In a few hours I have to look "depressed enough" to be put on a "you're too sick to work for life" system that my...

In a few hours I have to look "depressed enough" to be put on a "you're too sick to work for life" system that my country provides, basically making me NEET which I need to endure surviving.
What do?

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Grow the fuck up, get a job and stop being a useless piece of shit leech.

Fuck off, you don't know me or what I've been through.
I already overqualify for what I'm trying to do, but I don't "look like it" because I'm not some faggot that shows everyone what I think or feel.

Grow a spine and get a job.

How does any of this have to do with getting a job?

The system I intend to enter is for people such as myself that can not work due to crippling depression, anxiety, autism whatever. But I don't walk around shouting that I feel like I do, I instead habitually yes-say and act like I'm doing great. If I do that on my meeting there's no way they'll believe I can't do a job, which I can not.

Think about how you didnt win thhe lotty.

Just let him die alone, at least he will not spread his defective genes. Hell just be a burden to society until he's dead. Imagine he'd reproduce, society would need to feed the offspring too and chances are that they end up being miserable and pathetic too.

Go back to Jow Forums you jealous manchild.

Which country are we talking about?

Why should i be jealous? I have a good life, i have work, i have goals, i can afford shit that i don't need without having to worry about it if it was a failed investment.

Nobody is jealous of your pathetic life style.

Sweden, meme as much as you like.

you are a horrid human being OP. I do have depression, anxiety and grave IV DSM autism too, but I make an effort, go there and make a contribution to the world. Don't try to confuse your laziness with your sickness. Grow a pair and do something.

I wouldn't worry about it, as you're going to get it
I wish European Mexico had this kind of thing.

People do that shit all the time. You have google to help figure out how to do specific things and youtube to. Its called problem solving, its part of being in the work force.


Who knows. The only reason I even got the idea is because a bunch of people I know, none of which have the issues I have (some have straight up faked it) suggested that I try.
Being able to live until death by doing what I want and surviving on bare minimum imcome is the ultimate way to live away from society. That's how I never have to pester someone else again and simultaneously start living okay instead of breaking down due to stress caused by even thinking of having to look for a job.

then why bother? It's only a matter of time until you get blown up or beheaded you loser fag

Because living still counts no matter how meaningless of an existance it is. Stop being an edgy derailer.

spill bönorna och berätta vad du har varit med om som är så hemskt att du inte kan arbeta.

Op what you have is called the lazies.
No one is born doing a job. Many you learn on the job. You arent the type of person who needs help because you simply dont want to work. There is anxiety in all of us you and I are no exception. But getting into a job and getting experience helps us get over our fears and anxiety.
>Being able to live until death by doing what I want and surviving on bare minimum imcome is the ultimate way to live away from society.
This is how you to be a leech on society. Not live away from, and frankly even with the problems you have they arent enough for you to be taken care of by the government.
what you suffer through is what everyone suffers through and you want to be babied for it.
Dont know how your country survives when you keep sucking them dry.
The only depression i would feel if i was you roght now is how pathedic i would be if I wasnt a functioning member of society. Its not hard to be one. Get a job any job, sure it isnt glamorous but its more than being a pitiful person who uses the governement to survive because they dont want to work.

I dont want to work but I do, i am at work right now writing this on my downtime.
I hate this job but at least I have pride that i am not a moocher or a leech.

Basically op you want to be treated like a child for the rest of your life because the real world is hard. You gotta man up, shoot for your dreams anyways and fail or you might succeed. But going this far as to say you cant work when obviously you can is really insulting.

Nope. These are mine:
Go be pathetic somewhere else. Every society hates a leech, even in the animal kingdom. If you don't put effort in life, you don't deserve the support of others. I hope you get your NEET bucks denied, lazy faggot

You don't know me and you're far off with your assumptions.

Thanks for the (You) I guess.
Ok OP, go and get your neet welfare, but I hope you realize that you are a shame to yourself and use the money to go to a psychiatrist and get some medicine for your conditions

This isn't a direct answer, but I'll give another perspective on a job from my situation.

So my end goal is to be a master salesman.
I hate my current job (which is unrelated to sales), but most jobs that pay decent amount require much more qualifications that I don't have time for.

However, I am willing to take a job in sales on a commission only basis (ie. a 100% pay cut) and I find that to be much more satisfying because it's not the pay that I go to work for anymore, its in order to learn to get what I really want in life - and this makes the job more satisfiying.

I know it's not exactly what you wanted to hear, but just letting you know that sometimes its better to get a lower paying job if it aligns with your long term goals - you will feel more fulfilled.

I already take 40mg of citalopram to even build up the energy to eat every day. It's almost like you idiots assume that I haven't already tried everything I could. Almost as ridiculous as the idea that I haven't worked, I already have on and off for years and I regret every minute of it. Every job I've had would have been better off with a more qualified person than me.

I know enough by what you just said you spoild child.
What you described as yourself is something everyone goes through and you feel you should get out of it because its too hard.
Seriously dude you better be fake because people like you need to be put through some hard labour.

Alright, then bath in selfpity, i'm sure that fix your problems

Dude I take that and I work 40 hours a week. Seriously you are starting to legit piss me off.
I have more health problems than you and I manage to get out of bed. That medicine is there to help you cope. Being depressed isnt an excuse to get your ass to work. A lot of us hate our jobs but you do it anyways. You find other things out side your job that make life worth living.

