Reasons Not To Kill Yourself

Every reason people give can be answered with "I'll be dead so I literally just won't give a shit." or with that I don't believe in God.

So is there really no reason not to? Are they all just things they tell themselves to try and overlook their desire to off themselves at any given point?

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You coukd be that dismissive about literally anything. If you or somebody you know is suicidal, remember, people care whether you know it or not. Asking for help may be the hardest thing but its the first step to feeling better. A close friend of mine committed suicide and it fucked me up for years. If you really don't give a shit about how others feel or if they feel the same pain than fuck it you deserve to die.

Best way to see it from a logical POV would be reading up on absurdist philosophy by Albert camus

He explores the reasons why people search for any objective meaning in life and how these reasons are "absurd" because they are all projections of their experiences, they have no basis in reality. Common reasons for living are love, family, friends, happiness, etc but realize these are all subjective desires, none of which the universe supports or disagrees with. These are what people say when they give you reasons to live

Then you must realize that you are on the opposite side of that. You are asking for reasons to die, but all these reasons are on the same coin. Depression, crime, loneliness, etc are all subjective reasons and if you try to rationalize dying then you might as well rationalize living.

Camus says suicide is absurd because it tries to bridge the gap between what humans want and what the universe can offer. The only way to live, Camus says, is to live. It doesn't make any sense to tie a meaning to either life or death.

You're alive, just live! Or else, you are absurd

This was actually fairly helpful and whet the approach on my outlook. I'll be sure to read up on this when I get a chance.

well op
my best reason is
i couldnt find the path to the cliff face

i will have to go back and get a taxi next time
but i must be wary as they sometimes flag chaplaincy teams

they are subjective in abstract only
pain has a measured response in the brain
these subjective elements inflict pain
they impact our physiological being
so calling them absurd and unworthy is in itself absurd and unworthy

I'd rather kill everyone else first.

They exist only in the abstract that's why we call them subjective.

Pain is a sensation in your body that tells you something is wrong. Its not an inherently "bad" sensation, that is how most people define it. Some even find it pleasurable, making pain also subjective. All human emotions and sensations are subjective, and this is why we don't rely on our senses when we study the universe.

Maybe this is a limitation of language but absurd is a good way of explaining the futility that comes with people trying to attach meaning to a meaningless world. Go on, try to tell me the meaning behind the laws of physics. Why does dense matter have a stronger pull? One day we may be able to explain the quantum mechanics behind it, but we will never explain why it doesn't operate the opposite way. It just is.

"A bird drops dead in the middle of winter without ever feeling sorry for itself."

Life's actually pretty fun, even with all the horrible shit in it.

the only world we experience is the one through our cognition
our entire experiential existence is subjective by those merits
so all that matters is our experiences
and if our experiences are awful and we cannot comprehend positive ones
that is all that matters
the chemicals that allow us cognition

I guess because you're alive once and only once, and for the rest of eternity you'll no longer exist, so you are squandering a unique opportunity to feel sensations, pleasures, and leisure--an opportunity most mass in the universe will never be a part of until the end of time.

An Epicurean argument, in essence. He, of course, goes on to describe rational pleasures to pursue such that you'll avoid causing pain for yourself in their pursuit or indulgence, but that's the main gist of it.

It is true our interpretations of the world are completely subjective, but that is why we rely on objective means of measuring. Such as math

2+2=4 is an objective statement. This is always true regardless of how you define 2 or 4.

Although we see things subjectively, we can get pretty close to objectivity by agreeing on things. I can say a plant is green, and people would agree. Then the plant is objectively green, regardless of how people define green. Colorblind people will be inclined to agree with the objective statement rather their own image.

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

- Dorothy Parker

because if you kill yourself you don't get to do any more things

Killing yourself would be foolish.
Most people think that life is about happiness which is far from the truth.
These people try to gain as much positive experience as they can get so on their deathbed they can look back at happy memories and experiences.
But what does happiness give you?
A little memory? Momentary happiness?
But is happiness really useful?
I don't think so. Of course we'd like to be happy but there is much more to life than simply happiness. for men at least.
People who see no sense in life or people who don't have a purpose in their lives try to strive for a happy live. Without a purpose it doesn't really matter if you die tomorrow.
But if you find your purpose and I think everyone is born with a purpose - then you truly have all reasons to live on.
History and heritage alone is ones purpose.
Your ancestors struggled, workd, sacrificed and bled for you have the duty to keep and better all they did for the coming generations. To pass on what they created with sweat, blood and tears is the duty and purpose of every human on earth. Because without this purpose all that humans have ever created would have been in vain.
Live to pass on your culture, your values, your convictions and your genes.
No matter how hard life is with this purpose it will be all worth it. And in the end I guarantee you won't regret it.

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>this coming from a guy who killed himself

Guess he figured he himself didn't deserve to live any more.

As a suicidal person, allow me to respond with a hearty fuck you. People say they care, but most don't have the time nor the ability to really care for a suicidal person. It's not some one-time epiphany, it's constant work. A lot of people will either be weighed down by the constant drudgery or just stop giving a shit. If you're not one of those people, la-di-dah and good for you. But most suicidal people do not have that luxury and you're partially only saying you could have helped because you're looking back on things in hindsight.

OP, from one suicidal fuck to another, you have to find your OWN reasons to live. No amount of philosophies or other people's pain will keep you alive, you need reasons why YOU and YOU alone should stay alive. Other people, as sad as their pain might be at your death, can't live for you or solve your problems. They'd be just as sad if your life ended in some other tragic way, so don't let anyone hold that over you.

With that said, reasons to live need to be applicable to your situation but they don't have to be grandiose or highly logical. I haven't killed myself yet because I want to know how my favorite mangas and TV shows are going to end, and I want to see the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Those things may not matter to a lot of people but they matter to me, and that's why I'm here. I'm not going to tell you not to kill yourself, but if you find a reason not to, hold onto it for as long as you can.

There's literally no reason to live, you have to figure it out yourself

Tough shit. We all do it. Life sucks, wear a helmet.


I just know somebody's going to bitch about that.

what if the problem isnt finding reasons to live
but rather the problem is people are giving you reasons not to live
because i keep trying to live
but then people find a way to make it miserable

Care to elaborate? You can't let other people dictate your happiness, its unhealthy

>You can't let other people dictate your happiness, its unhealthy
but they do when they are in a position of power and decide to take out their personal issues on you
or if you thought you were friends and they decide you cant be anymore because it would be inconvenient to something they want
and sometimes people just look for a way to make you hate living every day because your well being is less than a toy to them

i have seen so many of these things i dont want to continue
at first i thought it must be me and something i have done or am doing
but in light of recent evidence it turns out that people are just monsters
they say people go on to do the things they experienced such as bullying
but in my experience the people that have experienced nothing are by far the worst

Then why on earth would you kill yourself? You aren't giving in to your satisfaction, you're giving up. Go get help with whatever it is. Abusive parents or partner, get help. Shitty friends, find new ones. Get a therapist. Keep looking until you find one who works well with you. If you want to keep living then the right answer is to keep living. Now find out what it takes to be able to do that.

because it is miserable
the cycle has repeated itself in several isolated cases with a sickening twist each time
it is traumatic to endure
you end up isolated
i dont even have the opportunity for something as simple as a hug or a good conversation
overall it colours your view of the world
very hard to see passed it

i have potential
i am not addicted or unintelligent
but i do not want a life that i fear will be plagued by destructive people

>people care

No, not really. That's a pretty baseless assumption.

if you kill yourself you don't have to do any more things

Sign me up.