have one with minimal effort

>Dating is very easy for women through their mid-20s. They can have sex or get a boyfriend whenever they want

Have a relationship? Sure, no argument with that.
Have a GOOD relationship with a decent guy? Odds are about the same as a guy finding a decent girl.

Just more of the damn victimhood complex I see around here all the time.
>girls can get sex whenever they want!!!

Just because a girl can go out and fuck some random weirdo at a bar or get the hipster guy at her office to go on a date with her doesn't make them some sort of magical divining rod that will seek out a quality relationship with no effort.

The good women know that your a fucked up guy. Thats why the good women stay away from you.

>They "hit a wall" around 30 years old
Because women age like milk. Unless he's balding, a guy in his mid 30s will look barely different compared to his 20s (and even then bald guys can look good). A woman in her mid 30s? Nah man... nah. Game over.

i guarantee most single people above 30 have are at least mildly autistic.

Source: Am autistic, and can identify other people who are autistic quite easily.

Women seem to be jealous of the younger girls too. I approached this 19-year-old girl when I was 17 at a bar once and this 40-year-old woman grabbed me to dance with her, kek. Maybe that's why they are against the age of consent being lowered because they couldn't compete with the younger girls.

not in cities

cities are very bad for humans as they surrogate the need for community, which is very bad spiritually. go to the countryside and you will find good women

bonus points of going to old style countries, eastern/central europe, north africa, south america etc.

i know a lot of lates 30s women who divorced their husbands for no good reason, and they all thought they were going to become cougars and have wild lives like in sex and the city

2 years later theyre all miserable, single and unwanted, probably for life

"To play vidya with"

I do too OP but this here means you're unironically not one of the good men. Grow up.

when is one one of the good men?

gave up long time ago on this avenue. accepted it wont happen for me

>What does it mean broken?
Lots of people have brain problems. Most of them don't have it under control. I remember a bipolar chick for instance who would say incredibly horrible shit and then try to handwave it off with her mental illness. Others do have their shit on lockdown, but it's just a fraction of those people.

I grew up in the country side, moved in a medium size city, and people are generally pretty nice.

There are plenty of nice women, it's even a mildly conservative place (even more than in the town I come from).

May as well bud. It still hurts though, just a little bit; like a tiny papercut that wont heal. How annoying.

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If you want a woman who is nice, cheerful, does everything for you and adores the ground you walk on like in a 50s sitcom you should be the kind of man who is able to be romantic without being a pussy, dominant without being an asshole, accomplished without being a workaholic, etc.

If you're a mentally ill guy who lazes around playing videogames you're getting mentally ill girls with not many interests.

>Can't approach women in public because we'd been seen creepy
>The best way to find women is in public places you usually go to

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OP, I have anxiety and some PTSD, but I hold myself accountable and actually force myself through it kinda like a man when things get rough. My husband knows this, and lets me have my space in the other room until I've sorted my shit out. The problem isn't the mental issues that, literally everybody seems to have these days, its whether or not they are willing (keyword: WILLING) to face and deal with their issues head on and not continue to project or continue their vicious cycle. If you find a girl who will own up, or is actively in therapy, then your odds are better...but good luck with that

Ugh sorry she was like that. I hate it when other people going through the same shit use it. as a crutch

I can see where you're coming from thank you for your answer. That was very cash money of you

>Implying all men don't have a mental problem

Precisely dumbass

>Implying men have more mental problems than baby ovens

Fucking chicks younger than you probably.

Nah, orbiter implies that she's already college age or up and has a boyfriend
I'm saying if you haven't known her since childhood and had a romantic relationship with from ~13-15 and on, you're never going to get good woman and are going to have to sift through the refuse like the rest of us

>tfw broke up with bf of 9 years because he cheated on me
>lost good woman status

Working jobs that actually contribute to society