Already experienced years of hard labour. I've been this way for nearly 3 decades. You're incredibly jealous of the idea that I might finally get my life sorted.

I already did all of what you're doing. I can almost guarantee that I feel worse daily than what you imagine is bad, from what you're saying.

>40mg of citalopram
That's a low dosage and a horrible antidepressant. I took me 8 years to find the apropiate psychiatrist and dosage me correctly. I am on desvenlafaxine succinato for depression, olanzapine and aripiprazole for derealizations and anxiety caused by autism.
>I haven't already tried everything I could
You haven't, if you had you'd succeded. I don't care you had jobs before, that experience is invalid since you were sick in the first place.

You are sick OP, but I am not saying this pejoratively, you are actually, medically sick, the only way you'll come around this, be happy and leave you welfare to others is if you treat your sickness in the first place

Jealous? No. IM Disgusted by you. 3 years of hard labour? Oh wow, what you do help your mom garden?
I worked in sewers and building repair to animal care, I went through extreme conditions of cold and heat and had to still say "have a nice day"
You dont even have a fraction of experience as the average person does and you think you've done enough?

he said decades

So what's been your work experience OP? Where have you worked?

Ok. Consider this.
Someone is now pointing a loaded gun at your head and he says "Everyone you ever loved or cared about I will kill, unless you spend your every single moment living with strong purpose - if you don't, I will find and kill you as well".
Does that help you put things into perspective?

Do you struggle to physically get out pf bed not because of depression but physical problems? No? Then you havent. You sir are a spoiled child. Thats what you are, you take what you have for granted and have no idea what its like to survive paycheck to paycheck.
From your discription you gave ealier there isnt anything on your list that isnt something that we all been through. You are just a giant pussy.

Depressed for 30 years? Woweee! We all have. Guess what we all live miserable lives and the major part of it is because op is a quitter

I'm watching a guy called Grant Cardone (who is nearly a billionaire).

He made the point that more and more keeps getting added to the mental health conditions textbook, we all have a mental health issue of some sort - and this is why he says its just stupid.

He was diagnosed with depression, add,adhd and some other mental illnessess, but his solution to the problem was to never have free time and always have something to be working towards (target).

90% of the mental health issues are bullshit. People are just not giving themselves enough to do - if they had too much to do, they wouldn't have time to think of bad things.

Not working is worse for depression. At least consider a low pressure job. It is so important to have a reason to get up in the morning and a sense of accomplishment.

Pretty much. Its the reason for suicide as well. In the end its not doing much of anything but when you do something you feel purpose.

True crippling depression means sticking your head in an oven and being too crippled with depression to move.

Fucking hell OP here and I was just at the meeting. I yes-sayed as I feared I would and now I'm in the regular job-looking system.
Thing is... they were extremely nice and understanding about my situation. What I gathered I'll be getting some economical help, I'll get a supporter helping me look for jobs, and I'm not expected to work anywhere too stressful.
I would have enjoyed not working at all but idk. Now I feel like a sack of shit for trying, when I was treated so kindly anyway.

You guys were right. God bless America?

If only i have a system like that in my country.
But on the other hand, i would be depressed too if i had to prep the bull everyday

I have PTSD and depression every day, but I'm still capable of working. And it's not some beta "I have no gf, I'm overweight, I'm a loser," type depression. All day and night, I am faced with gore, sick, and dying - children who have been locked in cars or who have drowned in the pool, family members desperately begging me to bring life back to their loved one's obviously dead corpses.

You have no idea what true depression is, and the fact that you have to "look the part" to get your handouts SCREAMS that you're a fraud.

If you can't walk in there and without a doubt give them a reason, then you don't deserve it.

I hope you fucking starve.

You are part of the problem. Go live in the woods and fend for yourself if you don't want to work.

So, you can do a job, but it's a little hard and you don't want to. You're a piece of shit. People way worse off than you have been struggling through life on their own.

You really want to seem depressed enough? Try to kill yourself before the appointment and miss it because you're in the hospital. Hopefully you'll be successful. Dead people don't have to work.


I think you need to find a new line of work man...

So you choose to have PTSD and depression? Nice one big boy

Thank you. I'm working on getting out, but it takes time to change careers. One day though.

And yes. Exactly. I go to work, deal with stress, and accept reality like a "big boy" does.

Reality of life that this generation needs to learn is having to face your "fears" by going outside, finding a job, and not acting like the world owes you something for nothing.

Jesus Christ op, go get a job and stop being a failure

Faggot I got blown the fuck up leaving me with brain damage and mental illness and nuerological damage. i walk with a fucking cane wear special glasses and take nine different meds a day to get by. Despite being rated 100% unemployable by the VA and I still manage to work a couple of shifts a week.

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Can I ask,
about how much do they pay?

Regarding your advice, get into the mindset of a emotional cripple. If you feel fear, live it, feel weird, show it. Put out the feelings that are already natural in you. Don't act out a fake feeling because it's kind of obvious unless you're a really good actor. But if you mess up, dont be hard on yourself and keep spilling. Remember, people in this profession are usually morons. You don't have to worry too much.

Kill yourself you selfish fuck

>you don't know me
>and I'll actively hide it from everyone because of a childish misconception
>i am overqualified
Yes, you are. Get some actual help.